Saturday, August 19, 2017

The End of (My) Days

This may be my last post. As many of you are aware, I have had three partial mastectomies over that last year or so to get rid of tumors. But, when I finally relented and allowed them to do radiation treatments, they found that my lungs had twenty tumors in them. The radiologist more or less freaked, and stopped everything and dumped me into palliative care. That means they don't do any more medical treatments and just watch you deteriorate. But, my oncologist scheduled all sorts of scans. Then they found that in addition to the ones in my lungs, I also have one on the tip of my thigh bone and a huge one covering about 60% of my liver. It is about the size of a nerf football. Or at least it was. Now if feels as if it is bigger.

It's funny. Over the years we have been trying to prepare for all sorts of situations. But, terminal illness wasn't part of them. When I found out that I was dying, I booked a cruise for myself and my son and went up the inner passage to Alaska. I am so glad that I did. It was really fun. If you would like to go on a cruise, I recommend checking out You can book cruises at half the cost. That's what we got, and our stateroom was outstanding.

I want to tell you how important you are to me. Several of us have been together for years. We have truly become friends and a cyber-tribe. The hardest part of this situation is saying good-by to all those I love. My hope is that I can go out with some sort of grace. You know me. I think in movies. So, I have been watching a lot of movies dealing with death. One good one was “Last Taxi to Darwin” or something like that. My new hobby is writing reviews of movies I've watched on Netflix.

Anyway, I am not the only one for whom it is the Last Days. With all the hostility being generated between us and North Korea, Russia, and China, a big war could break out any time. The “Deep State” or The Powers that Be (TPTB) seem set on it. And, George Soros seems to be backing the destabilization of the country, just as he has done in many others. I wish I knew of somewhere his nefarious plans did not work. The globalists seem determined to break up the nation states and implement a New World Order where the banks and corporations can rule with impunity.

I call it the Kali Yuga – The Hindu Last Days. Corruption and perversion rule the day. Christians are looking at The Rapture. All cultures have predictions of the End of Days, and I think most of them are agreeing that this is it. And we thought Peak Oil was going to be bad. Politically, it is even worse. President Trump is beset on all sides. Whether you support him or not, we should all be outraged that the Deep State is determined to disallow the results of the presidential election. It is jaw-dropping to me that the Democrats and Republicans in Name Only (RINOS) are determined to take out Trump. Congresspeople are calling for his assassination. Celebrities and actors call for his death. And none of them has been tried for sedition.

It remains to be seen whether the second amendment will come into play here. We have the right to bear arms, if you will remember, so that if necessary we can “defend the security of the free state.”

We are threatened on all sides. The economy is on the brink of failure. Yellowstone could erupt at any time. The eclipse might cause all kinds of problems. The poles seem to be shifting. And, I guess it won't be long before we know if Nibiru is actually coming. Then, of course, there is Fukushima destroying the fish in the ocean, melting the starfish in the tide pools - and giving people like me cancer.

Pardon my negative attitude. People tell me to keep a positive outlook, but I just want to give them the finger.

Well, Dear Ones, I do want you to know that I love you and I will miss you when I am gone. It's been a good run for us as we have held each others hands during the work up to all of this. I wish you all the very best and hope that you will be safe and figure a way to make things better.