... scene from "Grapes of Wrath." The Jode family. Gotta love 'em.
by murph
Ras is a hard act to follow. After that incredible first hand account of the tornadoes in Alabama, I’m not all that sure what should follow.
All of the recent disasters will have some first person accounts of what they experienced. One thing that bothers me is the strictly human-interest side that permeates the mass media. You know, the inane questions like; What’s it feel like with your home being leveled behind you? Well duh Mr. TV interviewer, it isn’t something that feels good for sure”. Or; “Think you will be able to salvage anything from your house being torn to pieces? Well Duh Mr. TV interviewer, I sure as hell don’t know, you see anything left I should take to the school gymnasium we’re staying in? Hell, our place was being foreclosed on anyway, guess it’ll save bulldozing it down now won’t it. By the way, what is your salary for coming out and asking me these stupid question?”
My opinion of course, but it sure seems silly to be living in an area that has tornadoes every year and having an above ground stick built house. Same idea for moving to a flood plain area. For cripes sake, at least put the house up on stilts or have pontoon footings or something. But I guess it’s a game of statistics. What is your chance of getting flooded out or hit by a 200 mph wind in a tornado? Is there ever a sufficient amount of insurance for these chances? At least that is affordable?
Where we live, we are surrounded by over 40 cinder cones. The second largest caldera (Newberry caldera) in the country (next to Yellowstone) is just 20 miles away. We joke that we have our place volcano insured. At least it’s quite inexpensive. Of course if one of them really gets active, it wouldn’t make much difference because we live so close to them. The 35+ feet of volcanic ash we live on top of didn’t get there by someone hauling it in and dumping it over the whole area.
When we look closely, just where in the country could you choose to live where natural disasters are near zero probability? Humans have to live with that possibility no matter where they live. Flood plains along major rivers would be very high risk. Mudslides in mountainous areas are also high risk. So are major forest fires in forested areas. That real nifty mountain retreat or second home in a national forest has a lot of built in risk to it. Just ask the folks in S. California. One really intense drought year and you better have your bug out bag by the door.
Then we have the man made disasters like in Japan. Miss-designed and short of sufficient emergency preparedness just might be the death of the Japanese society. We’ve got a bunch of the same age and same designed reactors here in the US. There are 25 of them and 5 sit on or by the New Madrid fault line. The reactors in CA are a newer design but some of them have very inadequate tsunami barricades and quite a few sit on or near fault lines. And, of course, we still haven’t figured out what to do with spent radioactive fuel rods. Obviously the Japanese plants didn’t either, posing a real danger to the rest of the world.
And speaking of Japan and the radioactive particulates falling out of the sky, I’ve been looking at some of the data and forecasts. Please notice that the MSN hasn’t mentioned it for a couple of weeks now. At least at this time, having a lethal dose of radiation from that disaster appears to be pretty long odds. But, continued exposure to low dose (non lethal in the short term) radiation for long periods of time has even worse effects on living things, at least according to what I have dug up. We have got to face up to the fact that nuclear reactors are dangerous pieces of technology. Just how much of the future are we willing to expose to this danger to keep the lights on? At this time nuclear reactors supply only about 20% of our electrical production. Dams, coal fired plants and natural gas plants supply most of the rest. Wind farms and panels supply only about 2%. And even those present hazards, just not as immediate and extreme. The coal fired plants are very hazardous too, but are not quite as lethal as the nuclear stuff. We sure haven’t solved the emission problems from them and probably never will. Meanwhile the world is playing economic games with the carbon credit scam.
The May 4 posting by the Archdruid is in my opinion one of his best. In this post he points out that the energy and resource depletion forces some choices on us. One choice involves, on a personal level, the voluntary reduction of energy and resources so that the personal impact won’t be so severe. Things like learning to produce your own food to a large extent, learning new skills that will provided real and needed inputs to the folks around you and by various means, reducing your energy consumption, so that you can survive at a reduced level of convenience and consumption. While that kind of choice will not reduce significantly the overall consumption by society, it does give one a leg up on survival as the empire continues to collapse. One argument against that position that I have seen more than once over the last several years is that; since personal reduction won’t change anything for the broader society, might as well enjoy it while you can, after all, everyone else is gorging themselves and you might as well do so too. That is; why put up with inconvenience and hardship now when nothing will change the outcome. Besides, some magical technology just might come on line and it won’t be necessary after all.
One of the things that the Archdruid leaves out in this post is an ethical/moral consideration. How can you justify, morally or ethically, the excessive and unnecessary use of resources and energy when so many people have very little of it? Or, while it won’t change the overall situation, can you justify contributing to it? Somehow, the argument that; “because everyone else is doing it I can do so also with no moral consequence”, seems a bit wanting in my view.
There is a huge amount of essays, books, and interviews posted on the web concerning what is going to happen, what the consequences are going to be, and what this will all end up looking like. It’s all speculation of course; the more thoughtful ones at least try and connect the endless dots out there that indicate their favorite scenario. The problem that I see is that there is no political will or social movement of consequence that will lessen the effects of any kind of collapse or disaster scene. Where we are living, there is a mixed bag going on. A good local friend recently told me that it appears that folks living around here are going to be cut off (by state approved means) from heating their homes with wood. Now of course if the situation deteriorates far enough, the state will not be able to enforce this. But in the meantime, it will be one more burden on the populace that will have pretty heavy impacts. They are also now considering legislation that forces those that insist on heating with wood heaters that they buy the hideously expensive approved heaters and then you must have it installed by a licensed and approved installer at another huge cost. From my own experience a number of years ago, just the cost for the approved and least expensive installation parts ran around $1000 and the cheapest wood stove that is approved runs around $2500-$3000. I had talked to an installer about putting a unit in my garage and he wanted in the neighborhood of another $1000 to do it. Maintenance of these approved wood stoves is high also. While they are much more efficient and give off a lot less CO2 etc. the flue will not get hot enough to keep it clear of creosote. So that means cleaning the chimney several times during the winter, or hiring someone to do that. It also turns out that pellet stoves are not all they were promoted for; pellets are expensive and vary in quality and availability.
The last entry for this post is indeed a calamity. We were told by an acquaintance just lately that there is an herbicide that is being used for growing grass hay, principally for horses, that has a base of a chemical called pyralids and is sold under a bunch of brand names, and was developed by Dow chemical co. (Damn, I don’t get to swear at Monsanto over this one.) This herbicide passes through the animals into the manure. If used as a compost or soil amendment, it poisons the ground and will kill off a vegetable garden and it lasts for years. And low and behold, the April-May issue of Mother Earth News has an article on the stuff. This chemical also kills off legumes so you probably won’t find it in Alfalfa hay. It’s not a rumor, it is true. Our local feed store related that there was a salt block that had pyralids in it that was used as a salt lick for beef cattle because it kept away flies and other parasites off the animals. It also became a part of the muscle tissue. Of course the questions comes up about how long a meat animal that eats this chemical has to be in quarantine until the chemical leaves the body, if ever. The FDA finally banned them. Talk about a supper efficient mosquito repellent for humans? One of the local feed stores called his distributor for fertilizers and herbicides while I was there. The guy he talked to said that as described, this was an impossibility, no such chemical exists. So, all you gardeners out there be very careful where you get your compost and manure. If you can’t get verification of the source, don’t use it.
I tell ya folks; these companies are trying to poison us all. And here I was naïve enough to think there were laws against doing things like that. Getting rid of many of the regulatory parts of government accelerated with the Ronnie Ray-gun years and really accelerated during the last Bush administration and even Obama is continuing it. Government at your service don’t ya know.
I agree that the pattern of behavior suggests a concerted effort to poison us all. However, I just cannot buy that explanation because “they” are poisoning themselves as well, which would be the behavior of an insane person.
I think the simple explanation for all of these man-made “accidents” and toxic approaches to conducting business is greed. We’ve become – not all of us, mind you – a culture that worships money above all else. The insatiable pursuit of money is lauded, in fact. We honor those with the most money, which is utterly misguided because nobody becomes super wealthy without harming others. However, this misguided lauding of super wealth is programmed into us by the mainstream media, obviously, since it is a tool of the very people who have become super wealthy!
What’s troubling is that the vast majority of the people are so blind to the reality of our world. I suppose it’s always been that way, because we’ve seen the same sorts of nefarious behaviors develop in empire after empire, going back thousands of years. Actually, I was thinking yesterday while cutting the grass that the reason we never seem to progress as a species is that while a small number of people are psychopaths, there are also a small number of positions of power and the psychopaths are ideally suited to acquire those positions. It’s a perfect fit, actually. Time and time again, all the positions of power become dominated by psychopaths, who impart their insane agenda to those below, it eventually percolating down to the man or cop on the street, where it expresses itself in inhuman actions. But, of course, vile behavior is by then the norm and fully sanctioned by the pathogenic society, which explains the lack of horror – indeed, the lustful jubilation – over the cold-blooded assassination in Pakistan (that is, if one believes the official narrative).
Anyway, getting back to insatiable greed, there is no need for it. There have been times past when people made money while managing to balance profits with morality, fairness and respect for the environment. The insatiable greed we’re witnessing today is perhaps a predictable, inescapable end result of a system that tolerates any greed at all, but more importantly, what we have today is so out of whack that it could be considered a form of insanity. Thus, I suppose it is not all that farfetched to conclude that “they” are deliberately destroying the planet, even though it harms “them” as well.
I'm happy that you were outside mowing your lawn, rather than having to tread water at your place. Agreed on the psychopaths - Scum rises to the top.
WTF? yesterday there were two comments, then i was going to throw in a little something and the blogger.com said the site was having problems, well i guess i will give it a try.
this is a little freaky i guess, did everyone just go up in smoke and montana got left behind?
o well just in case and it is about smoke, sorta, i think that everyone that attends these sacred council gatherings is hep to all the bullshit regarding one of mother earths most seriously great gifts,and that b the evil dreaded ''marijuana''.
the cocksuckers that think that they are in charge of everything an the goings on of us common folks days are numbered, and that is a fact, one way or another. that much stupidity will burn itself as sure as there is a tomorrow,
but that is not what i wish to bring up, i came across this link from ''natural news''and it is a recipe for making
oil from marijuana, many here probably already know how to do this. and for those that haven't the benefits of this amazing gift are without number it seems.
it cures cancer! straight up. so if anyone knows of a loved one with this man made disease it would be good to investigate this awesome gift.
it is available on the net and i have seen it but here is a link to info about it.
i hope you all take advantage of just one more of the miracles that spirit has given to the children of earth, we are the light after all and those that do not know it.... well i don't know about that. i really can't see anyone being left out.
have not been around for awhile but i check in from time to time to catch up on what the talking stick has to say,
much love to all, it is a beautiful day here in montana after several years of rain, or it seems..
ras honey i am so glad you came through the storm ok..
Jeez, Montana, I'm so glad that you are back. Always a pleasure. If I ever get a chance, I will try to make some of that oil. I've got a card now. And my doctor said that that oil is the best for my type of pain.
I was thinking that blogger went down due to trying to suppress the info and discussion about the radiation coming in from Fukushima that cryptogon and Deuchsense and other sites refer to. But, I guess not this time, at least.
once again, Matt Taibi has nailed Goldman Sach and all those sachs of shit on Wall St. that ought to be in prison.
I hope blogger will re-post your lost comment, Dave. We'll see.
This radiation thing has really got me feeling depressed and helpless. One step forward and two steps back, it seems. Insanity prevails.
Blogger.com was down for close to two days for some kind of updating or maintenance or something.
It's finally working now it appears. I will check spam filter after I post this comment.
Well I noticed Blogger has been working in the manner in which we all expect! I put a comment on Ras' tornado post and it disappeared today!
Blogger is getting to be a pain in the ass!
I looked everywhere I can think of and can't find the comment that got lost. I rather surmise it is collateral damage in the upgrade process. lol
Glad to see things are back up. Here’s the comment I wrote a couple of days ago. Thank goodness it was still in my clipboard.
I agree that the pattern of behavior suggests a concerted effort to poison us all. However, I just cannot buy that explanation because “they” are poisoning themselves as well, which would be the behavior of an insane person.
I think the simple explanation for all of these man-made “accidents” and toxic approaches to conducting business is greed. We’ve become – not all of us, mind you – a culture that worships money above all else. The insatiable pursuit of money is lauded, in fact. We honor those with the most money, which is utterly misguided because nobody becomes super wealthy without harming others. However, this misguided lauding of super wealth is programmed into us by the mainstream media, obviously, since it is a tool of the very people who have become super wealthy!
What’s troubling is that the vast majority of the people are so blind to the reality of our world. I suppose it’s always been that way, because we’ve seen the same sorts of nefarious behaviors develop in empire after empire, going back thousands of years. Actually, I was thinking yesterday while cutting the grass that the reason we never seem to progress as a species is that while a small number of people are psychopaths, there are also a small number of positions of power and the psychopaths are ideally suited to acquire those positions. It’s a perfect fit, actually. Time and time again, all the positions of power become dominated by psychopaths, who impart their insane agenda to those below, it eventually percolating down to the man or cop on the street, where it expresses itself in inhuman actions. But, of course, vile behavior is by then the norm and fully sanctioned by the increasingly psychopathic society, which explains the lack of horror – indeed, the lustful jubilation – over the cold-blooded assassination in Pakistan (that is, if one believes the official narrative).
Anyway, getting back to insatiable greed, there is no need for it. There have been times past when people made money while managing to balance profits with morality, fairness and respect for the environment. The insatiable greed we’re witnessing today is perhaps a predictable, inescapable end result of a system that tolerates any greed at all, but more importantly, what we have today is so out of whack that it could be considered a form of insanity. Thus, I suppose it is not all that farfetched to conclude that “they” are deliberately destroying the planet, even though it harms “them” as well.
hey guys check this out, its kind of cool by ''dutchsinse'' utube
watched the movie last nite and it was well... well it connected with what is going on today, and a young sean connery
movie is called ''zardoz''
and it gets better as the movie moves along...kind of nostalgic but dutch's message makes getting away from the coast really tempting ,
on other note met and made friends with a guy here in the village who hires out to move boats of any kind up to one hundred tons and they mostly go from here to anywhere south, he has been doing it for years and it was a real eye opener as to how the fucking homeland security has control of the seas. the coast guard which use to be not to much of a hassle are now vicious fucks that come aboard you boat and rip it to shreds for not much of any reason, he does say as he travels to most countries south that there are literally tens of thousands of ex-pats living there and yes there are places that one would stay away from but who can say with any certainty that the nazi flag that flies over this country is going to be a sweet picnic?
also the air currents that seem to be more prevalent in the northern hemisphere for carrying radiation make it also somewhat enticing to visit..
have good day guys.. it is sunny again the skin is starting to look like something other then printer paper. (rectangle shaped skin)?
At the beginning of your comment you questioned the idea that we were being poisoned by those in power because they would then be poisoning themselves. I have puzzled over this for some time, and on the surface it has legitimacy. However, there are some assumptions around that concept.
1. Do they understand that a lot of what they are doing is poisoning anyone? In my post I mention a herbicide base chemical. See how many people you can find that know what that even is. They may even believe their own propaganda that there is no problem with human health.
2. There is the assumption that if they knew about this stuff, they would give a damn.
3. There is the assumption that even with enough money you can't protect yourself from the health consequences of their actions. At least in some of the poisoning that isn't true, and one of the rules of good business, you create a need and then fill that need. If you can make money doing both that is even better. For instance, one of the parts of the chem spraying is aluminum. Low and behold Monsanto comes out with a patent application for GM plants that are not affected by aluminum poisoning of the ground. In this instance weather modification is the need, creating a further problem of poisoning the ground and the GM plants supplies the cure. What, if any, part Monsanto plays in the chem spraying I do not know.
Hmm, we have a radiation cloud progressing over most of the US. Solution? Build supper duper underground well stocked cities with access for the well heeled. Or what has been developed at tremendous expense to protect a person from other than Iodine131 poisoning? Those in the upper elite levels have access to stuff we do not have access to or are not even aware of.
I have a tendency to think all 3 assumptions are probably valid.
I think we all know folks that regardless of what information is presented to them, they cannot change their world view of how thing are or how things work.
Yup, currently, the wind patterns are not crossing over the hemispheres and spreading the radiation contamination south of the equator. With the weird changing of weather patterns, will that be true tomorrow? Personally, I wouldn't bank on it, but at least for the short term, it works.
Also, there are some nuclear reactors south of the equator. Not that many but it only takes one, you know, like a Japan melt down.
On the subject of catastrophes,we sort of had one last night. The water pump at our well-head stopped working. No showers. One flush left at the toilet... This morning murph figured out the problem. The underground electrical cable running from the circuit breaker in the garage to the well head short-circuited. It's going to have to be replaced and that means digging it up and replacing it. Meanwhile, he ran an extension cord out there for a temporary fix.
I don't want to bore you to death with the details of this, but it bears some thought. Because, with no electricity, suddenly we have no water. I thought that our Amish well dipper was all we'd need, but it turns out that is not true. There isn't room in our pipe to fit both the dipper and the other stuff that's in there at the same time. So, it won't work. Now, we are back to square one, and I am ordering a hand pump from the non-electric Leyman's catalog and some food grade buckets to store water in so we can do things like flush the toilet and wash up, and have some on hand for cooking.
We are going to have to hire somebody to come in and dig up the underground wiring and replace it. If this had happened in the winter, the ground would have been frozen as well - making it damn near impossible. Our young friends had to do that this winter and it took him weeks with a pick ax.
This little snag has really raised my awareness on just how dependent we are on electricity and how damn difficult it is to get water when the pumps don't work. We have a generator, but they only work while there is gasoline. What if an EMP (natural or otherwise) went off, and all the electricity went - including the cars and trucks and the gas pumps and everything... we'd be so fucked.
If nothing else, I'm going to put a 5 gallon bucket of water by the back door. So, at least we can flush the darn toilet if the pump goes out again. Jeez.
Great. Cold front arriving. Now it's hailing with pop-corn snow. Ain't this a bitch.
It is certainly true that disaster can happen anywhere, but it is also true that you can mitigate your chances of being caught in one by your choice of location. Living in the floodplain of the Mississippi, for example, is a really bad idea. You are going to get flooded sooner or later -and some of these towns get flooded every year.
The same goes for living on the slopes of an active volcano (extinct is another matter). As for tornadoes, while they also can happen anywhere, there are certain places where they are less likely -mountaintops and the like. Also, they tend to follow the lay of the land, which means that they tend to take the same path. Especially the larger ones. The one that tore through the outskirts of my city took the same path as much smaller tornadoes in 96 and 74. The area also wasn't as built up in those years, so the damage was less extensive.
All of these disasters are going to have a significant effect on the economy, which is just going to compound the damage. We suffered no damage whatsoever, yet our tally from the tornadoes was nearly $1000. That includes a week off work for both jobs for me, direct expenses (like extra lighter fluid) and all the food in the fridge, freezer, and deep freeze. Multiply that by all the other families who were impacted and we're talking about a serious amount of money before we even add in the actual damages!
Jeeze, fa. Your posts just popped up after I added my comment.
I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do!
Thanks, ras. We're ok. Got the electricity back with the extension cord. Murph went out and actually dug a 50 ft. trench, got new wire, and is now hooking it back up. I asked him not to, with his heart and his leg and all, but he did it anyway. Those skills, though, are going to be necessary especially when the shit hits the fan Bigtime. I'm still ordering the hand pump, etc. Going to have to build a well house, too. I'd hate to be pumping water by hand when the snow is hip high when there is no protection from the friggin snow.
I just can't imagine how in the world you guys in the tornado devastated areas are going to manage while things get put back together. What an overwhelming job. My heart goes out to all those who have lost everything.
What a comfort to know that the rich will still get their subsidies and bailouts, the debt ceiling will be raised, and Wall St. will continue to collect their bonuses.
So I'm wondering Freeacre what the static water level of your well is, and will the hand pump you order pump water up from that level? In some areas down here the static levels are 350 feet down for example, and in other areas its alot deeper and in those cases I don't think hand pumps can work to get the water up. Hopefully your level is closer to the surface.
On another subject, I think Larry Chin sums things up nicely here regarding Osama and 9-11:
Dancing on the Grave of 9/11. Osama and "The Big Lie"
The Obama administration and the corporate media are concocting an ever-more elaborate and spectacular theater around the “heroic” murder of the CIA intelligence myth/CIA asset Osama bin Laden. Not content to simply to exploit the 9/11 atrocity for political gain, the administration is heaping new layers of lie and cover-up to the original crime.....
Hand pumps come in a great variety of sizes and how deep they will pump. For instance, the little kitchen hand pump works on a vacuum at the pump housing alone and will pump out, at sea level, up to around 25 ft. The bigger farm pumps can pump up to 250-300 ft in depth. Some of the high priced ones I have looked at can go even deeper. Our water level is at about 12 ft, and our current well is at 30 ft. The original well here was at 15 ft, I felt that was a bit shallow so had a new well put in.
That link you put up was interesting. No really new info, but interesting perspective.
Hope you have some pop corn stored up for the upcoming show.
I sympathize with you about the water situation. I’ve been without water for a while too, and it’s surprising how much we depend on it! I was once on the verge of going down to the Mississippi River with a bucket to obtain water with which to flush the toilet.
Even more compelling to me was your discovery that preparedness is often elusive. I recall several instances where we had some temporary calamity for which I thought I was prepared, only to discover that there was yet another gotcha I had overlooked.
For example, suppose a wind storm brings a tree down on some power lines and takes them down along with your power. You think, “I’ll just go to the store and buy a chainsaw and chop that sucker up.” But as you attempt to drive to the store you discover that the said tree is also blocking the road which is your only way out! (Based on a true story.)
God has a good sense of humor. No matter how prepared you think you are, god will analyze the situation and throw something at you that you failed to consider. So preparedness is like playing chess: one has to think just not one, but several moves ahead.
Hey Dave,
I love it, playing chess with God. What a concept. Guess who will win that game. lolol
Congress To Vote On Declaration of Worldwide Perpetual War; No Borders, No Clear Enemies
....Indeed, the moment we all feared has come before us, as Congress is set to give the President absolute power over the military, including the authority to launch military strikes within the United States against U.S. citizens....
I'm sure everyone has heard about the court decisions by now that will basically allow the police to force their way into your home at any time, for any reason. The police state is becoming more open and less hidden all the time, even to the average head-in-the-sand American.
Grieving For Falluja, Election Day, 2005
I'm waiting empty in a cold house,
with shamrocks, the dog and favored books,
listening for the old tread of new boots,
gunning to kick in this loose-hinged heart.
The angry hands of those with much
to lose, I imagine, close on me.
They drag me, incendiary,
into their unmooned night.
Half a fifth of Tullamore on the table
is how my neighbors find me gone.
No bloated stench. No skeletal sneer.
Only that storm door banging mad in wind.
AT&T is trying to rip my adopted grandmother, who is about to be 90, off to the tune of $350. Don't you just love corporations?
What would be the effect
Of thousands of cries for mercy
Unheard and ignored by the whalers
in the dolphin-slaughtering coves
of Japan?
Or, the silent agony of the sharks -
their fins cut off while they
withe in pain - to provide
the tables of the unrepentant
bowls of steaming soup?
Perhaps their prayers
For release and surcease of sorrow,
As they beat their heads against
The beaches to end their suffering
Have been answered after all.
Yo! YO! Ya'll hear?! The Rapture be com'in on the 21st 'n shit!
Woo-hoo! On the 22nd, my wife and I will be the only two people living in Salt Lake City!
And the entire world would breathe a sigh of relief. Relief from the constant onslaught of human destruction.
Pick us out a good piece of land, Randy. It ought to be really cheap after the 21st! Yeah!
Well, last week's ration of shit here in the mountains didn't include tornadoes, tsunamis, or recently exhumed flattened Ford Pick up tucks.
Last week's storm brought about internet connection mindfucks, and other such infrastructure headaches which we pretty much expected, and were no surprise, except for the Emu.
One of my neighbors, who lives up on the hill above me, came across these big, hairy, birds from Australia for sale at a place where such things are offered for sale. For reasons unknown, he bought two of them, and brought them home to Saluda.
Last weeks storm blew down another Oak tree, (A Red Oak this time), and smashed the fence around the Emu pen flat. This lead to large Ostrich-sized hairy birds running at large through the community
Last Wednesday I brewed my customary six shots of espresso, (known to my family as "High Octane Racing Coffee"), filled my cup and went outside to take the air.
I was spending some time with one of the neighborhood's friendly raccoons, when a six-foot-tall Guinea Fowl ran out of the woods, stopped in the yard and looked at me. It looked at me. The damned thing looked at me! With those freaky-assed red eyes it looked at me!
I looked at the Six-Foot-Guinea Fowl. I looked at the cup of espresso. I poured the espresso out. Grass died.
I described what I saw to Hazel. She hid all my guns and power tools. (again!)
Meanwhile at the trailer park below the house, My neighbor, Chris, heard an odd noise. It sounded like a big hairy bird pecking curiously at his back door knob. He opened the back door, and a big hairy bird was standing on his back deck starting at him! He closed the door, and considered what he had seen. He opened the door again, and the bird was gone. He returned to his living room, sat down on his sofa, and stared at nothing until his wife came home and made him stop!
Henderson County has a leash law which is studiously ignored here in the south side of the county. Therefore all the neighborhood dogs have formed up into a bouncing, good-natured pack, (which includes "Jane Doe" the resident tame deer") who plays with the neighborhood kids during the day, and the local skunks, and raccoons at night.
They spotted the Emu, and a noisy rollicking pursuit was joined by all, The Emu took off down the railroad tracks, and quickly outran the dogs.
Further down the line was the sleepy mountain town of Saluda whose residents were going about the business of beginning their day. A day which so far had no Emu in it. That was getting ready to change!
LOLOLOL Stoney, I love the story. Six foot guinea fowl. Priceless.
Ha! Something tells me that soon the pack of dogs and the deer will be joined by a couple of Emus...and the resilient little town of Saluda will have absorbed yet another couple of unusual characters.
I got hit with contaminated manure compost a few years back, killed a seasons potato crop, the culprit was "forefront" a systemic broadleaf selective hormonal weedkiller from Dow.
we had to dig it in (about 8 tons of it), mix well with soil to let the soil biota break it down over a season, we left it fallow two seasons, it passed germination tests (tomato seeds) this spring.
be REAL careful where you get compost/manure, use tomato seeds to do germination tests, the seedlings will grow "claw like" if the weedkiller is present.
What Is Solar Radiation
Management, Why Is It Important?
By Rosalind Peterson
You have to be careful of roundup also. The glysophate in it cause a known 40 different plant diseases. Of course the GMO crops leave plenty of it in the ground. It ruins the soil for growing anything else.
They spray it on lakes to kill the weeds on the banks.
I am convinced the strange week that showed up in the yard was from seeds the air head next door uses in her bird feeder. It is probably a monsanto GMO in frankenstein weed. The worst part is if you touch it with bare feet or your hand it starts stinging like a poison hit it.
What we have recently though is even more bad news, transformers blowing out all over the place. An underground set went off in LA and blew a man hole cover into the back of a bus. Not good to have transformers blow out that cool reactor plants either.
Some believe it is a result of the new energies being produced by the sun changing matter. 9th wave sort of deal.
FUku is much worse than people will allow themselves to believe also.
Speak of the devil Rixon just put this one up. Roundup gives plants aids.
Well Christ RP and Dublinmick,
Your both just a barrel full of downer links. Read them all. Got a new post in the works on the ultimate disaster that will tie in well with the links.
Rick, I agree, we are so doomed, doomed I tell ya.
I wish I had better news Murph but I just pass around what I see.
Houston we have other problems, namely proliferating sink holes.
Sinkholes everywhere
Wisconsin sink holes (one end of the madrid fault, Gulf of Mexico the other)
Earthquake related sink holes in Arkansas
Mississippi sink hole closes roads
Sink Holes in Micigan
Homes in San Antonio being evacuated due to sink holes
Sink holes in Atlanta
The entire eastern half of the U.S. may co
Sink holes in Florida tripled since 2006
School bus drives into Florida sink hole
Giant hole next to home in China
Residents of 8 homes flee in Oregon
Changing gravitational field. I mean you could see this affecting our just in time food system at some point where they couldn't get the GMO to us
OK, now I have to go around and hide the firearms and sharp implements...
ok just for the fun of it, how many folks here have been having ringing of the ears within the last few months,? i have never had ringing ears ever until of late and after asking around i find that there are many in that same category, is this part of something brought on by the fucking miserables that think they are in charge?
or as langosta suggests it is part of a mutative effect taking place in some human brains allowing them to deal with the shitstorm that is on its way.
stoney i am surprised that the thought of roast chicken didn't occur to you, it would of been the first thing i would of considered, course in the bottom land of oklahoma where my childhood tastes were developed... well if if crawled, flew, squawked, swam,or slithered it was fit for the table.
boy there is an abundance of good stuff floating around ain't they?
on max igan he talked of the necessity of the people getting pissed off enough at the shit happening that they would revolt and as that is the plan all along (doing shit to piss people off) they would then come in and offer up all the goodies they wanted, cause in their minds all people wanted was their comfort and the NWO would provide it,, shitty paraphrase but kinda the point.,, it was long, and could not find it after going back to include it as a link,,, fuck!!!
anyway nice warm day to crawl under a friends house loaded with black widows and brown recluses and hobo spiders,,,
the pay is good though, blackberry cobbler ,,,,yummm
thats if i don't going to emergency .
ps good writes rockpicker and sis.
Found your comment in the spam folder. It is up now. Thanks for the testimony about the herbicide.
Hey, gang, Dutchsinse is reporting an 8.4 off the coast of Libya, while USGS and most other seismic monitoring agencies are reporting nada. Dutch has an official confirmation. It happened. Why would the monitoring agencies not tell us the truth?
MF, I have ringing ( or Tinnitus as its called ) in both of my ears. Back in my early 20's I had a severe ear infection in my left ear and afterwards there was a slight ringing in it from then on. About 5 years ago my right ear began ringing much louder than the left for what reason I do not know. There is a long list of things that are known to cause Tinnitus, being around very loud noise being just one causual factor. Some people like my brother think the Chemtrail aresols can cause it. Generally thoughout the day there is enough extraneous noise that drowns out my being able to hear the ringing, thankfully.
chemtrail data--Arizona
Anybody read Christopher Bollyn's book, 'America The Target'? Here's a link to an excerpt.
When you assess the situation we find ourselves in here in late May of 2011, you can't dismiss the event horizon-significance of the 9/11 attacks in getting us to where we are now. If any one has a better explanation for what happened and how, than Bollyn's account, I'd love to hear it.
good one rockpicker, like always as the brave words flow from people that would rather live a decent life (whatever that means) i got to wonder how they stay alive, and figured that a person can say whatever they wished about the atrocities committed by the neck boots and get away with it as long as not one single person listens to what they say with comprehension, as not in.. ''get right with god'' sign holders.
or there is some other reason like the people are suppose to get riled. its in the plan for this to be, then the gloves at some point will come off and there will be a tank sitting on my lawn.
of course i will step forward with my magnificent grace and invite the teenagers driving it in for coffee and my ''special'' brownies. and ask if i could use their tank for awhile and that they could watch triple xxx porn movies on my computer, and i would promise not to scratch the tank..
yep, that should work..
after that i would just go round up some of my friends grab a case of the good stuff go to the river and see if the tank could swim.
pretty sure we could all get top bunks at the local halliburton summer camp and learn to dig tunnels..
hey! it could happen..
ok, time for another toke...
Here is a rousing discussion on Bollyn
Folks, Blogger.com was down for close to two days for some kind of updating or maintenance or something. It's finally working now it appears. I will check spam filter after I post this comment.
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