Well, it's October and officially Fall. I love the Fall. Colorful trees and shrubbery, brisk nights, the harvest coming in, looking forward to Thanksgiving, etc. But, there is one aspect of this Fall that is a little different this year.
Dire Predictions. Well, hell, dire predictions are nothing new at this campfire. Damn! We've been preparing for financial, political, natural and un-natural disasters, resource depletion, and every possible way we can think of for things to go to hell for years. So, No Big Deal, eh?
My son keeps telling me not to be fearful and to quit imagining the shit hitting the fan. He says it's bad for me. I agree that fear can be bad for the body and soul, but that denial is stupid and planning ahead makes me feel safer, not more fearful. He says I should have more fun. I agree. I just accepted an invitation from a friend and neighbor to come and sit in her hot tub under the stars with her tonight. I can hardly wait! Also, the Bean and I am planning a trip to the coast on my birthday with a visit to the aquarium in Newportin February. So there!
Being out of debt eases my stress. It took a long time to earn my impeccable credit status, after suffering a catastrophic medical bill related bankruptcy years ago, the death of my husband, etc. etc. But, it got done, and murph and I have remained debt-free for years and have perfect credit as far as I know. It feels good. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just telling ya...
But, I have just made the decision to put a few necessities on the card that may not get paid off right away. I'll tell you why.
Cliff High's Alta Reports of the Shape of Things to Come have been anticipating for YEARS now that in November of this year, some huge “tipping point” is going to be reached that will be extraordinary. I mean, like the History Channel's Mega-Disaster-Series-Huge. Read them for yourself. Go to Half Past Human, spring for the ten bucks, and read the last one. Or, read George Ure's Urban Survival posts regularly and he will relate the major points for free, or subscribe to his Peoplnomics reports, and he'll go into more detail.
Cliff and George are not the only ones. Since we are now approaching the Galactic Center on our solar system's regular trek through space, assorted “lumps” in normally clear space are becoming more frequent. It's like following a gravel truck down a highway. You can't be real surprised if your windshield gets cracked by a flying stone. A quick check of the chart of near earth asteroids on spaceweather.com will demonstrate just how frequent these near earth encounters are - and those are only the ones that are being tracked.
Then there is the recent news of foreclosures being halted in 23 states. Why 23 states? Because those are the states that require a judge to okay foreclosures. Well, heck, that doesn't sound so scary! I mean, no foreclosures is a good thing, right? Well, yeah. It means that people could continue to live in a dwelling instead of under an overpass for a year or two. But, it also means that the paperwork involved – the titles to the properties are so hopelessly screwed up, lost, or full of fraud that not only foreclosures, but sales will come to a standstill as well. Think of it. All those millions and millions of dollars and all the billions and trillions of derivatives that banks have created from those original loans... all the pension funds and city and county governments who bought those derivatives... on and on around the world. When it dawns on people just the magnitude of what is behind this quagmire, look for a stampede out of the stock market and into commodities like gold, guns, food and arable land. Dmitri Orlov has written a hard-hitting essay on the cascading effect of peak oil that can be applied to the real estate meltdown in many ways as well. It's called “Peak Oil is History” and is available at culturechange.org. Denninger on themarket-ticker.org wrote an incisive analysis of the potential real estate foreclosure debacle probably before anyone else. It's called “MERS/MBS/Foreclosure Goes RICO”; as well as Howard Kunstler, Gerald Celente, Mike Ruppert, and many others. They aren't just talking about “sometime.” They are talking about five weeks.
So, I am breaking my own rule and putting more on my cards than I will pay off in one month. If all hell breaks loose, a bill in the mail will be the least of our worries. Paying an interest charge to the frigging criminal banksters will be annoying, but I can live with it if nothing terminal happens. But, on the other hand, in case there is some life-altering event, say between November 8-12 or so, you may want to make a list of things you really couldn't do without if the trucks stopped running – and maybe the lights went out.
We decided on three things right off the top: I use a teng electrical stimulator devise to reduce the pain in my back. The electrodes don't last very long. I ordered several more. I also need some medication for my eyes that I would be in a world of hurt without. I just placed an international call and ordered a year's worth from Canada. And, in the event of the electricity going out, we just ordered the propane to fill up the tank with backup gas for a year.
Note that these things are necessities that we will use anyway, even if everything is smooth sailing and nothing bad happens. And, it's not so much money that I'd have to become a fugitive from justice if I could not pay the bill right away. I'm not planning a cruise around the world, only to have to dive overboard on the way back home to avoid the creditors – although if I am still alive after 2012, I may decide to re-visit that decision...lol.
My point is, that only you can assess what is the most necessary for you right now just in case November is a BOP – a Bitch of Outlandish Proportions. Let's hope that we will all enjoy a great Thanksgiving with all the trimmings. Let's envision all gathering after the feast sharing good wishes for each other at the Campfire – truly grateful for our lives, families, friends, and this beautiful planet that we share.
I am all for living in the moment, enjoying life as it comes, and all that. But, I don't want to be in the middle of a stampede for the exits, either. So, right now would be a good time to do whatever it is that you have been putting off in terms of gathering together the things you can't live without.
“I see you.” I see the beauty in you. I don't want you to be miserable. If that's so bad, well, I guess I'm bad.
I haven't had any weird predictive dreams in the last few weeks (nor have Gerick nor any of our other friends).
However, this IS fitting with the dream I had nearly 2 years ago. I think my mind was a little mixed up between the "Red October" meltdown of 2008 and something happening this year around the same period.
In LJ July 22nd 2008 I wrote:
"I went upstairs to a gathering of some of my aspects. They wanted me to listen to these big holiday candles. These candles could talk, and they were expected to be sacrificed (burned down like candles are) on their appropriate holiday. Something wasn't right about the Halloween and Thanksgiving candles. One aspect actually cut the tip top of the Halloween candle clear off (it was a pumpkin) to prevent it from speaking. The Thanksgiving candle was telling the other aspects how it was sad because it would never get burned. It said, "Next Thanksgiving will be the last Thanksgiving we ever have." That's when I awoke."
My interpretation of that part of the dream was:
"The candles were another interesting symbolism for "illumination" and knowledge. The connection to Halloween and Thanksgiving seemed to indicate a time period of between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Since the candle said "next will be the last" that means 2008's holiday will be the last. Halloween interrupted, and Thanksgiving completely off the shelves in 2009?"
But now I'm wondering if maybe the confusion was caused by things happening in 2008 and 2010. If Red October were the reference point for the dream, then "the next Thanksgiving" would be 2009 and so the next big thing would be that period in 2010. I'm not sure, but I thought I'd offer that one up as possibly being interesting to contemplate.
Otherwise? Nada. No dreams, flashes, or "buzz."
Good advice there Freeacre. I was talking to my mom this morning before I had read your new entry Freeacre and I told her that she needed to get more storable food because of all of the signs that things might be really taking a turn for the worse rather soon. They have some stored food already. We have a year four person supply so that gives us some comfort. The Dimitri Orlov article was excellent. I see oil is around $83:50 heading higher lately and gold is above $1350 today.
On another subject I viewed a documentary this evening that I have been wanting to see called, The Most Dangerous Man In Americal: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.
So many parallels in the corruption and the lies of our leaders and the so called " wars " we are now engaged in based on myriad lies like was the case with the history leading up to the Vietnam conflict.
After life changing experiences Daniel Ellsberg stood up for truth against the mass government lies and was willing to go to prison to see that the reality of what was really going on came out. Now in our time the same BS is still going on and I'd say the elites have alot more power now and have learned from the mistakes that eventually led to thier crimes being exposed.
Like back then all the mainstream news outlets finally stood up en masse to the government which was a big part of the eventual success of Daniel Elesberg. Now we have completely controlled corportation newstainment and imbedded war reporters who might as well be wearing military uniforms.
Still its inspiring to see someone who had the guts and the will to stand up to the pervasive government lies and corruption. Too few people like that in this world to change things now from the global train wreck thats coming soon enough.
Interesting thing happened this afternoon. I saw a Falcon out in our front yard get a Chuckar which is a type of bird that looks like a big brown quail, and it is four times bigger or so. Once he dispatched his catch I went out and cut out the breast and legs while the Falcon sat on the fence about 6 feet away and watched me. No kiddin!
I left the rest of the carcass for the Falcon and when I went inside I saw it jump down and continue its meal. The Chuckar was way to big for him to eat anyway since it was almost as heavy as the Falcon was.
So I had some fresh Chucker this evening cooked in olive oil with some spices and a nice salad! Yummy :-)
Ashes ashes all fall down
I'm never sure if my emotional state is the result of what I read and listen to or some internal mechanism perking up. For the last couple of months or so I periodically feel a sense of dread that takes some time to dissipate. Of course I counsel myself concerning what I have been reading, mostly all bad news with a catastrophe or two thrown in to up the tension. Is it disinformation/misinformation/lies or have I connected the dots realistically?
Although I realize that I and those I love and care about could die or suffer horribly, I still want the dissolvment of this retched western civilization to take a nose dive. Yup, its throwing the baby out with the bath water, but I see no way Epsom salts added to the water is going to change anything, it will still be dirty water.
I'm probably a terrorist now according to the minions of the PTB.
i love life
i really do.
almost everything about it.
and yet my most fervent prayer right now is for a direct big asteroid hit.
don't want to survive starvation, base humanity survival and all that, and although i have an extremely frugal life style, cold showers don't do it for me.
i am hoping that whatever happens will be the end of humanity .
and perhaps at the next amoebic phase something different will come into play that will prevent this situation from ever arising again.
how many times does consciousness need to experience planetary collapse?
From Belgium
Yeh Freeacre, we have lived with the Sword of Damocles for so long now that we half suspect that it is a special case subject to anti-gravity. What is so hard to come to terms with is the apparent ordinariness of everyday life (well for most of us).
There again:
“The United States of Austerity will lead the economy and global finances into The Heart of Darkness”
I've no idea what those predictions are saying, and I don't have an extra ten bucks to find out. Even without them, though, it's obvious things are going downhill, fast. This local area is supposedly still unaffected by the recession but 250 people just got laid off from NASA -which translates into 1000 layoffs in the broader community. At least. And then a local factory announced they were hiring (not firing) 250 people, and over 10,000 applicants from the local region applied in 48 hours. They had to shut the process down. These were for low-wage, entry-level factory jobs.
It's taking everything we've got just to make it right now. Three emergencies and our savings went up in smoke, plus our bills have gone up to boot. And K may get laid off in the next couple of weeks. Luckily, we have about a year's supply of grains and beans stockpiled, but we don't have the rest of what we need and I don't see us scraping up the money to do any more preps right now.
Whatever those predictions are, I really hope they turn out not to be so bad.
On a totally different note, this is absolutely hilarious:
Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck
DANG! We got some heavy-duty DOOM go'in on here! Which of course is, ex-cellent.
Murph, you're DEFINITELY on the "No Fly" list now, man. You've got a lot of good company, though -peace activist, ALL Muslims, raw milk producers, thinking humans, etc. Since I second the notion of "throwing out the baby with the bathwater," I'm probably on it, too. Who cares. The only way I'm going to fly again is if I'm guaranteed a thorough frisking by a hot TSA babe.
Yeah, a total complete meltdown of the "wheels of progress" or a killer asteroid will probably suck der big weinerschnitzel, but at least it will be real. Work'in for "da Man" so I can pay way-too-much for everything (car insurance, gas, water, food, taxes, electric, fees for yada, yada, yada) is not REAL. It's all man-made CRAP! I don't see why I just can't make (and DRINK) my beer and eat my tomatoes while I watch the sunset -
I've never wanted much. I've only wanted to do something fun during my time on the planet.
And not be fucked with.
totally feeling this post. The past month, I keep telling my girlfriend something feels off, but I cant put my finger on it. But hell, things have always felt off and I wonder what marketing ploy is making me feel this way this time.
How do you differentiate between picking up on the vibrations of a totally connected universe and the constant lies and subliminal messages pumped into our minds?
This article is all about a society desperate to find more energy, no matter the environmental devastation that these projects will leave behind. Its another sure sign that Business as usual is the long term plan being pursued, which of course will bring us into even more severe problems once the system really begins to fall over in ernest.
A high-risk fossil fuel boom sweeps across North America
I'm happy to hear from everybody. I've been talking back to you in my mind, but haven't written anything till now. Enjoyed that hot tub and made East Indian food tonight for fun.
Thanks for sharing your dream with us, lucretiasheart.
Danielle Ellsburg, Wizard, was a hero to me. Today, though, he'd probably be renditioned, waterboarded, and slammed in some gulag as a terrorist sympathizer. Two more good documentaries are War, Inc. and Food, Inc. Also, the Power of Nightmares. There are so many great documentaries. Too bad not many people watch them.
Like you, Su, I often take comfort in the notion of the asteroid's embrace. A hard fall would be better than a slow one for most living critters. I guess collapse is inevitable until we collectively figure out how not to be a scourge on earth,and make it so Randy can drink his beer and eat his tomatoes in peace.
NASA just laid off 250 people? I guess Obama really did curtail the space program, or at least the visible one. Stay tuned for the second act. It ought to be a doozy.
True, Belgium, it's the "ordinariness" that gets really tedious in these times that feel "off," like jon commented. Cognitive dissonance, as we have discussed before, is exhausting.
Chris Hedges wrote a good essay on collapse that is featured on LATOC today. Surprisingly (considering he writes for the NYT, Smirking Chimp, etc.) he paints a good picture, to murph and I, as to what it takes to make it through. When to fight, and when to plant and when to make friends, and when to keep your head down and run.
And, I could use more of that Donald Duck stuff, ras. lol
Yo! Check out the latest DOOM rant from Chris Hedges.
Some of the comments after the article have me a little worried. They stressed the need for becoming a member of a "tribe." Well, this cyber tribe is purdy darn cool, but in order to survive the coming shit-storm, a local tribe will probably be a "must have" item.
What I'm worried about is that getting into a local tribe might be very hard to do here in "Glenbeckistan." Our neighbors pretty much despise us because we're not Mormon. Each time I wave or say "hello," to one of our neighbors, I get this "what the HECK are you doing here in Zion, coffee-drinker?!" look. Man, I can just "feel" the hate every day when I come home from work.
Sometimes I wish I'd get laid-off and get forclosed on just so we can get the fuck out of here.
Oh, forgot to mention -an aerospace company that makes booster parts for NASA, I think it's called AST, just laid off about 430 workers. Of course, they'll blame the lay-off on "liberals" or whoever Glen Beck says is the problem.
BLOODY HELL! -which reminds me... Our British friends are popping-in later this month and they want to see and experience Las Vegas. I told them Vegas sucks, but they want to see what it's all about. So, maybe we'll just, ah, charge a butt-load on our VISA card -AND hope we never have to pay it off. HA!
Very good post from the European LEAP folks, Belgium. Lots of "wonces," "wences," "withers," "whilst," and whatnots. LOL.
American Austerity.. what a concept! Do you think that's maybe why Costco is selling food survival packages?
Things just get curiouser and curiouser...
Regarding Las Vegas Randy, Lake Mead which supplies the vast majority of the water for Vegas is only a few inches from reaching a low water level not seen since 1937, a year after the lake first began to fill. The level is now 1083 feet which is the elevation from sea level and not a figure that represents the actual deepest depth of the lake.
There is a trigger point of 1075, and if the lake goes below that then the treaty of water allocation for the colorado river created back in the 1,800 will have to be changed for the cutbacks to certain states that will be necesary at that point. Lake Mead is down 17 feet from the January figure at the beginning of this year.
Also if the lake goes below 1050 the authorities said electricity production at the dam may not be possible because of the low level.
On another subject related to energy use here is an article which dicusses the various new reports from the US military where they are beginning to actually point out and discuss the energy crisis that is now unfolding.
Military reports leading the charge in peak oil debate
Another military report is targeting future oil supply concerns.....
Note the exerpt near the bottom of the article where the Military tries to imply that somehow alternative sources of fuels, specifically biofuels and second generation biofuel sources are somehow going to run the monsterously sized US military.
I think the articles author sums it up well with this they wrote, " It’s a tough sell to suggest that the 132.5-million-barrel-a-year US military can maintain its imperial adventures on alcohol made from waste plant products. It’s too good to be true. Frankly the report authors should know better than to make that suggestion, although I suggest it was through desperation rather than inspiration. ".
The Military Industrial Complex and all it entails, with the people involved has to my mind evolved into a component of our society that represents in a sense a differant class of people who with the power they hold have been and are now continueing to bury this country in completely unsustainable debt ( Rome's fall comes to mind ), and are the ones pushing their myriad agendas which mean endless war which supports this class with the obscene profits and endless job security that these conflicts bring them.
They will continue to pursue these things I think no matter how dire the repercussion are to those of us outside of their class of special privilage. They of course will be citing that they are needed, absolutely necesary and should represent the highest priority above all else because without their " protection " our nation would falter.
They are nothing more than a tool of the elites, and are used around the world to foist plunder on other unfortunates at the point of a gun, or nuclear weapon.
Note the oil use counter ( in barrels of oil ) at the lower left of this article. Its mindboggleing the speed at which we are now using up this vital resource!
Regarding this I wrote " They are nothing more than a tool of the elites ", more accurately I think the vast majority of US Military engagements these days ( as well as in the past too ) are cases of the military under false pretenses being used by the elites for the real purpose of plundering and subjugation of other peoples that would dare defy US ambitions, and would dare try and hold on to " our resources " that somehow have inexplicably ended up in thier lands.
Right On, Hot Springs!
Rockpicker... maybe it's a way to put together a large force that will be able to help with masses of people needing help or evacuations due to, say, the Gulf Oil disaster or anticipated solar flares or asteroid hits or some other such catastrophic event. That's the most charitable take on it I can muster. The bill is an outrage. We need medical care and instead we got mandatory insurance... and two additional "armies." Gaaaaaah!
Sparta comes to mind. Full employment through compulsory service to the State. The corporate and government fused and in-sync, as evidenced during the Gulf Oil Catastrophe, with its sycophant civil reserve under the control of the WH, that appears to be the plan.
Maybe we'll see a move on the part of the military to not only legalize hemp, but encourage its production. I read recently that Big Oil decided hemp was an unacceptable competitor in the twenties, and that's when the anti-marijuana campaign began in earnest in this country.
Article I was reading said that Henry Ford made a car from plastic
made from hemp oil, and even powered it with fuel derived from hemp seed oil.
Full employment through hemp could be the new slogan of the recovery.
They say Krugman is making veiled promotions of war to help us out of the current financial stress.
Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on. Clueless bastard!
as the cold wind blows, colder. and colder. and still colder. a campfire flickers. like a candle. and the love between brothers. grows bighter. and warmer. and warmer and brighter still... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxRP9nKGNQw&NR=1
give peace a chance. happy birthday john... trout clan
From Belgium
Freeacre, I have a lot of respect for the LEAP 20/20 people, yes it is sometimes a difficult read but they tell it like it is and more importantly since they are completely self funded they are not following anybody else’s agenda. I am never going to live that Wonce down and I always get a belly laugh out of it whenever mf slips one in under the counter.
Adding on to Randy and Wizard’s comments on Las Vegas I have a mammoth series of documentaries, haven’t seen them all out yet, dealing with ecology and resources. They are objective without being judgemental. In one of them they interview Patricia Mulroy who is the Resources Manager for Las Vegas. According to her “She has the job to provide the resources no matter what they may envision”. Las Vegas has 40 million visitors a year who spend 6 billion dollars. Three quarters of Vegas’s water goes to the gardens, parks and the 50 golf courses and it depends on Colorado for 88% of its water.
According to the agreement Wizard mentioned, 7 states take water out of Lake Mead which was made long before the lake started to dry out. In 7 years the volume of water has disappeared by 50%. The 7 states are pumping to the maximum they are allowed by the agreement but the lake is not refilling fast enough, according to Kay Rohde who is the Chief Ranger for the area. Because Vegas cannot exceed its maximum allocation it is looking to a verdant valley 500km away in the east of the state. They are planning a pipeline so broad a man can walk through it with ease. Problem is that no body knows the extent of this underground water reservoir or how long it will last. Cattle ranchers in this valley area are naturally up in arms claiming that already the water table has dropped 15 feet without Vegas’s help and what will Vegas do when even this source is depleted. Pat Mulroy said that the proposed pipeline will cost $2 billion but because of the size of the tourist industry it is worth every dime”. She went on to say that the ranchers are scared and are throwing every legal argument at Vegas but at the end of the day the ranchers don’t own the water so it is turning into a David and Goliath battle. “Water must be found before the tourists and investors start to flee”. “People who visit Las Vegas don’t want reality to spoil their good time”. But one day reality may catch up with Las Vegas.
F/a Austerity will find America because Americans are not yet sufficiently austere and I think the above goes a long way to supporting this statement.
From Belgium
I am already at much the same stage as Ras with the rice and beans. Based on this post and the LEAP 20/20 predictions, yesterday I did a tour of a couple of supermarkets and made a list of prices for tinned and glass jar vegetables. My object is to hopefully get a store of 300 – 400 tins or jars of a mixture of veggies. The biggest problem is going to be where to put them in a one bedroom apartment. We have the area under the stairs for the apartment above us so that is favourite for the moment but that is where the tools and other essentials are kept so I can see some hard decisions coming up. Most of us who are into second guessing the future, think of which are the best food items to store but not so many consider the other end of the food chain so with this in mind, yesterday I came back from the supermarket with six months supply of toilet rolls which is as much as I could reasonably carry. I will repeat the exercise next week. I have to tell you that my wife was really uncomfortable about putting so many toilet rolls on the conveyor belt :-) I guess this adds a whole new meaning to being a six packer, ha, ha.
A confession
I have to come clean and stick my hand up for buying stuff. I know, and I can’t even pass the decision sideways to my wife! It was a second TV for the bedroom. Of all the self indulgent things to pick on this was probably top of the list. And I do know that when the time comes TV will be the medium by which the population is controlled but I went and did it anyway. Even if it is not a justification, here are the reasons I did it. Our apartment has only one main living area with no other part of the place to reasonably escape. Wifey (Chris) watches an inordinate amount of Belgium 5TV which shows one or two films every night of the week which are ALWAYS about women in trouble. Date rape; tug of love; women raped by other women; sick mothers; sick husbands; sick kids; bigamists; wayward daughters; bullying; kids on drugs and on and on and on. They are all noble causes in themselves but night after night it becomes debilitating. The other reason is that some time ago, Ely put up a link to an article on the Argentinean collapse of a few years back. One thing the author said in passing was “Make sure you have a good DVD player because you are suddenly going to have plenty of time on your hands”. I collect DVD’s at a faster rate than I can possibly watch them and this new TV has a built in DVD player. Chris doesn’t much go for my docu-films and I need a break from 5TV so it suits us both. We spend enough time in each others company for it ever to finish up as a LAT relationship as it is known (living apart together). Anyway, let’s hope the food store redresses the balance of the new TV.
Sounds reasonable to me, Belgium. Hell, if I was watching that kind of stuff in the livingroom, the murphinator would probably be purchasing a yurt, running an electrical line to it, adding a DVD player and a TV to put in it - and a sofa to sit on. In the winter, he'd probably have ME out there watching the tube. Ha!
wv: chain. As in "ball and chain?"
There are many components to this ongoing worldwide collapse and this article disusses one aspect of this new era of grand societal contraction that is poised to get much worse from this point forward.
.....The billions in debt issued in 2003 – 2005 is coming due between 2010 and 2012. The underlying assets are worth billions less than the debt that must be refinanced.....
This article points out various features of the increasing commercial real estate collapse and adding to this growing mayhem in this sector of the economy will be the increasing economic pressures of less abundant and much more expensive energy, the engine which drives everything in our modern industrial economies.
We had for decades energy so cheap and available that it allowed for excess abundance for so many things we have come to take for grantide. This excess has seen its zenith with the reaching of the peaks of production of so many vital resources. As the energy declines things provide for by the excess like mass available jobs, retirement, social programs, money to maintains infrastructure, excess population, etc, etc, will begin to disappear, and clearly this process is already well underway in many forms. From all indications, there realistically is nothing that will stop this from happening.
Thats why when I watch the MSM news and economic talking heads its like they are all in this non-stop fantasy land of BS when they imply that we just need to get all the millions upon millions of americans working again so we can get back to where we were in 2007, back before this humungous sick endlessly expanding economic circus ride began to unwind for the last time from all apperances and indications.
Well the fake facade and illusion of it all is crumbling fast and people will be pointing their fingers of blame in so many myriad directions as it all falls down. In considering all of this I keep thinking of the video image from the Indonesian Tsunami where a lone individual had wandered out into a large bay where the ocean had receded from. He was very far into this bay, far from where the shore had been when he saw the wall of rumbling brown tumultous water coming at him quickly across the emptied bay.
That wall of water is collapse coming at all of us now. You could run ( think of running as preparing ) but this man's fate was sealed by the circumstances he was in, running was pointless. There was no way out for him. I'm afraid most of us are facing circumstances of similiar graveness, we are facing a Tsumani of vast changes and the question comes to my mind, " can you ever really be prepared enough for that kind of future and all it will entail "?
Well we can at least " try " to prepare and we shall see just how this complex puzzle of societal decline unfolds. I have no doubt that there will be many things of un-expected great consequence, altering our many plans along the way as this history of our future is revealed.
From Belgium
Ha, ha another bit of spin, just as shell shock eventually became post traumatic stress disorder now negative equity has turned into CONSUMER DELEVERAGING. Will non-speak ever end.
Wizard wrote “We had for decades, energy so cheap and available that it allowed for excess abundance for so many things we have come to take for granted. This excess has seen its zenith with the reaching of the peaks of production of so many vital resources.” I guess we are all to some extent guilty of falling into the Jevons Paradox. Essentially this is the proposition that technological progress that increases the efficiency with which a resource is used tends to increase (rather than decrease) the rate of consumption of that resource. For example, if gasoline becomes cheaper we do more leisure driving or if fridges become cheaper to run we will tend to buy a bigger fridge. I am not sure if the reverse is true though. If gas prices are hiked we can put off a trip to the sea but will we buy a smaller fridge? I guess we will run the ones we have got until they stop working.
“Well the fake facade and illusion of it all is crumbling fast and people will be pointing their fingers of blame in so many myriad directions as it all falls down.” Divide and rule is the way for the event organisers to stay aloof from it all.
Hey HSW,
What did that war criminal Kissinger say, "Military men are dumb animals to be use for political purposes." ?
Yeah, I don't want to go to Las Vegas 'cause I don't want to add to the wastefulness and I tried to talk the Brits out of wanting to go there. But then, if TSHTF in Nov., well....
Oh, that reminds me. Gotta get more TP.
Yeah Randy, Kissinger is a hideous person in my opinion. In the DVD I just viewed that I spoke of ealier here about Daniel Ellsberg they had audio excerpts in it of Nixon and Kissinger schemeing together about their plans to try and eliminate the pesky Ellsberg who was daring to reveal their sick truths about the Vietnam War. Its just mind boggling what a couple of monsters these two were.
On another subject some insight here regarding jobs from a commenter at the Kunstler site who writes this " all the presentations I listened to made it clear that the job cuts ARE PERMANENT ". Read the rest to see why he would state this. Comment address is:
Nickelthrower | October 11, 2010 11:56 AM
EightM however who made some good points last week about dis-appearing jobs does some major burnouts this week with his ideas about free salaries and solutions to be found in pursueing mega projects. He makes the all too common assumption that if you have zillions of " created out of thin air " dollars that everything you could possibly wish for will follow.
The reality of course is once the true wealth that sustains us of natural resources is depleted and degraded no amount of hallucinated wealth can resurect a sustainable and viable economy that can actual support people's lives.
Most in our complex industrial world societies in my view will be kicking and screaming to maintain the BAU arrangements they have become used to, and depend completely on, and will pressure greatly any politicians to keep their world's intact, even as the reality around them becomes ever more chaotic and dysfunctional. They will become ever more confused and angry even as they are even now.
I look at the incredibly overbuilt, vast and unsustainable landscape of the huge population that lives in So Cal for example and its easy to imagine the level of mass dis-array and mayhem that appears so likely to occur once the inflows of resources that keep it all going begin to breakdown in ernest. No way that kind of mass of humanity is going to turn into a bunch of well manered and peaceful farmers like many cornucopian minded dreamers think. It will be law of the jungle and stay out of the way if you can manage it.
And an unfortunate thing occured for us recently in that a main paved rd which provides much easier access to our plan B property in Northern Cal got closed to the residences in the area due to a dispute over this roads use.
The road was originally built to provide access to the Sugerpine conservation camp ( built in 1988 ) and now because larger construction trucks have been traversing it going to home projects in the area the camp closed the road.
The local residents who live there currently are doing what they can to try and get it opened, but if they can't get this done I doubt my wife and I would now consider making a home there on our property since the alternative access ( which is open and legal )requires driving around 7 miles on a dirt rd that apparently from what my brother says will be muddy and very difficult in the winter months.
This would qualify as an example of how plans for " preperation " can change unexpectedly. And its not like we can now easily sell the property to perhaps find something else more appealing in the area to replace it given the property value will be drastically affected and it will be less attractive to buyers because of the longer and more difficult access. We are really hoping that this thing gets resolved since we have spent a pretty good amount getting that home site ready for building.
This road as well as the camp of course were paid for by all of us taxpayers so we are all pretty pissed off about it. The people who run this camp have been real belligerant and arrogant and they have shown a complete disdain for the homeowners in the area. Typical government workers with their special sense of themselves and thier authority.
This from over at Survival Acres:
October 11, 2010
Monday News
.....I do not have time today to comment on these, orders are pouring in faster then I can type. All I can say is ‘panic, panic’ is hitting the hearts and minds of Americans......
How Democracy Dies: Lessons from a Master
.....Aristophanes too lived in a time of endless war. He knew that war always empowered anti-democratic forces. He saw how war ate away at the insides of a democratic state until it was hollowed out......
The various military bases and other manufacturing components of the US Military Industrial Complex are conveniently and purposely spread around the country so that such a large extent of the population has something invested in this gigantic systems continuence that trying to get legislated any decrease in the military yearly budget meets fierce pressure and opposition by all those who's lives depend on this system of profit by way of conflict, achieved by " creating " endless wars.
The Global War on Terror serves their various agenda's perfectly, raising up the " Terrorist " as the false foe to target, an enemy that can be anybody, anywhere at anytime. An advesary that can transcend the difficulties and restrictions of the enemies of old who wore uniforms and resided in nation states.
Now with GWOT the warlords can follow their nefarious ambitions anywhere on the planet. The MSM is used continuously by the elites to instill a constant fear in the masses of the grave " Terroist " threat. Just like the most recent decleration by Homeland Security of the travel concerns in Europe because of some foggy notion of an un-definable threat.
Aristophanes saw the same corruption 2,400 years ago, on it goes, nothing has changed.
Jesus, Wizard. That's a bummer about your road access. Litigation, civil disobedience? How about an ultra-light? Sorta like a motorcycle with wings. My uncle's ranch in Montana had a driveway that was 7 miles long. Had to use ski-doos in the winter to get in and out. Before that, it was horses. Nice place, though.
I sure hope this gets fixed.
The Obama administration has reported plans for the President to take an extended, four-nation trip soon after the upcoming Nov. elections. Perhaps he holds a one-way ticket...
From Belgium
Let’s hope the Gulag’s are on his itinerary.
"...Just like the poker player who’s been fleeced by all the other players, and gets one mean attitude once he finally wakes up to the con? I’m betting that more and more of the solid American middle-class will begin saying what Brian and Ilsa said: Fuckit.
Fuck the rules. Fuck playing the game the banksters want you to play. Fuck being the good citizen. Fuck filling out every form, fuck paying every tax. Fuck the government, fuck the banks who own them. Fuck the free-loaders, living rent-free while we pay. Fuck the legal process, a game which only works if you’ve got the money to pay for the parasite lawyers. Fuck being a chump. Fuck being a stooge. Fuck trying to do the right thing—what good does that get you? What good is coming your way?
When the backbone of a country starts thinking that laws and rules are not worth following, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to anarchy..."
excerpt, The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy, by Gonzalo Lira
From Belgium
I have a little touch of flu today so didn’t feel like launching into the article yet so perhaps it is premature to comment but as Murph is want to say, be careful to differentiate Anarchy from Chaos.
"'Near-miss' for us all? Giant asteroid is set to pass within 28,000 miles of Earth TODAY
By: malterwitty
An asteroid the size of a double-decker bus is set to skim past Earth today - but the good news, according to Nasa, is that it has no chance of colliding with the planet.
The space rock, labelled 2010 TD54, will reach its nearest point to Earth - approximately 28,000 miles away - around midday, although it is unclear what its exact course will be.
However scientists have said that despite its close proximity to the planet it will not enter the Earth's atmosphere and, if it did, it would be most likely to burn up before reaching the ground."
RATS!!! Missed again!
Hey, good news! They are bringing up the miners in Chile! Looking real good. Yea!!
Hope you are feeling better now, Belgium.
Dollar tanking, gold and silver rising fast. Earthquake in Oklahoma.
All hell breaking loose in Greece and France. Weird shit with some sort of possible paramilitary infrastructure stuff reported on Steve Quayle's site.... just about time to break out the popcorn, I imagine.
I received ras's wonderful soap in the mail. It's beautiful.
Another interesting twist to the 9/11 caper.
"..."Reg Howe's lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Boston against the Bank for International Settlements, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, New York Fed President William J. McDonough, J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers. On August 16 Judge Reginald Lindsay of U.S. District Court in Boston has scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 9, 2001, a hearing on the defendants' motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by a consultant for the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Reginald H. Howe, against the Bank for International Settlements, the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department, and several bullion banks. Critical investigation records ceased to exist and most of the investigators died on September 11, 2001. On October 9, 2001 the motion to dismiss was heard. The case was dismissed."
whole story here:
wv= confla (gration)
From Belgium
Thanks Fa, reasonably well improved now. There was a little bit of joint pain although it never really got going but I have been listless for nearly two weeks now. You know how it works, anything more energetic than making a coffee in the morning and I have to lie down for an hour in the afternoon. Well that’s my excuse. Still, Chris found plenty to stop me from ever becoming self indulgent. Let’s hear it for Chris, bless her!! I will tell you one little thing that happened yesterday. I made a tour of the local supermarkets recently to price up tinned veggies and so far I have bought 30 cans of green beans, they are 600gram. I can’t be bothered working it out in oz but they are 4” dia and nearly 5”” long. Chris started to stack them on a shelf in the berging which is like a cellar cum utility room on the same level as everything else. I said “Don’t do that Chris they are far too heavy for that shelf” but she was quite pleased with herself when they all went on. You now know what is coming, like the San Andres fault, nothing happens when you expect it to, it was three hours later when the shelf decided it didn’t like being on the wall anymore. It smashed a load of drinking glasses that were underneath and half the tins are bashed so they will have to be used first. Still, what would life be like without her?? We have a second berging which is really the space under the stairs for the flat above so I have cleared the space where all the real rubbish has been thrown at the end and started to stack cans in the point. I found about half a dozen bags of bags, does anyone else have that problem. Ach, so much for enjoying ill health.
The miner's rescue was incredible. I kept checking to see how it was going, afraid each time something would have gone horribly wrong.
I'm glad you got the soap, fa. I hope you like it!
Everywhere I turn I keep hearing rumblings on the net that *something* is supposedly going to happen the second week of November, and not just the HPH people either (though I have no idea exactly what they're saying). Anyone know more about it?
Steve Quayle has started an alert archives you should read through, just to be aware of what some people are seeing and reporting.
From Rense.com comes continuing information on the Gulf disaster. It sounds like people are being poisoned by arsenic, with three possible sources. Gulf Blue Plague--turns out the symptoms are the same as arsenic exposure. Apparently, one of the 'secret' ingredients of corexit is arsenic.
Something else to be aware of is the real possibility of population reduction plans being carried out by the illuminati. A whistleblower told Bill Ryan of such plans, and he graphically describes the scenario here--
Not saying the whistleblower's testimony is true, or that Ryan's take on recent events is correct, just saying it's worth being aware of current events and a possible context for purposes of explanation.
Some things are not conjecture. We know the Georgia Guidestones exist, and that they DO mandate holding the world population at 500,000,000. If they're a hoax, they were an expensive hoax, and to what purpose?
The moving of nuclear missiles from Minot to Barksdale is also fact. Absolutely did happen. Never learned why, or who ordered the transfer, but standard protocol suggests it was someone high-up in the chain of command.
Clif High's tipping point, from tension-building language to release language, approaches. He says Nov. 8 through Nov. 11 are exciting times for the planet. Of course, the election is the second, and Obama's planning to be out of the country from the fourth to the fourteenth. Visiting India, but not Pakistan, our notional ally.
Gold is $1368 an oz. Silver is $24.25. And the attorneys general of all fifty states have some serious guestions for the nation's largest real estate lenders. China is now openly irate with US financial irresponsibilty. Israel seems hell-bent on it's own destruction.
I think Freeacre probably nailed it. Make up a big bowl of popcorn and get ready for the show...
wv= messel (as in, 'that was no 767. That was a messel!')
That was a good link, Rockpicker. I listened to the interview, then went to his website, whentechfails.com and ordered his book.
Made some chili tonight and tried to dip into my store of tomato paste. Oooops. Expiration date was 2007. Rats. Got to toss it all and start over with a new case of tomato paste. Damnit! Been doing this too long!
Well, Freeacre, I'm glad you enjoyed Matt Stein's presentation, but that was not the link I intended. Here is the correct one:
Sorry for the inconvenience. And sorry to hear about the tomato paste. I should go down in the cellar and check ours. We're probably in the same boat.
We are up to our eyeballs in green tomatoes. We are wrapping them in newspaper and storing them in boxes under the bed in the spare room, where we hang the garlic and the onions. Wonder why no one ever visits?
Garden finally froze out. Made two pots of kraut with the cabbage.
Time to prep beds for planting garlic.
Steve Quayle has listed this as video of the day today, but I think it could turn into video of the year!
OH MY GOSH freeacre!!
Charles Hugh Smith of "Of Two Minds" just used something you wrote on his website. Seems your views and words are being read more widely than ever suspected, eh? (Unless he's commented on your blog before and I just missed it somehow...)
Check it out! From the 16th of October:
Oh, wait-- I guess it was from an email or comment to him directly, not from your blog. Still--! He gave your blog a shout-out and called it "excellent." Cool! =^)
What can I say-? I'm a fan of his and of yours and C. Baker's and... well, the entire group of people who make up my "Sanity Brigade!" I'm thrilled to see more of us contacting one another and contributing additional insights.
Thanks, Lucretia. Yeah, Charles does comment sometimes on this site, and we e-mail back and forth. He also is a regular on Nina's site, Deep Into Art Life West.
Here's another really excellent video:
Looks like people are actually WAKING THE FUCK UP.
I haven't been back for a while, but in catching up, I noticed I left out the url for the soil and health library, which is a donation supported service by which you can borrow many useful books in PDF format, including many useful ones from the time when the sciences were not so controlled and reigned in by corporate intentions and desires...
check them out, and if you find information that is of value to you, and are able, send them a donation...
as in I wish my world was controlled by GE less...
or even was GE-less
fyi... the web bot forum (WBF - closed to membership) gapped and blew up in the last couple daz. long story but essentially what went down was one person... a former mod (fm)... was given admin privaledge by the admin (fa) who happens to be near death bed. this power extension done unbeknownst to the then-current-now-former stable of mods. then it became apparent to those mods that fm was using said privaledge to ban certain members for no apparent reason. which led to the obvious question, wtf, why? on what grounds as there was no apparent reason visable? this, too, in defiance of protocol which called for mod discussion and majority agreement to ban someone. that led to circumstancial evidence surfacing that fm was reading private messages (pm's); a privaledge only yielded by forum software preferences to admin.
after considerable private discussion mods decided to contront fa privately. fa ignored all querries. the mods deemed it necessary to inform the forum of the shenanigans of fm and fa's non-response so certain of them made posts to that affect. the posts were quickly deleted by fa who, at the same time, fired the whole lot of them and then proceeded to ban them all in one fell swoop. to further complicate things, but perhaps to further explain, its come out since that fm had fa's password! so nobody know's if fa is actually fm posting and acting as both fa and fm. its a real poltergeist with fm claiming innocence and at the same time banning several more who have questioned her denials. fa continues to not answer emails. nobody knows fer sur if he's even still sentient or alive even.
so why should you care? only if you've had interest in that forum but couldn't register due to it being closed to such. so, fyi... the mods, along with a substantial number of membership have migrated to a new, tempoary site (and are in process of opening a new permanent alt site) where you can participate and/or just lurk if you have interest.
such may tandem with your interest in the upcoming HPH report coinciding with the upcoming tipping point predicted for early nov. to wit clif is "all in". iow, he's staked his rep on it. to each his own in that regard. personally i have no comment.
but i do know this has been referred to here and some of you are following along with interest. thus i bring you this update. unfortunately you'll have to wade through a bevy of comments re the poltergeist @ WBF. but several of the current topics from the WBF are being migrated to the new temp site and discussion is continuing. i.e., solar flares, food prep, israeli mistake, tipping point, etc, etc.
you may have to register to read and pretty sure you have to register to post. here's the link... http://forums.delphiforums.com/clifhighwebbot
btw... rumor has it the report may be out this wknd. clif has migrated to a new server and managed to upload most of the old site data by now. you can access from your old bookmark or go here... http://halfpasthuman.com/
first clif's site just goes poof in an instant w/no warning from his ISP and no apparent reason along with no good reason offered by the ISP. now we have the WBF blowing up. one things becoming more apparent... the bots are right to this extent... high strangeness is rampin up. even in botland.. p
fyi... the web bot forum (WBF - closed to membership) gapped and blew up in the last couple daz. long story but essentially what went down was one person... a former mod (fm)... was given admin privaledge by the admin (fa) who happens to be near death bed. this power extension done unbeknownst to the then-current-now-former stable of mods. then it became apparent to those mods that fm was using said privaledge to ban certain members for no apparent reason. which led to the obvious question, wtf, why? on what grounds as there was no apparent reason visable? this, too, in defiance of protocol which called for mod discussion and majority agreement to ban someone. that led to circumstancial evidence surfacing that fm was reading private messages (pm's); a privaledge only yielded by forum software preferences to admin.
after considerable private discussion mods decided to contront fa privately. fa ignored all querries. the mods deemed it necessary to inform the forum of the shenanigans of fm and fa's non-response so certain of them made posts to that affect. the posts were quickly deleted by fa who, at the same time, fired the whole lot of them and then proceeded to ban them all in one fell swoop. to further complicate things, but perhaps to further explain, its come out since that fm had fa's password! so nobody know's if fa is actually fm posting and acting as both fa and fm. its a real poltergeist with fm claiming innocence and at the same time banning several more who have questioned her denials. fa continues to not answer emails. nobody knows fer sur if he's even still sentient or alive even.
so why should you care? only if you've had interest in that forum but couldn't register due to it being closed to such. so, fyi... the mods, along with a substantial number of membership have migrated to a new, tempoary site (and are in process of opening a new permanent alt site) where you can participate and/or just lurk if you have interest.
such may tandem with your interest in the upcoming HPH report coinciding with the upcoming tipping point predicted for early nov. to wit clif is "all in". iow, he's staked his rep on it. to each his own in that regard. personally i have no comment.
but i do know this has been referred to here and some of you are following along with interest. thus i bring you this update. unfortunately you'll have to wade through a bevy of comments re the poltergeist @ WBF. but several of the current topics from the WBF are being migrated to the new temp site and discussion is continuing. i.e., solar flares, food prep, israeli mistake, tipping point, etc, etc.
you may have to register to read and pretty sure you have to register to post. here's the link... http://forums.delphiforums.com/clifhighwebbot
btw... rumor has it the report may be out this wknd. clif has migrated to a new server and managed to upload most of the old site data by now. you can access from your old bookmark or go here... http://halfpasthuman.com/
first clif's site just goes poof in an instant w/no warning from his ISP and no apparent reason along with no good reason offered by the ISP. now we have the WBF blowing up. one things becoming more apparent... the bots are right to this extent... high strangeness is rampin up. even in botland.. p
wv... dialli. yup, daily!
fyi... the web bot forum (WBF - closed to membership) gapped and blew up in the last couple daz. long story but essentially what went down was one person... a former mod (fm)... was given admin privaledge by the admin (fa) who happens to be near death bed. this power extension done unbeknownst to the then-current-now-former stable of mods. then it became apparent to those mods that fm was using said privaledge to ban certain members for no apparent reason. which led to the obvious question, wtf, why? on what grounds as there was no apparent reason visable? this, too, in defiance of protocol which called for mod discussion and majority agreement to ban someone. that led to circumstancial evidence surfacing that fm was reading private messages (pm's); a privaledge only yielded by forum software preferences to admin.
after considerable private discussion mods decided to contront fa privately. fa ignored all querries. the mods deemed it necessary to inform the forum of the shenanigans of fm and fa's non-response so certain of them made posts to that affect. the posts were quickly deleted by fa who, at the same time, fired the whole lot of them and then proceeded to ban them all in one fell swoop. to further complicate things, but perhaps to further explain, its come out since that fm had fa's password! so nobody know's if fa is actually fm posting and acting as both fa and fm. its a real poltergeist with fm claiming innocence and at the same time banning several more who have questioned her denials. fa continues to not answer emails. nobody knows fer sur if he's even still sentient or alive even.
so why should you care? only if you've had interest in that forum but couldn't register due to it being closed to such. so, fyi... the mods, along with a substantial number of membership have migrated to a new, tempoary site (and are in process of opening a new permanent alt site) where you can participate and/or just lurk if you have interest.
such may tandem with your interest in the upcoming HPH report coinciding with the upcoming tipping point predicted for early nov. to wit clif is "all in". iow, he's staked his rep on it. to each his own in that regard. personally i have no comment.
but i do know this has been referred to here and some of you are following along with interest. thus i bring you this update. unfortunately you'll have to wade through a bevy of comments re the poltergeist @ WBF. but several of the current topics from the WBF are being migrated to the new temp site and discussion is continuing. i.e., solar flares, food prep, israeli mistake, tipping point, etc, etc.
you may have to register to read and pretty sure you have to register to post. here's the link... http://forums.delphiforums.com/clifhighwebbot
btw... rumor has it the report may be out this wknd. clif has migrated to a new server and managed to upload most of the old site data by now. you can access from your old bookmark or go here... http://halfpasthuman.com/
first clif's site just goes poof in an instant w/no warning from his ISP and no apparent reason along with no good reason offered by the ISP. now we have the WBF blowing up. one things becoming more apparent... the bots are right to this extent... high strangeness is rampin up. even in botland.. p
Hey -anyone checking-in on Mike Rupert's "Collapse" site? And if so, what's he saying? Generally, what's his doom forcast looking like?
Clif High's tipping point, from tension-building language to release language, approaches. He says Nov. 8 through Nov. 11 are exciting times for the planet.
fyi... the new report is available now. 10 bucks buys you all the doom you can stand randy.
i put up another comment earlier today but its not here. checked to see if it showed as posted before i left. poltergeist! which is what it was about. specifically to say they just had a big fat gap on the bot forum. aka brewhaha. site is now closed. havn't got the energy to tell it again. maybe tomorrow if anyone's interested... p
Bummer, P. Please, if you don't mind, I'd love to hear more.
We've been having the most incredible Native American summer here in Montana, but it's about to change to a more seasonal snow and cold. Had any crop damage down your way from the corexit rains?
i don't/didn't spend much time on the web bot forum (wbf) but here's the general drift the way i read it. a former mod (fm) was, unbeknownst to anyone else including the 5 mods, authorized at some point by the forum administrator (fa, who happens to be in bad shape to the point he's terminal) to act as his proxy. with that came admin privileges which include the ability to unilaterally ban members. this however is/was contrary to agreed upon (between mod board and admin) protocol which called for mod discussion followed by a vote with a majority "yea" being necessary for banishment. BUT, per protocol, warnings would be issued first and if ignored then the discussion would convene which may or may not culminate in vote to banish.
so... a few daz ago a long time member jumped the mods asses for banning another long time member. 2 actually. no warning. poof, they were gone. the mods were aghast. they knew nothing about it. apparently they replied that they weren't aware (not uncommon for a member to be away for a few daz) and said they'd look into it. while doing so evidence showed up - the mods had their own upstairs forum to discuss bid'ness amongst themselves - in the form of an email from someone. the emial was a forward of an email to that someone from fm. the content evidenced info that, allegedly, could only be gotten from, or was gotten from, a private message (pm).
whoooah! private message being read by fm? ability to read pm's is restricted to admin privilege. not even they, the mods, had that access. so how did fm have that kinda access? the plot thickens!!
and continues...
with a little more digging the mods begin to find evidence that fm had the ability to log in as fa and thus, could post as he. AND ability to read pm's and WAS reading other pm's besides the one noted in the email. And ability to ban unlaterally. the implication made was that fm axed the long-timers out of spite based on things said in the pm's. they were shocked!
by consensus mods decided to approach fa with the goods. this was done by email but all the mails were ignored. after much discussion the mods decided the forum needed to know the poop. at least one, and i think 2, posts were put up on the forum toward that end. both were deleated within minutes. then a post came on the forum from fa saying he'd fired all the mods and banned em all too. in one fell swoop!
thats when the shit really hit the fan. so the mods get together and within hours they have a temporary alt site up. emails and pm's fly fast and furious and there's a mass exodus to the alt site by many who, at the same time, are still on WBF. the mods proceede to tell their story on the alt site. meanwhile over on the wbf some are asking direct and hard questions while others are defending fm. several of these questioners get banned as well. then threads start getting locked. and comments deleted. with the mods gone this only leaves fa and fm with that kind of power.
finally a post from fa saying he gave fm admin privalege to help him out. fm comes on and sez ya, thats right but she didn't read any pm's and she didn't ban anyone. that she figured it was the mods who'd banned the 2 long-timers. in what certainly appeared to be contradiction to this she's busy as hell deleting comments and locking threads on anything putting her on the hot seat.
the whole thing got real nasty and today fa or fm as fa gave notice he/she was closing the forum. said he'd leave it up for a week so folks would have time to copy data for their files. an hour later threads started getting locked. then fa posted he was closing the site effective immediate. reason: unacceptable mod behavior.
if anyones interested the alt site is open. tempoary until a permanent site can be set up. my guess is they'll close it after perm sites established. so if you want in now's yer chance. lotta stuff on what's basically being called a power garb by a psychopath. but thats subsiding now that the new report is out. lotta jabber about that and thread topics that were on-going at wbf have reincarnated as well. ie, tipping point, israeli mistake, food prep, foreclosures/mers, etc, etc.... http://forums.delphiforums.com/clifhighwebbot/messages
pretty ironic huh? first HPH disappears in a wink with no warning then this... p
and continues...
with a little more digging the mods begin to find evidence that fm had the ability to log in as fa and thus, could post as he. AND ability to read pm's and WAS reading other pm's besides the one noted in the email. And ability to ban unlaterally. the implication made was that fm axed the long-timers out of spite based on things said in the pm's. they were shocked!
by consensus mods decided to approach fa with the goods. this was done by email but all the mails were ignored. after much discussion the mods decided the forum needed to know the poop. at least one, and i think 2, posts were put up on the forum toward that end. both were deleated within minutes. then a post came on the forum from fa saying he'd fired all the mods and banned em all too. in one fell swoop!
thats when the shit really hit the fan. so the mods get together and within hours they have a temporary alt site up. emails and pm's fly fast and furious and there's a mass exodus to the alt site by many who, at the same time, are still on WBF. the mods proceede to tell their story on the alt site. meanwhile over on the wbf some are asking direct and hard questions while others are defending fm. several of these questioners get banned as well. then threads start getting locked. and comments deleted. with the mods gone this only leaves fa and fm with that kind of power.
finally a post from fa saying he gave fm admin privalege to help him out. fm comes on and sez ya, thats right but she didn't read any pm's and she didn't ban anyone. that she figured it was the mods who'd banned the 2 long-timers. in what certainly appeared to be contradiction to this she's busy as hell deleting comments and locking threads on anything putting her on the hot seat.
the whole thing got real nasty and today fa or fm as fa gave notice he/she was closing the forum. said he'd leave it up for a week so folks would have time to copy data for their files. an hour later threads started getting locked. then fa posted he was closing the site effective immediate. reason: unacceptable mod behavior.
if anyones interested the alt site is open. tempoary until a permanent site can be set up. my guess is they'll close it after perm sites established. so if you want in now's yer chance. lotta stuff on what's basically being called a power garb by a psychopath. but thats subsiding now that the new report is out. lotta jabber about that and thread topics that were on-going at wbf have reincarnated as well. ie, tipping point, israeli mistake, food prep, foreclosures/mers, etc, etc.... http://forums.delphiforums.com/clifhighwebbot/messages
pretty ironic huh? first HPH disappears in a wink with no warning then this... p
(had to post this twice. first time disappeared just like the one yesterday. sur glad i saved a copy)
almost forgot... been great here too rp. and we got a little work to get out and enjoy it. no apparent crop damage that i'm aware of. but then, not a lotta crops around here. trees sure have been weird though... p
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