Sunday, July 26, 2015

I just really like tulips.

From Freeacre

They Got Me

I just spent ten minutes trying to decide whether to begin  with “They Got Me” or “It got me.”
… whatever, I have been “got.”  I have been diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. Adenoidal cystic carcinoma.

Yup. Me.

This is in addition to one of my best friends and neighbors, Julia, who is currently dying of 4th stage lung cancer. She's about ten years younger than me and hasn't smoked in over ten years. And then there is Steve, one of our oldest friends from Michigan who is in hospice care now due to dying of pancreatic cancer. One of our other friends from the Grange is a cancer survivor who keeps on getting it, but keeps managing to survive so she can get it again. Another couple from the Grange is on the way out. The wife has stage four brain cancer and now her husband has a critical heart problem.

I bet you have friends and relatives who are going through the same thing.

Do you think it is paranoid to think that we are being killed off on purpose? Or is it simply greed that accounts for the regulatory agencies being staffed with former employees of Monsanto and the pharmaceutical companies? Thus, the FDA approves the use of glysophate which poisons our food, mercury, barium, and aluminum in the mandatory vaccines, outlaws the labeling of GMO foods, feed lots are the biggest user of antibiotics (there-by creating drug-resistant bacteria), carcinogenic additives used in almost all processed foods, and on and on. Greed, design, or both?

Let's see. In 1972 or so, I worked in one of the most prestigious children's mental hospitals in the world – the Nicholas J. Pritzker Children's Hospital in Chicago. It took them two months to figure out what was wrong with this little kid. He was over-weight, didn't talk, and had “transition anxiety.” That meant you had to drag him between rooms. He would also get up early and stand outside the nurses' station in anticipation of them posting the new shift schedule on the wall. He loved lists. When a new one would go up, he would squeal in excitement. When agitated, he would slap his knees together, flap his hands, and moan. He was seven. Turns out, he had autism. First case anyone there had seen. Now, it is one in fifty-eight. Why is there no concerted effort to end this hideous ailment?

And cancer. Wow. What an industry. Just about the most lucrative thing going – next to the arms industry. Have you been to a cancer center? Ours reminds me of when Katnis and Peata went to the Capitol and saw all the opulence that had been denied to the outlying Districts in Hunger Games. Incredible buildings – double etched glass office windows, beautiful artwork all over the place, brand-new furnishings, nothing looks even mildly worn.

Where is all the money coming from? Oh, yeah, us. We are not just getting sick and dying. We are being fleeced of everything we have on the way out.

The fine print on Oregon's medical health plan says that all the money that the State subsidizes your medical care with will be reimbursed from your estate upon your death. Nobody I have talked to about it, realizes that. So, I did not sign up for it.

I now have Medicare. I have to look up what that actually pays for. I think there is a $5,000 deductible. If paying for all this would lead to disenfranchising the Murpinator and my son from the home and property, I just won't do it. 

I did ask the oncologist what would happen if I didn't do anything. She told me that my breast would eventually fill up with cancer and that this is a kind that hurts. Then, it would burst through my skin. The tumors would stink like rotting meat, and would draw insects! Fuck me! She made a real strong case for surgery. The radiologist will probably do the same thing.

I asked about drinking baking soda and water to change to a more alkaline system. From what one reads on the internet, an alkaline environment kills cancer. She said that was all bullshit. No matter what you eat, cells stay at 7.0 ph. Period.  I'm drinking it anyway. I'm also doing a liver cleanse tea to strengthen my immune system.

But, enough about me. What about the program to kill us off? It seems pretty obvious that the Earth cannot sustain unrelenting “growth” based on commodities that are limited. It was estimated that for every household in the world to have a refrigerator, we would need three Earths to produce all the damn things if we have a population of seven billion, on the way to eleven billion. And, that doesn't even factor in the robotics. What? They figure that at least a third of our jobs will be replaced by robots real soon. Not just manufacturing. Doctors, teachers, waiters, hell, even hookers will be replaced by robots.

So, what's a motherfucker to do? Get sick, get relieved of every dime you have been able to save first, then die. Oh, and along the way, be assailed by all the “support” teams in your face at every opportunity. Cancer Runs. Cancer support groups. Cancer Society. Oh, it's all so inspiring. Again, a lot like “The Hunger Games.” We could call them “The Cancer Games.”

What if there were a rebellion? What would it look like? I have some ideas, but if I wrote them down, I'd probably get rounded up.


rockpicker said...

Right on, Freeacre.

Here's a piece I just read this a.m. How timely. Great minds think alike.

freecre said...

Wow. Great article, Rockpicker.

Zoner said...

Wow. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you are well-tended and that all goes as you would wish it to.

All my best to you and yours.


freeacre said...

Thanks, Z.

rockpicker said...

And the band just keeps playing.

Because of the fraud perpetrated by these governmental bureaucracies, in this case, FDA, who essentially usurp the lawmaking authority of Congress by declaring arbitrary rules with the force of law, and enforce those rules with Nazi thug goon- squad SWAT teams, to the detriment of the health and safety of American citizens, maybe, just maybe, this will be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. Health issues are not theoretical or philosophical. They're in your face, up close and personal.

Now these assholes who are charged with protecting the public welfare are killing doctors who were about to blow the whistle on the pharmaceutical companies? Fuck them. FDA. CDC. USDA. Fuck them all. Shove their vaccines and their GMO's up their fat asses. Monkeywhrench the Machine!

freeacre said...

I could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

Whoa -this is NOT good, FA. Jeez, this sucks. What did the doc say as far as treatment and prognosis? I would definitely do the baking soda treatment no matter what any doc says. Oncologist are in the BUSINESS of TREATING cancer. If it's cured, then they make no money. And, no money means no honey =trophy wife, trips to "da islands, Mon," no boondoggles to Paris, no mistress, etc. And you know there's probably a good many natural treatments for cancer out there that have been suppressed. Cannabis oil? Dandelion? My wife knows a woman who's doing well after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer several years ago -she received several vitamin C IV's that seemed to have arrested it. But, because of the sickcare enforcers, she's now having trouble finding a facility to give here the IV's.

I work within walking distance of The Huntsman Cancer Center and when you walk into the place, it feels more like a really nice Hilton Hotel than a medical facility. On the top floor is one of THE nicest places to eat in the city and the view is outstanding. Granted, maybe walking into a nice facility for TREATMENT helps the mental state of cancer patients, but the artwork, mahogany and other niceties seem to be way over the top. Oh, and they're expanding it. I guess the air quality getting worse each year, polluted water (anglers are warned NOT to eat fish caught in the state's waterways), fracking, mines everywhere leaking crap into groundwater, and the sugary drinks the Mormons just love (coffee with CAFFINE is verboten, but a 55 gallon drum of Coke is A-OK), means that the cancer business will just keep getting better around here.

I think that cancer and other diseases are just a few of the things designed to kill people off. War being another. I saw a video on Youtube of Bill Gates giving some speech at a shareholder's meeting or something and he said something like "...with vaccines, we can control population growth..." I think Gates owns 50,000 or more shares of Monsanto stock, too. You'd think that TPTB would just drop some of "Jim Jone's Magic Elixir" into the nation's water supplies, but there's just way too much money to be made off of other people's misery and they can't pass it up.

Anyone read Steven King's "Cell?" It's not one of his best books and it's kinda "Zombie-ish," but, when I see everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, walking around with their iZombies literally ATTACHED as an appendage, it just makes me wonder if maybe, maybe TPTB are thinking of a way to make King's fiction into fact. Jeez, now I'm getting myself depressed.

Anyway, keep us posted on your condition, FA. Hope you prove the doc wrong.


Hotspringswizard said...

Sorry to hear about this diagnosis Freeacre. I am 57 and have been fortunate to have had great health so far. Getting sick and the massive cost of healthcare is the biggest thing bankrupting people. My wife's folks both died right after the husband retired. Since there was not a very long extended period of extensive care for either one, there was something left to pass on to the kids. Many people when they sooner or later succumb to some sort of physical problem find that even their insurance does not end up covering their expenses like they thought it would. Health care is a gigantic racket of stripping people of their income and savings. Of course its a big concern for us as we get older. I try to always remember to be thankful for each day, knowing eventually it will be my turn too. I hope you find some good treatment that works Freeacre.

Regarding this you wrote " even hookers will be replaced by robots ", I just watched a movie the other day about AI/Robots, a glimpse into things coming for our future perhaps. Here is a link to the trailer:

On another subject, I don't think the human population will ever get to 11 million. Like yeast who have polluted to much their finite ecosystem, and are peaking out their consumption of sugar/energy/resources, there is an upper limit on their population, on their growth. I think the human peak will come sooner.

stoney13 said...

Sorry about the diagnosis, Freeacre. The whole cancer thing is a real bitch! Another fine thng the 1% give us by poisoning the planet! Now the SCOTUS has declared the environment is too fucked up for us to fix!

My mother died of bone cancer. That's the main reason I became a CNA. My advice to you is to get the surgery as soon as possible, (if that's your decision, any more). The alphabet agencies got legislative powers from GWB to make their own laws in "emergency situations". Somewhere there is probably something burried in some piece of legislation that gives the Government ownership of the citizenry!

freeacre said...

Yeah, Stoney, you are probably right. I'm sorry your mom died of bone cancer. So painful.

Can you believe all shit that is going down around the cops? Damn! We watched "Selma" last night. A good reminder of what courageous people did resisting TPTB back in the day. And, the many killed as a result.

I think we should just all turn Amish. Fuck 'em.

freeacre said...

Anybody seen "The Kingmen"? It's a fanciful film about a heinous villain, Samuel L. Jackson with a lisp)who is a radical environmentalist Gaia believer. He concoct a plot to kill off the human "virus" to save the Earth as well as the Illumnati....
WAT? You gotta see this thing. It is really strange.

Boy, things are really requiring popcorn lately. Lots of earthquake storms in Lakeview, OR, way on the Eastside. Wonder what that's about. Undersea volcanoes. Fish dying all over the place in Oregon. Jeebus.

Hotspringswizard said...

I saw Kingman, I liked it :) Anybody see the " Human Centipede ", 1, 2 and 3,talk about gross, Ewwww ;)

rockpicker said...

Might be a good time to review our preparedness.

Hotspringswizard said...

After a long absence, John is back, six postings since Aug 3rd:

rockpicker said...


What's the water temperature at the springs doing? And, have you experienced any increase in seismicity?

Hotspringswizard said...

I hiked to Deep Creek Hot Springs yesterday. There has been no change in the various hot source temps, and that has been the case in my 30 plus years of visits there. I take a thermometer with me and take measurements of air, creek, and hot source temps. The largest hot source at DCHS is 116. I spent my day upstream from there at a beautiful creek pool, and the stream temp was 82, great for my cooling dips. I had my lunch in the shade of a big Sycamore Tree while enjoying the wonderful Deep Creek scenery :) There have been no noticeable earthquakes here in the high desert/Apple Valley for quite a while. Someday there will be a big one on the San Andreas. That will most likely cause catastrophic damage to infrastructure that did not exist when the last big one occurred.

nina said...

Freeacre, please read this:

I apologize its taken me 17 days to come out of my space bubble to reply. I am outraged you were told such macabre idiocy fantasized by your oncologist. You must go for a second, even third opinion. Your oncologist should not be counseling patients in such a threatening manner. You know as well as I do how many fake cancer scams have been uncovered in the very recent past.

Get on the Humana plan or any Medicare Advantage plan you can find that operates in Oregon and eat, drink, smoke nothing store bought. Stay out of cities, get back to your garden.

freeacre said...

Nice to hear from you, Nina. Thank you for your advise. I do believe that I have the tumor. I saw it with my own eyes during the ultra-sound biopsy. It's small, though. I am hoping that when they remove it I will also get a breast reduction at the same time. This will, hopefully, reduce the strain on my back and shoulders, which has given me unending grief for years. And, I will no longer be considered a potential centerfold in National Geographic.

The garden is doing well. We just had another successful Chicken Coop and Garden Tour. Peas, Swiss Chard, and Kale are harvestable already. String beans, cabbage, carrots, Brussels Sprouts, rutabagas,and broccoli are coming along. I am also eating a lot of melons and berries from the fruit stand in town. They even have non GMO corn that is grown around Salem. Hardly eating any sugar, and trying to get more sleep.

Also, I am trying to be more forgiving and less angry.

So, we'll see. Just might get through this in better shape that I started with. Or, I could survive the cancer and drop dead from a stroke. Let's face it, we are all gonna die from something eventually.

But, not today.

Clif High's latest ALTA report is predicting outrageous natural disasters and a credit freeze that will pretty much bring everything to a standstill. I agree that we need to review our survival supplies. I'd like to get this surgery overwith before the lights go out.


rockpicker said...

Hotsprings; Thanks for the update. Anybody see the meteors past two nights? Gut on NPR said Thursday that he was seeing 20-30 per hr. Wednesday night. Oldensoul and I sat out for an hour at midnight, last night. Saw a few streaks. Great Milky Way--no moon. Warm enough at midnight to sit outside in a tee-shirt and cut-offs. Saw a ufo the night before. Bright as Venus. No blinking lights. Low. No sound. Slow. Moving east over the Tobacco Roots, towards Bozeman.

Hotspringswizard said...

I went out on Wed at midnight and saw 8 in about a half hour.

freeacre said...

I went out and froze my butt off, but didn't see anything. Rats.
It froze last night and we forgot to cover, so the beans and the squash and the potatoes took it on the chin. Darn.

I am really amazed at what's going on with Trump. The media of every brand from the lamestream tried to get rid of him. Either by ridiculing him, not covering him, insulting him, etc., and yet the people kept voting for him in the polls. It's the first rebellion against the media that I can remember.
And, those sisters for Trump... ha!

Hotspringswizard said...

Kunstler mirroring similar viewpoints as Greer does concerning oil.

rockpicker said...

Appropriately, this is the 23rd comment on this post. After the recent events in China and Ukraine, I'm not sure how relevant discussions of peak oil are anymore. Grid down might be a more timely topic.

freeacre said...

It's difficult for me to believe that the US would do this in response to the devaluation of the yuan. Got to be more going on.

I sure hope we had nothing to do with it.

What comes around, goes around..

rockpicker said...

I think, from the banksters' point of view, it's just business. "Hegemony Through Kinetics" seems to be their motto.

Also, a little fog of war is needed to cover the collapsing world economy long enough to allow the pope to deliver his encyclical and for the UN to usher in its One World Government.

Human life means nothing to the oligarchs.

rockpicker said...

In fact, as long as we're poking the Bear with a sharp stick, why not throw a rock at the Dragon?

Hotspringswizard said...

The Last Refuge of the Incompetent

" Still, the way things are going, it seems likely to me that the US will see the collapse of its current system of government, probably accompanied with violent revolution or civil war, within a decade or two "

Hotspringswizard said...

The stock market drops 500 plus points today, and all the mainstream so called " news " is talking about is Trump. More signs that we are as Randy would say " so doomed " ;)

rockpicker said...


When the nighthawks come the August sun hangs unpolished on a limb.
I'm leaning in the back door with a beer. The girl mowing the neighbors' yard
sings in holey jeans over the mower. She's wearing her white rimmed sunglasses,
dreaming fame. I can't make out the lyrics, but know they're country.
The country I've loved and lived in's up in flames. Sky's been the color
of an old black man's sclera for days. Radio warns they'll burn until it snows.
And out of nowhere, and everywhere at once it's wings beating furious air
in swoops and dives and driving straight strafing runs above the romas.
They lift and veer, last second, to miss collision. They loop above the little barn,
drop under frayed spool and knob lines drooping from the house and lift again
to clear the pretense of a sagging garden fence. And then they're gone.

freeacre said...

Beautiful poem, RP.

I'm updating the bug out bag tomorrow. Keeping the gas tank full. Just in case there is a spark. Surrounded by abandoned overgrown lots full of trees and brush, with firemen too busy already, we'd be toast.

Sure are a lot of warnings about EMP events on mainstream sites. Huff Po,, yahoo news,Drudge Report, etc. Volcanoes, earthquakes. Jeez. Better get some propane for the BBQ grill. May hafta use it to cook if the lights go out. Got the smoker, too. I encourage us all to do the same.

Love you guys.

rockpicker said...

Let's go downtown Monday and all yell, JUMP!

rockpicker said...

freeacre and murph;

We're sending love and good thoughts your way, hoping the fires don't come close.

Sorry to hear about the frost. We've had some chilly nights, but no frost yet.

murph said...


We have had enough frosts at night to make our garden yield this year a bit problematic.
We missed a couple of nights to cover with frost blankets and the squash, bush beans and potatoes are damaged. Filling the freezer for the winter eating is in doubt. The cold hardy plants are doing fine.

Anonymous said...

" Still, the way things are going, it seems likely to me that the US will see the collapse of its current system of government, probably accompanied with violent revolution or civil war, within a decade or two "

What?! A decade or two?! You mean we gotta wait THAT long for the US to completely circle the drain -and cease its obsession with EMPIRE and killing brown people? Jeez -I don't know... I really like reading JMG's prose on Thursday mornings, but I don't think "Kardashian Nation" will last that long.

Anyway, one thing that's good about living in Mormon HQ, there are A LOT of Farmers Markets. The Downtown Farmers Market on Saturdays is massive, but I usually ride my bike to a small one on Saturday mornings. On Sunday, yes SUNDAY, there's a BIG one that's less than a half mile away and held on a real working farm called, "Wheeler Farm." The other cool thing is that more and more of the booths at these farmers markets are selling organic produce. My cucumbers got killed during the heat wave we had here in June and so I've been able to get some good organic cucumbers at the markets and now the frig is full of refrigerator pickles. Yyyuummeeee!

Been getting some good tomatoes lately and this one new pink tomato I wanted to try called "Rebekah Allen" is super tasty! Planted some blue and purple potatoes which are looking good and looking forward to making some colorful potato salad.

Well, as of right now, the markets are taking a nose dive, so... I might want to stop off at Petco on my way home and stock up on some more food for them "Attack Kitties."

Ya'll take care -


rockpicker said...

Greer provides an interesting and insightful perspective, yet so much of his academic monologue seems composed in a current affairs vacuum and his writing style, though thoroughly methodical, leaves this reader foot-heavy and worn-out. Reading him is a slog, like running across a mud flat.

His point about successful activism needing grass roots support is well taken. An example of it might be the insidious proliferation of the Agenda 21 proponents' "communitarianism." Arguably, the establishment's manipulation of society to move in its preferred direction is more evolutionary than rebellious, but acknowledgement is made of the importance of consensus. They just fool us into thinking these changes were our idea.

"...the US will see the collapse of its current system...within a decade or two."

My God, man, we're seeing it now! Since JFK was offed in broad daylight, the "current system" has been dismantled incrementally, but incessantly. Remember habeus corpus? Remember when immigrants applied for citizenship?

The asylum has been overrun by psychopaths, and they're making up the rules as they go.

murph said...


Have you followed Harald Kautz Vella concerning chemtrails and related subjects?

Hotspringswizard said...

Murph, I have never heard of him, but just googled his name and scanned through various info that he professes. He is not someone that I would follow. Regarding plane contrails, which some people believe are chemtrails, its my opinion as I discussed before that the truth on this subject is at the two sites I listed before,, and

Hotspringswizard said...

This gave me a big laugh today. You know how the idiot economic " experts " talking heads are always citing how the bubble figure of stock market " value " is an indicator of how great the US economy is doing. Today one of these " experts " said, in consideration of the big drops Fri and today in the stock market value, people should not get too worried, because the stock market is NOT and indicator of the state of the overall economy. In other words, please all you schmucks and fools, don't get spooked and take your money out of our fraudulent casino set up to steal your money ;)

rockpicker said...

rockpicker said...

The word 'chemtrail' was coined by the US Air Force, It appears on the cover of a training manual. Vella explains how the newer turbine engines run nano-sized aluminum, barium, strontium through the engines, mixed in the fuel. You don't have to follow him, but you should be aware of what he's saying.

rockpicker said...

Hotspringswizard said...

The history of what was actually meant by the usage of the term " chemtrail " in that training manual is discussed in depth at , and it had nothing to do with geoengineering. The idea that things are added to jet fuel as a means to accomplish " spraying " is shown to be false too. Carlins stuff is always funny :) There are lots of people with ideas in this world that I don't need to be aware of what they are saying :)

rockpicker said...

Oh, yeah. It's just natural. Nobody's screwing with the weather.

Hotspringswizard said...

Hotspringswizard said...

Humans are definitely " screwing " with the weather by their massive burning of various forms of hydrocarbon fuels, Oil, gas, coal, and also of wood, with drought conditions now causing record fire events, more CO2. Various other industrial activities worldwide are also adding to the green house gas buildup, like the fracking process for example which has been shown to release large quantities of methane. The heating of earth's atmosphere due to increasing CO2 levels is now causing the increasing release of Methane from various land and under sea sources. All of this adds up to a more and more chaotic climate situation. John at Survival Acres has been posting info on this subject lately. Also at Nature Bats Last there is lots of info on this subject too.

rockpicker said...

Don't you find it just a wee bit odd that, given the devastating drought on the US west coast, there's been NO national discussion about actively trying to do something to make it rain?

Even if you disagree, on ethical grounds, with manipulating the weather, given the severity of the problem, and man's ingenuity, wouldn't you expect someone, by this time, would have suggested cloud-seeding or some other form of innovative interference?

I mean, really! How unAmerican, for the entire nation to sit by helplessly and watch the west coast burn up! With out even one suggestion of an attempt to alter what's going on. That's bogus. That's not normal.

We know how to make it rain. The Chinese do it. The Middle Eastern countries have done it, famously, and with disastrous effects, sometimes. But we just go on about our business as if it's God's will, nothing to be done.


They haven't taken steps to make it rain in California, because they don't want it to rain in California. If they wanted it to rain on the west coast, they wouldn't be parking high pressure systems off Oregon and Washington, for months at a time, driving lows in the northern Pacific Ocean up into Canada. All you have to do is pay attention. Two winters running. The data tells the story.

What? You think we don't have the technological wizardry to manipulate the weather?

Man in New Mexico has shown us with official satellite imagery how lows over the Pacific are blown apart and dispersed by descending high pressure. We've all seen it. And don't tell me it's photoshop fraud.

If you want to talk about anthropogenic climate change, then you better include geoengineering, because it's for sure taking place. An honest equation has to include all the input factors, not just the select few that support the model.

Oh, and we haven't even got into vulcanism, but, maybe another time.

Hotspringswizard said...

No, geoengineering is not taking place, but I don't spend too much time these days trying to convince " true believers " that its not. There is ample evidence that shows this, and and have the truth concerning these errant beliefs. Cloud seeding has been implemented at times on very local small scale operations to try and " enhance " rainfall when clouds are present, and the results are not clear, with no good way to really no for sure if these measures actually caused the additional rainfall. Yes we are in an historic drought, and cloud seeding does not make rain fall from clear dry air, so if there are no clouds, why would they seed the blue sky?

Time to go hiking to Deep Creek, and spend quality time with beautiful nature :)

rockpicker said...

So, watch this series of videos and explain to us morons what all this satellite imagery is actually showing.

Hotspringswizard said...

Moron, your word, not mine. The vids are like when my brother used to have a weekly weather report segment, him explaining what was happening with the current weather, and in his interpretation, why as it relates to chemtrails and haarpe. As with this person in your vids, both of their assesments are rife with so many misconceptions laid one on top of another. As I mentioned before, I don't have an interest in going round and round endlessly trying to show chemtrail believers the many ways they are getting things wrong. But the people at the websites I have given do have a special interest in doing just that. I recommend you go there, and as long as you engage in a civil discussion, they have shown consistently that they do try to help folks understand their misconceptions regarding this particular subject. For me, I prefer to spend my time using information resources available to look at other things of what is unfolding in our time that I feel are actually occurring and therefor worth my time to learn about. But then there are a lot of folks in the chemtrail community of believers that would say the sites I mentioned are a bunch of government paid psyops schills intent on trying to fool people and hide the " real " truth of chemtrail activities. That notion is truly laughable, but that is what they think :)

It was such an amazing and gorgeous day at Deep Creek yesterday! I will be back there tomorrow, so wonderful to spend time in serene, pristine nature :)

rockpicker said...

Hotsprings, I've had more illuminating dialogue with fence posts.

Here's another piece of evidence, referred to above, which I'm certain you won't have time for, but which may be of interest to many of our more "critical" thinking members.

Hotspringswizard said...

Rp, you are not finding illumination on this chemtrail subject, because you are not doing what I suggested. Talking to fence post will not help your understanding of this either ;)

rockpicker said...

Ach, aye.

Hotspringswizard said...

Ach, aye?

rockpicker said...

Irish. Like "well, of course," in English.

Hotspringswizard said...

RP, thanks for the clarification :)

freeacre said...

Health update: The Murphinator is back from a 2 day stint in the hospital for a bad case of pneumonia. Still has it, but he is taking anti-biotics (which he hates) and taking it easy. He still has close to zero energy.

I damaged my foot, thought I broke it, but I guess I did not, as it is getting better fast. A nice neighbor has been coming over and helping to feed the livestock and water plants and such. Another friend got Murph out of the hospital for me while I couldn't walk. Survival preps should include making FRIENDS to help out when shit happens to you.

The surgery for the tumor in my breast is scheduled for Sept. 21st, assuming I survive the nuclear stress test Sept. 8.

All in all, I'd rather be with Hot Springs soaking in Deep Creek. Five freezing nights in a row will probably do in the squash and green beans even though we are covering at night. So, I am blanching and freezing veggies like crazy. Giong to make a lamb and vegetable stew that ought to be good.

Take care Guys.

rockpicker said...

Rense is correct. I witnessed the same events. I worked outdoors the winter of 13-14, from October to March, constructing a retaining wall on a north-facing slope in Virginia City, Montana. Elevation, six thousand feet. During said period, we had almost no precipitation. Daytime temps were well above average. Nights were cold, of course, but still warm enough to allow me to cover the wall with a plastic sheet, and insulating concrete blanket, and heat with two cheap electrical milkhouse heaters to keep the mortar from freezing. During the days I typically uncovered the wall to let it dry faster. I can only remember a very few days too cold to work. Believe me, this is not normal for part of the world. Here, outdoor work in winter-time normally requires tents and heaters. So the experience stands out as something unusual. But then, last winter was a repeat I was working in my tee shirt, outdoors, in January. We call that spooky, here.

Meanwhile, snowpack was way off, so the ranchers worry about having enough irrigation water during the summer months. The lack of cold winter weather means the pine beetles survive to thrive, and our forests are showing the effects.

So Rense's article is an attempt to explain what's been happening , and how. We in the Pacific northwest know most of our winter storms come in off the northern Pacific Ocean. They're low pressure systems that originate in northern Asia, and move east across the ocean, usually strengthening, before slamming into the Pacific northwest coast of North America.

What Rense points out in this analyzed window was weather behavior we witnessed throughout most of the winter months, for two consecutive winters. Storms tracking east over the northern ocean consistently, and predictably, were bounced up into British Columbia, or sometimes Alaska, but did not make landfall over Washington and Oregon, as one would expect.

Meanwhile, high pressure remained in place off the west coast, not for days or weeks, but for months, blocking and rerouting the storms we desparately needed.

What can make this happen, Hotsprings? Weather systems are dynamic, but we're seeing what appears to be unnatural intransigence, sustained beyond any credibility.

Thus the claim, the weather manipulators are up to something.

Rense's data are correct. They're not photoshopped. Not fudged. I observed them as he observed them. And the data are sourced from official satellite imagery.

So if geoengineering is a hoax, please explain to us in simple, rational terms, how this is happening.

rockpicker said...

p.s. On one of Rense's satellite maps, one can clearly see the western edge and northern edge of a massive high pressure ridge come together at nineties, similar to anomalies Dutchsinse has pointed out.

Also, as Dane has been saying, warm ocean waters should produce more rain, not less. Maybe you could address that issue as well.

Hotspringswizard said...

Dutchsinse is a perfect example of a person who regularly misinterprets data, satellite maps, etc. Remember his pronouncement after looking at satellite images that the Pigsah Crater here in So Cal was having a huge eruption plume, when in truth that crater has been dormant for thousands of years, and absolutely nothing was occurring. He did not even bother to contact actual people, like BLM Rangers in the area to find out if anything was actually occurring. He just wants to " wow " people with his supposed gift of seeing things in satellite images that other cannot see. I have seen some of his many vids where he interprets things. His interpretations and info are ridiculous.

I would recommend you refer your questions RP about weather to professional meteorologist, not to people like Dutchsinse, Rense, Dane, etc. They are all misinterpreting satellite images regularly. The people at discuss these issues too, don't be afraid to post and ask your questions there, they won't bite ;)I know its an impossible task to sway the false notions of people on these subjects, so as I said, I do not spend my time trying to do it. Instead of me going endlessly round and round in a discussion that never will end, I prefer to put my efforts toward understanding other aspects of the unfolding and quickly changing world situation.

Hotspringswizard said...

The world average temperature is increasing, which definitely is causing more evaporation, causing increased atmospheric moisture, so total precipitation as a result is increasing too. Dane is wrong when he cites that there is less worldwide precipitation. Like for example, just because we here on the west coast are experiencing a historic drought, this is one region, not the whole world. Increased moisture in the atmosphere represent more energy for creating climate events of various extremes. For example, just last week there were at the same time, 3 category 4 hurricanes going in the Pacific. This was unprecedented. There were never even 3 Cat 3's going at one time before this. The atmosphere will have increasing energy for creating such events.

Hotspringswizard said...

Sorry to hear about Murphs health issues. I hope he regains his energy. I would be great Freeacre to have a soak down at Deep Creek Hot Springs with you. I was down there yesterday, it was a magnificent time :)

RP, a while ago you brought up that Marvin Herndon was citing that Coal Fly Ash was being sprayed out of planes regarding " geoengineering "

I would refer you to this post at

His info has been thoroughly debunked, and also refer to page 7 and the most recent postings, his research had now been retracted for its erroneous assumptions/interpretations and unscientific proposals.

I found this comment by Trailblazer especially amusing,

" LOL. "His paper was proven to be hopelessly flawed, which is the best evidence he was right"! "

rockpicker said...

Hotsprings, you say Rense misinterpreted the satellite data in the referenced article. Would you be so kind as to show us specific instances of the author making claims that are not substantiated by the satellite evidence he's included?

As I said, weather is dynamic. In this case, high pressure is observed to hover in a static mode for a duration clearly challenging credulity. It was not natural. It was man-made. If you think the behavior of this high pressure ridge was normal and natural, then you must supply us with the mechanism. Please tell us how this works.

rockpicker said...

Excerpt from an interesting piece by Glenn Greenwald:

"Government plans to monitor and influence internet communications, and covertly infiltrate online communities in order to sow dissension and disseminate false information, have long been the source of speculation. Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, a close Obama adviser and the White House’s former head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, wrote a controversial paper in 2008 proposing that the US government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups."

Divisiveness seems to be the order of the day. Divide and conquer, the strategy.

Hotspringswizard said...

" then you must supply us ". As I suggested several times RP, go to and ask them about these issues you have questions on, chemtrails, satellite image interpretations, etc. They have lots of valid and credible information on these subjects, and the shown interest to spend lots of time trying to help folks understand the errors in their expressed beliefs. Its interesting that the one place that has the most info that could show you the clear false nature of chemtrail beliefs, is apparently a source where you choose not to go. Like when Dane calls metabunk a disinformation website, when the exact opposite is actually the case. Dane's geoengineeringwatch is the disinformation website, and the truth on this is at metabunk.

rockpicker said...

On the contrary, Hotsprings. I went to metabunk as soon as you first suggested it I found the explanations there little better than garbled babel. Frankly, I think they pander to people who have a relatively minimal grasp of scientific principles and, thus, have difficulty figuring things out for themselves.

I'm certain you disagree. But, you did bad-mouth Dutch and Rense both, without showing us exactly where and how each has misinterpreted the data. Concerning Pisgah, near where you reside, the area from there south to the Gulf of California is acknowledged to be heating up, so a small steam vent episode would not be unthinkable.

And as for getting federal officials to admit such might have been the case, well, good luck with that. They won't even admit the Pacific is dying due to Fukushima radiation, when we know radiation readings are in the triple digits in every major city in the country. Even Wood's Hole has admitted finding cesium in samples taken west of L.A. (recent news)

As far as Rense goes, he presented the date to back up his claims. It's pretty damned obvious what he claimed to observe is substantiated by the evidence he presented, so I think you need to show us what you mean by "misinterpretation of the data," or apologize to the man.

Hotspringswizard said...

Me apologize to people who believe in things that are not real? No thanks RP :) Your first paragraph makes my point why trying to explain things to you on these subjects would be futile. I did not see where you posted any questions at Metabunk. That is what I suggested that you do, not just go there. The point about Pigsah is that no volcanic eruption of any sort ever happened. This " conclusion " Dutchsinse came up with by interpreting wrongly satellite images. He as well as Rense and Dane, do the same thing all the time.

freeacre said...

Take a look at his, People. What do you think? It's about the refugee situation in Europe and England. Yeow!

Hotspringswizard said...

The media keeps calling them migrants, but like you wrote Freeacre, they are refugees. The US and European powers blew up so many countries on fraudulent, made up reasons, creating mass chaos and instability, now they get the blow back. This situation is going to get much worse.

Is Murph feeling any better?

rockpicker said...

What's metabunk have to say concerning the radiation from Fuku?

Hotspringswizard said...

Metabunk does debunk other subjects, but I have only been seeing what is new that they are discussing on the chemtrail/contrail issues. I read a lot of different viewpoints/interpretations on the impacts of the ongoing Fukushima nuclear dire situation. I will take a look at your link RP. With so many ( 400+ ) nuclear facilities around the world, clearly its only a matter of time before this kind of thing happens again.

I check out the news aggregation site of Rice Farmer regularly, here is the link:

He lives in Japan. I agree his opinion that there will never be enough funds to decommission all of the ageing reactors around the world, so the dire problems related to these reactors and their lifespans will be a growing nightmare for humanity.

Hotspringswizard said...

Kunstler's thoughts today on the refugee situation.

Hotspringswizard said...

Thoughts from Gerald Celente in the second half of this Max Keiser episode

rockpicker said...

In commemoration of the 9/11 attacks, here's an interview with an author of a new book about the event. Lots of new information.

Hotspringswizard said...

rockpicker said...

does it matter?

Hotspringswizard said...

That depends on what " it " is ;)

rockpicker said...

question is, who will be blamed for preventing it?

rockpicker said...

Dave Hodges has issued this alert.

Hotspringswizard said...

Aaron Hawkins, his website being Storm Clouds Gathering, where the video about world war 3 that I gave the link to here is posted, is featured on RT's most recent documentary titled " Mosaic Of Facts " which you can currently view on the RT TV channel. He is the one doing much of the narration for this particular episode, and he is shown in some parts.

rockpicker said...

Wasn't it the events of 9/11 that originally brought us all together?

I understand the amount of money the Pentagon cannot account for is now over $8 trillion. Oh, well.

rockpicker said...

Man. Very weird.

rockpicker said...

Uh-oh. Wonder what Mick, over at metabunk, will have to say about this?

Hotspringswizard said...

That last link RP, I can't get anything to come up, it just locks up my computer. Whats it about? Any other links for it?

rockpicker said...

HSW, try searching this article title:

"Monte Frank, Jeremy Richman, & Curtis Urbina Have A Lot Of Explaining To Do", posted by Barry Miller.

It's a piece claiming that Avielle Rose Richman, a child supposedly killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting, is actually Lenie Urbina, daughter of Curtis and Michelle Urbina.

Lots of photos and videos in the piece.

Hotspringswizard said...

Yes that works, thanks RP :)

rockpicker said...

Another executive order.

Hotspringswizard said...

And the ice will keep melting.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was Adam and Eve that took care of inventing death. The corporations are just making mobey off how Satan is doing it. Well, sure is a different narrative. Blessing on the campfire as we do difficult times.

Hotspringswizard said...

" Shell says it will cease Alaska offshore Arctic drilling "


Trying to drill for gas and oil in the Arctic is/was crazy in the first place. Just one of the many sure signs of a desperation to get oil, anywhere, somehow, because the easy to get high quality oil is now waning. Modern societies were built to run on these hydrocarbon fuels and access to them worldwide is now declining, as a practical and economic matter. Shell has spent 7 Billion thus far, with nothing to show for it. So much for the Arctic " oil bonanza " to come, soon to go the way of the now collapsing fracking boondoogle that was hyped into a fantasy delusion of saving the day in terms of declining supplies from conventional fields and drilling methods. Coal production is now collapsing too. The worlds growth prospects are very directly tied to the availability and cost of these fuels, so contraction is now, and will be into the foreseeable future, the new normal.

Hotspringswizard said...

.....I've suggested in a previous piece that the drop in oil prices and the decline in global oil production that I anticipate mean the world is headed toward an economic recession. I've also suggested that this may be no ordinary recession, but rather the beginning of a very long and painful adjustment to new global realities that include continuing constraints on energy supplies, growing damage and economic effects from climate change and increasing geopolitical instability.....

rockpicker said...

Hotsprings, you been listening to old Mike Ruppert Lifeboat Hour shows?

Dane's on Rense tonight, last hour.

Hotspringswizard said...

RP, I have not been listening to old Ruppert Lifeboat shows. Why do you ask? I know Carolyn Baker took over the task doing the lifeboat hour for a time after Ruppert committed suicide, but I don't see anything on her website anymore about it. Maybe she is not doing it anymore I guess.

Hotspringswizard said...

Dane on Rense, darn, I missed that one, maybe next time ;)

rockpicker said...

That's okay. I'm sure you'll get another chance to listen to Dane...

In the meantime, here's a short entry from Dutch:

And remember, folks, weather modification is just nonsense talk by people trying to scare you into buying survival food and ammo.

Hotspringswizard said...

Read through the comments in this Metabunk thread to see how Dane and others consistently, and purposely alter information and images to make it appear to be something other than what it actually is. Their intention is obviously to deceive, and they have been sent information which shows them their misrepresentations, and they ignore these truths put right in their lap. Clearly this is one of the reason's that Dane does not allow any dissenting commentary whatsoever on his geoengineering website or his face book page, he must keep his flock insulated from troubling truths that would call into questions his ideas, information that would clearly show his deceptions:

And just today this in this thread " Here are debunks of two of Dane's more recent claims ", check out the vids.

Anonymous said...

Rockpicker - Hedges has not demonstrated any evidence whatsoever that the “FEMA camps” actually exist. Nor does the YouTube video he used prove anything regarding FEMA camps. Nor does any of the rest of his article convey any evidence. Typically, Hedges uses conjecture and straw arguments in a pathetic attempt to claim there are FEMA camps. Show us the EVIDENCE, not the conjecture. Hedges is very stupid, another school/tool for the reactionary right-wing idiots such as yourself. 90% of his articles are simply strings of conjecture and straw arguments. It is a common technique to "paint" whatever image they're trying to convey - but it is not real evidence. Wake up - Hedges is part of the propaganda for your mind.

Anonymous said...

Rockpicker - I checked your other link on Hedges and his bogus "alert".

Don’t you yet realize that Hedges is just like Alex Jones and all of his information and “alerts” are totally bogus? The evidence is “there” (nothing ever comes true, he’s always using “anonymous sources” and it’s always constant fear mongering). When will you wake up and start holding these liars accountable for their deceptions?

Hedges is the cleaned-up Jones, but he’s just as bad with the truth. You seem to be seriously brainwashed by this guy and other conspiracy garbage. It’s a dark, depressing little world you live in.

There are many reasons why Hedges, Jones and many others are never quoted for information by quality bloggers and websites (because these men are conspiracy idiots and are deliberately engaged in mass brainwashing the public).

Promoting misinformation is leading to the dumbing down of Americans. They're actually the real enemy of truth. And it’s being replicated by millions of other idiots just like yourself.

freeacre said...

A shout out to Stoney and Palooka - hope you and your families are coping OK with the weather back east. Let us know how it is going.

Hotspringswizard said...

Comparing Chris Hedges thoughts and ideas to Alex Jones, as if they were the same or similar, is downright laughable :) Hmmmm, quality bloggers and websites, and which ones are those? Hedges is actually highly intelligent, and all about the truth, something not often seen or heard in this land of dumbed down Americans. Now Jones on the other hand is quite looney in many respects. I saw him in a fairly recent interview with my brother Dane, and it was an hour long discussion of utter nonsense, mountains of metal raining down from the sky, oh boy :)

Hotspringswizard said...

Nothing from Sats? How are they doing?

rockpicker said...

Hahaha, Anonymous...bitching about "anonymous sources." That's rich.

And the obvious mispelling of your intended victim's name speaks volumes to the quality of your research. Such an error would have gotten you flunked out of senior seminar, where I went to J-school.

"Conspiracy idiot?" What masochistic urge compelled that outburst? Or didn't you realize this site is home to clear-thinking people who distrust the fascist, totalitarian-eugenicist corporate propaganda dished out by the government-owned presstitutes you apparently still hold in high esteem.

If you will recall, it was reactionaries from both the left and right who empowered Bush Jr. to go into Afghanistan after 9/11, and later, into Iran. It was the 9/11 truthers, skeptical of the government's position, who balked. Those of us who formed this website collectively opposed sending troops to the Middle East. The presstitute corps couldn't wait to be embedded.

And now, like Putin asked last week, "see what you have done?" No, you don't, because you are in supreme and total denial. Your attitude transcends mere weather manipulation issues. You desperately want to believe everything is really okay, despite all the signs pointing negative. And you want us to believe, too.

Sorry, pal. Robbie Parker's performance, the five dancing Israelis, the three unmentionable nuclear reactors in China syndrome meltdown have done way too much damage for thinking people to believe anything the government/media says holds water.

The brainwashing is official

rockpicker said...

Case in point:

But, no doubt, metabunk will come up with a rationalization...

rockpicker said...

And, more whacko conspiracy:

Don't be concerned. Just crazy people trying to make you just as crazy as they are...

Anonymous said...

Hotspringswizard - my bad, misspelled. It was Dave Hodges (not Chris Hedges who makes a lot more sense then most people) that I was referring to. Rockpicker used him (Dave Hodges) as a source for more of his nonsense. Hodges is a total clown.

Rockpicker - by the links you shared, you are indeed a conspiracy "idiot". You've refused Hotspringswizard clear advice and instead, continue to spout utter nonsense in most posts (as the record shows).

The rest of your latest diatribe will be ignored (straw arguments - non-relevant).

You're not bright enough to read the good research on the conspiracies you promote (for whatever reason) and pick out the numerous conjectures made.

Here's a hint though - if one of your arguments if fatally flawed because of conjecture or bad / doctored evidence (such as the photo of the jet contrails) it's a hint to everyone else that the rest of your arguments are also as poorly thought out and indefensible.

Your recalcitrant position indicates you're not willing to admit to any error, which makes you an "idiot" - someone who is provably wrong but too stubborn (or stupid) to admit it.

Hotspringswizard said...

Anon, I was perplexed by your earlier comparison of Jones to Hedges. Thanks for the clarification. I am not familiar with this Hodges person. RP, at Metabunk, specifically on the subject of chemtrails/contrails they have a lot of great info, including facts, and more importantly the interpret facts ( not rationalizations ) in a sensible and accurate way, as opposed to the very regular erroneous interpretations of " facts " by people like Dutchsinse, Rense, and Dane.

Like for example Dane cites a patent for spraying that he has never shown any proof that it is actually being, or ever has been used in real life. Also that recent debunking regarding that specific patent shows substances that Dane says are part of the patent process that are not even mentioned, and, the purpose/function of the patent is completely different than what Dane describes it as being. Dane has been sent the info showing his misinterpretations on this, and he ignores it.

At Danes website he puts up all sorts of information. I would like to mention that he does speak to various issues of things going on in the world that I would agree are legitimate events and concerns. But his website is based on the notion that there is a worldwide ongoing for 60 years massive program of fleets of tanker planes flying around the globe spraying mountains of metal that he feels to one degree or another is behind pretty much most of the ills affecting humanity.

His views on this and other things like these supposed chemtrail programs in association with haarpe, and his other ideas for instance like chemically nucleated storms, etc, etc, are simply put, a bunch of made up ideas that are not real. Some people would say that folks who believe in things that are not real are delusional. Dane on the other hand says other people are delusional that do not believe in his made up/non real world of ideas about chemtrails/haarpe and many other ridiculous notions spun out of this in to a fictional narrative of his perceived reality.

Regarding a person like Alex Jones, I would say that I would not disagree with everything he discusses, but like Dane, there is a mixture of understanding some things clearly, mixed with a lot of erroneous notions. It is an interesting feature of the human mind were persons can understand certain concepts, events, realities in a clear manner, and yet be completely lost in believing in other made up non real ideas.

I will tell you something here which may help you understand Dane in a different light. Dane when he saw the movie Avatar, was very, very much moved and affected by its story and message. He identified intensely with the character Jake, and even told me in a phone conversation how he wished that he could ( in some sense ) be in the role in the real world of what Jake did in Avatar. Well now Dane has found his way to fulfill that role in his life. I think Dane really thinks chemtrails/haarpe and all the rest of his professed erroneous ideas are real, and that he is engaged in a " real " legitimate endeavor to try and bring the dire threat that these things present to public awareness....


Hotspringswizard said...

....Unfortunately in a world that is truly facing so many dire unfolding realities for human socities, Dane turns it all into something confirming his notions. So as the world enters into more and more difficult times for humans, I think there is no way that Dane will ever be able to see the truth of his false made up notions about chemtrails/haarpe, etc being behind it all. For Dane to actually face this truth would be too devastating to his mind, so I think he will never be able to break free of these beliefs. Right now, he is a hero, fighting the battle to save the world, and some tiny percentage of people will always be there to give him admiration and adulation for what he does. I just can't see him ever getting to the point where he would have to or could admit that he was so wrong about all this chemtrail/geoengineering concepts, and then he would have to face the truth that his efforts caused a lot of people around the world to be scared and mentally despondent about the " repercussions " of his many ideas, like poinening every breath we take, every bite we eat. Dane throughout his life has been amazingly industrious, its just sad that he is, and will continue, to waste his talents on these made up/ non real ideas he has about chemtrails/geoengineering.

In the meantime, the world situation for humans is year by year becoming more precarious, and I will continue to have an interest in learning what I can about how things are evolving, and maybe it will help me to make some decisions about my life that will help me, my family and others I share info with to get along better. I was talking to someone recently about world events, and I told them that part of why I try and understand things better, is that I do try to share what I have learned with people, in hopes it will help them in their lives in some way too. That is one of the main reasons for putting the information that I do at my hotspringswizard blog. At that website, I just see it as a good place where I can put up info that I deem worth considering from various sources. Then it provides me with an easy way to direct people to it if they are inclined to want to learn about such things.

I am very fortunate to have been able to retire at 50, seven years ago. This has given me the circumstances to be able to have time to do quite a lot of research about the world, and things going on for its societies. My purpose has always been to try and understand as clearly and accurately as I can what is really going on. Of course a person can never achieve complete understanding. And in consideration of things like quantum physics suggesting that reality may just be an illusion after all, what this existence means is a mystery, and the ultimate depths will never be comprehended by humans. The architecture of their infinitely complex minds being just a part of that mystery.

So what I do in consideration of concepts like this, is try to develop some framework by which to assess what is going on around me. Patterns in life help a lot in this regard, because without patterns, nothing in life would make any sense. Its easily accepted to say that fire is hot, but something more complex, like just what does the TPP entail and mean, is more problematic to understand, depending on your worldview. I see on RT.TV that the TPP is now law and has been passed. Of course the stock market casino is happy about that :)

Well that is enough for now, anybody still awake out there ;)

Hotspringswizard said...

Regarding this notion that planes are " spraying " out substances, which make up the trails of various sizes/extents in the skies, there is this observation about that which clearly shows how nonsensical that notion is. When you have a plane that is known to be truly releasing some substance, like a crop duster for example, the sprayed trail is most visible once released, but then because of the basic laws of nature, and under the influence of variable weather conditions, this trail of substance becomes more and more dispersed, and consequently it also becomes less and less visible the longer the timeframe from the initial release of the substance.

Now lets consider the trails left by high flying jets in the skies. On days conducive to their formation, they visibly come out of the planes, but instead of becoming less visible, more dispersed as one would reasonably expect if it were a sprayed substance, the trails grow and grow to huge proportions compared to what was seen coming initially out of the plane.

How chemtrail believers cannot realize that a sprayed trail of substance could not possibly become more visible and grow even larger over time from the initial release from the plane is something that indicates that they can, and will also easily misinterpret other types of info regarding this issue. Its completely impossible that the trails would grow in size if they were a sprayed substance.

Another very basic observation which clearly defies the understanding of chemtrail believers, is that given the huge size of the huge trails seen, if you calculate in even the roughest sense ( and metabunk has threads on this ) the amount of material/substance that a plane would have to release to create a horizon to horizon trail which do occur on conducive days to trail formation, it would be utterly impossible for planes to carry that much material to spray out a visible trail of that huge size and distance. Think of a firefighter jet, which there are some in the world, and they can only leave a dump/trail little more than a quarter mile, maybe half mile at the most.

Also, if the chemtrail believers actually took the time to get high resolution photo equipment, combined with info from flight tracker sites available to the public, they would see that the planes that are leaving trails are predominantly just commercial airline traffic, which means these planes would not only have to be caring all the passengers, but also the supposed chemtrail spray materials too.

But you know its a lost cause trying to move on to the other myriad other points that show these ideas of a worldwide gigantic program of spray planes to be false, and how its so blatantly obvious that what is proposed by the chemtrail believers is profoundly impossible, when you can't even get them to see the realities of what I discussed above.

freeacre said...

Anonymous, as much as I enjoy name-calling and vulgar gestures, I do not indulge in either with folks who attend our cyber campfire. We have a long history here of entertaining conflicting ideas or information without resorting to insulting each other. I consider it one of our strengths.

So, knock it off, or I will dismiss you as a shill and you will be deleted.

rockpicker said...

Okay, this is some serious misinformation that Rense has picked up on. Infowars is one thing. LA Times is quite something else.

The media is full of liars. Academia is full of liars. The government, liars, sponsors both. It keeps each on a tight, short string. Exactly like it controlled the ufo research in the fifties and sixties.

For a great example of an intelligent, free-thinking individual, (remember them?), with credentials, and guts to tell you the truth, (demean this guy, meta bonkers), go here: Wendell Stevens, USAF, retired, studying ufo's for fifty years. Check it out...

Chemtrails, when sprayed, are WHITE and DENSE. As in, OPAQUE. Got that? They almost always are layed out perpendicular to the prevailing winds, from MY PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS. Within minutes of dispense, a distinctive sawtooth edge develops on the lee side of the spray line. (Tell me you haven't noticed this,). Something is very obviously precipitating out, on one side of the line only, (the lee side,). So, I'm talking detailed observation, here, and I expect detailed debunking, boys.

From this thick, white deposit you will see the chemtrail disperse and thin-out into mares' tails and slyphs. Sometimes they completely disappear, as they did a week ago today over the Ruby Valley of southwestern Montana. Thirty to fifty persistent contrails, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm. Look us up on a map. Why would this number of airplanes be aloft over our part of the Great American Desert?

We say it's real. You say it's not. Sounds like it's all just opinions, to me. Only, we can prove academia and military and government have been talking about just such programs for decades, and, given the powers that be and their self-admitted embrace of eugenics and depopulation programs, what makes you think they are not doing EXACTLY what we claim they are doing?

Are you prepared to fly up into military airspace and take samples, to allay our fears? No, I thought not. Well, we can't do that either. We're not allowed to. So let's agree not to hold that against each other, because it's a stupid argument. It's your bullshit against our bullshit, and your bullshit happens to be copacetic with the status quo, which we all know is bullshit! That's why we're here, in the first place.
So, there you go. Good little Germans, marching in step with the fascist drumbeat.

You can't respond because you have no basis in history, and no interest in current events. The Bilderbergers are real, Bud. Turner and Gates and Kissinger and Rummy and Paul Erlich, et al., really do want most of us on the planet dead by 2025. They publish books about it. Give speeches. We're just too stupid to listen.

rockpicker said...

Sorry. Forgot to include the link to Rense's website. When it opens, check out the current illustration. From CNN to LA Times. Screw weather manipulation! How about mind manipulation?

Hotspringswizard said...

Hmmm, is this meant for anon " You can't respond because you have no basis in history, and no interest in current events "? It would not be accurate in regards to me, and since you do not know anon, you would have no way of knowing if your thought is accurate for him either RP. I seriously doubt that he fits that description. What I have told you about the chemtrail issues is not bullshit, but I understand that you won't be swayed from your ardent belief that the type of info that Dane cites regarding them is real. Actually I do have a little German in me, and some Choctaw Indian too :) I did do some marching too, in the band, and when I was a youngster in the Civil Air Patrol, the closest that I ever came to being in the military industrial complex, whew, that was close ;) And now they are mind manipulating us? If they are the ones making me go to the hot springs, I am ok with that ;)

Simply put, the trails you are seeing are atmospheric moisture along with a small amount of other water produced as a byproduct of the combustion process in the burning of fuels in high flying planes, and this moisture/water then condenses around the small particles emitted as another byproduct of the burning of the airplane fuels, and these particles stream out behind the engines and then the moisture/water condenses as ice particles around these nuclei, on a small level or not at all when the upper atmosphere is dryer, and much more so the more moist/humid it gets. These are basically like cirrus clouds, and they spread out in all sorts of ways/forms depending on how the specific weather in the area where they are emitted affects them. That's really all it is you are seeing. As I suggested before, the metabunk people would help you with your questions, but I have not seen you there asking them anything. I don't think you would accept their answers to you though, just as you do not accept my explanations here either. And now, time for me to move on to other subjects than this.

Hotspringswizard said...

A couple of excellent videos with Abby Martin and Chris Hedges, the links to them in Survival Acres most recent post:

freeacre said...

Well, one more day until the surgery. Scheduled for Thursday. Lumpectomy and breast reduction reconstruction. Hopefully that will relieve a lot of pressure on my back and shoulders, so it would be a good thing. Send good thoughts to the surgeons.

We just watched an excellent documentary entitled "Pink Ribbons, Inc." I hope Bernie Sanders has seen it. It shows, among other things, how Reagan moved the idea of funding health care to privatizing it to corporations and NGO's. How it is now a huge business that raises hundreds of millions of dollars a year to go to "research" over which there is no oversight or coordination. And breast cancer has gone from 1 in 20 to 1 in 8 women. Hardly any money goes into prevention or even figuring out what they are dealing with. All these miles walked, and going nowhere. You really have to see the documentary. It's on Netflix.

I can't remember where I ran into it, but Cuba seems to have a cure or vaccine for lung cancer, I think. They sell it to their people for a dollar. That ought to tell us something.

rockpicker said...

Freeacre, you are in our thoughts and prayers for the next few days. Here the skies are blue and the sun blazes in chill air. Cottonwoods flare, an ore the miners missed, and wend down worked-out placers to the valley floor. It's my birthday time. Oldensoul has made penne regata and a sauce from the garden. Hay is up. Potatoes are in. May all go well for you Thursday and beyond.

rockpicker said...

Low pressure in the northeast Pacific, projected to hit Vancouver Island. Let's see if they allow this one in.

Hotspringswizard said...

Hope all goes well with your surgery Freeacre. I know you will give us an update once you are able to. I have been wondering if Murph is past his recent illness? I have not seen him post here in a while. I did a hike to Deep Creek Hot Springs yesterday and had a wonderful soak and many fun chats with people. It was so beautiful soaking under the stars before I finally hiked out at around 10PM. I am going again tomorrow, and Katrina did a post at the Deep Creek Hot Springs Forum ( I am one of the moderators there, post name Wizard ) that there will be a meteor shower that night. I hope I see some while soaking in the Pheonix Pool, my favorite one. Last night it was 102, just perfect :)

Hotspringswizard said...

I am also a member and admin for a face book hiking group. Its called HD Hikers, which stands for High Desert Hikers. My friend Tom started it, and we now have almost 1000 members. Its a closed group but all you have to do is request to join, and we always approve people promptly. We have only had to block several people who joined because they tried to advertise items unrelated to hiking. I regularly post various pics there, mostly photos taken during my Deep Creek hikes :)

Hotspringswizard said...

In the most recent post at Survival Acres, geoengineeringwatch is mentioned:

Anonymous said...

Good luck today, FA! Hope the docs got a good night's sleep last night.

And hope you're feeling better, Murph.


freeacre said...

Thanks for the good thoughts, Everybody. I'm back home. The procedure went well. My chest looks like the Bride of Frankenstein. I am up in the middle of the night taking another pain pill. I think my last words before undergoing the knife were "Katie Curic perky"... to the surgeon, then, lights out. I awakened to my boobs hiked up to just under my throat. Well, that may be somewhat overstated.

After watching "Pink Ribbons, Inc." I will never see those ribbons the same way again. Making them all pink and warm and fuzzy seems to divert attention from the dark side of the industry.

Back to bed before I start scrambling my words..

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT news, FA. Glad you made it out alright. Whew! Hope you can relax, heal quickly and not think about stuff that sucks.


murph said...

I came across this talk by Chris Martenson that looks right on to me.

Hotspringswizard said...

Chris Martenson always has good info/insights. Hope you heal up well from your surgery Freeacre :) New video up at Storm Clouds Gathering, World War III, The New Equation:

Hotspringswizard said...

Empire Of Disaster

rockpicker said...

Excerpt from Ben Fulford article:

"Former US President, and long term Nazionist Fuhrer, George Bush Sr. showed his fear recently when he was asked by a truth seeker about secret US government projects. Bush answered “Americans can’t handle the truth,” before being shut up by his handlers.

What truth can’t they handle Bush? The fact that you and your cabal assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and thousands of others? The fact that you took over funds meant for the people of the world and used them to advance your genocidal fascist New World Order? The fact that you and your fellow Nazionists manufactured and spread deadly diseases like HIV, Ebola, Bird Flu, SARS etc? The fact you sold US military secrets to the Chinese and North Koreans? The fact your gang murdered close to 3000 people on 911 to stage a fascist coup? What about the chemtrails, the plan to microchip the people etc? The list goes on but, let us face it, you know that, as you told Journalist Sarah Mclendon in 1992, “if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”

Article can be found here:

Hope he knows what he's talking about...

rockpicker said...

Anybody catch Chris Hedges on Alternative Radio, on NPR, recently? The man redefines the term "articulate."

rockpicker said...

So, what happened to that huge cyclonic system in the east Pacific? Last week it stretched from Gulf of Alaska to San Diego, and promised some drought relief. Where did it go? The ocean is warmer than usual. There should be more evaporation, right? Should be raining, not drought conditions.

freeacre said...

My Weird-Shit-O-Meter is pegged.

I hope Stoney and family didn't get flooded.

Rita said...

I have been watching this nine part series. Highly recommend everyone watch this.

rockpicker said...

Thanks, Rita. Will do. And here's another bit of evidence indicting the U.S. government for weather manipulation.

rockpicker said...

Here's a good interview with Graham Hancock:

Hotspringswizard said...

Its been raining big time the last couple of days down her in So Cal. I guess the " weather makers " must have been asleep at the job ;) Why didn't their massive " blanket spraying " aerosolize all the moisture away? Did they change their minds about droughting out the state so they could by up all the farmland on the cheap, and take over the food supply? It will be interesting to see how the chem people try to explain away, justify the occurrence of all this rain :) Once again their explanations will have nothing to do with reality.

Hotspringswizard said...

" Basically what Dane Wigington did is that he used quotes from a conspiracist organization to support his own conspiracy theory, while pretending that those quotes are statements of fact from a credible congressional report "

" There really seems to be no level of dishonesty to which Dane won't stoop to further his "cause". And you just know that these quotes will now take on a life of their own and become attributed to "government officials", and that no chemtrail believer will actually take the trouble to source or fact-check them "

The truth is out there RP, you just have to look in the right place ;)

Notice in the comments how its illustrated once again how Dane will purposely leave out certain parts of the info, so that what he claims seems legit. Dane always rails about being truthful, and yet he does these deceptive things to achieve his ends. Just like taking a photo that has a caption below it explaining what the pic is about, deleting that caption, and then putting his own captions which describes things that have nothing to do with the original image.

rockpicker said...

Thousand -year deluges in the middle of thousand-year droughts. Sounds normal to me.

2.9 inches of rain in thirty minutes? Reminds me of Randy Newman's lyrics, "they're trying to wash us away."

On Ben Davidson's site, Suspicious Observers:

Look for show for Oct. 16--2015 SWx Record Flux, NASA OOPS-- at 3:17 he shows a pressure map of North America and the eastern Pacific. That's the low I've been watching hover over the northeastern Pacific for going on three weeks now. It's parked there. What can make that happen?

Our weather behaves now like the price of gold. Defies logic and natural laws.

Look at gold. Everybody wants it. Supply is woefully behind demand. Price keeps going down. There's only one explanation. Manipulation

Hotspringswizard said...

Ahh, Gold prices are a sure indication that the weather is being manipulated, its brilliant ;) Who came up with that one, Dane, Rense, Dutchsinse :) Humans have enjoyed a 10,000 year spell of quite stable climate, something which considering the history of earths weather is not the usual state. We are manipulating the weather by our actions of burning various carbon based fuels, increasing CO2, releasing vast amounts of Methane from other sources, heating the atmosphere, which is now creating more and more chaotic, not what we are used to weather. 2015 is well on track to blow away last years record warmest year. Even though the earths temp, measured as an average is, and has been getting warmer, the reality is it still produces all the types of weather/climate that there is, in much larger and more chaotic forms. Just like even considering all the cold experienced by the eastern US in the last few years, the earth's average temp is still rising. But things like that fool a whole lot of people. Now, I am off to check out the Gold prices to see just how much they are manipulating/scheduling the climate today ;)

Hotspringswizard said...

excerpt from comment today at 6:28 AM ,

" Ultimately the driving force behind these particular conspiracies is the vagaries of the weather. "

" When you have it fixed in your mind that the weather is being heavily modified, then any weather at all becomes evidence of that modification. No matter that the weather always changes anyway, and that extreme weather is simply something that happens from time to time, the theorist will always attempt to discern some intentional force behind the weather. "

Hotspringswizard said...


Looks like some weather coming for Sheriden, MT too ;)

rockpicker said...

Yeah. Tell me how forecasters knew over a week ago that the weather change would occur today. We've been under the influence of high pressure for three weeks. That means blue skies, no wind and fairly warm temperatures at the surface. Also, extremely low relative humidity. But some days we see almost no airplane traffic, and some days we can count as many as ten long, expanding chemtrails criss-crossing the sky at once. As I said before, southwestern Montana is off the beaten flyway. My guess is that not more than ten commercial flights come over here per day, so what are all these cobwebs in clear, cold, dry air? One day they're here. Next day, nada. Conditions remain stable.

You said persistent contrails occur under specific conditions. Yesterday, while driving to work, I witnessed a plane flying in a southwesterly direction making a normal contrail, in amongst a web of persistent "chemtrails." Can't have it both ways, Hotsprings.

And, the gold price analogy is valid. The price of gold has been manipulated. If you disagree with that conclusion, please explain your logic.

The weather ,too, has been manipulated. We have the means and the motive.

Hotspringswizard said...

Comment yesterday at 11:39PM,

" Chemtrails, I know they don't exist because as a Flight Service Specialist for 27 years I've had the training and experience in weather and aviation to know how contrails form and sometimes under the right conditions, persist and even spread out to form cirrus cloud. Over the last month or so I have been posting in the Twitter realm, trying to show by various means that the above is true and chemtrails do not exist. Well as you might imagine, I've been met with some pretty nasty language, everything from troll to shill, to brain dead, paid government disinformation agent, been told that I'm banned, to shut the f up, and on and on. It seems the more I try to convince them of the real truth, they become more entrenched in their belief that it's deadly chemicals, geo-engineering or whatever else they can dream up. They will absolutely will not even entertain the possibility that they may be wrong. I've posted satellite pics of current water vapour maps that can show where contrails are likely to form, and even more important, where they are NOT likely to form, and have circled these areas. I've also posted maps of USA showing all the planes currently in the air to give some idea of how many planes cross our skies, and also hi level aeronautical charts showing all the intersecting airways over a busy airport, which explains the "crosshatch" pattern commonly shown to "prove" that "they" are trying to kill us with multiple chemtrails.
But, I'm not giving up, even if I only get through to a few, then I feel that I've done something positive. It just pains me to read the fear that is being spread by this nonsense. "

Hotspringswizard said...

And this most recent comment,

" Strangely enough, expecting them to react like rational adults is what gets me into trouble. It can be extremely frustrating when you show someone something which should open their eyes to the fallacy of the chemtrail hoax and they just twist and contort in unbelievable ways to avoid enlightenment, all the time spewing nasty insults at you, but becoming deeply indignant if you make the mildest sarcastic comment. :rolleyes: They are bound and determined to maintain the beliefs they have adopted. It seems they have SO much invested in them, on a personal level, that it would destroy them on some deep level to let go of their world view. "

Hotspringswizard said...

I do think that the gold price is being manipulated to keep it lower. But gold prices have nothing to do with proving that chemtrails are real. You are using that as a Straw Man argument. Dane does the same all the time, putting legitimate information next to the non real, unrelated chemtrail ideas he believes in. He puts things together like that in his articles and discussions. But his false beliefs are not made true just because it is surrounded by valid info/subjects. Another thing he does is reference articles that cite info he agrees with, but within which there is no reference at all to chemtrails or geoengineering, then at the end he comments that the casual factor behind the info is really chemtrails/geoengineering and that the people from which the info comes from are scared, being paid not to tell the truth, etc, etc, when the reality is there are no connection at all of the info in these articles to Dane's errant ideas. The info in these cases has nothing to do with chemtrails/geoengineering, its not even a consideration and is completely unrelated. Its like for example Dane citing, which he has done, that agent orange was sprayed in Vietnam, and therefor it must be true that there exist a worldwide chemtrail spray program. He tries to imply that the one, proves the other.

You wrote RP " ten long, expanding chemtrails ". You remember recently I spoke to this idea, and yet you did not answer my question, so I will ask it again. Explain to me how a plane, spraying out a stream of solid particles in a plume, could possibly have the occurrence of that plume getting larger, expanding, the further away the plane goes from what it sprayed out. How does this fixed amount of substance grow in size by huge proportions in time and distance from the plane? Are you not able to see that this defies logic, or common sense? Plus you did not answer my other question, explain how a plane could possibly carry up enough solid material to spray a huge plume across the sky from horizon to horizon. On this too, its amazing that you cannot understand the shear impossibility of this if you understood at all the proportions and mathematics of just how much material would have to be involved.

Hotspringswizard said...

Dinosauria (We)
by charles “hank” bukowski

Born like this
Into this
As the chalk faces smile
As Mrs. Death laughs
As the elevators break
As political landscapes dissolve
As the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree
As the oily fish spit out their oily prey
As the sun is masked
We are
Born like this
Into this
Into these carefully mad wars
Into the sight of broken factory windows of emptiness
Into bars where people no longer speak to each other
Into fist fights that end as shootings and knifings
Born into this
Into hospitals which are so expensive that it’s cheaper to die
Into lawyers who charge so much it’s cheaper to plead guilty
Into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed
Into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes
Born into this
Walking and living through this
Dying because of this
Muted because of this
Because of this
Fooled by this
Used by this
Pissed on by this
Made crazy and sick by this
Made violent
Made inhuman
By this
The heart is blackened
The fingers reach for the throat
The gun
The knife
The bomb
The fingers reach toward an unresponsive god
The fingers reach for the bottle
The pill
The powder
We are born into this sorrowful deadliness
We are born into a government 60 years in debt
That soon will be unable to even pay the interest on that debt
And the banks will burn
Money will be useless
There will be open and unpunished murder in the streets
It will be guns and roving mobs
Land will be useless
Food will become a diminishing return
Nuclear power will be taken over by the many
Explosions will continually shake the earth
Radiated robot men will stalk each other
The rich and the chosen will watch from space platforms
Dante’s Inferno will be made to look like a children’s playground
The sun will not be seen and it will always be night
Trees will die
All vegetation will die
Radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men
The sea will be poisoned
The lakes and rivers will vanish
Rain will be the new gold
The rotting bodies of men and animals will stink in the dark wind
The last few survivors will be overtaken by new and hideous diseases
And the space platforms will be destroyed by attrition
The petering out of supplies
The natural effect of general decay
And there will be the most beautiful silence never heard
Born out of that.
The sun still hidden there
Awaiting the next chapter.

rockpicker said...

...Land a million peasants hoed subsides,
while aspens turn a silver he can't save
and nations crash in gardens like the sea...

freeacre said...

It is so frustrating to not know for certain what is going on. Is the ocean warmed by increased CO2, or undersea volcanoes? Is the temperature rising, or has it been unchanging for fifteen years? Is the Sun responsible for the earthquakes? Is the Pacific dying due to radiation from Fukushima? There is so much conflicting data.

My son is in Vancouver this weekend visiting a friend. I gave him my Geiger counter to measure the radiation in the area. That should be interesting.

Re Dinosauria - damn!

Hotspringswizard said...

rockpicker said...

And Obama is taking us to World War III, putting US boots on the ground in Syria.

What the hell happened to that blimp?

Chevron's laying off another seven thousand employees?

We're being taken down, one piece at a time...

freeacre said...

So, what have all these holistic doctors been working on? Is it a cure for cancer? And, if they are all being killed to suppress the information, and the lamestream media is not looking into it, then it shows even more evidence that the media is complicit in the Cancer Games.
Health update: My pain level is still high, but it is getting a little better every day. Doc says I just need to be patient. Maybe another month before I start to feel normal. They want me to get radiation, but I said no. I will focus on eating an anti-cancer and anti-inflammation diet, and lose more weight. Back to Paleo. I've got an appt. with a cardiologist next month who will probably prescribe statin drugs. I won't do those, either.
I can hardly believe how we are provoking both China and Russia militarily. Just about the dumbest thing ever. Who is running the government - Chaney?? Might as well be.
I feel so sad for all the suffering going on all over the world. If ISIS shot down that Russian plane, there is going to be hell to pay. Israel and Saudi Arabia better duck and cover...

Hotspringswizard said...

Hope that pain level continues to get better for you Freeacre :) Here is some more news on the developing worldwide economic downturn:

rockpicker said... good, 'long as it doesn't interfere with profits.

rockpicker said...

Latest on Russian airplane in Sinai:

rockpicker said...

Anyone care to field this one? Maybe metabunk's got a "take" on it. Are these people liars? Doomers? Basking in their fifteen minutes of fame, hoping to sell you something?

Gee, samples tested positive for what? Aluminum, barium and strontium? Not that , again!

And then there's this:

Hotspringswizard said...

Some reading for you RP:

rockpicker said...

Thank you, Hotsprings. And here's a video, for your viewing pleasure...

rockpicker said...

Earth-directed CME yesterday. Ben Davidson and NOAA both predict it'll hit Friday evening/night. NASA says Saturday a.m.

Hotspringswizard said...

Hmmm, mountains of metal poison raining down everyday from above, every breath I take, every bite I eat, a toxic nightmare, and yet, I am completely healthy and feel great! I must be immune to the icky chemtrail stuff ;)Spiders are scary, but their webs, not so much ;)I did a wonderful hike yesterday to Deep Creek Hot Springs under clear blue skies, but you know what they say, even if you don't see any trails, they are still spraying, new technology, its invisible ;)

Hotspringswizard said...

rockpicker said...

We had a chemtrail event of major proportions over the Ruby Valley today. November 7, 2015. Went outside at 10:00 am to see in the southern sky no less than 13 " persistent contrails", with two jets flying at the time of observation. There appeared to be a break in activity, but by 11:00 am they were at it again. Chemtrails appeared on and off all afternoon. While driving to work I observed three jets spraying all at the same time. Let me remind you where it is I'm talking about. A rural valley 60 miles south of Butte, Mont. and 80 miles southwest of Bozeman, Mont. There's nothing out here but sagebrush and jackalopes. Those were definitely not commercial airliners. In fact, I did see two aircraft laying down normal contrails, and yes, I would say those were commercial flights on normally scheduled flight paths. The rest was military and they were spraying something.

Face it. The elite don't like you. They want you and me gone. They make no bones about it. They write about it. They say as much in mainstream interviews. They go on TED Talks and tell us exactly what they've been doing to decrease populations through the innovative use of vaccines. And audiences applaud.

It's simply amazing.

rockpicker said...

Today, Dana Durnford over his Fukushima radiation reporting.

Tomorrow, Dane Wigington, for his geoengineering warnings.

Let 'em steamroll ya, or say 'no.'

Your choice...

rockpicker said...

They are going to take us out, one faction at a time.

Hotspringswizard said...

" The rest was military and they were spraying something ", So how did you positively identify the planes you saw as military? And they were spraying " something ", maybe it was lithium, and they are just trying to make us all happier ;)

rockpicker said...

Hotsprings. They were so high, they made no sound. Yet we hear normal commercial airplanes. I've trained myself to notice them, and when I hear one, I look up and try to locate it visually. If the sky is clear, I almost always look in the correct direction, after some training.

The planes we watched much of the day yesterday were silent. It was like watching a film with the sound turned off. People who normally pay little attention saw the display and wondered what was going on. It was an abnormal attack.

One guy I spoke to, having noticed the web of trails in a neighboring valley earlier in the day, suggested they were military exercises. If that was so, they were practicing spraying an unsuspecting populace with blatant impunity. They came from all directions and their trails began at the furthest edges of the sky. They persisted hours.

Meanwhile, several normal aircraft were spotted, presumably commercial flights, and they made normal-looking contrails that dissipated quickly.

Given all your plausibly deniable explanations, I'm still not convinced. But I am convinced there exist in this country treasonous elements who have no respect for us, or the democratic process.

rockpicker said...

No consensus on AGW?

rockpicker said...

Electric Universe news:

rockpicker said...

Zero planes this morning. Zip. Nada. Apparently, no one flies on Sunday up here.

Hotspringswizard said...

Recent info in this thread at metabunk about trail grids and what causes them,

And if you really want to find out RP what you are seeing in your skies you should do what Jay suggest in his 12:20PM comment. Just looking up at jets which make trails at probably 30,000 plus elevation, and many miles from you depending on their location, is not providing in any way a positive identification of the plane type that you are seeing. Your training is a guess. Dane could have long ago bought a high definition camera which can see the high flying jets very clearly. Proof like that along with identifying the actual flights with flight tracker internet info will/would disprove the claims he makes. This thread at metabunk shows how G E Griffin did just this and realized that he was seeing commercial airlines making the contrails, and after Griffin made this realization Dane no longer associates with him. Realities like that which call Dane's notions into question, or rather show them to be completely wrong must be avoided by him, just like the way he does not allow any contrary opinions whatsoever at his website and face book page. He is purposely avoiding the truth of how wrong he is.

And here is one comment within the thread,

" Dane knows that once people realize they are seeing ordinary passnger jets he can never reach his goal of "Critical Mass" where he sees himself mobilizing a great unstoppable million-man army against chemtrails "

And actually Dane will never reach his longed for critical mass because he is fighting against a whole long list of things that are not real, not occurring.

Hotspringswizard said...

I see from this 10 day forcast for your area RP that you got some rain and snow coming. Darn weather makers with their chemically nucleated storms, still trying to fool us with first heat a drought here in the western states, and now cold, rain/snow :) You remember when Dane for a little while ( not anymore ) had a weekly five minute or so weekly weather report, being the " weather expert " that he is, or rather thinks he is, explaining what was happening and why? The weather threw him so many curve balls, because after all it is unfolding because of casual factors that have nothing to do with his notions of spraying, harp, etc, that he gave it up. I mean seriously, it was actually amusing, him having to do so many backflips trying to account for all the unexpected ( by him ) twist and turns.

One of these days RP, just maybe, you will stop fearing planes making ice crystal clouds up in our skies :) And regarding this you wrote " elements who have no respect for us, or the democratic process ", I agree. Chris Hedges recent article I gave the link for recently shows just one aspect of this clearly.

Hotspringswizard said...

Hotspringswizard said...

The worlds industrial societies with their " money changers, the bankers, fed, etc " have kept the economic house of cards standing for a few decades by creating out of thin air ever more fake tokens, fiat currency, debt, quantitative easing, etc, while the masses have, until recently continued their lifestyles on this massive increase in credit/debt, really borrowing from a wished for economic future that will never be. Now the walls on so many fronts are being reached. Gail Tverberg in this article goes into detail on the relevant points of this unsolvable predicament.

rockpicker said...

Aluminum found in rain water. Sample collected in northern Idaho, Oct. 30, 2015. Sample contained about 12 times the allowable limit for drinking water, by EPA standards.

murph said...

Here is an article that I think should be taken to heart.

rockpicker said...

To earth we whirl like flakes of snow.
Our contracts' with the air, though.

rockpicker said...

Yeah, Hotsprings, that chemical nucleation stuff! Who came up with that?

Turns out, I'm not the only suspicious observer who noticed the chemtrail event that took place Saturday, Nov. 7. In fact, everyone I mentioned it to affirmed having noticed unusual "contrail" activity Saturday. Apparently, it was so obvious, it even made the local news out of Butte, and the weatherman said it was Canadians moving south. Ha, ha. Pretty funny.

So, I worked outdoors laying stone on a house all day Saturday. Sky was blue, despite the cobwebs of chemtrails. No wind. Air temperature at ground level, approximately 35-45 F. Yet, less than twenty miles away, to the southeast, a blizzard in the Madison Valley came in so quickly and viciously, it threatened to close US 287 and locals trying to get to Bozeman had to drop what they were doing and leave. Next day, black ice on the road surface was responsible for two accidents, one resulting in a fatality.

Granted, doesn't prove anything, but just sayin'.

Hotspringswizard said...

Regarding Dane's most recent chemical nucleation article, like the person at metabunk commented, " its utter nonsense ". No one can help him to come back out of the deep rabbit hole of beliefs in so many unreal concepts. I wouldn't even try as I realize its hopeless.

And this, sounds about right to me....

Its a 10:50 minute audio file

freeacre said...

So tragic to see the suffering going on in France. People killed by terrorists at random. All the countries outraged and expressing solidarity with the French. Horrible.

I'm wondering how much different it is for the people in Syria or Yemen, Somalia or Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever else we assassinate suspected enemies and their families or whomever else is around with no warning.

It seems what goes around, comes around. People do not seem to be making the connection, however.

Hotspringswizard said...

The US and European powers are reaping what they have sown for so many years in the middle east and north Africa, as well as so many places elsewhere. These kinds of repercussions are only going to get worse. And now the warmongers great plan is to increase the attacks and devastation of other peoples lands for the purposes of control and plunder.

Hotspringswizard said...

Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence

Anonymous said...

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