Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Pathetic 4th

A couple weekends ago we went to see some friends compete in "cowboy mounted shooting" contest, held twice a year. We got lost and a late start so we only caught the last few minutes on the day we went. Photo is of our friend, he and his wife both compete. LOL his wife usually places in the contests, he hasn't yet.

from murph

Well, here we are on the cusp of another national holiday, July 4th, the celebration of our day of emancipation from British rule. Community activities glaringly advertised on banners, flags all over the place, yard sale signs up all over the telephone poles and folks stocking up on beer and grilling meat of choice for the long holiday. Charcoal bags loaded in shopping carts and propane gas tanks being filled, their sales must be a years worth of profits from this holiday. Preparations are being made for guests or the motor home being prepped for traveling to relatives and or friends for a few days.

According to government stats, the personal savings rate increased pretty well again this month, amounting to over $3000, on the average, per working person for the month for the 115 million wage slaves in the country. Is there ANYTHING wrong with this stat? According to these stats, on the average, household should have saved over $10 grand in the last 3 months. How’s your savings plan going?

Meanwhile the appearance is that there is another conflict brewing for execution in the Mid-east. All kinds of military hardware are being shifted around and deployed on land and at sea. Of course, we saw this happening a while ago, and it didn’t escalate into a shooting match beyond individual countries being manipulated by the western power blocks. Is this time different?

Yup, time to celebrate the liberation of this country from despotic rule. I often wonder if a new national holiday will be proclaimed celebrating the instituting of the new world order of despotic governance. Historical analysis of this period 50 years down the road would be interesting to see. I don’t figure I’ll be around to read it.

This morning our chickens left a note for me when I got up, they arising much earlier than I do. They had a rather obscure statement that things were going to be changing big time very soon and to be stocked up on chicken feed, as they didn’t want to be caught with nothing to eat. It was specifically noted that if I didn’t want to stock up, better open the gate to the garden for their access. I reminded the leaders that they had already decimated the garden 3 times this year where I had to replant half of it again and there wasn’t enough out there to eat and wouldn’t be for some time. Ever see a chicken shrug their shoulders? Those feathered anarchists have dug holes all over the back yard area for their daily dust bathes. I requested that they fill the hole back in so that people wouldn’t stumble in the holes they made. They just cackled. I reminded them that we had an upcoming tour of gardens and chicken coops in about a month and they mentioned I needed to spruce up the chicken house unless I was to die of shame. Shabby and pathetic was their description. I reminded them that I was down to only 10 projects to get done by then and not sure if I had time to do as they requested. They screamed at me to get with it instead of spending time on the computer. Sigh, I just can’t win with them.
I wanted to remind them that they could all be stew for the winter but refrained because of the threat of their contacting PETA. For a bunch of anarchists, they sure can be dependent on political correctness as a weapon.

As you can see, toting water and chopping wood take precedence over international affairs around here.

Sure are a lot of folks in our area that are moving out. A large variety of reasons but predominate is lack of income. Some of the retired folks leaving are going to live on kid’s property somewhere else. Most are leaving because their homes have been foreclosed. Lots of pretty inexpensive property for sale right now. Saw a stat recently that over 40% of homes around here are under water. Economic recovery? What recovery? A long time, now retired, resident of the community is moving to their kids owned house out of the area, very soon. Big time contributors to the community and will be most sorely missed. I wonder how many small communities across the nation are experiencing similar problems. As usual, younger folks are reluctant to take up the slack. It’s not that I don’t sympathize with them, but if we allow our communities to deteriorate I would project that any social cohesion will also break down and with the coming collapse of the economies at the national level and the local levels, local cohesion is a survival factor. I anticipate that national cohesion will be channeled to another war along with a drastic increase in social control by the government.

So let’s all get out and eat ourselves sick and drink ourselves into a stupor and celebrate our national holiday of freedom and democracy. It’s the patriotic thing to do, don’t ya know.


nina said...

I'm glad you brought that up Murph. It is not just your community, if that is any comfort. Is there any doubt the engineers of crisis saw the eventuality of how their scheme was going to work out on the ground?

Once a community is made vulnerable, many things can and usually will happen, most often dangerous over-development arrives in locations where it should be outlawed because land is a bargain and buidling codes are relaxed, on hiatus or bought off. Although another frequent avenue is the one taken by "temporaries" with no ties at all to whatever community once existed, which soon translates into full breakdown, a squalid infestation of irresponsibility which also encourages development, but not development of anything you'd call "your community", development by off-site landlords pasting together 1950's double and singlewides for transients who's presence is guaranteed as ongoing foreclosures make it impossible to live anywhere else.
Even if someone were to put up a gated community with all the typical "conveniences", who among the hypnotized residents knows their neighbor? Or dares venture outside their gates? And how long before that too becomes another wasteland?

We're supposed to think these realities are done with, the economy was made right, heh. It is impossible due to the simple fact that the same visionary economic criminals are still, to this day, livin' large. We then can only come to only one conclusion, THIS is the state that was desired. And so it shall be, until the entire program is forced to change policy which somehow never happens without Nature's wrath.

Anonymous said...

Chickens ...  can't live with em nor without them. What a bunch of stuffing they are.

Well, I'm going to HELL. Over in the far northeast corner of Oregon, Hells Canyon that is. Going to escape all the bang bangs, flag waving and intoxicated drivers that may be on the road. Of course the bang bang has already begun around here. We have camped in spots where we have not seen another person or vehicle. Other places we have stayed at, only five or six vehicles came by in a week!

I heard late last year that on our island, 50 homes had been foreclosed on and another 300 were in process of being in that fix. However the banks were trying not to put pressure on that many at one time. So far, I do not know any of the people. We just had friends split up because of finances and their home was one of the biggest obstacles in this. And it's underwater.

The weather this past week and even today, has been a humdinger in the eastern region. Read an article that said this looks to be like our normal as climate change is kicking in more. Maw Nature is pissed!

We are heading out early tomorrow and I will be thinking of you all as I'm having coffee looking down into the vastness of the canyons, listening to the birds, watching prairie falcons soar by and the song of coyote. There is no cell coverage nor wifi or internet coverage at all where we will be. Just the stars at night and listening to the silence.


nina said...

When we don't know what is happening to real estate in a community, Zillow does.

Have a good trip Bexar. Sounds wonderful.

nina said...

This one looks even more thorough:

murph said...


Yes, there is some doubt that the engineers of crisis knew the consequences, or at least the unintended ones. Here is the problem that I see them facing. Human communities, individuals, whole societies and civilizations are very complex entities and they just don't operate according to some formula over the long term. For the short term you bet they do. Bernays proved that all by himself. This complexity is why all empires eventually fall down and break apart. Humans simply are not able to absorb all the complex parts and control them at the same time. On the other side of that, we have social momentum and social inertia which is probably whey empires last as long as they do. When there is a fractional push for change of the momentum, it takes a while, but when it takes hold, the PTB are not able to contain all the components and their plans begin to disintegrate. I rather think that may be what we are seeing going on, but maybe not. sigh

We have several gated communities around here. They are not popular with the general population for sure. The next level down is the neighborhoods with iron handed homeowners associations. Depending on whether you see your property as a place to live or an investment will determine how you look at these associations.

All that being said, I go from hopeless feelings to maybe something will take hold. Either way, I figure we are gong to see some major changes in how folks get along.

Personally, I do not see policy changes making significant changes to the system that brought on the present policies. Maybe we need some huge nature's wrath event. sigh again.

Hotspringswizard said...

Yeah I'm with you Murph about your expressed sentiments about the 4th. I don't drink and only eat two meals a day so no getting drunk or too stuffed for me, but we do go and check out the local fireworks as we have the inside scoop on getting the best viewing spot there is, with errant fire works and its chaff landing around us every once in a while, bring the safety glasses :-)

Knowing what we know about the US, its history, and what it has done around the world, the patriotic 4th of July nonsense is like some anti truth, ridiculous, surealisitc play we get to watch unfold each year.

On the bright side, I got a supprise phone call from SATS earlier today :-) At first I thought it was my friend John from England as I was listening to his British accent. I enjoyed very much our chat! Thanks again SATS for giving me a ring, I really appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and interesting info about your life with me :-)

Here is the link to one of the photos I took on our recent Yellowstone trip:

We were hiking on a trail in an area just southeast of the town of Jackson, on the edge of a canyon where Cache Creek runs. The snow covered mountains in the distance are the Tetons. I have about 35 photos up at my Flickr site so far from that trip, with about the same amount which will be added as soon as I get the time. You can use this address to check those out:

Bexar, Sounds like a real nice way/place to spend time, your destination in nature. Maybe you will have some pics from your adventure to share. I'd certainly enjoy seeing them if you did :-)

Anonymous said...


Ah yes the wonderful 4th of July. When I was a kid we had the wonderful 24 May. Never heard of it? I will spill the beans, it was British Empire day! All the kids learned jingoistic songs and marched around the school hall waving union jack flags whilst one of the teachers played the piano. My god, those were the days, we will never see the likes of those come back. Later on the politically correct lot changed it to Commonwealth Day until we gave the commonwealth back to its rightful owners, after first educating the locals to our standards and acquiring resource rights of course. Then the whole thing quietly withered on the vine. How do I remember it was the 24 May? Well this happened to be my dads birthday and as a five year old I was told that all the public buildings were putting the flags out for my dad's birthday – and I believed it, at least I think I did. It was like one of those Father Christmas things, it gradually dawns on you that you have been BS'd all these years but you don't really mind about it.

Talking about spilling the beans, I knew a five year old girl who had just learned about spilling the beans. The game was that you had to tell her a secret so she could go somewhere else and 'spill the beans'. Don't we have some curious expressions.

Hi HSW, like I said, I can't do the rounds of the clan so it is nice to call up the people I have numbers for. It was a real pleasure talking to you. Btw, I would change the last sentence in that paragraph you just wrote about me before people start talking. Move along now, there is nothing to see ;-) ;-)

Zoner said...

So sorry to hear about Brie folks.......


Hotspringswizard said...

I see the Chicken Coops comment/add got through the spam filter :-)

murph said...

HSW yup I need to delete it.

rockpicker said...

Charlie McGrath explains the European Stability Mechanism.

rockpicker said...

Anybody here remember this ad from the fifties?

Anonymous said...



Stasi style arrest in Britain.

The Following was sent as e mail so there is no link

Press release by UK Column Monday 2 Jul 2012 Time 21:10 BST - - Tel: +44 1752 478050
At 0930 this morning, in scenes reminiscent of Stasi East Germany, 2 police cars and 4 policemen from Merseyside Police arrested British Constitution Group Chairman Roger Hayes at his Wirral home and drove away.

The first his family heard of him was at 18:30 this evening via a telephone call from a Warder in Liverpool prison, to say that Roger had been tried and sentenced to prison.
At no time were the family or any other members of the public informed of his arrest, and it is understood that he was tried in a secret court without a Jury.
Denied the right to argue his case, denied the right to a Jury, denied the right for the public to see justice being done, Roger was imprisoned in the secretive gulag system that Britain has become in 2012.
Roger's "crime" is that he has been refusing to pay his Council tax, because along with other state taxes, a proportion of the tax revenue gathered is being sent to the European Union, used to fund unlawful wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, and promote terrorism right around the world. To pay tax under these circumstances is, at the very least, unlawful under Section 15(3) of the Terrorism Act 2000.
As such the present government of UK in Westminster is complicit to terrorist action and war crimes and therefore the payment of taxes to an unlawful, criminal regime is itself a criminal act - one in which Roger refused to participate.
In addition to his stance on taxes for unlawful purposes, Roger has also been campaigning for the Lawful Bank - a monetary initiative in which money can be issued to the public as credit, rather than as crippling debt under the existing corrupt and fraudulent International Monetary System.
As Chairman of the British Constitution Group, Roger Hayes has been an outspoken public speaker warning the British public that their rights and freedoms under Common Law and the Constitution are being stripped away and replaced by a dictatorship of secret courts operating under Administrative and Statute Law.
There is no doubt that his success in alerting ever more people to the dangers of the British / EU dictatorship being built by a criminal element now masquerading as British politicians, has caused the State to imprison Roger. His challenge to the fraudulent banking system, as evidenced by the criminal acts of Barclays bank and todays resignation by arch Bilderberger and BBC advisor Marcus Agius, will also have made Roger enemies within Britain's wide criminal banking cabal.
Roger's family are shocked both at his arrest, and at the realisation that Britain is now sliding into a police state, where husbands, fathers and other good people can be lifted off the streets and imprisoned. There is now no doubt that Britain is further under the control of domestic terrorists in Westminster.
We ask that all those who value their freedoms and liberty call Meryside Police for further information and an explanation of their actions, and also call Liverpool prison to establish Roger's physical safety and well-being.
Merseyside Police Tel: 101 local or +44 (0)151 709 6010 in UK.
Liverpool Prison Tel: +44 (0)151 530 4000
Crimestoppers (UK only) Tel: 0800 555 111

Anonymous said...



UK Column Update 13:30 Tuesday, 3rd July 2012 - Arrest of Roger Hayes
If you have not already seen it please read last night's press release posted on the UK Column website (
We have just learned that Wirral Council, having issued proceedings against Roger Hayes for non payment of Council Tax, recently decided to enact their right for a Committal Hearing against Roger for his continued non-payment.
On Tuesday 26 June 2012 a Committal Hearing took place at which Wirral Council state that Roger failed to appear.
As a result the Judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest, and Roger was arrested yesterday morning. The Council spokesman either did not know or refused to name the Judge.
Following his arrest Roger was brought before a Magistrate and sentenced to 21 days. The Council spokesman either did not know or refused to name the Magistrate, and was unable to say how much, if any, notice of either hearing was given to the General Public.
At this point we would like to make a correction to our initial press release, and that is:
Roger Hayes "WITHELD" his Council Tax rather than "refused to pay" as we reported. This has important implications in his legal case.
The most important fact in Roger's arrest, trial and imprisonment is that nobody knows the detail of what happened to him. What were the names and numbers of the police officers? What was the Court? What was the number of the case? Who was the Magistrate or Judge? Were any public present to see justice being done?
Roger was arrested at home and 9 hours later he was in prison, on the decision of one Magistrate. This must be yet another very dangerous example of the rise of the 'secret' courts and 'secret justice' - Kenneth Clarke MP is still pushing for yet more Courts without Juries.
Calls to the police and Liverpool prison where he is being held, have all been met with a wall of silence under the 'we can't say' and 'data protection'. We can see from this how yet more secrecy is introduced to keep the public interest at bay.
It is understood that the police have received many calls - one member of the public had the phone slammed down on him when he mentioned Roger's name.
Roger's family have also been refused direct information and access to him. They have now started the paperwork trail for formal permission to visit.
A former police officer has kindly made a number of pertinent points which we are happy to publish.
He was informed us that the prison would not confirm that Roger was with them for "security reasons". They referred him to the "Prisoner Location Service" on 0121 626 2773 - they would not accept verbal requests. Merseyside Police switchboard are also referring calls about Roger to the Council. This appears a highly dubious practice at law.

Anonymous said...


He states - "Because I wanted to make complaints I was put through to the police control room. The drill is for complaints to be recorded and then passed to an Inspector who will contact the complainant within 24 hours. My initial complaints are:
1. Was anyone informed of Rogers arrest? The contingency plan was for him to get a message to me. Note that the prisoner does not get to make a phone call himself. This is a precaution against prisoners passing coded messages to their associates outside.
2. Merseyside police, according to various sources on the Internet, are claiming that "Data Protection" forbids them to confirm Rogers whereabouts. This appears highly dubious practice because a "Regulation" cannot be held to repeal or infringe a Common Law right.
3. Passing complaints about police actions to the Council is a breach of the Police Discipline Regulations and of confidentiality for the individuals who are being complained about. I believe the Police Federation will not like this abuse of process."
The UK Column is delighted to report that the story of Roger Hayes has gone UK and world wide. Many are asking us what can they do? Our first answer is to spread the word, highlighting the the seriousness of the secrecy and lack of transparency in the whole process. As an example another member of the public has asked these excellent questions:
"Was there a signed warrant (wet signature) and who authorised it if so:
- Was there any forced entry to the house and/or damage.
- Did the warrant remain at the house.
- Did they search the house. Did they take anything away, i.e. computer, files, phones, router etc.
- Did they leave an inventory at the house Were there any witnesses to the arrest.
- Was any force used on Roger, or anyone else in the house.
- Was he handcuffed. Was there any explanation to anyone else in the house. Is there any idea of the charge. Were the arresting officers 'sworn police officers,
- PCSO's, from another 'agency' with powers of arrest or privates, or a mixture.
- Did anyone get their names or collar numbers.
- Did anyone get the name of the Prison Officer who called. If anyone could collate that, am sure his lawyers  (or others) will want it, plus, it would provide good info for a follow up article"
Please ring the authorities yourself to hear their answers first hand. Every call is a point of support for Roger and shows the authorities the overwhelming public interest in the case. Please also write and ask for information and answers from Wirral Council and other authorities. As always be polite and measured in your calls and requests for information - unfortunately the authorities may not treat you with the same respect. As soon as we have more information we will post it. For those that want to write to Roger we will post his Prison Number as soon as we have it.
Merseyside Police Tel: 101 local or +44 (0)151 709 6010 in UK.
Liverpool Prison Tel: +44 (0)151 530 4000
Crimestoppers (UK only) Tel: 0800 555 111
Join us for a special UK Column Live broadcast tomorrow, Wednesday, 4th July at 12PM BST:
Audio stream on TNS Radio
Video stream on UK Column

rockpicker said...

No one with any moral standing can enable these criminals without being complicit in their crimes. They own the only press that can produce legitimate fiat currency. Let them print all the fucking money they need. Just leave us alone. Or God damn them.

Anonymous said...

@ SATS Richard North covered the Roger Hayes story, scroll down to "Crimes against the state"

It's the best source for all things EU IMO, he is a researcher for Booker (a columnist in the Daily Telegraph), worth bookmarking!

the full story with updates is at


Anonymous said...


GD, Thanks for the heads up on EUReferendum. As you may have guessed it was UK Column that sent me the above by e mail. I am not sure of the timing when it went up on their site.
We will wait and see what happens.

Anonymous said...


This is the latest on the Roger Heys situation by e mail which as yet not up on the UK Column site.

Calling On Anyone In The Manchester Area

"Roger Hayes was visited in prison this morning by Danny Bamping, who took an affidavit from Roger in which he makes it clear he received no summons or invitation to the hearing which resulted in the arrest warrant being issued. Roger also makes it clear he was given no opportunity to speak at the unlisted secret court hearing - a hearing which lasted just long enough to the judge to utter the sentence.

Danny and his team will submit an application for Habeas Corpus tomorrow morning, at the High Court in Manchester, which can be found in the new "Civil Justice Centre".

The application will be heard under "Supreme Court Order 54".

The hearing is at 10am, and we would like to ask that as many people as possible turn up to witness the application and support Danny and his team.

Roger (and we) would also like to express his/our appreciation for the fantastic support."

rockpicker said...

Anybody here planning to attend the Olympic games?

murph said...

Even if I had the money to do so I wouldn't attend the Olympics. Just more circus distraction.

Hotspringswizard said...

Paul Craig Robert's thoughts in another great post here:

Death of the US Constitution: Can Americans Escape the Deception?

....Hot Air Day is upon us. On July 4 hot air will spew forth all over the country....

rockpicker said...

Only thing more fearsome than a bumbling, incompetent bureaucracy is a tightly-run, efficient one.

rockpicker said...

Hey, Randy; My carrots are up.

Anonymous said...

rp I think you can get an ointment for that ;)

SATS RH is now on hunger strike in gaol


Hotspringswizard said...

Here is a comment from Survival Acres latest post:

Reality Check in Colorado

....A growing (and very large) body of scientists are now clanging the alarms — climate change is about to become a GIGANTIC THREAT TO HUMANITY that will be utterly unstoppable....

And the Weather Channel a couple of days ago said that so far in 2012 regarding the US temps, there have been 10 record highs for every 1 record low.

Hotspringswizard said...

And more bad news for the US climate, record drought:

Drought Hits 56 Percent of Continental U.S.; ‘Significant Toll’ on Crops

freeacre said...

I've been reading the book on Agenda 21, and it is a killer. We're fucked.

It's even hot here, finally. Sweltering during the day, still 40's at night.

I still miss Celestial Convergence.

Anonymous said...

some context


murph said...

GD, An add for McDonalds french fries? lolol

rockpicker said...

Got Milk?

GD; Don't need an ointment, just plenty of gentle water. Oxhearts.

Hotspringswizard said...

Here is a current update on " The End Of Growth " from Richard Heinberg:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Anonymous said...

Heinberg is obviously a clever bloke, after reading "end of growth" I was left with a feeling there was a huge red flag waving over his head. I thought how can he miss the blindingly obvious cause of all this, and the solution, with such an intellect? Is he stupid (I doubt it) is he a "useful idiot" or is he on the payroll? I was so perplexed I decided to look at his background, I came to the conclusion he is well in with TPTB. All the talk of "sustainability" plays into the UN Agenda 21 global governance game.

Usery is the cause, and therein lies the solution.

Write off all onerous debt, globally, put the banksters on trial, and reinstitute a sovereign money supply free of usery. We don;t need the UN to dictate sustainability, localise it, circumvent the global governors, withdraw from these "international agreements" or we will all surely remain slaves.


murph said...


I read the 3 links that RP put up, I have not read the book.

Whether Heinberg is in with the PTB is not an obvious conclusion to me. Maybe, maybe not. His advocacy for localization I believe to be a good thing. Agenda 21 take over of localization is not a good thing.

In either case, what are the alternatives? The Globalization, NWO concepts appear to be unstoppable right now. Unless the whole system that is in place comes unglued and falls apart, I see no other alternative than localization. And even if it does fall apart, localization of about everything seems to me to be the only alternative for subsistence living. Otherwise, all personal autonomy will not be viable.

The undercurrent feeling/thinking/desires that I read about is a reluctance to make do with less. The inability to conceive of living without so many conveniences, that is, a much simpler life style but with much more physical energy input to sustain it is in direct contradiction to peoples idea of a good life. Progress/growth is the default concept for our direction.

It seems to me that we are headed in the direction of a vast increase in central control of populations. Until populations see this and understand the personal consequences, it will proceed. Of course, it is also possible that the populations will embrace it no matter the consequences to themselves. In the recent past, the Germans sure did, so did the Russians and the Chinese.

Freedom is an expensive concept. Being willing to give it up for promises that are never kept is acceding the the agendas of the PTB. Which brings to my mind the question; Are humans capable or even willing to live in a state of freedom? So far, it appears not.

Anonymous said...


Computer probs yesterday and today, I had to a system restore out of Safe Mode but that is of nought to what faces the world.

I haven't got around to Agenda 21yet but I know it is important so I will.

GD it would be nice if it were so but we both know it ain't going to happen like that. The USA may be a nation in decline but it is a nation in decline with nukes. Don't forget the nukes they are game changers. Put a feral animal in a corner and prod it with a stick and you don't need a university degree to work out what is going to happen next. Whoever gets the onerous job of overseeing any future transition of power they are going to have to handle it with kid gloves. Quite honestly I don't see anybody who is up to the job at the moment. As the mighty dollar goes tits up there will have to be another reserve currency to take its place, assuming the world doesn't go tribal. Maybe we will all be trading in Brics. At the moment America has little real power left but everybody is being nice and acting as if it did, which brings us full circle to the nukes. When the dollar truly has no value then somebody is going to have to stand up and and deliver the unpleasant news. If the 'tops' at the EU or the leaders of one of the northern European countries asked for observer status to attend a Brics summit then that would be a clear signal. And don't expect China or even Russia for that matter to be nice to Uncle Sam for old times sakes because that ain't going to happen either.

rockpicker said...

More on the drought in the US cornbelt.

Anonymous said...

If we all keep saying things will never change, it will never happen etc. it never will. The only subject that people get, or that gets people mad when they get it, about "peak everything" is sovereign money (OWS? ok it's already mostly usurped by TPTB IMO but it still makes my point).

Heinberg never touches the sovereign money issue, never goes near it. Considering the resource use is magnified by the need to pay interest on thin air, I think it's a gaping hole in his thesis.

Besides, Iceland did it.

You'd have to read up on Heinbergs background to make your own mind up, he is definitely well in with TPTB, runs in a lot of their circles.


rockpicker said...

GD; I agree wholeheartedly with you on the point that the entire concept of interest, and how it's gone, historically, from being outlawed to the basis of our economic system, needs to be examined.

Any amount of interest is usury, and it used to be banned. The Arab world still does not allow it. It's one of the reasons the Rothschild zionistas, (read, NATO,) took out Khaddafi. He was spreading the wealth among his people, and charging no interest rates on loans.

If that idea caught on, what a threat to the banksters!

rockpicker said...

Looks like our perceptions about international affairs really have less to do with real events than who we choose to listen to.

Listen to the moderator cut off James Morris in mid comment. Starts around 11:45.

Hotspringswizard said...

The first six months of this year for the US has been the hottest on record, but nothing to see here folks, move along and continue to burn any form of hydrocarbons, wood, etc that you can get your hands on! Never mind that CO2 PPM heading beyond 400 in the northern hemisphere because it was that high, say 800,000 years ago. Its really nothing to worry about :-)

Richard Heinberg I'm sure would get a good chuckle hearing that he is thought of by some persons as being a tool of the PTB and the UN :-) I hear he is a long time member of the Illuminati though, and that is worrisome! He is hiding his " Dark Side " well however at his little home in central California, while tending his garden, and his animals. The nefarious are soooo sneaky :-)

Regarding changing the world, one might think that if they grab the tail of a raging Bull Elephant( metaphoric world events ), that if they just pull hard enough, the course of the beast can be controlled, but in reality, a Bull Elephant will go where it is inclined to go, and it will just drag you along with it. You can pull as hard as you want, but your just wasting your time :-)

Anonymous said...


No you can't stop a raging bull elephant by grabbing hold of its tail but you can put obstacles in its path to steer it in a more desirable direction.

Anonymous said... at 10, little kid wacks balls of raging bull elephant...

a lot more little people than there are raging bull elephants.

David & Goliath.

I don't car what size garden Heinberg tends, I care what he writes in his books and how it proliferates, look at his background, it's all there.

for more context, always missing it


Anonymous said...

HSW I think you were trying to nut me off with the reference to the "Illuminati" but read about Immanuel Velikovsky, his roots, and Heinberg - the irony is not lost on me, though I think it will be on you :¬)


rockpicker said...

Hey, Hot Springs; What's the water temperature of the springs doing? I see Pisgah area had some seismic movement last week, and steam venting was verified by human observation near Mammoth, as well. Looks like the heat is rising to the surface all over the place.

rockpicker said...

I believe this is a 'must read.'

excerpt, White Hats Report #44, on Kerry's Blog, Project Camelot.

"...To the “news media”, or what was formerly known as the news media. Where are your guts? Where is your courage? You’re reporting on the Kardashians when people are dying in our world because no one reports the truth on Syria or prints the truth about hundreds of deadly earthquakes now happening weekly. Chemtrails and manufactured weather; bankers buying Congress; the NDAA; Rupert Murdoch threatening the British Prime Minister if he didn’t incite a war with Iraq; the SCOTUS ruling on both the immigration case and ObamaCare, the latter having nothing to do with health care and everything to do with the chip and depopulation. And if your media corporation won’t allow you to cover real news that makes a difference, then line up at the back door of the newsroom and WALK OUT! How can they make their huge dollars when they have no reporters? And more to the point, how can you accept their huge salaries while you sell your soul with every story that you DON’T report?..."

Hotspringswizard said...

GD, I was just joking about Heinberg being with the illuminati. I've read his info for years, and he is a solid thinker and has great info. It doesn't mean he's always right, but then who is. Tool of the PTB, UN, I don't see that anywhere in his thinking or writtings.

The raging bull elephant metaphor I used relates to the whole dynamics of the evolving world situation, not some specific part of it. The flow of this kind of power in the course of things unfolds in the myriad ways it will, in pathways that have nothing to do with yours, or anyone elses thoughts that they can control it. Living simpler lives and working at the local level, now there's the path I will choose. But your free GD to try and coral the bull all you want. Good luck with that.

Are you really pinning your hopes on the David and Goliath story/myth as your beacon of hope that things will all work out in the end? Ahh the storybook scenario where the good folks encounter great travails, rise up and beat down the threats, then live happily ever after. Well we can see just how well thats working out these days in the real world. You really think the trendlines in that respect are going to be getting better? I don't, not one little bit.

Hey RP, the spring temps for the local hot springs I visit regularly around here, DCHS, OHS and SLHS are all running at normal temps. I have not heard anything about what you mentioned going on in Mammoth. Seems like an occurance like that would be in an article somewhere.

I was out hiking yesterday to the top of Turtle Mountain and when I got to the top I was looking at a little rock arrangement I have there with one of my clay heads next to the stones, and I noticed there was something on top of one of the rocks. It looked like a piece of vegetation or something, and I did not know what it was. I was going to reach over and take it off of the rock but thankfully I then saw that it was a rattlesnakes head perched there, with its body going off into a dark crack behind it! I took a photo of it and when I get a chance I'll put a link here so you guys can see it. It appears my simple artwork is rattlesnake approved :-)

Anonymous said...

HSW I've read his stuff for years too, as I said above it's what he doesn't say that stands out. He is Velikovskys protege, look down that rabbit hole, look at the circles he runs in, and the "think tanks" and NGOs he wrote for in his early career.

incase you missed it, I travel that same path you follow, the difference is that travelling is not the same as following.

If fellow travellers highlight the real elephant in the room there is always hope, followers ain't helping themselves or anyone else.


Anonymous said...

you have your Agenda 21 type instigators, then you have enablers, Heinberg is the latter IMO, as is MCR.


Hotspringswizard said...

GD, This is like the global warming issue, round and round we go, you think Heinbergs a tool, I don't and respect his info. Movin on.

Me a follower, now your giving me a good chuckle :-) I'm just not inclined to waste my efforts on fruitless endeavors. Highlighting the elephant is one thing, but controlling or coraling it is completely something else. You go get the bull, but I'll be taking a differant approach.

And now for my close call with the rattlesnake yesterday :-)

Here is what I'm looking at when I first walked up to the spot where my stones and clay head are on top of Turtle Mountain:

Now a little closer I'm contemplating briefly taking whatever it is off the one stone, somthing that should not be there, and I will add my eyesight ain,t what it used to be :-)

But then I finally realize what I'm looking at, a full grown South Western Specked Rattlesnake's head, with its body back in the dark crevice. Thank goodness I didn't actually grab that bad boy :-)

Hotspringswizard said...

Ahhh, that should have been " Speckled " :-)

Anonymous said...

The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...

"Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America's Not the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be."

Hey, RP! Got a bunch of carrots coming up under the plywood, which is excellent -thank you very much! When do I take the wood off? And how did you come across this method of planting?



whitewater fraggle said...

Randy, if they germinated, I would remove the plywood. The carrots are running out of energy from the seed and the green leaves poking out are ready to begin photosynthesis.

rockpicker said...

Whitewater; You got it! Discard the plywood and keep the soil moist. Mulch will help. Give em plenty of sun, and stand back.

Randy; A guy named John Austin, in Bozeman, turned us on to this method.
The board keeps the soil damp, while transfering heat to the earth.

Austin also plants by phases of the moon, and astrological signs. Following his advice, we've had good success with germinating seeds quickly and in high percentages. He's been written about in the Zone 4 magazine.

Hot Springs; Nice snake! Glad it turned out good. I lifted a borage leaf this morning and came face to face with a medium-sized toad.

rockpicker said...

I found him sleepy in the heat
And dust of a gopher burrow,
Coiled in loose folds upon silence
In a pit of the noonday hillside.
I saw the wedged bulge
Of the head hard as a fist.
I remembered his delicate ways:
The mouth a cat's mouth yawning.

I crushed him deep in dust,
And heard the loud seethe of life
In the dead beads of the tail
Fade, as wind fades
From the wild grain of the hill.

-author unknown

rockpicker said...

Oh, yeah. This is good!

freeacre said...

I have rattlesnake pole beans climbing poles in the greenhouse... just sayin.'

I met Heinberg many years ago at a sustainability symposium years ago, when "sustainability" was a new word. We spent about a week together at a tiny community college in North Lake Tahoe with a bunch of really brilliant and warm scientists and teachers - all concerned about the environment. It was really wonderful to me. Changed my life, in fact.

What I suspect is going on is that the sustainability movement is in the process of being co-opted. Just as has been Greenpeace, the Women's Movement, and any other thing that comes along that is good for the world. It gets morphed into some corporatized, monetized, abomination of itself so that it feeds tyranny instead of liberation. Personally, I still like Heinberg. I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Usury has to go if we are to create a world economy that is not based on "growth." Dang, GD, you're right. But, that makes it all the harder to accomplish. Oh, and clever of us to get both Russia and China into the globalist financial scene. Brilliant.

Wonder if Spain and Portugal would be welcome with the BRICS? I doubt that anyone there suffers from amnesia. I watch the Chinese news, so I know that China is doing well there. They seem to be way more friendly than "we" are in the Middle East, that's for sure.

It sure feels to me that we are about to reap what we have sown. I gotta feeling that Putin plays a good game of chess. And, yeah, Spirit, I look to a decisive end game rather than a long, drawn out one. Stay tuned, I guess.

Who knows? We could enter the big magnetic fluff ribbon in space and everything could change. The present is looking more and more desirable to me.

--- On another note, we just watched The Ledge. It was really thoughtful.

Hotspringswizard said...

RP, Also when I go hiking in the desert mountains around our home, like where I saw this recent rattlesnake, this time of year there are lots of Cicada's around in the bushes. You will be walking along then one of them gets spooked in a bush right next to you and they sound off with a buzzing noise that resembles very much a rattlesnake. Of course I'm already on gaurd watching closely for snakes in front of me where I'm walking through rocks and bushes and then when those cicada's go off it gives you brief spook/adrenaline rush! Gets me every time :-)

Hotspringswizard said...

I see MCR has given up the reigns at Collapsenet. I notice they don't have the member count up any more. Maybe they don't want to show a declining membership amount.

Hotspringswizard said...

I see its 100.4 in Laughlin, Nevada here at 10 minutes to 1AM. Think what the temp will be in 12 hours, at 1PM, mid day! I'v'e been there when daytime temps were up in the mid 120's. You come out of the air conditioned hotels and its like your getting hit by a blow torch.

Anonymous said...

FA I think you are correct re the sustainability movement, the permaculture blog has become increasingly political over the last few years too. Watch for a mew meme "land valuation tax (LVT)" it seems to have come from the P2P movement, I saw it floated within OWS, and on the permaculture blog last year, the theory keeps morphing slightly while it tries to gain ground, but it looks like another tool of the elites IMO.

I once met Prince Charles, worked on his ship for a week, nice chap, I still like him, though he can go the way of the bath water for me ;)

Anonymous said...

opps hit post too early...

a few yrs ago on the old FTW blog when jenna started putting links on the front page under the suppliers name, a new name appeared posting global warming scare headlines, no-one had ever heard of her, I traced it back to a "charitable trust" in NY with $billions in their account banking with goldman sachs. These trusts are used by the elites as lobbying arms, I highlighted it at the time, I recently searched back there looking for the exchange but it has disappeared, seems there has been revisionist style editing on the old blog.

Don't know if you remember "businessman" in the FTW blog, we had a long exchange recently raising a lot of red flags re MCR, from his dismissal of 9/11 movement, the Webb "suicide" who shot himself in the head twice, to the exchanges with Alex Jones, with the benefit of hindsight there were just too many red flags waving over MCR. I wonder if he was a useful idiot or something more sinister, doesn't really matter. His followers have now been assimilated into collapsenet and the machine rolls on without him, his latest "lifeboat hour" broadcast has me worried for his sanity, it's good others see though him in the comments there.


Anonymous said...


GD I never got to be one of the MCR disciples. In the early days, FTW was a subscribe only blog and even if I had wanted to, I just didn't have the mechanism to subscribe. After reading the blog Pay Pall I steered well away from this method too. I read a few MCR articles when the blog went open to the public but I always felt there was a bit of an unhealthy personality cult around him. It was nothing you could put your finger on, just a bit of general unease. I had a brief dalliance with Chris Masterson's blog and justly or unjustly had the same feeling there too. Anyway, water and bridges and calling them as you see them..........

In these times we live in you become cynical about voting or putting your name to almost anything, however (you knew there was a however or a but coming) the AVAZZ people do their best to lean on the boundaries of public dumbing down and in the wake of the LIBOR scandal they are running a campaign to bang up the Banksters. For what good it will do, I have put my name to it. If you want to add a vote, it is here.

Watch and wait but don't hold your breath.

murph said...


Don't know if you follow Edwin Vieira or not, but his last 3 essays are interesting in support of the concept that the US has become a full blown fascist state.

He explains the history of how this has happened and suggests historically what the outcome might be.

As has been historically talked about from earliest history, the "money changers" the bankers have managed to figure out how to take over human society and governance. That we have allowe it is perhaps our greatest sin.

murph said...

SATS and GD,

I find it interesting that there is appearing some criticism of MCR. I have run into one person some time ago that also had criticism of a personal nature with him.

Here is our personal testament concerning him.

Back in the very early 2000's, we got acquainted with MCR through his book "Crossing the Rubicon" and his web site and his video lectures. We also know a person that claims to have done research for him back then. Along with other information sources and our personal observations, we took him very seriously and made some important decisions about our actions and planning based on that information that has served us well, at least up to now.

According to several sources, including MCR, he has been in serious jeopardy multiple times during his career. I wonder how any of us would react under similar circumstances. I am also convinced that the man has honestly tried to warn us of impending events which has turned out to be surprisingly accurate. Read the book "Crossing the Rubicon".

When Jenna started posting web news on the old web site, it was so extensive I found it overwhelming. We also were not very impressed with the new web site "the Lifeboat". Now it very well may be that there is some question of his emotional state, or that his web site has been preempted to some extent, but that does not take away from his previous work and conclusions. There are several authors and researchers who over time have morphed into something different than what they started out. And, while folks may have criticisms concerning a new drift in his output and web site, as I do, cut the guy some slack. His original stuff was accurate even if his predictions of outcomes were too early, common for those making predictions.

IMO, MCR, at least in the past, has been honest, very thorough in his research, and concise in his predictions that have been quite accurate.

murph said...


I have read of what appears to be rather dire complaints about Pay Pal. I have used Pay Pal quite a bit and have never had a complaint about how my account was handled. One thing I did not do was put my bank account into their access, instead, only used credit cards and open accounts. Of course, I have also read of folks that had problems with credit card refunds also, but so far, when requested, I've gotten them, usually with automatic renewals that I did not want and did not realize they were there.

When you go through the complaints concerning Pay Pal, most of them revolve around using bank accounts for deposits and payments. That is a no no IMO. For the same reason, I refuse to use any automated payment schemes for anything.

murph said...


Since you introduced AVAZZ a bit ago, I have looked in on the site periodically. Here is my observation.

They seem to be mostly about negative issues and public comment and petition drives. My observations indicate this does nothing positive. Those with the power and money can ignore whatever they please in public sentiment. Oh yes, occasionally, they throw a bone to the masses but nothing structural is changed that brought up the dissatisfaction to begin with. It appears to me that public sentiment on the enormous amount of issues in this word is not cohesive enough to change anything of significant import. Yes, a few lions may be saved, we may even save a few trees in old growth forests, but the raping a looting of the planet and its population will proceed until it is all gone or the populations become so impoverished and/or so outraged that popular sentiment on a massive scale takes over. And then, a single issue change will not change the structural problems that brought about the issue in the first place. We may even see a few bankers take a hit, but unless the structure is changed, nothing will change the overall raping and pillaging.

Anonymous said...

My take on MCR.

Back in 2001 after the aircraft hit the WTC, by a group carrying box cutters and failing flight tests, I went searching for information about why no intercepts from the air force.

I spent several hours searching, back in those times the internet wasn't what it is today. I don't know how, but I found a web site named As it turns out, it was MCR's site.

He was the only one I could find that had Andrews Air Force base web site posted and there in black and white it was stated they had a squadron of jets to protect the D.C. area and, Air Force One since that it where it is parked.

A couple of days later, the site was pulled. According to MCR and the new web site, there was no mention of a squadron being stationed there. Red flags went higher for me, as I was not buying the misinformation that was being sent out as to the hijackings and response.

All I can say is, that the information I was searching for was only being posted by MCR. I have not followed him since the new sites has been up nor was I going to pay for information on the old site. I can't say what has happened to him or what is taking place since I do not follow him any longer. Things do change.

I have not bought into the "official story" and to this day, I believe it was a set up and do not really believe we will find out what really happened for a very long time.
Look at the JFK murder, information is just now being released about that.


rockpicker said...

I listen to Ruppert every Sunday evening via the Life Boat Hour. I read Rubicon. By the end, I was highlighting every other sentence for future reference. It's still a great 9/11 reference.

I caught the show that raised flags on Mike's sanity, GD, and as for me, it was a welcome relief. For too long I've been wondering how such a brilliant detective could only be looking in the usual places.

Turns out during last weeks' show, Ruppert got into wujoland by discussing ufo's. It's fucking about time, since the whole planet is seeing unidentified craft and not a peep in the news.

What do you think that's all about? Lies of omission. Seven ex-military tell stories of how their missiles went down when strange craft hovered over the gates to missile silos, at the National Press Club, and not one person reports this as news?

UFO's are not fringe. They are inextricably connected to, and probably at the core of our problems.

You get disclosure, which we all deserve to have as citizens of planet Earth, and with it you get a flood of knowledge. The ramifications are almost overwhelming.

Ruppert is broadening his scope, as have Graham Hancock and James Howard Kunstler.

Anonymous said...


The masses would all have to have some sorta mass "com'in to Jesus moment" in order to change the entire way the world turns
-and THAT, ain't gonna happen. I think the TILT light will flash when the whole world becomes Easter Island.

Hey FA,

You're into sci-fi flicks, right? Well, the new "Prometheus" movie is total kick-ass! We go out to the theaters maybe twice a year. One on New Year's and one in the summer. Saw this one in an IMAX theater in 3-D with a sound system that made it feel like aliens WERE REALLY kicking human being butt!

You know, sometimes I wish life would immitate art a little more.


Anonymous said...


Murph, I must be the only one who has never read Crossing the Rubicon, mainly because it was never available in Belgium in an English version, or even Dutch for that matter. Like I said I was never able to access his earlier Internet works but saw a few You Tube type debates. I saw one but I cant remember the details now but it was on one of the peak themes. He made the mistake of projecting his outcomes a step too far and got slammed. Instead of backing off graciously or saying “Well that's your point of view and I have mine” or some such, he became pompous beyond belief offering to put up a purse for an eminent jury to decide the matter of what may or may not happen at some time in the future. I thought, “Here is a man who is rather fond of himself.” This is a bit of shame since many people say he has done some first class work promoting contemporary issues. He must have done something right to have his office and servers trashed by G men and then forced to flee the country. In truth I don't know enough about him to call it one way or another. Like I said it was just a general feeling that success had gone to his head. I have heard that people have similar feelings of unease over Nome Cholmsky or Amy Goodman but nothing prooved.

By the way, I can now buy things over the internet. After years of not having a credit card on principle, Mastercard has brought out a debit card that can be used in the same way as a credit card. It is different than Electron or Maestro cards. Mine works in conjunction with the Belgian post office. I only load it up when there are things I want to buy and do not put the future into hock or risk losing it so others can do it for me. Up to now I have only bought a few books and fairly rare world cinema DVD's that I am into but that is something that I couldn't do before. Is Rubicon worth getting or has it passed its sell by date now?

I have no illusions about Avaaz changing anything of significance. That is why I was not over enthusiastic about them. I think their main use is in promoting awareness of world events to a wider audience and generally being a pain in the butt rather than being effective. On the other side it can promote false hopes so who knows?

murph said...

Yes, I rather imagine there could be some question about Ruperts sanity, or at least his stability. I also got a bit turned off on a couple of his interviews where he came off as a charging bull, very arrogant. In his defense, I probably would get a chip on my shoulder too if attacked enough by folks that I had no respect for their opinions. At the time this happened, he was under rather relentless and savage attacks. Most of them that I was aware of were stupid and baseless. A lot of the attacks revolved around peak oil issues he was talking about.

Yes, I think "Crossing the Rubicon" is a worth while read even though it is a bit dated now. It came out in 2004. He does cover 9-11 in that book.

SATS, I also have reservations concerning many of the contemporary gurus. They repeat themselves way too much for my peace of mind, feel like I'm being sold something by a high powered salesman and the appearance is going for the bucks.

murph said...


Don't know if you have seen this page. Maybe explains a bit.

Anonymous said...

Murph ... I could not open the file you sent.

I too read Crossing the Rubicon and found it worthwhile. But like you said, it's dated. I saw a video someone made of MCR and I thought he came off rather arrogant, bragging that he and a couple of others were the old timers of peak oil and the new kids on the block were John M. Greer and some others. It turned me off. Like, why do folks allow their egos to get in the way? I don't care who was on first. Uh oh, Abbott and Costello must be around someplace.

Another book I found interesting was Paul O'Neills's "the Price of Loyality". It explains that the Bush group had plans to invade Iraq before 9/11. What a rats nest!


Hotspringswizard said...

I read Crossing The Rubicon and still think it is an excellent book and I had followed Ruppert through the FTW days ( 1 and 2 ) with Jenna Orkin and all, his move to Ashland, the fleeing to Venezuala, etc.

That being said, I agree with Sats and Bexar in that Rupert is a man that is fully enthralled by himself. I have seen this demeanor in him again and again. Like today for example when I listened to that last Lifeboat Hour session ( dated 7-8 ) which can be found at Collapsenet. Its not at all supprising to me to see the many negative comments that were posted in response to that lifeboat session.

Anyway, the first time I ever heard the phrase Peak Oil was in Rubicon and there are certainly other things along the way that I came to know through Rupperts earlier efforts.

He is clearly headed off in a very differant tangent now and there will be a whole lot of people that won't be into the stuff he is talking about.

I actually met him, and talked to him briefly once when I attended one of the intitial screenings of his movie Collapse down in Hollywood. He gave a brief talk and took questions after the movie.

After it was over I walked up to him and gave him one of my little Clay heads that I make, like the one seen in that recent pic I posted of the snake. I had it wrapped in a sock inside a plastic bag to protect it. He did not open it since there were so many people trying to talk to him. I was watching him walk up the isle when I heard him say to someone he was talking to " look, someone gave me a sock " :-) I,ve wondered if he still has it?

Hotspringswizard said...

Freeacre, My wife told me this evening that she heard on the news that there was some big solar flare today. I am going to do some searching to see if I can find out some more about it.

Hotspringswizard said...

Here is a good article on the big solar flare:

Large solar storm: X-Flare produced Thursday will reach Earth Saturday morning

They say it may cause aurora's as far south as Norther Califorina so Freeacre and Murph maybe you guys will get to see one :-) Its arriving at aprox 1AM Saturday morning. The article also says this:

" This may possibly rival the blackout that hit eastern Canada in the 1989 "

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing all MCRs work, I've been following it since copvcia in the late 90's, rubicon was an eye opener (it's available for download on the web in .pdf for those who have not read it, it is still well worth the read) MCR was a big influence on me, I sold up to buy our doomstead in 2004 due in large part to his influence. I think J.O. had far too much influence on him, however with the benefit of hindsight there remain many red flags waving over MCR, the biggest being the split he caused in the 9/11 movement.

If MCRs oft repeated statement "you change nothing until you change the way money works" means so much at a fundamental level, why does he never take it any further or research in that area?

Why did the "money reform" movement never gain any traction? Compare it to the PO movement for e.g. and put yourself in the position of the PTB ask which you would want promoting, especially now we have seen agenda 21 laid bare, agenda 21 has been in the works since at least 1974, think about that! How come it was missed until recently? Were we too busy caught up in PO and all the other "environmental" issues?

Problem. reaction. solution.

We've been had, many times, it continues on and on. So it is so it shall be, unless...


Anonymous said...

On UFO/Alien stuff, even if a ship lands in the middle of the Olympics on global TV I won't believe the "problem" until I'm taken personally to another planet/dimension by our new "friends" and return with holiday snaps. TPTB have had the genome cracked long enough to grow some weird looking hybrid monster to roll out on TV, NASA are aware of all that stuff flying about "up there" as seen on the shuttle footage. I've no doubt the UFOs seen on night vision are real, but I'm inclined to think they have human pilots.


rockpicker said...

GD; If ufo's are being piloted by humans, then what grand deception is being played? For what reason?

Let's take Dr. Steven Greer's National Press Club address, held in May, 2001, where he assembled 40 or so ex-military people to testify about encounters. I chose that because it's something most of us have seen. If you're not familiar with this footage, it can be found on YouTube. I suggest everyone revisit this piece of work, and think about what these people are saying.

In 2010, Robert Hastings repeated the performance with seven guys who essentially made the same sorts of announcements. That, too, is available on YouTube, and also on Project Camelot, I think.

Bob Salas has told his story many places. A craft hovered over the gate at his missile silo. As he was informing his supervisor of the situation, his missiles "began going down." All ten missiles lost communication with the base, meaning they were effectively inoperable, and had to be reprogrammed the next day to get them back online.

How, and why, would humans do that? Reportedly, the same kind of events occurred in Russia.

Bob Dean tells of a fleet of ufo's that appeared on NATO radar coming out of eastern Europe, flew in over Germany and France, then turned north and disappeared towards the pole. He said NATO figured they were Russian birds, and USSR figured they were ours. Nearly started a missile exchange.
That's a pretty dicey game to play...

Anonymous said...

murph, i had to copy and paste this into a new browser to get it to open ,, if this is what you were getting at.

what a fucking mess of evil if it is.

its a book from hell info...


rockpicker said...

Hey, MF, how's the summer goin'?

Can you repost that link?

Anonymous said...

rp: we won't know until after the fact, whatever it is it will be designed to keep those at the top in charge of our slavery. Something like agenda 21 will probably be the "solution" though it may be something we've not seen yet, most likely coming from the UN et al.

Whatever TPTB present will be a lie, it's easy to spot, because if their lips are moving, they are lying, if the MSM show it, it will be a lie.

Whatever it is will have a "solution" ready made, rolled out so fast it should be obvious they didn't come up with it in response to the "problem".


Anonymous said...

some synchronism


Anonymous said...


Mf that was too big a read for me but on the same theme here is a six year old documentary “Iraq for Sale”.

In part it tells the story of a private US citizen who went out to do his bit for his country. He was employed as a convoy driver to a private company. The company sent the convoy out so they could collect the contract money whether there was anything to transport or not. The guy was killed in an ambush whilst he was taking his empty wagon from here to there.

Rp, I don't mean this unkindly but you seem to be our resident expert on all things alien or unidentified. Look at all the new toys the military and the police are being given to play with. HSW regularly updates us on new classes of drones and it is not unreasonable to suppose that Tom Beardon types are collaborating with NASA to put all manner of strange and experimental craft into the sky. On the basis of this, gut feeling would tend to fall with GD's point of view. There is on the other side a large body of reported incidents which cannot be discounted because they do not fall into our predetermined world view. What I am saying here is that I am taking the stance as I did with Mike Rupert and saying I don't know enough about it to make a judgement call. What I propose to do here is to ask the dumb questions – the sort people don't usually ask because they don't want to look foolish. I will also say out front that on on occasions I sometimes employ a style of argument called 'logical conclusions' which can sometimes be taken as frivolous and sometimes not. Let us start by accepting the premise that off planet aliens exist and they sometimes fly over our skies in their craft. I don't want to get into whether they are walking down the street amongst us or whether there are beings from the Pleiades incarcerated in deep underground military bases. What I am more interested in, is their motives and their attitude towards us, as you see it. I am also interested in the bounds of reason, where reality ends and fantasy begins, again as you see it. You see, so far as I am aware, no other entity has landed on earth, jumped out of their craft and uttered the famous words “ We come in peace”. What motivates these 'people' to observe us? I guess you are accepting Roswell as a fact, what about the Majestic 12, also a fact or just a good story? What I am building to is whether these aliens are friendly or hostile towards us. Or maybe they regard us as biologists would regard cultures in a petri dish; neither friendly or unfriendly but just there to be observed. What do you suppose was behind the 'nucular' silo incident you mentioned above? Was it to protect us from ourselves, was it to protect them from us or was it a warning shot across our bows to say “We know what you are up to and we are watching you”. I guess a lot of this is where you draw your personal line in the sand. For instance, do you accept David Griffin's argument in his blog site “Upward Vector Publishing”, that the (mainly) Jewish banking cabal is being manipulated off planet? That the Rothschild s and Rockefeller's of this world are marionettes of an alien entity and our world economy is being trashed so we can be more easily enslaved by aliens?

Although they haven't said it directly, yet, I think that is the direction the White Hats are heading in although I may be reading this wrongly.

Or is this scaremongering in order to control us, by the financial elites of planet Earth?

It is not my intention to make you uncomfortable with any of this stuff. If you don't want to answer or just plain don't know I will accept that as okay.

Anonymous said...


Mf that was too big a read for me but on the same theme here is a six year old documentary “Iraq for Sale”.

In part it tells the story of a private US citizen who went out to do his bit for his country. He was employed as a convoy driver to a private company. The company sent the convoy out so they could collect the contract money whether there was anything to transport or not. The guy was killed in an ambush whilst he was taking his empty wagon from here to there.

Rp, I don't mean this unkindly but you seem to be our resident expert on all things alien or unidentified. Look at all the new toys the military and the police are being given to play with. HSW regularly updates us on new classes of drones and it is not unreasonable to suppose that Tom Beardon types are collaborating with NASA to put all manner of strange and experimental craft into the sky. On the basis of this, gut feeling would tend to fall with GD's point of view. There is on the other side a large body of reported incidents which cannot be discounted because they do not fall into our predetermined world view. What I am saying here is that I am taking the stance as I did with Mike Rupert and saying I don't know enough about it to make a judgement call. What I propose to do here is to ask the dumb questions – the sort people don't usually ask because they don't want to look foolish. I will also say out front that on on occasions I sometimes employ a style of argument called 'logical conclusions' which can sometimes be taken as frivolous and sometimes not. Let us start by accepting the premise that off planet aliens exist and they sometimes fly over our skies in their craft. I don't want to get into whether they are walking down the street amongst us or whether there are beings from the Pleiades incarcerated in deep underground military bases. What I am more interested in, is their motives and their attitude towards us, as you see it. I am also interested in the bounds of reason, where reality ends and fantasy begins, again as you see it. You see, so far as I am aware, no other entity has landed on earth, jumped out of their craft and uttered the famous words “ We come in peace”. What motivates these 'people' to observe us? I guess you are accepting Roswell as a fact, what about the Majestic 12, also a fact or just a good story? What I am building to is whether these aliens are friendly or hostile towards us. Or maybe they regard us as biologists would regard cultures in a petri dish; neither friendly or unfriendly but just there to be observed. What do you suppose was behind the 'nucular' silo incident you mentioned above? Was it to protect us from ourselves, was it to protect them from us or was it a warning shot across our bows to say “We know what you are up to and we are watching you”. I guess a lot of this is where you draw your personal line in the sand. For instance, do you accept David Griffin's argument in his blog site “Upward Vector Publishing”, that the (mainly) Jewish banking cabal is being manipulated off planet? That the Rothschild's and Rockerfeller's of this world are marionettes of an alien entity and our world economy is being trashed so we can be more easily enslaved by aileans?

Although they haven't said it directly, yet, I think that is the direction the White Hats are heading in although I may be reading this wrongly.

Or is this scaremongering in order to control us, by the financial elites of planet Earth?

It is not my intention to make you uncomfortable with any of this stuff. If you don't want to answer or just plain don't know I will accept that as okay.

Anonymous said...


Murph you have the same comment twice in your spam box.

murph said...

Hi folks,

I found 3 comments in the spam folder, I marked them as not spam and I think only 1 showed up. Sheesh, Google taking over this site is a headache.

Hotspringswizard said...

Speaking of Drones:

Pentagon Wants New ‘Award for Bravery’ for Remote Drone Pilots

....So medals would be awarded for sitting safely ensconced in a bunker on U.S. soil and launching bombs with a video joystick at human beings thousands of miles away. Justifying drone warfare requires pretending that the act entails some sort of bravery, so the U.S. military is increasingly taking steps to create the facade of warrior courage for drone pilots....


Anonymous said...


Mf that was too big a read for me but on the same theme here is a six year old documentary “Iraq for Sale”.

In part it tells the story of a private US citizen who went out to do his bit for his country. He was employed as a convoy driver to a private company. The company sent the convoy out so they could collect the contract money whether there was anything to transport or not. The guy was killed in an ambush whilst he was taking his empty wagon from here to there.

Rp, I don't mean this unkindly but you seem to be our resident expert on all things alien or unidentified. Look at all the new toys the military and the police are being given to play with. HSW regularly updates us on new classes of drones and it is not unreasonable to suppose that Tom Beardon types are collaborating with NASA to put all manner of strange and experimental craft into the sky. On the basis of this, gut feeling would tend to fall with GD's point of view. There is on the other side a large body of reported incidents which cannot be discounted because they do not fall into our predetermined world view. What I am saying here is that I am taking the same stance as I did with Mike Rupert and saying I don't know enough about it to make a judgement call. What I propose to do here is to ask the dumb questions – the sort people don't usually ask because they don't want to look foolish. I will also say out front that on on occasions I sometimes employ a style of argument called 'logical conclusions' which can sometimes be taken as frivolous and sometimes not. Let us start by accepting the premis that off planet aliens exist and they sometimes fly over our skies in their craft. I don't want to get into whether they are walking down the street amongst us or whether there are beings from the pliadies incarcerated in deep underground military bases. What I am more interested in, is their motives and their attitude towards us, as you see it. I am also interested in the bounds of reason, where reality ends and fantisy begins, again as you see it. You see, so far as I am aware, no other entity has landed on earth, jumped out of their craft and uttered the famous words “ We come in peace”. What motivates these 'people' to observe us? I guess you are accepting Roswell as a fact, what about the Majestic 12, also a fact or just a good story? What I am building to is whether these aliens are friendly or hostile towrds us. Or maybe they regard us as biologists would regard cultures in a petri dish; neither friendly or unfriendly but just there to be
observed. What do you suppose was behind the 'nucular' silo incident you mentioned above? Was it to protect us from ourselves, was it to protect them from us or was it a warning shot across our bows to say “We know what you are up to and we are watching you”. I guess a lot of this is where you draw your personal line in the sand. For instance, do you accept David Griffin's argument in his blog site “Upward Vector Publishing”, that the well known banking cabals are being manipulated off planet? That the financial dynasties of this world are marianettes of an alien entity and our world economy is being trashed so we can be more easily enslaved by aleans?

Although they haven't said it directly, yet, I think that is the direction the White Hats are heading in although I may be reading this wrongly.

Or is this misinformation and scaremongering, by the financial elites of planet Earth in order to control us ?

It is not my intention to make you uncomfortable with any of this stuff. If you don't want to answer or just plain don't know I will accept that as okay.

Anonymous said...


Now ain't that interesting. I changed three words from the thing that got spammed, modified the sentences around to make the English work and got the comment to stay up. The words were R****child; R*****feller and J**ish.

freeacre said...

Randy - Yeah, I do like SF movies. We went to the theater to see Promethius, too, in 3D. I was a bit disappointed, though, with it. Too much slime for 3D as far as I am concerned. Should have brought a towel. lol

I'm looking forward to Elesium from the same director who did District 9, which I thought was great. It's about the Earth turning into a hell hole while the elites circle around the planet on Elesium, a sort of Utopia, or something. Sounds plausible..

My favorite "Outer LImits" back in the day was one which starred Robert Culp. He played a scientist who had multiple surgeries to transform him into what appeared to be an alien from space. The point was to unite humanity against a common foe in order to establish peace on Earth. But, it didn't work out, as he was killed by some Bubba.
I still think think the premise is a good one. But, fifty years later, it seems the agenda has switched from peace on earth to ruling and exploiting the whole earth.

rockpicker said...

SATS; No worries. Just got back last night from the Montana Folk Festival, 2012, which was held in Butte again this year. Highlight of the summer. We had the presence of mind to rent a room for Saturday night, so were able to see shows until 6:00 pm yesterday. It was fantastic!

But, now, concerning your questions on ufo's. First off, I heartily reject your nomination as 'resident ufo expert,' preferring, instead, to be acknowledged as just someone kind of aware and interested in the phenomena, and its broader ramifications for humanity, should reality turn out to be more along the lines of ufologists' suspicions than NASA and academia have been willing to admit. Let's take this in stages, as I am currently pressed for time and can not now elaborate. But let me leave you with a timely visual to ponder...

Anonymous said...


He, he, he, nearly got away with that one :-)
You know the standard definition of an expert – someone who learns more and more about less and less until in the end he knows everything there is to know about bugger all.
When I worked for the big chemical company (not as big now as when I was there, smiley winky thing), I came up with a definition of an expert, it is simply someone who has done something once. If there are ten people trying to find a way to make a process work and I crack it, the next time the job comes around they will say “Oh give it to Sats, he is the expert.” :-)

Sure pleased you has a good time in Butte. I will be away this coming weekend also. I am helping to put what used to be a wall into a container. Not so much fun there, I am afraid but hey, that's what families are for – I am told.

Re the question, It just occurred to me that if entities from other worlds can come here and observe us and we can't go to wherever there is, then they are obviously smarter than us so what are their intentions towards us, if any. If anyone has an opinion on that one.

I am going to catch up on that link now.

rockpicker said...

SATS; I've never met an alien, or been abducted, so I have no first hand reference. Never had an out-of-body experience or even seen a ghost. No remote viewing either. All I have to go on is intuition and trust in what other people say. I do have a crap detector that I leave on, mostly.

What 'people' are saying is that there are benevolent ET's and there are malevolent ET's. The benevolent ET's operate with a code of service to others, and are trying to help us free ourselves from the domination of the malevolent ones, who have been enslaving earthlings for quite some time. The infamous reptillians are one of these groups, either extraterrestrial or extra dimensional. I have difficulty imaging what fourth, or higher, dimensional living must be like.

Here's a website you can check out at your leisure.

Also, if you do a search for John Kettler blog, his page will come up. He and his assistant claim to be in regular telepathic communication with Liberation Forces from the Galactic Federation. According to these folks, it is the wish of the Federation that we Earthlings free ourselves from the rule of the 'bad guys' and move in the direction of ascension, so that we may fulfill our destiny as bona fide members of the larger universe. We have a ways to go before we're ready for induction, I believe.

Tanaath states that we humans can volunteer to join these liberation forces and help our selves out of enslavement, but you have to be able to astral project, a skill I have yet to acquire.