For examples of what I am referring to, read Joe Bageant’s site lately. He wrote an essay entitled, “Old Dogs and Hard Time,” with related comments that are eye-opening and crushingly sad. Read Cryptogon, What Really Happened, Raw Story, and numerous other alternative news sites covering atrocities that local police departments commit on American citizens. Breaking into homes unannounced, shooting people in raids to the wrong homes, strip searching women and children and leaving them in cold cells for days at a time, paramilitary responses to civil disobedience, confiscating property. It has become the norm. All brought to you by “Homeland Security” and so-called "progressive" legislation. What a crock.
The other subject is the fact that the
We have had a general testifying that the Bush cabal is guilty of crimes against humanity at Abu Ghraibe,
My problem is that I am so horrified and appalled and outraged by these crimes, that I find myself becoming physically ill when I think of them. My chest tightens up, my stomach is nauseated, my mind gets fuzzy… I tie into perhaps a formative childhood sense of helplessness in the face of abuse of power. Sickening, paralyzing fear makes me want to run, but I feel trapped.
No wonder we are a nation dependent on anti-depressants, antacids, and anti-diarrhea medication, etc. As much as the lamestream media would have us believe, it ain’t just the greasy food that’s making us sick anymore.
We are all hooked up psychically to one another. There is a collective consciousness that links us to each other. This mental and emotional reservoir of pain, despair, and fear that is growing every day is most probably having effects that we only too dimly recognize. The energy spent in denial is exhausting. The paralysis we experience is crippling. It shapes our present and holds the future hostage. How can we create a better reality, with this anchor of agony?
It’s not as though this is new. History is rife with examples of outrageous cruelty. How about the Aztecs ripping out the still beating hearts of captured victims? Thousands of women in the middle ages burned at the stakes, men gutted and torn apart for heresies during the Inquisition. Whippings, hangings, rape, pillage, slavery, crucifixion, the list goes on and on. When these became too much to bear, the whole civilization came apart at the seams.
But, we were taught that we Americans were better than this. We became the hope of the world on the promise that we don’t do that to people. We were taught that we have protection from torture and death and incarceration at the whim of the warlord. We have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have the police and the courts to protect us against tyranny, don’t we? Not anymore.
What the hell has happened to us? Do we just pass the Prozak and let it all go down? What is the antidote to this system of fascism, brutality, and fear? I don’t want to live in this Swine Nation, this police state. I do not choose to comply. I will resist the temptation to give even lip service to their squeals when they demand more money or shove their programs and laws at us. I will not call a cop for anything.
On the macro level, of course, the same thing has happened nationally, “in this post-9/11 world.” God, if I hear that disgusting self-serving fascist phrase again, I am going to go mad. Our government has become what it purported to hate. It is a force of darkness forged by greed, arrogance, brutality, exploitation, and a false sense of privilege. Those who serve them have their humanity diminished. Witness the epidemic of suicides of our soldiers in
We must identify these pigs who have taken over our government and our local police departments for what they are. After all, it wasn’t until the freaks (or hippies) began to call the police “the pigs” that problems were identified and some changes were made. It’s more than a word, it is a definition.
So, once again, we are at this point. The pigs are the enemies of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Their masters are even bigger pigs than they are: the banksterz, the corporates, the lobbyists, the representatives, the senators, liars and thieves who would steal our freedoms, our health, and our lives, are all pigs, porkers, hogs, sows, and swine. Let’s just keep it simple, and get clear on this.
Somehow, once I know them to be pigs, they aren’t so intimidating anymore.