A picture of Brie babysitting one of the rabbits. She seems to be the sanest one in the family.
by freeacre
Monsters, Madmen, and Couch Potatoes
Universe, it seems, is putting enough examples of what I would I would lump together as “delusion” to prompt me to write a post about it. I mentioned in a comment recently how we attended a public debate between candidates for county commissioner. When asked to give himself a numerical placement, with “One being Barack Obama and Ten being Ronald Reagan (an inherently stupid question), one of the candidates gave himself a Ten. Then, he became overcome with emotion, thinking of Reagan's vision of American being a “shining city on a hill,” and teared up, explaining that “I just love this country so much...” Of course, the Murphinator's dropped jaw and steely gaze was an exception to the general reaction of sympathy in the room. Given that Ronald Reagan's accomplishments included closing the mental hospitals in California and throwing patients into the streets, thereby starting the “homeless” phenomena in this country; putting an end to the programs to conserve oil begun by President Carter when it became clear that domestic oil production had peaked; cutting taxes on the rich that has led to the outrageous disparity of wealth in this country between the rich and the poor; the systematic destruction of unions; the deregulation of the financial industry which is now destroying the wealth of the planet, well, I hope it is clear why we would consider his idealization of Reagan “delusional.”
To enlarge upon this theme, a movie that had been in our Netflix queue for awhile showed up. It was entitled “Shutter Island.” Directed by Martin Scorcese and starring Leonardo DeCaprio. I would rate it as one of Scorcese's best. It's a tight-knit psychological thriller set in the 1940's period just after the war. DeCaprio is a U.S. Marshal sent to the island to investigate possible wrong-doing at the creepy mental hospital. A female patient has apparently disappeared from the “escape-proof” island, similar to Alcatraz. Upon further investigation, it seems that the psychiatrists who run the hospital have ties to secret government programs, one of the shrinks in charge was a former Nazi, and lobotomies are performed in a part of the grounds that have been declared off limits.
I don't want to give away the whole story, but the movie has been haunting us for days and has prompted many discussions between murph and myself as to the nature and function of paranoia and delusion. Lets harken back to that roomful of confused Reaganites. Despite the facts that the U.S.A. Is woefully behind almost all the “developed” nations in life expectancy, birthrate mortality, math and science education, literacy, disparity between the rich and poor; the deterioration of our environment and lifestyles; and the horrendous health and dental care in this country, these people tell themselves and each other that “We're Number One.” We are the Best, the Bravest, the Luckiest, the Most Free, the Envy of the World. Sorta reminds one of the pitiful North Koreans making tearful homage to their “Dear Leader,” doesn't it?
Shutter Island ends with the question, “Given the choice between living as a monster or a madman, which would you choose?” Good question. We've been chewing on it for days. Negative interpretations of reality are labeled paranoia. Rosier-than-real perceptions can be labeled delusional. Can they both be coping mechanisms that shelter us from a reality that is worse than we can accept and live with?
The human mind is capable of incredible feats to protect itself against hideous abuse. The most extreme is “splitting the personality,” or dissociative disorder. The original innocent personality contrives alternate personalities that are more able to deal with circumstances that are beyond their control, and then “inhabits” them separately as a way to cope with an unacceptable reality that they are powerless to change. Insanity. We say that they have been driven mad.
Paranoid personalities create elaborate, imaginative, and oftentimes brilliant alternative explanations for what is going on. Dad is not simply an arrogant, self-centered, malicious prick, for instance. He's really a spy for the empire of Orgon, a planet in the Sirius star-system who is posing as a plumber and being mean to his kids while serving his nefarious off-planet overlords....
Where am I going with this? I'm wondering if insanity can drift from individuals to the greater culture. Hearkening back to that roomful of true believers, I recall other dramatic examples of ill-conceived, intense, some would say, “crazy” misadventures in history. The Crusades, the Salem witch trials, the Inquisition, the Stalinist and Maoist excesses, as well as lynchings, burning women at the stake, and the Holocaust come to mind. What brought on these atrocities? What were people telling themselves and others to justify such cruel actions? Were they crazy?
I can't help but wonder about these things as, more and more, I note that the population seems to have lost their senses. I read that an alarming number of us are taking psychotropic medication, and that much of it is proving to be permanently damaging to the brain. This, in addition to the manipulative brain-washing perpetrated by the mass media in their advertising, news, and social dramas meant to keep us compliant and BUYING THINGS. Or, am I just being paranoid?
Are the Wall Street investment bankers and their associates just flawed human beings much like the rest of us, who have succumbed to the temptations of greed and avarice in the face of enormously lucrative inducements? Or, are they minions of the Illuminati, spawn of the reptilian Annanaki, who are here to create suffering and servitude?
Monsters or madmen? The third choice in the movie, Shutter Island, was lobotomy. Go in through the eye socket, scoop out the painful memories, and leave one desensitized, diminished, but comfortable.
Go back to the television, Citizen. Nothing to see or think about here.
lol. Thanks for your help, Randy. I fixed it, but had to delete your comment.
Gee FA, now we're all gonna wonder what that was all about.:)
Your excellent post brought back a memory of my Mother telling me about a relative of ours who she admired so much she was convinced "he was not of this world". It was good she spoke her thoughts because it made it okay to look at human interaction from yet another side. Lately, I call them socio hybrid aliens, not all from the same planets, some well-intentioned, some intentionally cruel. They have interbred here and don't talk about it because most are too shallow/under induced paranoia to accept a galactic presence as natural fact. To accept it would mean we are not "special" an overused word in the vocabulary of patriots, merchandisers and weapons/drug dealers. The truth is our world needs to grow up.
I think the whole mess we are in is designed to take us to the amero which is a gateway for the NAU so we can frack their fuel. The keyword which we're not allowed to hear is pretend and extend.
Brie is a beautiful statement on you and Murph's compatibility. She's so laid back and kind. I just love her pictures. And the baby bunny, too cute.
Ah, gee, I have to fess up that when I first wrote the post, I "mis-remembered" and credited Matt Damon instead of Leonardo DeCaprio as starring in the film. A certifiable moron moment. Randy caught it. To change it, the comment was also deleted. I couldn't let the mistake stand. DeCaprio was so incredibly good.
No problemo.
I acutally like DeCaprio. I really liked him in "Blood Diamond," "The Departed," (with Matt Damon) "Body of Lies," and "Inseption" -geez, THAT was totally cool! As in "Matix" kinda cool.
You know, almost every day I sit and wonder how people can be so naive about how the world opperates. It just boggles my mind on the delusions that people cling to. My wife and her family think that voting is sooo absolutely wonderful or that the government really does work for the people, etc. Hahaha haha ha ha -BARF!
I seriously wonder what a right-wing nutjob would think if they saw actual video footage that went viral on Youtube of their savior, Ronald Regan, shooting heroin. Or George W. Bush doing the circle jerk with his Skull and Bones buddies. They'd probalby discard it as some liberal-scum smear campaign instigated by George Soros and continue on with their conservative hero worship.
Is the process of thinking WAY too hard for people?
Ok, here's something. During the (damn) winter months here, I see a lot of cars and trucks going down the road -covered in snow. I mean, totally COVERED. These people got in their snow-covered vehicles, started the engine and drove off without any thought of brushing the snow off the windows or lights. Also during (the fucking) winter, I see people waiting at the Trax stations, at the outdoor elevators without a coat on or wearing spiked, open toed shoes or even flip-flops. And they have this weird look on their faces -"Like, why am I so cold 'n stuff?"
I don't know, man. I watched "Castaway" for the upteenth time last week (yeah, maybe movies are my antidepressant)and afterwards I was thinking, "Why the hell do want to come back to Murika? Are you fuck'in crazy? Hell, Wilson is smarter than most of these assclowns."
Later -
''who are here to create suffering and servitude?''
well my dear sis,i believe ''we have found the enemy and it is us'' (so the comic character says)
and by the gods if we look deep enough it becomes thoroughly bound up in truth just how it comes about that those ageless quotes still harbor our misery of life experience.
not all of course, but the finger pointing which is the great escape for me in times of confusion surly must be something that needs to be examined, don't it?
and i do,the inward look which is looking no fucking different then the outward look is becoming unavoidable to shut out.
this is miserable shit i can tell you that and is probably why its not popular with the other sheep i live around.
however i see no way out of this fucked up world then to go inside and examine why it is that my part is no different then say.. the cocksucker dick cheney
or any of the other minions that inhabit the inner circle of psychopaths seeming to run humanities path to oblivion,
this is old hat i know but guys i don't know what else to say,
if freedom from ones misery is possible i mean goddam well intend to find it, and at this point i do not have to look any further then my own back yard so to speak.
does this hold true to anyone else at this sacred fire?
the biggest problem and p hits on this much of the time is the fact that we refuse to look at how much we hide from our own actuality, that which really guides our existence, our daily encounter with what appears to be outside without connecting it with what is an exact replica of what is going on inside, he calls it inner DENIAL.
because why? good assed question, i don't know why but it smells like some kind of absolute death for the looker, know what i mean?
i mean wonce the taste of that precious disease called o my god is that all there is to it? comes and roosts at ones house its all over ain't it?
and seriously folks it is available and the so called outside world is found to be not something to be avoided but allowed to settle in like an old friend or fishing buddy and examined for what it actually is, and its not so scary, its just us we be lookin at brotha and sista,
langosta is on a roll lately and moving so fast keeping up is just a bitch.
my ass is covered with dust.
in love with you all.
''who are here to create suffering and servitude?''
well my dear sis,i believe ''we have found the enemy and it is us'' (so the comic character says)
and by the gods if we look deep enough it becomes thoroughly bound up in truth just how it comes about that those ageless quotes still harbor our misery of life experience.
not all of course, but the finger pointing which is the great escape for me in times of confusion surly must be something that needs to be examined, don't it?
and i do,the inward look which is looking no fucking different then the outward look is becoming unavoidable to shut out.
this is miserable shit i can tell you that and is probably why its not popular with the other sheep i live around.
however i see no way out of this fucked up world then to go inside and examine why it is that my part is no different then say.. the cocksucker dick cheney
or any of the other minions that inhabit the inner circle of psychopaths seeming to run humanities path to oblivion,
this is old hat i know but guys i don't know what else to say,
if freedom from ones misery is possible i mean goddam well intend to find it, and at this point i do not have to look any further then my own back yard so to speak.
does this hold true to anyone else at this sacred fire?
the biggest problem and p hits on this much of the time is the fact that we refuse to look at how much we hide from our own actuality, that which really guides our existence, our daily encounter with what appears to be outside without connecting it with what is an exact replica of what is going on inside, he calls it inner DENIAL.
because why? good assed question, i don't know why but it smells like some kind of absolute death for the looker, know what i mean?
i mean wonce the taste of that precious disease called o my god is that all there is to it? comes and roosts at ones house its all over ain't it?
and seriously folks it is available and the so called outside world is found to be not something to be avoided but allowed to settle in like an old friend or fishing buddy and examined for what it actually is, and its not so scary, its just us we be lookin at brotha and sista,
langosta is on a roll lately and moving so fast keeping up is just a bitch.
my ass is covered with dust.
in love with you all.
George Ure had an interesting link to an interesting site on advanced military hardware.
and you can follow all kinds of links from the site.
I hadn't seen this site before, found it interesting.
It implies that the advancement in military air hardware is beyond anything we commonly know about. I guess if you want to control the world you better have such stuff.
Now with all of this advanced hardware(I presume there is more than just air craft involved)what is the deal with continuing war in Iraq and Afghanistan? All the MSM is showing on the news involves conventional weapons systems, rifles, armored vehicles, even drone aircraft, etc. Are the PTB conducting these wars with conventional weapons for other than victory reasons?
Not just half past human are predicting the next couple of months to be very important to humans on this planet. Big stuff to be happening.
Freeacre decided to skip out to Nevada for a couple of days to spend time with son on his birthday. Now I'm "Home Alone". Sigh.
An interview with David Icke, posted here:
addresses some of these same issues.
Like so many
made indigent
by disaster,
and made dumb
by new masters
purse strings
like carrots,
those living
beyond the cordons
with work
(and gas
to get to work)
it all
could go away,
should they
lose focus
or fear,
raise their heads,
laugh loudly,
ignore the rules
and challenge the Man
in the saddle
to wipe away
that sneer.
From Belgium
The accompanying picture is an embodiment of what this post is about; Brie is a prince for the masters of kindness and love whereas the cute bunny is just fuel. That’s not to say that I think the PTB are going to eat six billion of us or even that any of us are all that cute :-)
Langosta’s (and p’s) point about denial is valid up to a point. I think denial involves a conscious effort recognise a problem in the first place and then to find a way to negate it but with some people a problem never crosses their horizon to begin with. I have been away helping family with jobs, again, and here is a snippet of conversation I had yesterday, in Dutch but I will tell it in English.
Them: We have our holiday booked for 2011 (always fishing off the coast of Norway) and we have tentative dates for 2012.
Me: Do you think there will still be gas in the pumps by 2012?
Them: What?
Me: Do you think there will still be gas in the pumps by 2012?
Them: Eh?
Me: Oh yeh, if they are drilling 2km deep in the gulf of Mexico that must tell you that all the easy to get stuff has already gone.
Them: There are other places in the world it comes from.
Me: That is so but there is more out of the ground worldwide than there is still left in and we are using it faster and faster so do you think we will still have it in 2012?
Them: Fool!
:-) This was a little gentle provocative fun poking, perhaps but like I said, first you have to see that there is a problem. What ankers (sorry mf, did I spell that without a W?)
That film Shutter Island must be a good one, I have just put up the catalogue for the main part of the Antwerp library system; that is the central library plus eight head regional libraries. In the nine libraries there are ten DVD’s of the film which are all loaned out with fourteen reservations against them. I guess I will just have to wait it out - or buy it.
I thought it was ironic that when the potential County Commissioner became overcome with emotion he got sympathy from the audience and when potential President, Senator Musky tried it, he got dumped from the race and quite rightly too.
Combining the subjects of induced multi-personality disorder and Ronnie Regan, this is what Bryce Taylor, a mind control victim, who remembered her past in later life, had to say on the subject.
pp 111 – 112
“Reagan said, "Our jobs are so vital to meeting the needs of the majority that having a little help like this really makes a difference in how we can perform in our chosen field of employment. You will see that this (mind control) is the technology of the future."
At another of these demos, there was a military man in a green uniform with a bunch of those colored bars on his pocket and an admiral in a white hat and uniform adorned with all kinds of metals. They were there for the demonstration of mind control slaves and to see what could be done to help them get the most out of their "boys." They carefully took notes while Governor Reagan spoke and they watched as he demoed me.
When demonstrating me after 1976, Reagan explained to the audience, "Now this one has had a child and you might think that as a sex slave that puts her out of commission. Not true. What occurs is they become as maternal towards helping the government grow as they do helping their child grow and as I am sure you all well know, nothing gets up a mother's dander more than having someone mess with their young. And that gentlemen is precisely what we do. To the extent that this mother loves her child is the extent to which she will go to protect that child. All we have to do is alter her perception a bit in order to make her fear injury will come to her young and you've just tapped into the highest source of dedication and intense emotion that can be regulated to fit the occasion."
He went on with the following 'pep talk:' "Many of the top minds in our nation are supporting this endeavour, both through scientific research all the way to financial banking and these men are among those who will insure that we in this country are not overrun by Communism. That will be our demise should we fail to continue this valuable research, for the Communists are already in the lead in the area of behaviour control. They've already sent a monkey to the moon and we understand that they are making major advances in the field of the control over the minds of their victims. So we should not fall prey to their evil intent - we strive to stay steps ahead of them. We owe it to the people of our country to have the best technology man has to offer. We cannot wait. We must do it now in order to preserve our freedom."
Somehow, Reagan actually believed he was championing prisoners' rights and furthering the safety of the public. He talked about finally putting to ease the troubled minds that these criminals were born with - by altering their brain function. "Lobotomies without a lobotomy," those who spoke of this technology all said.”
FB pt 3
About thirty to forty years ago a group of psychiatrists devised a questionnaire to test peoples attitudes to some ‘fundamental issues’ and categorised the middle band spectrum results to be ‘normal’. Those whose statistical scatter results fell outside these limits suddenly started rushing to psychiatrists to ‘be made normal’ thus offering themselves as willing victims to the mind doctors.
This nicely brings us onto the subject of the North Koreans who live comparatively simple lives and have been indoctrinated from birth into a certain belief set. They are in a way, lobotomised without a lobotomy but are they unhappy? They won’t be stressed at having their electronic gadgets wrenched from them and I am sure they will be able to adapt to any future world crises better than most developed nations for the simple fact that they have less distance to fall.
With regard to new weapons, those who truly run the world have a financial interest in keeping the Military Industrial Complex turning. The objective of modern conflicts is not to win but to continue. An added side bonus is that dead people don’t breed. When there is a need to win the results will be swift. One thing that puzzles me slightly is the roll that people like Tom Beardon perform. Clearly they are allowed to publish the information they do but to what benefit to those who control them? Is it to slam dunk us into submission or is there something else behind it?
World events do seem to be moving towards some sort of climax but what and when is difficult to predict. The target has been receding for quite some time. Are people like Cliff High more highly attuned to interpreting the signs of nature that at some point in the past we all possessed but have now largely lost or will he be leading his followers down from the top of the mountain come mid November? Only time will tell.
a monster, a madman or a lobotomy.
a lobotomy would be my option.
on my last visit to the city, a few years ago, i sat at a coffee shop and immediately turned on my powers of observation to the the table next to me.
a group of 4 perfectly manicured women, talking of their travels and life styles.
i delayed my self in that destination for two hours so intrigued was i about these facile beings.
as superficial as ice in a duck pond in africa - they were happy.
the part of their brains that could have been used to seek deeper answers, or question present malaise was simply absent.
to me it was as if they were lobotomized. i envied them as my soul was once again churning with images and cries from my neighbours - how i wish i could be as simple as them.
of course the question is does the brain function remain statically satisfied with the removal of 'stuff'. probably not. but on that particular day it seemed worth the price.
Excellent thoughts. It's going to take me awhile to assimilate them. It feels to me as though we have something profound here collectively.
I'm just glad to have made it back alive. The road trip back that should have taken 8 hours, took eleven. Began with 60 mph winds, an semi-truck and trailer overturned due to wind, a detour of about 50 miles, non-stop wind and rain for 300+ miles, culminating in a blizzard after dark. Home never looked so good. Oh, and when I turned on the radio hoping for weather reports or something useful, all I got was Christian talk shows yammering about Obama leading this country straight to hell or annoying pre-rock 'n roll moldy oldies. Gaaaaaah!
I did enjoy observing many herds of cattle lined up like cordwood all in same direction with their butts to the wind and the tumbleweed. LOTS of tumbleweed blowing across the road. Now there's snow all over the place and it's not even Halloween yet. Bummer.
From Belgium
Murph, can you take care of the double entry?
In the above, I forgot to mention the Stanford Prison Experiment. This was a psychological experiment to study human behaviour under controlled conditions. Volunteers were randomly assigned the rolls of prisoners and guards in a basement area of Stanford IT. The experiment was designed to run for two weeks but had to be abandoned after four days because of the violence the ‘guards’ were showing towards the ‘prisoners’. The question then became, is monstrous behaviour a substrata of most normal peoples behaviour? If it is then I guess that I am with Su on this one but if you are mad are you rational enough to know what it is you are riling against? There again, as the old joke goes, I would sooner have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
generally speaking, ankers/wankers = fragmentation.
generally speaking, 6+ billion people = fragmentation on steroids! a high % of which are what is often refered to as the sheeple.
generally speaking, fragmentation = energy that has been flicked off or split off from its parental energy form. so when it comes to 'getting it' which one is more likely to get it? the fragment or the parent?
what causes fragmentation of energy? lotsa things. death being one of them. often the frag IS the manifest denial of a parent entity. but, there are many exceptions that are the result of other contributing dynamics. some are appalling. i.e., what happend to bryce and those like her.
so what did happen to bryce? the vessel that was bryce, split. causal to the split was the trama induced under intense emotional experience. in this case, of a sexual nature imposed on a developing child. induced on the part of her 'handlers' with a particular intent and agenda in mind. iow she fragmented and then certain of the fragments were subjected to extreem conditioning put into place by sugggestion under even more intense emotional experience. aka, torture. result, an operative conditioned to respond in specific ways to specific commands.
it can also be assumed that bryce alters developed in an attempt by the vessel to survive. a dynamic eloquently pointed out by FA in the current topic post. FA asked...
"Can they both be coping mechanisms that shelter us from a reality that is worse than we can accept and live with?"
absolutely. i remember murph asking me on my blog a couple years ago if denial couldn't be a good thing. what FA was saying is about the same thing. so yeah, it can keep alive what otherwise would likely go mad or even die. particularly the young. sadly, this happens all the time as our young are subjected to cronic, toxic pedigogies - social, cutural, educational, familial, religous, etc - that not only pirate their very soul and self, they are abused emotionally and/or physically and/or mentally and/or sexually. and by parents, guardians, teachers, etc who'll carry out all forms of that on the one hand and tell them they love them on the other.
so what happens to the innocent core? it goes inside behind walls of steel that have no end. and, oh so often, they fragment in the process which is typically what's happened with those examples FA gave. there are other dynamics too like possession. but thats a whole 'nother story.
so why am i saying this when i've said over and over the original cause of the horrible condition of the human condition is denial? cuz, like is often the case, the prob is its own solution.
so was b talking to a fragment or a parental? could have been either one. was it denial or denial that doesn't know its in denial? what about monsters, madmen, and couch potatoes? as pointed out by the stanford experiment noted by b and as mf has figured out for hisself, there's monsters and madmen in all us couch potatoes. best we can hope for is we bring 'em back home before they come back and take us down. probably looks like the boogey man but i think its called self-hatred. but then, you already figured that out eh mf?
su... i luv your analogies... p
welcome home sis,
our thoughts and light went with you and candles and incense and sage and invocations were spread across the either spectrum and the ends of the rainbow were hither and thither matching the beginning and ending of your journey and everything in between for the guarantee of your safety.
we love you.
Hey everyone,
Welcome home, fa! We're all glad you made it home safe and sound.
I'm not sure I agree with the fragmentation theory, p. I think we're more like tree roots. Diversity (to a point) makes us stronger. I think the majority of the mental illness today is coming free our soul-wasting planet-destroying culture. All of these people on Prozac are depressed -but they don't need drugs! They need changes in their lives. But our culture says 'here, swallow this pill once a day and you'll be fine'.
The next generation is being raised to be useless and to die young. Take the food they feed these kids. I'm sure some of you have seen Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution". Well, I work in the schools, and let me tell you they were making it look good. Here are two of the lunches I saw last week:
1: Some kind of meat patty (I couldn't identify it) on a plain white bun, no condiments. Colored/sugared applesauce. Colored/sugared milk. Cake. Plain peas from a can that mostly got thrown at other students.
2: Cardboard pizza. A salad consisting entirely of some wilted iceberg lettuce leaves. Plain corn from a can. Colored/sugared milk. Cake and pudding. (Cake =bread, pudding = dairy)
One of the schools I go to on a regular basis has a fresh fruit and veggies grant from the USDA to provide fruit and veggie snacks for the kids every day. Many of the kids won't eat them. Occasionally they have an actually healthy lunch there too -the last included actual baked chicken legs. I had two kids eat them. The rest wouldn't touch them, because they weren't chicken nuggets.
None of that's the worst of it. You should see how some of these kids are treated -both at school and at home.
Not a week goes by when I don't want to bring at least one kid home and raise him/her properly.
I fear for the future.
.. and this is the SCHOOL system! This is where the smart people are supposedly in charge... and these are professional cooks supposedly preparing nutritious food. My God.
yes the school system.
my partner went off on a find yourself retreat and came back a different person.
suddenly felt the need for the kids to be 'schooled'. the need to make money. the need to move closer to the city and taste culture and all that shit.
once the shock had abated and i found my way to the core of my being i came to a rather selfish conclusion.
that if he felt that this was the answer and they agreed with him, then i could step away from my current role.
i could only watch from the outside.
when i see on a daily basis their ability to think, imagine, explore in the freedom of 'unschooling' it would destroy me to see them chopped up to fit the system and learn the drivel that i have seen as the curriculum.
his argument which could have validity is that they have become themselves by now and cannot be unformed or destroyed -
i can see that they perhaps need to experience something new - i fully appreciate that. it is just how to manifest that.
how on earth do i get them to experience a different culture, a different life - life itself, without having to wrench all asunder.
i cannot in my heart of hearts put them in the system. i know in a week they would be bored to death and their arses would be numb from all that sitting. that would truly be leading the lambs to slaughter.
and i ain't no judas goat.
so what do i do?
From Belgium
Hi Su, I have just walked the dog along the dijk and had a think about your conundrum.
Firstly, I must admit that I do not know the South African school system but if it is generally in line with that of other countries then you are allowed to school the children yourself so long as they just do not drop out of the system and learn nothing. They therefore must attain some minimum standards which means that from time to time they must go somewhere and take tests; no kid left behind and all that. If your kids are attaining the standard then what use is schooling and if they are not then they would be in school anyway? Your kids however have the additional benefit that they are able to think for themselves. Because of this both you and your partner should present your thoughts to the kids but each of them should be allowed to have a free vote on which option they feel is right for them and whatever they say goes regardless of your or your partner’s feelings.
One thing the education system (ha) taught me is that if you express an opinion then you have to substantiate your arguments or say it is a gut feeling and you have not properly thought it through or that you plain don’t know. By way of example you could say that rice is better than potatoes but you can’t just leave it at that, you must say why you feel that way. You might argue that rice contains proteins which are more essential for the body’s metabolism than the carbohydrates in potatoes which just make you fat. There are many sorts of rice, basmati used mainly in Indian dishes; thi long grain for Indonesian and Chinese dishes, Italian round grain for risottos; Short grain rice for Japanese sushi and glutinous rice for rice puddings. Thus by eating rice you will learn about the eating cultures of many lands and finally rice supports the sustainable peasant way of life to which many of us will return in the future. I am sure an equal argument could be made for potatoes but you take the point. Each of the kids must say Why they support the proposed course of action they do and fatuous arguments like goofing off don’t count.
If at the end of the day you still want your own way you have a trump card you can play and that is vaccinations. As I understand it your kids have not had them and they are essential to getting into the school system. Didn’t one of yours try the school system for one term (semester) and then dropped back out because they were not getting that much out of it and didn’t you have to ‘find’ vaccination certificates from somewhere?
The one argument for the school system which has some validity is that it increases the kid’s social skills. Other than this your kids seem to be doing just fine from what I can gather.
These are just initial musings on my part however I hope they form one aspect to consider from the many I am sure you will receive.
From Belgium
Hi Su, I have just walked the dog along the dijk and had a think about your conundrum.
Firstly, I must admit that I do not know the South African school system but if it is generally in line with that of other countries then you are allowed to school the children yourself so long as they just do not drop out of the system and learn nothing. They therefore must attain some minimum standards which means that from time to time they must go somewhere and take tests; no kid left behind and all that. If your kids are attaining the standard then what use is schooling and if they are not then they would be in school anyway? Your kids however have the additional benefit that they are able to think for themselves. Because of this both you and your partner should present your thoughts to the kids but each of them should be allowed to have a free vote on which option they feel is right for them and whatever they say goes regardless of your or your partner’s feelings.
One thing the education system (ha) taught me is that if you express an opinion then you have to substantiate your arguments or say it is a gut feeling and you have not properly thought it through or that you plain don’t know. By way of example you could say that rice is better than potatoes but you can’t just leave it at that, you must say why you feel that way. You might argue that rice contains proteins which are more essential for the body’s metabolism than the carbohydrates in potatoes which just make you fat. There are many sorts of rice, basmati used mainly in Indian dishes; thi long grain for Indonesian and Chinese dishes, Italian round grain for risottos; Short grain rice for Japanese sushi and glutinous rice for rice puddings. Thus by eating rice you will learn about the eating cultures of many lands and finally rice supports the sustainable peasant way of life to which many of us will return in the future. I am sure an equal argument could be made for potatoes but you take the point. Each of the kids must say Why they support the proposed course of action they do and fatuous arguments like goofing off don’t count.
If at the end of the day you still want your own way you have a trump card you can play and that is vaccinations. As I understand it your kids have not had them and they are essential to getting into the school system. Didn’t one of yours try the school system for one term (semester) and then dropped back out because they were not getting that much out of it and didn’t you have to ‘find’ vaccination certificates from somewhere?
The one argument for the school system which has some validity is that it increases the kid’s social skills. Other than this your kids seem to be doing just fine from what I can gather.
These are just initial musings on my part however I hope they form one aspect to consider from the many I am sure you will receive.
From Belgium
Hi Su, I have just walked the dog along the dijk and had a think about your conundrum.
Firstly, I must admit that I do not know the South African school system but if it is generally in line with that of other countries then you are allowed to school the children yourself so long as they just do not drop out of the system and learn nothing. They therefore must attain some minimum standards which means that from time to time they must go somewhere and take tests; no kid left behind and all that. If your kids are attaining the standard then what use is schooling and if they are not then they would be in school anyway? Your kids however have the additional benefit that they are able to think for themselves. Because of this both you and your partner should present your thoughts to the kids but each of them should be allowed to have a free vote on which option they feel is right for them and whatever they say goes regardless of your or your partner’s feelings.
One thing the education system (ha) taught me is that if you express an opinion then you have to substantiate your arguments or say it is a gut feeling and you have not properly thought it through or that you plain don’t know. By way of example you could say that rice is better than potatoes but you can’t just leave it at that, you must say why you feel that way. You might argue that rice contains proteins which are more essential for the body’s metabolism than the carbohydrates in potatoes which just make you fat. There are many sorts of rice, basmati used mainly in Indian dishes; thi long grain for Indonesian and Chinese dishes, Italian round grain for risottos; Short grain rice for Japanese sushi and glutinous rice for rice puddings. Thus by eating rice you will learn about the eating cultures of many lands and finally rice supports the sustainable peasant way of life to which many of us will return in the future. I am sure an equal argument could be made for potatoes but you take the point. Each of the kids must say Why they support the proposed course of action they do and fatuous arguments like goofing off don’t count.
If at the end of the day you still want your own way you have a trump card you can play and that is vaccinations. As I understand it your kids have not had them and they are essential to getting into the school system. Didn’t one of yours try the school system for one term (semester) and then dropped back out because they were not getting that much out of it and didn’t you have to ‘find’ vaccination certificates from somewhere?
The one argument for the school system which has some validity is that it increases the kid’s social skills. Other than this your kids seem to be doing just fine from what I can gather.
These are just initial musings on my part however I hope they form one aspect to consider from the many I am sure you will receive.
From Belgium
Hi Su, I have just walked the dog along the dijk and had a think about your conundrum.
Firstly, I must admit that I do not know the South African school system but if it is generally in line with that of other countries then you are allowed to school the children yourself so long as they just do not drop out of the system and learn nothing. They therefore must attain some minimum standards which means that from time to time they must go somewhere and take tests; no kid left behind and all that. If your kids are attaining the standard then what use is schooling and if they are not then they would be in school anyway? Your kids however have the additional benefit that they are able to think for themselves. Because of this both you and your partner should present your thoughts to the kids but each of them should be allowed to have a free vote on which option they feel is right for them and whatever they say goes regardless of your or your partner’s feelings.
One thing the education system (ha) taught me is that if you express an opinion then you have to substantiate your arguments or say it is a gut feeling and you have not properly thought it through or that you plain don’t know. By way of example you could say that rice is better than potatoes but you can’t just leave it at that, you must say why you feel that way. You might argue that rice contains proteins which are more essential for the body’s metabolism than the carbohydrates in potatoes which just make you fat. There are many sorts of rice, basmati used mainly in Indian dishes; thi long grain for Indonesian and Chinese dishes, Italian round grain for risottos; Short grain rice for Japanese sushi and glutinous rice for rice puddings. Thus by eating rice you will learn about the eating cultures of many lands and finally rice supports the sustainable peasant way of life to which many of us will return in the future. I am sure an equal argument could be made for potatoes but you take the point. Each of the kids must say Why they support the proposed course of action they do and fatuous arguments like goofing off don’t count.
If at the end of the day you still want your own way you have a trump card you can play and that is vaccinations. As I understand it your kids have not had them and they are essential to getting into the school system. Didn’t one of yours try the school system for one term (semester) and then dropped back out because they were not getting that much out of it and didn’t you have to ‘find’ vaccination certificates from somewhere?
The one argument for the school system which has some validity is that it increases the kid’s social skills. Other than this your kids seem to be doing just fine from what I can gather.
These are just initial musings on my part however I hope they form one aspect to consider from the many I am sure you will receive.
From Belgium
pt 1kreta
Hi Su, I have just walked the dog along the dijk and had a think about your conundrum.
Firstly, I must admit that I do not know the South African school system but if it is generally in line with that of other countries then you are allowed to school the children yourself so long as they just do not drop out of the system and learn nothing. They therefore must attain some minimum standards which means that from time to time they must go somewhere and take tests; no kid left behind and all that. If your kids are attaining the standard then what use is schooling and if they are not then they would be in school anyway? Your kids however have the additional benefit that they are able to think for themselves. Because of this both you and your partner should present your thoughts to the kids but each of them should be allowed to have a free vote on which option they feel is right for them and whatever they say goes regardless of your or your partner’s feelings.
FB Pt 2
Blogger is very difficult today, kreta was the vw
One thing the education system (ha) taught me is that if you express an opinion then you have to substantiate your arguments or say it is a gut feeling and you have not properly thought it through or that you plain don’t know. By way of example you could say that rice is better than potatoes but you can’t just leave it at that, you must say why you feel that way. You might argue that rice contains proteins which are more essential for the body’s metabolism than the carbohydrates in potatoes which just make you fat. There are many sorts of rice, basmati used mainly in Indian dishes; thi long grain for Indonesian and Chinese dishes, Italian round grain for risottos; Short grain rice for Japanese sushi and glutinous rice for rice puddings. Thus by eating rice you will learn about the eating cultures of many lands and finally rice supports the sustainable peasant way of life to which many of us will return in the future. I am sure an equal argument could be made for potatoes but you take the point. Each of the kids must say Why they support the proposed course of action they do and fatuous arguments like goofing off don’t count.
If at the end of the day you still want your own way you have a trump card you can play and that is vaccinations. As I understand it your kids have not had them and they are essential to getting into the school system. Didn’t one of yours try the school system for one term (semester) and then dropped back out because they were not getting that much out of it and didn’t you have to ‘find’ vaccination certificates from somewhere?
The one argument for the school system which has some validity is that it increases the kid’s social skills. Other than this your kids seem to be doing just fine from what I can gather.
These are just initial musings on my part however I hope they form one aspect to consider from the many I am sure you will receive.
Su, my initial thoughts are that the school year has already begun and that before any drastic changes are made, it deserves more time - say, next year. Also, since it was your partner's "finding himself" moment, he may rather concentrate on the changes he wants to make for himself, rather than the rest of you. I mean, what if he had gone to a weekend Scientology or UFO conference? Would he be expecting you all to become Scientologists or build a space port in the backyard? Jeez, I guess you could be glad it wasn't a multi-level marking confab - you'd all be jumping up and down with excitement selling Tupperware or some shit. Anyway, the point is that these changes need to be lived in for awhile. He needs to experience how it feels to need to dress professionally, how expensive it is to attend these cultural functions, how it feels to associate with these hooked up to the mainstream wankers for while. See if it's a good fit for him or not. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe he just needs some space to sort things out.
On a different tack, linked from George Ure this morning, is a video from a working class guy who has analyzed the crack that opened up in Michigan (Google it, if you aren't familiar) and explains it in a very plausible way. Really fun to watch. Then there are other links to different videos he has done explaining the relationship between earthquakes and polar ice melt that are fascinating. If his theories are true, it would explain how Clif High's linguistic predictions of massive immanent earth changes could happen.
If that doesn't work, go to this morning's Urban Survival and click on his link.
Hello Murph & Fa, glad you made it back home safe from the wilds of NV. My take on the school issue is the folks in the Know are home schooling their kids. The school system is broken, not due to good teachers trying to pass on knowledge to their charges but to the curriculum they are mandated to teach. Kinda like trying to swim with an anchor around your neck! Or the situation where some of the kids who do show up are hungry/neglected/abused, and yet still WANT to learn but the deck is so stacked against them in the hood or their home they just won't make it. Maybe it is denial/survival that makes people believe in the delusional reality we live in today, not being able to change their circumstances so its ok to just watch the circus called the "national news" and NEVER have to hear the words PEAK OIL !! Well I probably sound like and old doomer but I have to keep saying, Build your community network and keep stocking away food and tools and BOOKS with real knowledge. Keep the campfire burning.
Thanks, Cedar. Gotta admit - home never looked so good. Now, it seems the weather has gone whack all over. Hope mrs.p, Montana, Rockpicker, Stoney and all in between are not getting blown away by super winds, quaking ground, etc.
Speaking of books, my copy of "When Technology Fails" by Matthew Stein just arrived from Amazon.com. It's almost 500 pages of how to do everything from gardening to making food, medicine, first aid, metal work, weaving, foraging, you name it. I've been picking up interesting books at flea markets. Just got a comprehensive Shakespeare, even. Murph has about 500 science fiction, art, philosophy, metaphysics, history, tech, etc. Pity the poor fools who have only a stack of People Magazines to read. lol
Got a candle lit for the well-being and protection of our little tribe.
Whew, Phil Rockstroh has a new post up.
His typical vitriol. Enjoy
And just in case you want to know why our worry meters should be disconnected? Just stock up on popcorn to catch the 3D movie you will be a witness to.
From Belgium
Went to Holland today and whilst there I bought Shutter Island and saw it tonight. What a mind fuck that film was. Reality was on moving ground which blurred sanity from imagination but was the imagination based on truth, delusion or self protection or a mixture. I am still trying to sort it out. I might have a better take on it when I wake up, if I am still me by then -)
Meanwhile here is the song by Diana Washington which closed the credits:
This Bitter Earth
This bitter earth
What fruit it bears
What good is love
That no one shares
And if my life is like the dust
That hides the glow of a rose
What good am I
Heaven only knows
This bitter Earth
Can it be so cold
Today you're young
Too soon your old
But while a voice
Within me cries
I'm sure someone
May answer my call
And this bitter earth
May not be so bitter after all
lol... I sympathize, Belgium. In fact, I had to go to this site to sort out the ending for sure:
su,africa? holy crap we are really becoming a global tribe. makes me wonder how many more are from other countries but don't wade into this sacred fire.
like your name su nami, and the kitty with the mouse on its head looking like it might be hanging on for dear life. are they pets?
schooling for the children, this is always a big todo depending upon who one talks with about it. all kind of responses about it, depending upon what one has experienced them own selfs in regard to the subject.
personally i remember the very first day when i was six years old and dad took me there, i was scared shitless and it got blanker and blanker after that but i knew at some point that if i ever was in the same position i would never ever subject my children to this nightmare.
so i adjusted, and adjusted until all creative spirit and imagining and the wonder of exploring the unknown was almost wiped out of my young inquisitive mind.
what was left was a fear ridden shell of a former human being.
i hate to use these words because it seems like i don't know any other way to put it but these were not indian schools i went to where we would learn about out mother earth and the bounty she profusely provided for us, the love of the tribal members and the care each of us would receive growing into manhood and being a member of a group of people that took care of one another.
no this was a place where corporal punishment, the actual inflecting torture upon a helpless child was and is still common place in the great white mans world called the united states.
we would become good little robots or else.
is it any wonder that the prisons are full of grown up kids?
according to google there are still 22 states that allow this bullshit to to continue, i for one would shot the son of a bitch that beat my children for acting like a regular mischievous spirit driven son/daughter of god.
also it says that even though 22 states welcome this legality by sadistic teachers it is outlawed in the nations prisons. neat huh?
what a country./
lets face it this is assault ,illegal between adults but fuck the kids they have no rights basically in a christian driven society where spare the rod in misunderstood as in ''spare the rod'' duddd. means spare the rod.
how about love the child and try to understand their needs which are not all that much different then the grown ups, are they?
hitting a child simply means the the hitter has never taken one single second trying to understand just why he/she would do such a thing. we are ignorant fucks that do this bullshit. period. self-ignorant.
i watch my little granddaughters who will never see the inside of one of these ''programing facilities'' and marvel at the things they do in their perceptual view of the world, the ease in which they explore every little nuance,crack and cranny with equal interest, the easy laughter being around a group of folks that allow them to explore their natural surroundings without the overprotective fear that most parents pass onto their children on the one hand but allow the bulling of other humans to have their way with them.
anyway thats enough of this, i rant easy when i am reminded of my own childhood and the nightmare it represented.
good luck and glad to view your presence su.
welcome to this little place of peace and understanding.
thank you so much to all around the fire.
so much to absorb and digest in what has been said.
thank you.
pieter and i were walking up the road together the other day. it had been a long time since this last happened.
a woman we have seen but never spoken to approached us. she mentioned straight away that she had met our children and how she was blown away by them.
she mentioned how she thinks unschooling is the way to go.
i look at the green oaks surrounding us and a hum escapes from my core.
she then goes on to tell us how her sons had been loosely educated at a waldorf school and then put in a private school.
she said how she saw them crumple into themselves almost immediately upon entering the system and having to become something they were not.
he hears her.
suddenly the course has changed.
now the decision is on the individual. so right now there is relief.
From Belgium
Thanks for that Fa, I correctly worked out the fate of the Leonardo de Caprio character but the question then remained whether the Ben Kingsley Character was a good guy that had lost or a bad guy who had won. Now I know. The question I was asking myself was should we be allowed to rage against the passing of the light or should we have our safety catches super glued on. As it happens those guys were trying to get the safety catch into the locked position by less than usual means. The conspiracy sub plot aside, I think what gives most people an uneasy feeling is that early body doctors like Burke and Hare did dirty work for noble purposes but modern doctors of the mind are regarded as creepy Mengele type characters. The CIA black ops following Operation Paperclip which is now known about carried out dirty work for ignoble purposes but with just enough good work and reasonable doubt to ensure their continuation. Maybe Shutter Island, rather than handing people the answer on a plate so the film can be boxed off leaves the question semi open so that the audience has to think it through.
Su, love you; you are one of natures own. I guess at some time we are all guilty of aberrations but alls well that ends well.
thank you sats, you come through like a blazing comet,
From Belgium
Aw shucks
Happy Samhain, the Wiccan Halloween. Although I an not Wiccan, I do appreciate the holiday. Here's one site that explains how to celebrate it:
Basically, it's about honoring the male and female aspects of Spirit, and the souls of our departed, and to be grateful for the harvest. I'm sure ras could expand on this..
Guess I'll carve a moon and sun into won [;)]of our homegrown squashes, light a candle inside it to symbolize the "light within," and set it out on the porch tonight.
Fa My Shoulders are broad:-)
Just got home from a weekend in Missoula.
Anybody see this?
"NAGOYA, Japan – In a landmark consensus decision, the 193-member UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial meeting with a de facto moratorium on geoengineering projects and experiments. “Any private or public experimentation or adventurism intended to manipulate the planetary thermostat will be in violation of this carefully crafted UN consensus,” stated Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American Director of ETC Group."
- http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/5227
My friend swears chemtrails don't exist...
From Belgium
From section 4:
….“while applying the precautionary approach to the field release of synthetic life, cell or genome into the environment;”
Does this mean they will be looking to effectively close Monsanto down?
Where does HAARP stand in all of this?
My conclusion is that if it passes, it will never ever be enforced. More smoke and mirrors?
I guess I'll go waste some time today and vote. My wife, who is very naive, thinks it's the greatest thing a citizen can do. Uh huh. Right.
I told her that if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
When you think of all the strength and courage and sacrifice it took to GET the vote, it seems like one is obligated to honor those who came before and vote. But, when you consider the criminals, grifters, numbnuts, and skanks that are running, it's disgusting. We can have an effect on local issues at least and the local candidates. The problem is that most of the odious rules and laws that fuck with us are administrative laws that have no real recourse. And the ones who create them are regulators and bureaucrats who don't have to run for office.
One could be somewhat consoled by considering the earth changes that are ramping up. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and possible solar flares (along with the STEDNEX virus) could just make it all moot anyway. Popcorn, anyone?
Well, I have some hope for the human race after all. O'Donnell, Angle, Whitman, and Fiornia were all defeated, so there weren't as many outright nuts elected as I expected. Paul got in, and I expect he'll be running for President in a few years, but even he would be better than Palin.
I'm pagan but not Wiccan, but I'll explain about Samhain. It's a lot of things, really, and just about every culture in the world has a similar tradition about this night. It is first, a celebration of the harvest that is now all in for the year. Second, it is preparation for descent into the darkest time of the year. The equinox is a month past and the nights are growing longer and longer. In pagan tradition the Mother gives way to the Crone, who will rule until the Vernal Equinox.
The Crone is important, respected, loved, and feared. She is wisdom itself, the one who knows all, she is grandmother, the embodiment of a life long-lived. She is also the Reaper, who always comes to carry away those who pass, but especially in the winter, which traditionally killed so many.
But Samhain is more even than that. For some reason, in cultures spanning the glove for millenia, it has always been seen as the night when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, when it is possible for spirits to cross from the other side (and some say vice versa). It is the Night of the Dead. Long ago, some ancient peoples put scary masks on their doorsteps to ward off evil spirits. Others put out offerings of food or handed out treats to honor their departed ancestors. In Hispanic cultures, the veil remains parted for a full day, leading to Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.
Is that a good explanation? I'll be happy to answer any questions.
(COLUMBUS, Ohio) — In response to Wells Fargo's statement acknowledging that it "made mistakes" and that affidavits in 55,000 foreclosures filed by the bank did not "adhere" to the law, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray offers the following statement:
"The big mortgage servicers and financial firms continue to demonstrate their belief that they do not need to play by the same rules as everyone else who uses our court system. The suggestion by Wells Fargo and its colleagues at several other national firms that they can cure fraudulent testimony by simply refiling new affidavits and continuing to proceed toward foreclosures shows they do not recognize the seriousness of the problem they have created. There is no simple 'do-over' for false testimony that will be likely to avoid sanctions and penalties imposed by the courts. Their brazen efforts to minimize their financial exposure by sweeping these problems under the rug are an insult to the justice system in this country. These disclosures by Wells Fargo will now become the focus for a new prong of our on-going investigation."
-from : http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?singlepost=2236839
In answer to the question about H.A.A.R.P., take a look at the photo in this story.
To quote the Cowardly Lion, "Odd weather we're havin', ain't it?"
Hate it when I do that.
rp, I can't open the link.
It opened for me. Here it is again.
ps try looking up this headline at guardian.co.uk
Cyclone wreaks havoc across the US
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