photo credit to Huffington Post
By freeacre
I read with utter contempt the misogynist spewing of the fundamentalist pinhead Presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, on the “Right to Life.” The same for all the males that have brought their collective balls to the room to make rules for women regarding their most personal and life-altering decisions without any female input. Just who the fuck do they think they are? Oh, that’s right. They are men who have never had boundaries set for them over their right to dominate the female half of the population. These are the ones who have reduced the issue to a stupid, shallow catch phrase “a woman’s right to choose” or “right to life” because they seem unable or unwilling to delve into the subject any further. Like, it’s never been an issue for them, even though it takes a sperm as well as an egg to conceive a baby. Or, it’s so embarrassing - like being caught reading an issue of Oprah’s magazine.
How did this happen? How can Santorum say, for instance, that “liberals can’t be Christians.” Oh, but they can be war-mongering, fraudulent, capitalist pigs, and that’s fine and dandy. I was raised a Lutheran, not some religion that came out of some asshat’s dull mind as he was eating the Blue Plate special in some diner. To the Lutherans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Methodists in my hometown, it was generally recognized that the Creator endowed humans with a brain that was supposed to be used if we were to handle the gift of free will. An unfortunate pregnancy was naturally discouraged, and the fact of it was often hidden and there was much shame and cruelty involved. I’ve personally known a woman who was hidden out in a shack in the backyard until her baby was delivered by her parents and then “disappeared’ to an adoption agency. I’ve known married women for whom birth control pills were not 100% effective, and another unaffordable child in the family was a disaster for the rest of her children. I know a woman who had to fly to New York to have an abortion in a home set up for that purpose by a local women’s movement group there. It was a hideous experience. Rooms full of cots with groaning, heavily bleeding women packed in there until they could be driven back to the airport. Abortions with no anesthetic. Much like getting a tooth pulled with no pain-killers except 5 mg. of Valium to “relax” you. Yeah, right… It was punitive, but better than nothing. I know. I was there. On the way home, a gold cufflink type asked me how long before I was “back in commission.” I’d have liked to shoot him in the head.
I’ll tell you something else. Women should not have to tell their stories. It is about the most personal and difficult decision a woman can make. She should not have to put her business “in the street,” as some would say. Remember the concept of privacy? It should be respected. However, let’s get real. We need women who have had pregnancies aborted to speak up and vote as a block against these fucktards.
Let’s ask a few questions. Viagra is one of the most prescribed drugs of all time, and the government and insurance pay for it. What? For men too old to reproduce? So, this is a recreational drug that the government pays for so that men can enjoy sex after nature’s hourglass has run out for them. OK, fine. But, then women who can’t afford birth control pills should not get help for their sexual challenges? Why not? Oh, because the evangelicals and Catholics dictate that sex is only for reproduction. So, should they be allowed to purchase Viagra? Or get vasectomies?
How do other religions handle the issue? Back in the day, I remember when The Farm, a hippy collection of more-or-less Buddhists, would deliver a baby naturally and for free. They did not believe that abortion was moral, so they would raise your baby and then give it back to you when you were better able to care for it. I always thought that was great. They recognized how excruciating it is for some to give one’s child up for adoption.
Hindus believe that a child’s soul does not enter the body until the time of “quickening.” That’s when you can feel the baby move inside. Until then, the mother is free to consult with the child about whether the child wants to be on earth under the circumstances it would be born into or not. We can do this. It is one of the feminine qualities that the original women’s movement was beginning to explore before it got co-opted by the CIA asset, Kissinger-dating, scum queen, Gloria Steinham.
I am not saying that abortion is no big deal. It is a big deal. To bear a child in this world comes with a lifelong commitment. It is the mother’s right and duty to decide if she is able to provide the love, time, attention, and resources necessary to raise that individual. If it would be safe from harm. The effect it would have on it’s siblings. The quality of life it could look forward to. The effect it would have on the father and what influence the father would be to the child and the mother.
Pregnancy can be used by women or men to manipulate each other into demanding relationships. I’ve known men who practically have no life left after a spouse took the four kids and dumped him for a boyfriend. Then the child support money all goes to the boyfriend. If he had another child to pay for, he’d probably kill himself - or the woman.
I’ve known other men who have a pattern of impregnating their girlfriends so that they will marry them. Then there are women who think of becoming pregnant as a way to get a check and be out from under their parents rules. Suddenly, they are defined as a “single mother” rather than a snotty teenager.
There are billions of different stories that go with all the pregnancies that have been. All of them are significant. To have them all reduced to the stupid, simplistic , sanctimonious, slogans is an insult to all women. To think that this nozzle, Santorum, is running for President of the United States with all it’s diversity of religions and philosophies, is an outrage. At least Ron Paul says that it is none of the Feds business.
I’ll tell you something else that is personal. I came as close to going insane from despair and grief as I have ever come after having an abortion. I hallucinated for three days - seeing bloody baby tissue on the surfaces everywhere I looked. But, I still think that I made the right decision, even though it was so painful. I had not realized what a miscreant the father was until I told him about the pregnancy. He really scared me. I could not entrap myself or my child with this dangerous jerk. Years later, I was still bemoaning the fact that my daughter (I named her “Lydia”) was never born. Then, she spoke to me.
“Mother, I am not lost to you.” She said, simply. Since then, we have come to an understanding. She is always with me.
Tibetans teach that children who die under the age of twelve have come into this world to teach, rather than to learn. We need to learn the valuable lessons that come from these most excellent souls. We need to turn within and listen. But, they can’t be heard with numbnuts like these screaming in the background.
SATS Haven't read the post yet, this is a hang over from the last comments for game dog.
GD, I think I found a way of getting directly in. Of course the page must have a web address. It is that not having the path, I would go the long way to finding it (if I didn't have it archived that is).
Try this link:
Hope it works for you. I am away for the weekend so if it doesn't I can't help you until Monday. Let me know.
Read it now. Fuck Freeacre, why don't you stop beating about the bush and come out and say what you really mean! After I read it I was shaking my hands up and down in front of my chest and blowing on my fingers. That was a post. I agree with everything you said and probably more. It was brave of you to tell us about your personal experience, it is understandable that it hurt you so deeply. Someone in my new family had a natural miscarriage which is a slightly different situation than you were talking about. I mention it only because it also hurt her personally. She wanted everyone to know about it and said she could handle it if we didn't give her tea and sympathy. Everyone reacts different and we respected that. Ultimately it is the woman's decision alone. She can share the decision and responsibility with the man if she chooses but ultimately it is her body and her decision. It is morally wrong of any church of any religion to come between a woman and her decision. And it is certainly no business of these fuck heads who are running for president. Time was when politicians said what they believed but now it is about saying the right words to pick up the Christian vote or the black vote or the veterans vote or the vote of any other social group and the words change as they go around the campaign trail.
As for the candidates, is what we have on offer any better or worse than what we have now? A phrase that I used in my early days of commenting here has just come back into my head. They all have their snouts in the same trough and they are all pissing into the same pot. If we can't find anyone to represent our views then we shouldn't have anybody.
Thanks, Spirit.
great post FA. and thank you for being so candid. you serve you're gender, and the whole of mankind, well by it. we need your sisters, my sisters, our sisters, to speak out their raw truth in kind. mothers and daughters too!
if elected santorum would do what junior didn't. bush's stance on this issue, like, as it turned out, on so many so-call 'social' and 'family values' issues, was mere pretension - just present to the special interest what the special interest wanted to hear to hijack their vote. when the rubber met the road junior betrayed em. hallelujah!
santorum is serious. i'm convinced that if elected, he would sacrifice the nation for the agenda.
treasonist? absolutely! fuck tard? sure. misogynist? worse!
worse because its what a woman can and does do to a man that is hated. men know that women are his weakness and he is ill-equiped to co-exist with them as equals. its what a woman triggers INSIDE him that he can't and won't deal with. that scares the b-jesus otta him but he won't cop to. this manifests in him, behind closed doors, as his feelings and his thoughts. but the reflections don't lie.
reflective of having a santorum for president is the masses that would put him there, that would or will vote for him and his fundamentalist, patriarchal beliefs. two surpirse recent wins. polls have him even in arizona, a good chance of defeating romnot in his home state, and newtbrain in his home state. i attribute this to a growing confidence level in the significant percentage collectively known as the christian right. and i'd venture to say there are many in ultra conservative, ultra christian right s. carolina who'd rather have their vote back. they, the CR, came away feeling junior betrayed them. but they've begun to believe that santorum ain't just blowin smoke up their ass to get their vote! sadly, a significant number of women include themselves in this demographic.
then there's the demographic who would otherwise not vote for santorum because of those very fundamentalist views but want obummer gone so bad they'll look past what is right in front of their noses. hell, they'd vote for a goat if it meant obummer gone. sadly, a significant number of women include themselves in this demographic too.
i've said it before... govments are reflectlions of the people. and one of the more glaring reflections are the elections. thats the scarry part! the dynamic, unfortunately written off as the human condition that not a damn thing can be done about by far too many otherwise brilliant minds, can be explained in 3 words - imprints, guilt, denial... p
HERE HERE FA. I couldn't agree with you more. I was saying something eerily similar to Hubs just a couple of nights ago, how I am so bloody sick and tired of men thinking they are ALLOWED to have an opinion on abortion, the arrogance of such a stance makes me pretty damn angry. This, after I listened to yet another right-to-lifer expound his position whilst being interviewed on the CBC (I live in Canada) that our federal government must open up the abortion debate AGAIN. Thankfully, as much of a douchebag as Stephen Harper is (our PM), he said it's absolutely NOT up for discussion.
So I want to thank you for sharing your candid and erudite thoughts and your experiences. At 41, I waited a long time to have a baby and am currently 6 months pregnant with my first. I even more realise that the choice to procreate or not is so deeply personal, so spiritual a process and so REAL a consideration, it is really unfair for anyone to pass judgement, regardless what decision a woman ends up making.
And if I may say, if either Santorum, Romney or Gingrich make it to the Presidency, your country really is in for it and in particular, the female of the populace - these guys are clearly misogynist to their core. The fact that they have even got to this level in your political system indicates to me just how scary things have become. Of course, you had Bush, bet you thought it couldn't get any worse than that...
Stay strong,
Alena - I'm so happy with you. Being pregnant with my son and raising him has been by far the most transformative, challenging, and rewarding thing I have ever done. I guess you've heard that before.
Wait till you give birth, see and smell your baby, begin nursing - and that WAVE of love slams you. You ride that wave for the rest of your life.
I must compliment you on using the pejorative "douchebag" in your comment. I hadn't thought of that one.
You're right. I didn't think it could get any worse than Bush. But, I think that people are catching on. Maybe your little one will live in a very different world that is a whole lot more grounded and real than we have lived in.
GD.. sorry for o/t yeah that was the link to open the rabbit hole SATS left breadcrumbs to...
I found it via the breadcrumbs, there is weeks worth of reading, amazing stuff, fucking amazing, and very fucking sad.
Continuing from the last post, we recently watched (Netfliks) the documentary, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." I thought I knew quite a bit about the assassination, but it is totally amazing how much research has been done in the last few years. Astounding, actually! It shows conclusively that Kennedy was shot from the front into the throat. Also, shot above the right temple, which blew out his brain out a large cavity at the back of his head. Testimonies from just about everyone involved that the pictures were doctored and the gaping hole in the back of the head was covered up. Showed in detail, the complicity of the Secret Service, the CIA, the FBI. Shows people killed and frightened into silence. Oswald was a CIA asset that thought he was infiltrating the mob guys to stop the assassination, but he was set up to take the blame. Johnson may or may not have initiated the murder, but he definitely led the cover-up. The Fed, the mob, the Cubans, and the CIA all wanted him dead, and apparently all were involved. That's why it will never come to trial. The same shadow government has been in charge of things ever since. Guess that's been obvious to most of us...
What kills me is that you can get all this evidence - video, tests, testimony, et al and STILL NO INVESTIGATION OR TRIAL since the new evidence has been released to the public. Where is the public outcry? No significant change can be made until this is adjudicated. Don't hold your breath. Listen to the interview with Lee Oswald's lover. She was a cancer researcher who got duped into developing a fast-acting cancer biological weapon to kill Castro. Tested it on incarcerated mental patients and killed one in a couple of days. Shades of Dr. Mengela.
After reaching almost 60 degrees yesterday, we woke up to about 8 inches of snow this morning. I'm pooped. Just shoveled off the porches and made a path for the chickens to walk into the rabbit shed without having to plow thru the snow. I'm going to put on a venison pot roast and then take a nap.
Did I mention that this new word verification thing sucks?
FA... there is no out cry because everybody knows crying, especially out loud over split milk, is for sissies!
seriously though, i can't remember the name but a pathologist spent a bunch of time pouring over archives of the autopsy and determined much of what you just described. maybe part of the doc you saw?
as for lbj's role, its all but certain he was a main player. there's alot of books out there saying the same thing but probably none like this one published last year - lbj: the mastermind of jfk's assasination...
few will afford the price. the author's statement and reviews are compelling and well worth a look.
i think it was back in 07 when i heard e howard hunt's son, st john, on c2c. that led me to turn over some rocks and subsequently write a blog post about it. it no longer shows up on the blog but i was able to access it thru the back door...
i'm curious if any of the '3 chords and the truth' showed up in the doc FA. did i mention this new WV thing sucks? ... p
FA and others
There is a very good book that covers JFK and Oswald. Several pages of footnotes and facts released after forty years of classified information being closed to public.
"JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglas.
Published in 2008. I have read it twice and it has helped me in my understanding of the Viet Nam war and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oswald, Fidel Castro and Krushchev.
It's an eye opener.
Great points you have made in your post Freeacre, and I concur with your thoughts.
On another subject, here is a video to be passed along for sure, and you may want to also read the many comments after the written transcript:
Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine
Peak energy & resources, climate change, and the preservation of knowledge
....Other evidence that politicians know how serious the situation is, but aren’t saying anything, are Congressman Roscoe Bartlett’s youtube videos (Urban Danger). He’s the Chairman of the peak oil caucus in the House of Representatives, and he’s saying “get out of dodge” to those in the know....
In my " February 25, 2012 10:06 PM " post ( Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine ), the address needs " htm " added at the end. I don't know why the full address does not show up full here every once in a while.
....amazing stuff, fucking amazing, and very fucking sad.
we are dealing directly with this at our house. DW is DID.
do y'all remember the movie eyes wide shut? it connects directly and most have no clue as to its relative significance with... well, what washed out in the dutroux douche for example. kubric knew. no, the theme wasn't his intent to proliferate the darkness. committment and loyalty were his ultimate message. but he knew the challenges to that in real life and demonstrated it in a way that few had any understanding of or the balls to expose. and what is at the bottom of it? under the covers, so to speak? as always, SEX. twisted sex! ritualistic sex!! i guarantee you, wherever you find elites and power-broakers, particularly political power-broakers, and twisted, ritualistic sex on the same page you're seeing a reflection that is the playing out of very specific causal factors that desperatly need to be brought forward into conscious understanding.
this 'understanding' is covered extensively in the RUOW material (which i've studied and worked with for the past 20+ years) where its referred to as part of the gap in purple. purple? in this case its safe to say purple = church. in that same context, blue = state. woo woo? yes. but also very real! purple and blue. church and state. in many ways gapped from one another. ie, seperation of church and state which is a major reflection of the gap between purple and blue. where they differ in other words. where they fight each other over the... well, gaps between them. its a fundamental underpinning of america specifically noted in our documents of origin. yet that keeps erroding away, away which, interestingly enough, is a direct result of where aspects of purple and blue align.
which brings this full circle to FA's post and the repug primary. i don't think saint-torum has said it openly yet but you can bet your last condom or birth control pill that repeal of roe v wade is on the agenda. its an obvious, yet unspoken, plank in the platform. and right in the midst of it what does obummer, who seems to have an uncanny knack for horrible timing, do? well, what he tried to do was an attempt to answer what FA was railing about near the end of her post. mandate provision for contraception for EVERYBODY! that went over like an aborted fetus at a sunday morning prayer meeting! inquiring minds might be asking, WTF? talk about throwing gasoline on a fire thats already out of control! from where i sit its just one more glaring example of this whole sorid gap seeking resolution. the interactions of energies, how they play out, and what manifests never ceases to amaze me!!
freedom of choice is the liberty to say NO. with abortion what we're seeing is the ex-ER-cisim of that right subsequent to conception. what we overlook, or often never hear, is the pre-conception story of what was to become the mother. spirits incarnating (and they can be very persistent toward this end) where there exists no intent to become a parent on the part of the woman is a spirit that would override that woman. what the right to lifers are saying is that you must accept a spirit incarnating without question. and they are experts at running the guilt trip. the stance is a huge contradiction to the liberty they claim to be fighting for. here's another... NO, you can't use contraceptive devices and don't even think about making me provide them for someone else. YET, if anybody gets pregnant they have to have the baby or go straight to hell as a killer. now there's a catch 22 if i ever saw one!
we're seeing this reflection of hypocrisy with the tea party-ers aligning with the R to L-ers in the voting booth. ask any right to lifer or pill-between-your knees proponent about their stance on reincarnation and they'll look at you like you're the devil hisself. acceptance of the concept of reincarnation would render both moot.
as i concluded in a comment prior to the above comment: the dynamics playing out here can be defined in 3 words... imprints, guilt, and denial. everything, and i do mean everything, that we see manifesting 'out there' as well as in our own personal experiences is a reflection of deeper, core, and often ancient, realities that hold true evolution hostage! the only change that has ever happened and will ever happen is form change unless and until we look to original causality in the underlying dynamics as the key to real change at fundamental levels.
have a nice sunday... p
I keep struggling with understanding denial, imprinting and guilt, p, but I am starting to get it.
I did see "Eyes Wide Shut," by Kubrick. It is said that he was allowed to make that film, showing ritualized sex in illuminatae or elite ceremonies, once he completed mock-ups of the moon landing. We'll never know about that one, either. At any rate, this attraction by the rich and powerful seems so adolescent to me. Back in the day, I attended a couple of "orgies" that were really stupid. Artificial. Archonic, it seems to me. I think that's part of the guilt trip. For some, it is exciting to get away with something that is so "naughty." It feels so good to be bad, for some. And, if they are really bad, it's better.
Denial plays a big part as well. The concept of killing is something that we do not come to terms with, either. Our culture would have us believe that killing our enemies as natural. But, there is denial around the fact that everything we eat, raw, cooked, fruit, vegetable or meat, all becomes disassembled and "dies" when you eat it. To me, everything is alive. I've watched enough David Attenborough to know that everything kills to eat. And every living thing is food for something else. It's natural. I no longer feel guilty about it. I feel grateful and humbled to be a part of the sacred process of life, which includes "death."
Reincarnation depends on a strong sense of the eternal nature of the soul. Are there really archons who are not really human, but clones and semi-mechanical lifeforms? Sure could be from where I sit. We live with substitute foods, "virtual" reality, lust rather than love, one falsehood and unsatisfying substitution after the other. It does seem as though we are manipulated in every way to deny our souls.
Hot Springs - that Be the friction in the machine piece was really great.
Bexar, you are the second person to recommend that book to us in the last couple of weeks. Guess we should read it. Thanks.
As for Sunday - I will have a good time watching the Academy Awards! But, the murphinator will be groaning and holding his head out of the window, the poor dear.
reincarnation is a concept contradictory to purple dogma that says you will be judged worthy of entering the pearly gates or condemned to the fires of hades. either way, its a one way trip into eternity. or so they say.
that attraction you cited seems adolescent because it is. iow, it was put into place in the early beginnings and hasn't evolved from there. there are many reasons involved all of which are part of an even deeper layer of the cake. they all go to causality and would take a tome for me to attempt to chronicle. but it was and in a lot fewer words that it would take to make a tome!
as for naughty feeling good, thats in there too. and lots about the guilt holding it in place. holding lotsa stuff frozen in place. guilt is experienced in many different ways from various aspects of the self. in body it often manifests as pressure that can increase to nearly unbearable. this compression can be felt physically, mentally and emotionally. it shuts down vibration which is what emotions need to do to evolve. it holds thoughts in the form of judgements, aka points of view, in place too. so those thoughts i might have that tell me i shouldn't do this or that or say this or that are not guilt at all. its the mind interpreting guilt. its not essence. it has no consciousness. it just is. existing as a henious energy form trapped within the vessel. and right now, as it has been for a long, long time, it stands in love's place. its a hellofa challenge to move guilt out because the only thing that will do that is vibration. and thats the very thing it shuts down... p
GD... some recent word synergy here made me think of this, P's "vibration" was the last in the chain, it's in 17 parts so you'll need to make some time. If you get turned off before part 6, go straight there to 5 mins in and ask yourself where you've heard that noise before ;)
"Mark Cocking giving a talk to north east truth members on the 28/3/10 on Illustrating the interaction of Passive, Active and Neutral energies, Pi and The Hermetic Code, The Pythagorean Comma and the historical biblical deception which empowers an evil church. Esoteric facts which have serious implications for the Truth Movement and NWO resistance."
Game Dog; I just watched the bulk of that series presented by Mark Cocking. Found it quite enlightening, and in step with another series of videos I was alerted to by Mr2tuff2, the vortex mathematics as described by Marko Rodin and Randy Powell.
It's a lot to absorb. The beauty of the symmetry is undeniable. (P, you're gonna love this.) Anxious to apply the information to the real world, or rather, observe it manifesting in the world around me.
So much is happening so quickly now it's difficult to keep balanced. Seems the pols and the media are doing their best to light the match under the middle east tinder box, while the military and the intelligence agencies, never ones I've considered to be 'white hats',) are applying the brakes.
According to John Kettler, the terra-based good-guys, along with help from off-world benefactors, have finally taken a stand to crush the NWO, and have been actively thwarting plans all over the planet. In some cases, the press has witnessed inexplicata, but was warned to keep silent.
According to David Wilcock, world banking is in total chaos, partially due to self-inflicted fraud, but more importantly, because the western financial elites have been illegally using colossal gold reserves entrusted to them secretly by Asian governments and legitimate claims are coming to light in places like the House of Lords, where scandals are difficult to ignore. Subsequently, heads are rolling and leaders are resigning. Kerry has a list of names on her project camelot blog. It's impressive.
Don't know what it all means, except, it almost feels like we may have, collectively, reached a Pythagorean comma. We can only hope...
That was a pretty fair character assassination of all the candidates. In all fairness, I think they have done it to themselves. I think the American majority is caught up in the occasion and can't take a step backwards and see the overall picture. As time progresses, the overall standard of the candidates seems to degenerate. I think I would prefer scary spice to any of those on offer now. Originally Romney was chosen to be McCain's running mate but because of allegations of bribery against him he was dropped and Palin was the only one who could be vetted within the time frame available. On the American continent, the real bad bogey man (no messing on this one) is senior. One of the things he did was to borrow $85 billion from Ed Falcone so that a US Debt would not be reneged on. Congress then extended the deficit and senior kept the $85 billion for himself. Romney is the big bad bogey man's best boy and is alleged to have accepted at least $200 million to obstruct its return. Others alleged to received hand outs from HW are both Clintons ($200m each); Joe Bidden who started to act on Falcone's behalf and then was given $200m to look at the ground and kick stones. Obama came with a higher price tag of 2 x 1 billion. Now Romney is probably leading candidate to get Obama's job.
GD, glad you found it. It is difficult stuff but worth the effort. ...“amazing stuff, fucking amazing, and very fucking sad.” What is sad is that we are all grooving on doom, but somebody has to shine a light under the rocks and see what crawls out.
It sure appears to me that in one way or another the incumbent and all of the contenders are lower life forms than green slime. In fact green slime does a more useful job in the worlds ecology.
Re the Oscars, in one breath you talk about love and in the next you take pleasure in letting that poor man hang his head out of the window just so you can have an hours indulgent pastime. Just because everybody agreed you should have your femininity it doesn't mean you have to be anti men. I don't know Freeacre you deserve to have your hands and face slapped for what you are doing to that poor man ;-) ;-)
Btw Fa, you can do this sort of stuff back to me and I will take it, I am fair in that way at least.
...“worse because its what a woman can and does do to a man that is hated.” I have to tell you how much I hate what Hilary does to me!
Re the JFK assassination I am going to put a link up to an article which I haven't yet read at least not in its final form in which it now stands but in a previous not completed form and that was impressive. It is by Jennifer Lake who I referenced extensively in my previous polio and vaccines article.
My take on what Eyes Wide Shut represents is this. Those who reach a certain stature In the financial; legal and political world reach a position where they can play with the really big boys. In order to be a gang member they have to go through some form of initiation procedure. This can start off as the things depicted in the film and depending on how the initiate performs can progress to the sort of paedophile snuff parties described in the Doutroux articles previously referenced. This is a double edged sword. Sure they get their wedge and their lifestyles but they are compromised and bought for life. The more despicable the acts and crimes the the higher they progress and the more they are as controlled as the little people. That's us folks. Control is absolute at all levels.
Did I mention that this new word verification thing sucks?
Hi folks,
Want something to get the hair stiff on the back of the neck. Here is a link
I have no idea concerning the information accuracy, but it would make sense within other information contexts.
I forgot to add that link was courtesy of Nina
Thank you Murph, that link is actually courtesy of Brian.
Damn, Fa, reading this was like watching Sigourney Weaver kick
"Alien" ass -or Kate Blankenship blasting warewolfs -or Rooney Mara asking Daniel Craig "May I kill him?"
But, I know it was hard for you. Had a girlfriend who confessed to having an abortion (NO -it wasn't me) and she had a pretty hard time of it. I told her she needed to drink more beer.
Naw, I didn't tell her that.
As to the circus of these Rethuglican "debates" -well, that's exactly what they are. A side show. Most of it is meant to distract or confuse those that would actually watch such a thing, fire-up the "Fundies" and to butter-up the masses for the next war. What a farse.
Knowledge or the truth about JFK, RFK, Iran, 9/11, etc., etc., won't do anything because no one really cares. Most Murikans only care about
(or their "Attack Kitties)
Now, if the network accidentally cancelled a "Dancing With the Stars" show, there'd probably be massive rioting all over Murika. Dogs and Cats sleeping together -total anarchy!
You know, I'm not too sure about these here Chemtrails. I mean, if they wanted to de-populate the planet of the human 'virus,' why all the hubub? I mean, why destroy unions? Why the illegal forclosures? Why "frack" for oil? Why spew Iran propaganda? Why fuck with Lybia, Yemen, Syria, and who in hell else we're screwing with? So, why mess with "the little people" when TPTB are just going to spew some toxic chemicals on our collective asses and throw in a virus chaser on us anyway?
Don't make no sense 't all, man.
Unless "The Matrix" is real....
and we define our lives on misery...
Murph; Zengardener must have struck a nerve. None of the google urls to zengardener will open.
Don't have tv and probably wouldn't bother watching the academy awards anyway, under normal circumstances, (there's an anachronism for you,) but, now for research purposes, I almost wish I could see the event, to see if, like the super bowl halftime show and the grammy's, the AA is/was co-opted by the Dark Cabal for the purpose of rubbing its unclean body parts in the sheeple's unsuspecting noses. Someone surprise me, please.
Zengardener's post finally came through. Christ! I hope it goes viral, before the rest of do.
87% of South Carolina voters voted for war in the republican primary.
Makes you wonder.
".. under normal circumstances, (there's an anachronism for you... " Ha! I liked that, Rockpicker.
Randy, I'm with you on the chem trail thing. Unless there are many agendas from differing groups and they are all uncoordinated. Which would not surprise me. I think this guy just needs to keep putting the puzzle together until he gets it right. The radiation absorbing barium and the light reflecting aluminum seem to me to be primarily aimed at the atmosphere. The contamination seems more like collateral damage. And, god knows, they don't give a damn about collateral damage. You don't think there are other beautiful places in the world? Ever watch Nature?
That doesn't mean that the flu shots aren't contaminated, though. I think Begium, (aka: FB,Spirit Across the Sea, and SATS)gave us more than enough info to allow us to suspect that at least.
And, btw, Belgium - He gets me back with Steven Segal marathons. lol
AND NOW THE WHOLE FORMAT IS ALL MESSED UP. There seems to be a glitch in the Matrix.
GD... i'm up to pt 8. wish i could have heard what he was saying in 7 while he kept pushing that magic sound button.
do, re, me, fa, so, la, te, do
a, a#, b, c, c# d, d#, e, f, f#, g, g#, a
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, white
completes the circle. from there everything is fractal to there.
these manifestations are evidence that fundamentals, upon which the energies of U fly, do exist.
some are constants. like pi. a constant thats irrational and transendental. hummmm...
shows to go that any claim to contain the story won't include the rest of the story. or, to put it another way... why you can't run a fart down and tie a string around it. but you know its there!!
i like that about pi. infinite, incomplete, enegmatic, curiosity food. keeps us guessin.
RP... looking forward to drilling into those links... p
.... they don't give a damn about collateral damage
FA... unless your name happens to be mcvey
randy... maybe the operative word is entertainment.
Oh yeah, fa. The only programs I watch on da teevee are "Nature," "NOVA" and the Ken Burns documentaries. Oh, and last week, they showed ALL of the three part series of "Ocean Giants" on our PBS station. Whales and dolphins are sooo freak'in coool! And to know that their brains are large in proportion to their bodies is REALLY cool. You know, they're probably a lot smarter than us humans. Definitely smarter than most Murikans I'll bet, too.
I mean, you don't see them killing each other over a pair of sneakers.
Ah, well Freeacre, even handed is even handed I suppose. I take back what I said. Steven Segal huh. He's a bit too macho for my taste. I am into slower paced dramas (used to be called plays) where there is a bit of interpretation to the storyline so you have to work out what is going on or ones where the director is stating a point of view whether you agree with it or not or about the lives of ordinary people. And the nature stuff too. I find it interesting reading the reviews on the Internet Movie Database to see how different people interpret the same story. But Steven Segal hmm. I wouldn't let the man in your life near any guns after he has been watching those, smiley winky thing.
Re blogger comments, I do think the whole thing looks a bit more classy, up market if you like but instead of read down the middle it is now read down the left hand side. There is too much white space on the right. The reading part should take up at least 33% - 40% of the page width, imo.
FA - If you are interested, you can put a search in you-tube for Jim Douglas. There are a couple of interviews of him. One is at Elliot Bay Books and the other is a radio station. They are about an hour long.
He covers some of the material in the book "JFK and the Unspeakable", and answers questions.
I would be interested in your thoughts on the interviews and book if you read it.
Emergency first responders and FEMA personnel are being trained not to save lives first, but to maintain continuity of government as top priority. Look at this article by Laura Densmore:
"In an emergency, a crisis, or martial law/breakdown of order in society:
80% will be in a stupor; These are the “sheeple”. They will follow along and will do what they are told.
10% will resist/fight back: These are the folks you execute, or round up, lock up, and “re-educate”.
10% are the “resilient trained leaders” who are in control and in charge. This is what the emergency responder community is being groomed and trained to be. They will “tip” the population and culture in the desired new direction, into the new paradigm, (martial law/slavery to the global elites).
In the Emergency responder and FEMA culture they are being trained to develop an
“0rganizational Culture of Resilience”: This training is what develops their "psychological body armor" so they can be part of the 10% of the "resilient trained leaders"
Can't say if any of this is true, but it would sure be nice if it were.
A sign of things to come for US cities, this one being Stockton, California:
....this river port city of 290,000 is on the brink of insolvency and could become the nation's largest city to fall into Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection....
I would like to believe this is all true as would everybody else I guess, so wee can all breathe a sigh of relief. I can see the reason for the SCO but the SCO plus the Pentagon? Isn't that what we have all been trying to get rid of. I sure would hope that this is not a wolf in sheep's clothing. And where does NATO and its Gladio forces stand in all of this? Lets not get ahead of ourselves but also let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. It looks like the beginning of 2012 has been some defining moment and that the internet has raised a level of public awareness but then again maybe not. I would like to think if this is all true, that the White Hats had some prime moving roll in all of this. I found their reports through the Lord James speech that Rp put up recently. They start here and go onward.
The problem is how do the little people on the ground really know what is going on in high places? I guess I will believe it all when I don't see any more chemtrails for a while.
I don't want to put a sour note into what is apparently the best news we could have hoped for but those who are left in charge are going to have to come clean on the resource problem and come up with a depletion management plan. Feb '12 has been a crazy month in world politics. Watch and wait and see how it pans out.
I think this may be the first information that's been officially released from the early January EU conference held in Las Vegas.
rp & P didn't you think the sound frequency he was demonstrating sounded eerily familiar?
GD; From the beginning, none of the sounds I heard on multiple videos struck familiar chords, if you'll forgive the pun. I posit no explanation. Just another weird deal, like the birds falling from the sky, or the dolphins beaching themselves. If there is a connection, my money is on it being of an electromagnetic nature.
GD... ya, but i can't place it. how bout u picker man?
haven't had time to listen further and haven't even started on RP's links oranybody elses either... p
Excellent summary on the increasingly dire state for US commercial real estate:
Extend And Pretend Coming To An End
....Analysts expect 2012 to be a record-setting year for commercial real estate defaults. Last week delinquencies for office and retail loans hit their highest-ever levels....
....If you think the criminal Wall Street banks limited their robo-signing fraud to just poor homeowners, you would be mistaken. The fraud uncovered in the commercial lending orbit will dwarf the residential swindle....
Dang, Wizard, I had been waiting for that commercial real estate shoe to drop for so long that I forgot about it! Good find.
Go to celestial convergence and read the story about the crack in the magnetosphere and the pole shift that seems to be taking place. Our friend that attended this big electromagnic astronomy conference last year said that they spent hours talking about evidence concerning the switching of the North and South polarity of the Poles. The magnetosphere collapses for awhile, then it shifts. While it is in process, they expect that it would effect the weather dramatically. Super storms of all types, etc. They just don't know how severe. I think this is going to be the year to duck and cover.
HSW, I would expect there is no bursting of the commercial real estate bubble in China and the Philippines. Noticed any reduction in the level of TV commercials lately?
Fa, I would refrain from flying anywhere whilst the poles are shifting, you may finish up back home or even somewhere much worse :-)
It begins!
Actually, it continues!
Here's a dutchsince video examining an electromagnetic anomaly emanating out of the Richmond, Va. area.
Soooooo sports fans! What do ya think? Ya think we're gonna do Irael's bidding and attack Iran in the next few weeks/months? The war drums seem to be getting purdy darn loud lately. Nutty Yahoo is meeting with President Pussy next week, to give him his marching orders, I guess. Man, how pathetic. I'm hoping that there are a few generals who will refuse such a mad order from OBummer.
We need another Smidley Butler. I don't know...
I met a few senior officers while in the military and I worked with several while in the ME, and majority, like 99% are total asswipes. Once they reach the rank of general, they're policians and they only care about power and perks.
Jeez, man....
Have I told ya'll lately that...
Randy, I know things look grim, but if we convince ourselves that we're powerless, then we will be, absolutely, powerless.
Randy; This guy claims we do have 'white hats' who are acting in America's best interests, and he's taking some small credit for doing his part to help.
Heads up, gang. I think we've entered Clif High's 'major bad deal' time frame, (Mar. 2-9).
I'm hoping, RP, but...
sorry. I don't have a lot of confidence in anyone with any integrity and honesty to put a stop to the madness.
Freeacre, I was down at Deep Creek Hot Springs yesterday and around sunset after I crossed the stream from the hotpools and was preparing to hike back out of the canyon I heard that low rumbling constant sound again I told you about in e-mails. I hiked the 1000 feet in elevation up out of the Deep Creek canyon and could hear the sound in varying degrees since the hillsides and little canyons blocked the sound in places. Once I reached the higher reaches of the canyon rim I could hear the sound even louder coming from the NW like I heard it the two times before. In this case my location was about 15 miles south of the general area where I heard the sound the first two times. It must be coming from a long ways off. I don't know what is causing this droning low rumbling and I can't explain what could be causing it.
Sats, China's real estate bubble is bursting so I could see their commercial being affected at some point, especially as the economic situation unravels for other countries, but for now China is still showing general growth. I don't know about the Philippines and their commercial real estate. You mentioned commercials. Are you talking about the channel CCTV ( Chinese Cable News ) that I have been watching? I don't know what your referencing. The article about commercial I gave the link for was for the US.
In that article one part discussed the situation for Lowes, which we experienced first hand with a new Lowes store near us which was only two years old suddenly closed, and even the city ( of Apple Valley ) didn't find out until the day of the closing.
HSW - Don' t know if this is the same, but I have heard sounds in the past in the desert around Ajo, AZ and on the western side of Hells Canyon, above the Snake River.
It sounded just as the Wikipedia article says, a generator running.
Has anyone caught the video that is up on Geroge Urie's site about Sharon Lindauer? Very revealing what she has to say abou 9/11.
Bexar, I checked that Hum link you listed. Before reading your link, in thinking of how to describe its sound ( the hum ), I had thought that it sounds like a fleet of diesel trucks idleing off in the distance as one way to put it. Interesting that the link mentions this same description.
The first time I heard this humming it woke me up from my sleep in my room. I waited for a bit thinking it was a jet plane flying over. But it just kept going on so I went out side and it was coming from the NW, and was even louder outside. I had never heard anything like that before. This was around mid January.
Then a bit later, I think around the end of January I went for a hike up a mountain a couple of miles north of our home and when I got out of the car to start I heard the same humming. It was quite pronounced and I heard it all the way up the mountain and when I got on top again the sound was coming from the NW. It was a very pervasive sound and there is nothing I can think of that would cause something like it. The third time was what I mentioned hearing yesterday in my previous post.
I do have Tinitus but that causes a constant high pitched ringing sound in my ears. This is something completely differant. As I mentioned it has come from the NW, and is affected, or heard less dependent on physical barriers to sound. I've only heard this sound on the three instances mentioned.
I've thought I could drive in the direction of the hum to see if it changes, diminishes, grows louder, etc. If I was to drive in the direction of it for a good distance like tens of miles and could still hear it then that would to me indicate something really curiousis going on but I haven't felt like bothering to do this. Maybe if I hear it again and I have the opportuntity I may drive a ways out towards the hum to see what happens :-)
At this site:
under this heading posted 2-27-12 ( in case a new article is added at the top ):
Zug Island and the Windsor Hum: What On Earth Are They Making Over There!
listen to the second video down which is 3:29 long, and the humming you hear in it, when the traffic is not passing by, is exactly like the humming I heard.
HSW - Here is a news item from 2010 about the hum here on Vashon. Folks have heard it but I have not myself, like I have in the desert and Hells Canyon.
I,ll check out that link Bexar, thanks :-)
On another subject, I watched this one hour documentary this afternoon about Theodore Kaczynski. At his trial, his initially appointed defense had TK,s small cabin trucked to the court proceedings as part of their strategy to claim TK was insane. They were going to use as evidence the cabin, citing that anyone who would live in such a cabin must be insane. Once TK learned of their pursuit ( unbenownst to him, and he showed great displeaser when learning of it ) of an insanity plea, he requested the defense team dismissed, so that he could defend himself.
TK in his early years was rated at genius level IQ. He was accepted into Harvard at 16 since he jumped ahead two years in public school ( if I remember the info correctly ). He excelled at everything he did while there, and once finished went on to start a university position at Berkely. But clearly along the way TK began to realize the grave implications of Industrial/Technological socity.
Of course the documentaries goal was to paint TK as being merely some crazy, unkept, nutbag filled with hate, living a caveman life in his little cabin. Look how our society, PTB, Oligarchs, Corporations seek to demonize and penalize any kind of truth telling in its many forms, like what has, and is being done to Julian Assange.
TK had a message, many call it a manifesto which conveyed his concerns, and warnings about the path down which Industrial Society was headed in his opinion:
Industrial Society And Its Future
For starters, read paragraph 1 ( the first sentence reads, The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race ), and pargraph 111 ( the title, Industrial-Technological Society Cannot Be Reformed ). If you really want to understand more deeply what this man was trying to convey, read the rest. Of course things have gone from bad to worst in respect to the subject matter TK spoke to. We all know this well as we see it all unfolding all around us. The documentary ended with something like, " Theodore Kaczynski nows gets to live out his days in solitary confinement, as the world's technological society marches on! ".
Now you may take issue with the particular incidents of violence perpetrated by TK, which was ultimately his undoing, but like he said, which I agree with wholly, " Industrial-Technoligical society cannot be reformed ". TK spoke to what meaningful change would require, for example in the last two sentences of paragraph 111. But citing such things in this increasingly police state, hyper monitered society we see being manifested today might get you wisked away with no due process, stuck forever in some foreign quantamano setting, spending the rest of your days being the test subject for the latest tortue techniques. Or maybe in some not too distant future, the PTB will just drone attack you to oblivion, that of course will be when, and if all us Serfs really become unmanageble. For now however, the glory of the Industrial-Technological society marchs on!
A shout Out to ras in Tennessee. How are you doing, Lil' Darlin'? How're you holding up? Got electricity? Hope you are okay.
Man, it seems to be coming at us in all directions. People in the mtns. hearing sounds in the sky. Super cells of tornadoes in the South, earthquakes, plumes, volcanic action, etc. And the biggest CME ever recorded on the other side of the Sun recently. ...So, it would appear that at least part if it could be explained by increased energy from the Sun heating up the core of the earth, which may or may not be expanding the earth's mass. But, either way, the heating of the center could lead to destabilizing a shitload of volcanoes. And, all this bombardment of the magnetosphere would lead to super storms.
I would think that some of this might get through to the war mongers as not being the right time to start an offensive in the Middle East.
But, I'm with Randy. The Idiocracy Rules.
HSW - I have read TK in the past and even copied his manifesto. Haven't read it in awhile and what I scanned today is amazing. Some of what he wrote back then IS taking place now!
If that link does not work, just search for Vashon hum.
FA - Now you know that all this weird weather, CT's, sun activity, earth quakes and volcano activity is all based on junk science, according to Rick Sanitariumn.
This looks like a good read when it come out.
"In the vein of his bestseller, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, nationally recognized social critic Jerry Mander researches, discusses, and exposes the momentous and unsolvable environmental and social problem of capitalism.
Mander argues that capitalism is no longer a viable system: “What may have worked in 1900 is calamitous in 2010.” Capitalism, utterly dependent on never-ending economic growth, is an impossible absurdity on a finite planet with limited resources. Climate change, together with global food, water, and resource shortages, are only the start.
Mander draws attention to capitalism’s obsessive need to dominate and undermine democracy, as well as to diminish social and economic equity. Designed to operate free of “morality,” the system promotes “permanent war” as a key economic strategy. Worst of all, the problems of capitalism are intrinsic to the form. Many organizations are already anticipating the breakdown of the system and are working to define new hierarchies of democratic values that respect the carrying capacities of the planet."
"The Capitalism Papers: Six Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System"
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