Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let Us Review

These are pictures of the lake created near the home of Hot Springs Wizard in an area that is normally bone dry and the waters from the dam flooding the area.

by freeacre

We have been talking amongst ourselves for around three years now. We have anticipated the depletion of oil and other commodities and the real estate meltdown. We are now experiencing the financial coup that is diverting the wealth of the land into the pockets of the financial cannibal class. Real Unemployment is over twenty percent. Kids are graduating from college and moving back in with mom and dad - unemployed and deep into debt servitude. Prices on food and necessities are rising, while the equity in homes still falls. The average American is $7,000 in debt on credit cards. Several states are on the brink of insolvency. So they are in the process of cutting services and raising fees for everything. Nationally, we are trillions in debt to other sovereign nations. Our money supply is created by a cartel of International Banks we know as the Federal Reserve. We pay them interest on each of our dollars right from the jump. Then, they loan it to banks that also charge us interest on it.

We have transitioned from disgust with the Bush era, through hope that things would change, and now to despair since the Presidency has changed faces, but the power behind the throne has not. The corporate merger with the state continues. The loathsome financial scum continue to circulate from the central banks, from Congress, the CIA, the Pentagon, K Street lobbyists, and onto the White House staff and a myriad of government and corporate entities. The miscreant merchants of death enrich themselves every step of the way. They thrive on the blood of the troops they send to enforce their corporate take-overs. No wonder the young now dream of vampires.

We have been appalled to see all the best that we believed about ourselves as Americans be betrayed and mutated in the name of “homeland security.” We can no longer in any way consider this a “free country.” Soon it will be illegal to even complain about any of this- the torture, the incarceration, renditioning, surveillance, the barrage of lies and managed corporate news.

We are being poisoned by the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, and the water that we drink – oh, yeah, and the drugs that we take to “manage” all our illnesses. And now we're going to have mandatory “health” insurance that will secure a steady stream of revenue into the coffers of the detestable insurance hounds from hell who escalated the cost of medical care to astronomical levels in the first place. Thanks a bunch.

Now, yet again, we mourn for the dead and pray for the wounded with the rest of the nation for the nice lady congresswoman, the little girl, the sweet old man, the helpful assistant, somebody's grandma and grandpa. Good people killed senselessly by a young man who lost his frigging mind and didn't get help. He fit the profile of an emerging schizophrenic to a T. A twenty year old kid, unable to communicate logically anymore. Having a hard time keeping his sentences on the page. Increasingly concerned, therefore with “grammar.” Imagine his frustration increasing as he is everywhere dismissed as a space case that nobody can understand. Angry now that he is human “currency.” Angry that his congressional representative can't fix the mess he and his peers find themselves in, without the ability to communicate coherently. The college system should be experts at identifying schizophrenia, since in most cases it develops at the age of most college students. The school told him he couldn't come back without a psych evaluation. Did they tell his parents that he needed that evaluation, and probably medication to think clearly again? Probably not. We mourn for the victims as the malicious brain trust continues to pick our pockets and lock down our lives.

Ha! It's only a flesh wound,” screamed the Black Knight in In Search of the Holy Grail. “What else have you got?”

Well, there is massive flooding that is destroying whole states, towns, villages, crops, and people in Australia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Brazil, Columbia, Germany, Sri Lanka, and China. We've got ice and snow in the South and Northeast. We've got earthquakes increasing in both number and intensity all along the Pacific Rim. Islands are sinking, Ethiopia is cracking open, homes, automobiles, and coastlines are sinking into deep sink holes all over the world.

Glaciers that provide water for billions are melting away. Tundra containing methane that has been frozen through time is being released into the atmosphere. The Gulf of Mexico has been hideously contaminated, the fish and coral are dying, and now the Gulf Stream seems to be staggering around like a zombie. Oh, and there are the volcanos in Indonesia and Iceland. All of which could bring on a mini-Ice Age.

Other than that – we're good!

Does that about cover it? Not hardly, as I know you will soon point out when the conversation begins anew...

Of course, that's only one side of the balance sheet. The other side is that we are human beings and we have many strengths. We are not all asshats, dickweeds, fucktards and wankers. The Lamestream would have us believe that we are all glued to the tube watching Sex in the City , Homer Simpson and the Shopping Network. They wish.

I sense a shift in The Force, young Luke.” People are waking up. Gardens are being planted, Bread is being baked. Supplies for the coming winters are being gathered. Connections are being made. Communities are being created. Ideas are shared. Resources are pooled. Priorities are changed. Imaginations are being stimulated. In times of great hardship, alliances are made, life-long friendships are formed. Ideas are empowered. Help is given. Love is alive.

Look within. We are change that we have been looking for.

Data sources:


freeacre said...

Sorry, Rockpicker and Randy. Didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. That was an outstanding link that you put up, rp, so I am posting it again to give people a chance to view it.

the gist is that warming is taking place. Maybe not due primarily to CO2, but to the warming of the oceans because of volcanic activity beneath them.

nina said...

Murph is on fire today. And he is right, its taken us forever to realize it, we are the change. Instead of "Every silver lining has a cloud on the outside" it is of course, "This grotesque cloud bank hovering over Mother Earth has a silver lining if you are looking for it."

Lemme go read your link FA. Thanks for everything, thanks Murph.

nina said...

About that link FA, I don't want to be pessimistic or anything, but that has the potential to change everything real fast.
Gratitude to Rockpicker.

Anonymous said...

Wow!freeacre. very powerful writing. the best empathetic analysis of the shooter's psyche I've read so far. makes me tingle.

Celente was interviewed recently by RT, and he as much as said that the disenfranchised youth would soon lead the revolt in this country, for many of the same reasons you outline in this great post.

the fucktards have dumbed down the kids with their fluoride, Thimerosol, msg, aspartame and ridilin, then coaxed 'em into going to college, racking up
insurmountable debt in the process, and upon graduation it's "tough luck, kid." Twenty years of schooling and the day shift's been outsourced.

and those who knew they couldn't afford college went in the military with honorable intentions, were deceived, grew disillusioned and straggle home now
brain damaged and poisoned with despair to a homeland pushed to the brink of collapse by its ruling elites.

not that i'm encouraging a violent response. far from it. it would appear violence is just what the dark side wants to see. for now, it serves to allow the rulers their illusions; let them mistake restraint for apathy.

what will be their undoing
the coming around
of rivulets, a trickle
of sound in all the downspouts
of all the eaves in town,
and all the towns merging,
their waters rushing down...


freeacre said...

Thanks, Rockpicker, for your words and your poem. I worked as a crisis intervention agent for four years back in the day, and another 16 years with teenagers in residential treatment. Got to know my fair share of people struggling with thought disorders. My favorites, actually.

Anonymous said...

I thought disorder was a normal state of affairs...

Hey look at this timeline...

"12.13.10 - Thousands of dead barramundi fish wash up in Australia, unknown causes (

12.15.10 - Thousands of dead fish wash ashore on Florida beach, blamed on cold weather (

12.17.10 - Dead fish wash ashore at lake beach in Indiana, blamed on winter storms (

12.18.10 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in bay in Philippines, unknown causes (

12.22.10 - More than a hundred dead pelicans turn up in North Carolina, unknown causes (

12.23.10 - Hundreds of dead sea creatures wash ashore in South Carolina, blamed on cold water (

12.23.10 - Ten tons of mostly dead fish found in fishing net in New Zealand, unknown causes (

12.27.10 - Scores of dead fish wash ashore in a lake in Haiti, unknown causes (

12.28.10 - 70 bats found dead in Tucson, Ariz., unknown causes (

12.29.10 - Dozens of fish found dead in San Antonio, Texas, unknown causes (

12.31.10 - 5,000+ birds found dead in Arkansas, suffering from massive trauma and blood clots (

01.03.11 - 100,000+ dead drum fish found in Arkansas river, unknown causes (

01.03.11 - Dozens of dead birds show up in a woman's backyard in Kentucky, unknown causes (

01.03.11 - Tens of thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Md., blamed on cold water (

01.03.11 - 100 tons of dead fish wash ashore in Brazil, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Several dead manatees found on Florida coast, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on creek in Florida, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead fish was ashore on St. Clair River in Ontario, Can., unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead black birds found on highway in Louisiana, suffering from internal injuries and blood clots (

01.05.11 - Hundreds of dead birds found on highway in Texas, unknown causes (

01.05.11 - Large amount of dead fish wash up on New Zealand beaches, unknown causes (

01.05.11 - Up to 100 jackdaw birds found dead on road in Sweden, unknown causes (

01.06.11 - 40,000+ dead Devil crabs washed ashore in the U.K., unknown causes (

01.07.11 - More than 1,000 dead turtle doves found in Italy, unknown causes (

01.10.11 - Countless fish found dead in U.K. brook, unknown causes (

01.11.11 - Thousands of gizzard shad fish float to the top of Lake Michigan and wash up on the shores near Chicago, blamed on cold weather (http://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews...)"


mrs p said...

Saw a great 2011 earthquake piece on PBS last night about the plates moving and things heating up underneath it all. Check your local PBS programming it will be on again. Maybe we're closer than we, birds, guess Mother Nature isn't too happy about it all, (hence moms really mad), love, mrs p

nina said...

Oh dear, my comment botched the authorships. FA, your post is excellent. Both you and Murph write so well, clear, simple, straightforward.
Still reeling from the underwater volcanoes link.

freeacre said... worries, Nina. The Murphinater and I agree intellectually on most issues. But whereas his background includes degrees in science and martial arts, I resort to name-calling and vulgar gestures. Ha!

I hear you about the volcanic influence on the atmosphere. Then there is Patrick Geryl's work on the Sun combined with the historical references of past cataclysms from Graham Hancock and thunderbolts of the gods. oh my.

Burnie said...

What they have stolen from humanity, from our children is a crime beyond the pale. I get so mad I feel crazy. My inner peace and wisdom wither and I repeat inside job..calm down they are taking you captive.

The inside job, we got the connections know all the guards now we just need the combination to the inner vault and we be walkin' in tall cotton.

Freeacre all we have is our humanity something you possess in spades. I hope to come for a visit soon and will bring you back your book.

nina said...

Free, I love your sense of humor.

And we're cooked any way you look at it.

Hotspringswizard said...

Great job on your newest post Freeacre! I'll forward that one on to my brother Dane, not that I don't appreciate all of yours and Murphs musings :-)

On the Climate Change front, NOA just released their findings for 2010 and they said it is tied with 2005 as the hottest year worldwide on record. Also the Weather Channel this evening had a segment where they discussed the relationship of the expecially intense cold and snow thats occurred in the last couple of years, and its relationship to the warming atmosphere.

The meteorologist said that the warming is beginning to create very intense high pressure systems which are causing the jet stream to meander around in ways that are differant that what has been normally the case. These changes in the jet stream are forcing cold air and snow into places where it normally is not as prevelant. I'll check out that link of yours RP, sounds interesting.

Regarding that die off list of fish and birds, my wife just read in our local paper that in some place down around Los Angeles they just found a bunch of dead birds, unknown causes too. Really makes you wonder whats going on with all of these things dying.

And a little more info about the photos I took that Freeacre posted, the first one shows what is normally dry Rabbit Dry Lake, and our home is on the other side of the mountains seen across the lake. The second photo shows water coming out of the outlet of the Mojave Forks Dam which captures runoff coming out of the San Bernardino Mountains. After the water goes through the dam it is then called the Mojave River which flows through Victorville, Barstow, the eventually far out into the desert near Baker which is on HWY 15 on the way to Las Vegas from LA. The flow from the dam does not go into Rabbit Dry Lake. Yeah, it rained a whole bunch out here in five days!


Hotspringswizard said...

I just saw that in Australia yesterday some major flooding in one area was caused by six inches per hour rainfal. Thats an enormous downpour for sure! The atmosphere is warmer which holds more moisture which means more rain and snow.

And in thinking about this kid, and what is crazy thinking and what is not, I am more of a Ghandi type myself but I can certainly understand why lots of people in this nation are boiling mad about all the plundering, lies and corruption going on at the hands of the elites.

I don't think there is any doubt that lots more violence is in our future. I mean thats reality, thats history, violence, on and on and on. With the kinds of converging catastrophes coming together in this time, with the pressure building, people are going to snap, things are going to blow. All of these affected people are not going to sit around a campfire singing peace songs, and turning the other cheek. Some people dream of that but thats not reality. Like Rodney King saying " Can't we all just get along " its just wishful thinking.

And you know our Orwellian Leaders would even call us " crazy " for expressing the many things we do here. All through history evil people with agendaas will call those set against them crazy, insane, people in need of mental " reform ". I'm sure all of you know people in your lives that think your mind is not right for holding the thoughts you do about what goes on and why in this country, in this world. Jeeez, I don't talk to most people around me about all the kinds of things we regularly discuss because most people I run across, being wholly invested in the Grand Facade created for them by mainstream media would look at me and contemplate calling Homeland Security since all I would tell them about would seem nuts to most of them.

Oh well, I can hang with the Trout Clan, my Bro, people who get it :-)

Yeah Freeacre we have to be the change we want to see happen in this world, individually and together in small groups. I think thats all we got at this point when it comes to the bigger picture. Each day we can " try " to make this world a better place, in some small way, somehow, and help others in what manner we can along the way :-) To me thats the point of learning all of this stuff, to use it toward some worthy goal of change.

Hotspringswizard said...

Regarding the iceagenow website and the concepts it presents, I would recommend that you read this article listed below.

Vulcanism in all of its forms is always ongoing and it has its phases and changes through geologic time, but even in considering RP's linked article, IMHO I can't say that there has been any dramatic differance in the overall world volcanic activity in the time of modern man, like say the last 10,000 years. So why would any CO2 produced by volcanic emmisions alter by any large percentage, in terms of its contribution to the atmosphere?

What has changed dramatically is billions of people burning gargantuan quantities of carbon based fossil fuels, carbon that before this had been locked up in those forms, out of the atmosphere. In the last 150 years CO2 has risen from around 250 PPM to now nearing 400 PPM. This is the time frame within which humanity has been doing the vast majority of the carbon fuel burning. Something to consider:

Junk science

David Bellamy's inaccurate and selective figures on glacier shrinkage are a boon to climate change deniers

.....The data, he said, came from a website called Iceagenow was constructed by a man called Robert W Felix to promote his self-published book about "the coming ice age". It claims that sea levels are falling, not rising; that the Asian tsunami was caused by the "ice age cycle"; and that "underwater volcanic activity - not human activity - is heating the seas".

Is Felix a climatologist, a volcanologist or an oceanographer? Er, none of the above. His biography describes him as a "former architect". His website is so bonkers that I thought at first it was a spoof. Sadly, he appears to believe what he says....

.....You must, if you are David Bellamy, embrace instead the claims of an eccentric former architect, which are based on what appears to be a non-existent data set. And you must do all this while calling yourself a scientist....

freeacre said...

Hope to see you soon, Burnie. I love the hat!

What drives me nutz is all this conflicting information on whether it's getting hotter or colder or whether the ice is melting or growing, etc. etc. Gaaaaaaaaah!

Should be plant a garden in the spring or buy a rail pass and take a farewell tour of the U.S.A. Got me hangin.'

RAS said...

Great post, fa!
Things have gone all to pieces.

Down here in the south the snow catastrophe of 2011 is still having fall out. Most of the side roads and neighborhoods are still a solid sheet of ice. There's a foot of snow in some areas. Schools are closed for the fourth day in a row. I haven't worked all week, and I may not work tomorrow. If I don't work, I don't get paid. We may not be able to pay bills off this next paycheck.

Our dogs have been enjoying the snow, especially our big black lab mix. She loves running on it and chasing birds. It's hilarious to watch. As the week's gone on, though, she's gotten less and less enthused about it. Not that I blame her; I'm about over it myself. We couldn't go anywhere for two days -not we needed to, we had plenty of food, etc. When we finally went to the store it looked like it had been looted. Toilet paper, eggs, butter, all of it was gone. They had a bit of milk brought in by truck that morning but it was about half a case full. Canned goods were running low, coffee, everything.

And people accuse preppers of hoarding.

Here's another mass animal die-off to add to the list: Yesterday, Athens Alabama (about 20-30 miles from us) hundreds of blackbirds were found dead along I-65. I can't help but wonder if maybe it has something to do with the pole shift -both birds and fish rely on magnetic centers within their brains to navigate, and can be confused by anything that messes with that.

Anonymous said...

Sounds plausible, Ras.

And a great post, fa.
In a nutshell, it soulds like the world is circling the drain. As Riddick would say, "Had to happen sometime."

And thanks rp and HSW for the links on climate change/jet stream/gulf stream doom. I think I saw that Brit hightlighted on another website because he was the only one who was correct in predicting nasty (BLOODY HELL!) weather for the UK. And with that Einstein doo, he's GOTTA be right. Right?

But, is it warming or cooling? Cooling or warming -what?! -Hell, my clue-bag is empty. Either way, I have plenty of shorts, t-shirts and sandles if it's gonna be warmer and a bunch of sweaters and socks if it's gonna be cooler, Plus, I got this nice heavy-duty lambswool sheerling coat on e-bay for $50 last winter. Talk about cocooned -it's sweeeet!

What I get, rp, are these cans of "Coopers" beer mixes. They have all the hops and malt 'n stuff in the can that you dissolve in boiling water. You then add the sugar, toss it in a 7 gallon fermenter, add the yeast and let it perk for a week. Then you bottle it in 1 leter bottles, wait two weeks and you got some 6 gallons of tasty, non-presevative 6% brew for under $20.

Here in Mormon HQ, they only sell 3% stale yak piss at the grocery stores. If you want something with a little more octane, you have to go to one of the state liquor stores where you're deloused and figerprinted before you're allowed to buy any alcohol. And a six-pack of beer with 5% alcohol cost $12-$16!
The basterds.

I just bottled a stout the other night. Can't wait to pop open a bottle and do some guzzling.

And you know, beer IS a major food group.

Ok, better git-


Anonymous said...


What chemtrail activity have you witnessed as of late?

Pole shift is on-going and has been happening for a while, though, apparently the change has begun to accelerate in the last twelve months. Still, it's a gradual shifting, so far. It seems inconsistent with catastrophic failure of higher life forms.

H.A.A.R.P., however, turns on and off with a switch. It's located in Alaska, but there are other, similar sites all over the globe. It, and installations like it, have the potential to heat the upper layers of the atmosphere, steer hurricanes, heat surface waters and generally provide a much-enhanced active capability of weather manipulation to whoever controls it. Presently, the high-frequency, active, auroral research project is operated jointly by the US Air Force, the US Navy and BAE, according to Wikipedia. Here's what they say about it's function:

"Some of the main scientific findings from HAARP include:

1. Generation of very low frequency radio waves by modulated heating of the auroral electrojet, useful because generating VLF waves ordinarily requires gigantic antennas
2. Production of weak luminous glow (below what can be seen with the naked eye, but measurable) from absorption of HAARP's signal
3. Production of extremely low frequency waves in the 0.1 Hz range, which are next to impossible to produce any other way[clarification needed]
4. Generation of whistler-mode VLF signals which enter the magnetosphere, and propagate to the other hemisphere, interacting with Van Allen radiation belt particles along the way
5. VLF remote sensing of the heated ionosphere

Research at the HAARP includes:

1. Ionospheric heating
2. plasma line observations
3. Stimulated electron emission observations
4. Gyro frequency heating research
5. Spread F observations
6. Airglow observations
7. Heating induced scintillation observations
8. VLF and ELF generation observations [5]
9. Radio observations of meteors
10. Polar mesospheric summer echoes: PMSE have been studied using the IRI as a powerful radar, as well as with the 28 MHz radar, and the two VHF radars at 49 MHz and 139 MHz. The presence of multiple radars spanning both HF and VHF bands allows scientists to make comparative measurements that may someday lead to an understanding of the processes that form these elusive phenomena.
11. Research on extraterrestrial HF radar echos: the Lunar Echo experiment (2008).[6][7]
12. Testing of Spread Spectrum Transmitters (2009)
13. Meteor shower impacts on the ionosphere
14. Response and recovery of the ionosphere from solar flares and geomagnetic storms
15. The effect of ionospheric disturbances on GPS satellite signal quality"

Here is a url link to a paper by Michel Chossudovsky on H.A.A.R.P.
Couldn't find a publication date for the piece, but the info seems consistent with what I've heard and read elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Call me naive but wouldn't releasing all that pressure in the Gulf of Mexico have some connection with what's deep inside and under the earth crust? You know, action, Re-action some kind of movement, shifting etc.? After all it's all connected to itself. Like a bad shoulder could affect your hip, posture etc. The air quality toxicness could be wafting around killing the flora and fauna.
mrs p

Anonymous said...

Any day now, California is due for a noticeable shaker...which isn't sayin much considering the area. Just sayin that's all. mrs p

Anonymous said...

Randy, sounds like Waziristan, bro! Keep 'mixin' up th' medicine,' but keep lo'.

Ras, any increase in chemtrail activity? We've been hit every sunny day since Christmas. Unrelenting.

My guess is that HAARP plays a more significant role than does pole shift, as p.s. is gradual and has been ongoing for a while, whereas, haarp-type electromagnetic pollution/warfare can be switched on and off.

The reason I ask about chemtrails is because, as Hotsprings will concur, some of the nano-particulates being sprayed are ionizing metals, such as aluminum and barium, which are used to enhance the electromagnetic signal.

Hotsprings, it may be hard to say accurately that vulcanism is on the increase, but what we can say is that, until recently, science either neglected or was unable to observe the magnitude of undersea vulcanism. We now know a volcano the size of Vesuvius erupted under the arctic ice. These types of heat input cannot be credibly dismissed.

I would be curious to hear what Felix's detractors have to say about Piers Corbyn.

Check out this on brasscheck if you get a chance.


Anonymous said...

From Belgium

Freeacre, I have been racking my brains to try to find a suitable response to your post but everything I thought of would only be gilding the lily; spoiling something that is already perfect by adding adornments to it. You said it all and there was nothing to add. After reading it through again and sitting down, the only thing that came to me is that maybe I feel a post coming on, we shall see. And thanks for all the kind personal words, mucho appreciated.

Having decided to say nothing, here are a few extra nothings.

On the climate, Randy, did you pick up my link on the end of the last post?

On the shootings:

I know, I know, I say Stefan Molineux is too plausible but the trouble with plausible people is that they often make sense.

On the administration:

Obama’s half time scorecard.

Anonymous said...

This from Steve Quayle today:

"Mountain House Food Alert, None Available, 92% Dealers Cut: Having been one of the largest freeze dried food dealers in the U.S. for a number of years, I can tell you that this event is ominous. There are less than a dozen freeze drying food production facilities of consequence in the U.S. of which Mountain House is the largest. I was contacted late Wednesday night by one of their major dealers. He stated that Mountain House only had 4 entrees of foil packaged food available in their warehouse. They informed my dealer friend that "It was only going to get worse"!

They would not confirm how much the U.S. govt. was buying but, it was my friend's opinion that "they pretty much bought it all"! I would strongly suggest that given the dire harvest reports and weather wars now underway, you speed up and add to your existing food supplies ASAP. Flooding, fires, blizzards and locusts, not to mention flash freezing coupled with historic snowfall in areas that don't get snow, should be a massive kick in the pants to get going in adding provisions and acquiring additional emergency items."


freeacre said...

Your bird die off in Georgia made it into today's (1/23) Andre Heath's post on ras. As usual he posts a very comprehensive compilation of all the weather/bird & fish die offs, as well as earthquakes and volcanic action, etc. You and Kelly, mrs.p, and Palooka, Hot Springs Wizard and all those in danger areas due to cold, quakes, and what all - take extra care. Very interesting about the situation in the stores, ras. If everybody doesn't have at least a month or two's worth of food stored up by now, I guess there's nothing more to say to you. Check out today's Urban Survival, too. Half Past Human is reporting that the stock market might have crashed before they can get their report done at the end of the month. I would not be keeping all my "extra" cash in the bank, as there could be a bank run much like the grocery store run that ras reports. ATM's empty, etc. That would suck.

freeacre said...

oh, rats. Typo alert. Meant to type 1/13, not 1/23.

Anonymous said...

From Belgium

Freeacre, is my comment in your spam box?

Anonymous said...

I'll eat his spam. I love spam...

RAS said...

FA, never fear, we've got a lot more than a month's worth of food on hand. The main reason we went to the store was to check out the road conditions and get some non-HFCS soda to mix with our whiskey.

freeacre said...

Belgium - Yup, you were spammed. Fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Eeeeek -spam! I'm sorry, but I just can't eat the stuff. In fact, even the smell of spam makes me want to hurl. My mom used to make us eat it when I was a kid and I still have nightmares about the stuff. Spam Monsters. Granted, it could be that my mom couldn't cook it right. My dad always said, "My wife treats me like a God, I get burn offerings every night." Yep, she used the smoke alarm to tell when dinner was ready.

But you know, after years of analizing spam, MIT and NASA scientist are STILL baffled as to it's contents.


freeacre said...

Randy - you are hilarious!

Cynic Aloptimist said...

Greetings all...

Many thanks for all the great links, info, and ideas...

FA & Murph, I've been a bit to busy but am still meaning to compose and shoot off an email re: colloidal silver, which will hopefully start a discussion and sharing of what knowledge we have.

I was reading rockpickers scary list of die-offs from natural news, and later metion of pole shifts by another commenter...

Made me jump back to Natural News and read a headline that had caught my eye while viewing the original die off list...

Going to have to finish reading it tonight, but what I've read so far was prescient to the discussion.

Be well all, and I hope to continue the discussion soon.

M in Oregon

freeacre said...

M - Yeah. That sounds good. Additionally, last night we watched the movie "The Core" (Netflix again). It was all about the molten core of the earth stopping it's spin, reducing the electromagnetic protective field around the earth, and all these birds and fish began falling out of the sky and beaching themselves, etc. Good disaster flick.

Anonymous said...

RP, I'll check out that link you listed for Piers Corbyn. I see he stated this, " the world is now cooling and will continue to do so ", and I wonder how he conflates that with 2010 being tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record, and that the decade from 2000 to 2010 was the warmest decade on record.

I think the bottom line is that what ever is occurring is completely beyond being controlled by man ( including any futile geo-engineering attempts ). If its all about various natural causes/cycles then we are not going to change what is to occur.

And if the largest part of the extreme weather changes are Anthropogenic, I don't think humans in general are realistically capable of changing the ways they live upon the planet enough to stop the causual factors stemming from man activities as a source. The large industrial socities and the people that live in them are just too invested in the current ways of living to give it all up by choice. It will change as their options in these matters are taken away by the hard realities of resource depletion and biosphere degradation.

So that leaves us with the only realistic option being doing our best to adapt to what occurs with the climate/weather. Still I find the subject interesting so I think its always good to consider differant takes on what may be causing these changes.

To me I think the key thing to watch is the ice and ocean levels. If the ice stays in retreat, which I think is clearly the case according to the info I give credibility to at this time, and the oceans continue to rise as I think is also occuring as evidenced on many shorelines and ocean islands, then I don't think we need to worry about being impacted by Ice Age conditions like massive advancing ice sheets or multi year/prolonged super cold events and/or snow that starts to stick around from year to year.

We shall see. From the looks of things, the weather is going to continue to get more extreme in all the ways it can.

Anonymous said...

That last 4:52 comment is mine, Hotsprings. Trying to post with my google ID is not working, so I tried under anonymous and it worked. Hopefully it will continue to work that way while I figure out whats the problem with the google ID.

Anonymous said...

HSW, when you figure it out, let me know. I quit wrestling with it.

Hey, that second photo of the water coming through the culvert, can you talk about that?


Anonymous said...

RP, in my first post of this thread: January 12, 2011 11:19 PM
at the bottom of it I explained about both photos. Let me know if there is something else your wondering about regarding that picture of the water blasting out of the outlet of the Mojave Forks Dam.

In the summer I have walked through that large rectangular tube with my family all the way to the other side of the dam. In this case it was completely filled with water, and as you can see it was rushing out with enourmous force.


Anonymous said...

When you are the country in the world with 4 percent of the world's people and you get to suck up 25 percent of the world's resources its a presription for a pretty comfortable population. But now the fundamental realities that allowed for this very unique state of affairs is changing rapidly into times of economic contraction and increasing austerity. The american public is growing increasingly incensed by whats happening to their lives, but most do not know the real reasons behind their declining fate.

Tom Whipple in this article discusses this situation and points out that as the situation degrades, a confused and angry US population will in one form or another seek violence as a remedy to their ills. We have been insulated from such things for a good while, but more and more we will begin to experience the kind of unrest that we so often see in other countries begin to happen here in the US, and that will be the state of affairs for the forseable future.

Peak Oil and Civil Unrest

.....In America, we have now had a run of well over 100 years with minimal domestic unrest on the scale of the Civil or Indian wars. This, however, may not continue to be the case much longer......

Anonymous said...

10:35PM post, HSW :-) This switching from using Blogger entry to Anonymous is throwing me :-)

Anonymous said...

Eh, perhaps this should be part of our review...


freeacre said...

More on Nibiru or Planet X.

This is good, too:

We know there are electromagnetic changes between the sun and the earth. But, what is driving the changes? Nibiru or Planet X or Nemesis? Stay tuned..

freeacre said...

Big doin's on today (1/15). Huge coronal mass ejections on the backside of the sun, possibly revolving our way in the next few days. Amazing auroral display. "You just never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump (That's for you, Randy, after your Riddick quote - ha!)

Anonymous said...

From Belgium

HSW, if Blogger forces you into anonymity then maybe you could make your First line of typing “Hot Springs Wizard” then everyone will know it is you.

When I first started commenting on Cyclone’s Real Deal I said I didn’t like the anonymity thing because I had nothing to hide but I could never see my output being regular enough to attract a following. The advice I was given consisted of two choices: 1) register as a Blogger but never do one or 2) post anonymously and include an identifying handle at the beginning of the comment. That is where FB came from.

BTW Murphs, do you ever have any contact with Cyclone?

Anonymous said...

Look at the size of these cme's!


murph said...

RP and all,

Rp, went to that link you put up by the bible thumper on planet X. Read his thing fairly carefully. Hope you picked up on the contradictions and inaccuracies in it. The first thing that popped out to me was his statement that X comes by every 3630 years or so and that this time it will be an only one time event according to the bible. Now, if previous civilizations have forecast this event, then there must have been previous civilizations in pre historical times that experienced it. He makes no mention of this, but insists that biblical passages support it as a one time event.

In my opinion, the bible thumpers get all mixed up when they try and justify biblical quotes with their understanding of science, and most explicitly concerning coming cataclysms.

Oh well, sure appears to me that scriptures were written and selected for political purposes right from the git go anyway. The real facts and maybe truth sure seems to me to be unknowable for the most part. Until we do have the facts, everything else is speculation with no basis. Which has no relationship to truth as such.

We just keep digging and hope for some insight that has a real relationship to what is.

murph said...


Every once in a while, with great time in between, we hear from Cyclone. Not sure if he is following the site or not.

Anonymous said...

He is


Murph, Yeah, I put up that link to the bible thumper because I recall reading about Nibiru years back, and have heard little about it recently, and though much of what Clif High and Patrick Geryl say about the sun's disease makes complete sense to me, maybe their explanations only account for a part of the earth changes manifesting.

I didn't read the whole piece before putting it up, but I can say from previous readings that the Nibiru meme contains at least two previous fly-bys.

The first Judeo/Christian refrence to Nibiru apocolypse would be the Noah's Flood story, which myth and legend from all over the world seems to substantiate.

The second passing, or "crossing," is said to have been three thousand (or so) years later, when the jews fled Egypt.

Today, people are saying that Nibiru has been located in the southern sky, and coordinates have been published, but Google Sky has blacked out the area.

Here's a link to a video walking us through the process of seeing Nibiru, or something we're not supposed to see. Apparently, it is approaching earth, and it is hot!


Hotsprings, I read your initial comments, but forgot what you said about the dam. Thanks for the clarification. Dam!

Anonymous said...

This from comments below the video posting:

" *

Tell you what, it's there!

Go to 'SPRING BETA' Microsoft worldwide telescope, download it.Then look in Leo, type in the cordinates as he said..Make sure you use the INFRARED MODE.

It's has a tail, with what looks like a crap-load or moons, maybe 9 or more.

It will be labeled, 'unidentified'...Now i don't what what it's course is, but it's HOT for sure! YOU can't see it with a normal scope setting, use INFRARED SETTING!
Zpokerkid 2 months ago
Zpokerkid 2 months ago

9h 47m 27s 13 16' 27"


wv= diabazed (amazed and dazed by the diabolical absurdity of it all)

Anonymous said...

Randy, this is your cue...

Anonymous said...

Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich

...... The U.S. military is used to conquer countries for the rich, to seize markets, land, resources and labor for Wall Street. This is what drives U.S. foreign policy....


freeacre said...

I really began to take it seriously upon watching "Symbols of an Alien Sky," available at So much evidence of ancient cultures obsessed with the sky - ancient astronomers, pictographs, symbols, from all over the world that point to pre-historic cataclysms. Really a must see. It's not only astronomical evidence, there is a wealth of artistic, biological, and cultural evidence as well.
And, if you think about it, even the current insanity begins to make sense in the face of immanent planetary disaster. This bears much more investigation. We may need to make alternative plans... This would be a real game changer.

Anonymous said...

Freeacre, speaking of the enigma of things which occured long ago regarding humanity. I was watching a show recently which was discussing various evidence for possible past interaction between humans and alien beings.

In one segment they highlighted the various amazing features of the great pyramids of Giza ( among many other things across the world ). They then stated something like " if you think the engineering feat of what it could have taken to build these huge pyramids is mind boggling, it was mere childs play when compared with the creative capabilities of what it took to make Pumapunka! ".

Pumapunku is a ruin in Bolivia where there is such precision of stone work that even stone workers of today with all of their modern technology say they could not produce the same incredibly fine details. So how in the world did this culture from thousands of years ago achieve such a thing. Perhaps as the program suggested the answer lies beyond our world.

On another subject, with all of the media blitz about the recent shooting in Arizona, to me I see it as the PTB, the Elites having a big freakout because they are aghast that that the serfs are actually so pissed off that they may begin to target them.

So they blather on about how everyone should just calm down, be civil and work within the " system " to find solutions. Like the mercilessly plundered working class is supposed to just go back to their forclosed homes and not worry about the jobs they don't have anymore, and don't sweat that they can't afford to by food, get healthcare, send your kids to college, have a future, etc.

These corrupt and ruthless pillagers think somehow that the masses who they continually abuse on a huge scale will seriously just let it all go? Well they are going to find out in time, just how wrong they are about that. Its all such a ridiculous circus of insanity!


Anonymous said...

"All polite appeals to the formal systems of power will not end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must physically obstruct the war machine or accept a role as its accomplice. "
-Chris Hedges

Great link, HSW. Thanks. This guy got my attention last summer, a speech he gave to a group of anti-war protestors in which he discussed 'inverted totalitarianism.' The man is both brilliant and eloquent, not to mention, long-winded.

murph said...


I just checked the spam filter and found 3 comments not published, including one from freeacre. They have now been published.

Anonymous said...

Same theme, different angle...

"There can be no such thing as "coexistence" with a reckless and monopolistic industry that harms human health, destroys biodiversity, damages the environment, tortures and poisons animals, destabilizes the climate, and economically devastates the world's 1.5 billion seed-saving small farmers. Enough talk of coexistence. We need a new regime that empowers consumers, small farmers, and the organic community. We need a new set of rules, based on "truth-in-labeling" and the "precautionary principle" - consumer and farmer-friendly regulations that are basically already in place in the European Union - so that "we the people" can regain control over Monsanto, indentured politicians, and the presently out-of-control technology of genetic engineering...."


Anonymous said...

Eeek! Now my three " disappeared " post are back, somehow :-) Posting here is getting to be more challenging all the time! The New World Order Spooks must be the ones at fault. They want to make it harder for us to communicate :-)

I agree with the thoughts expressed in your last post RP.


freeacre said...

re: Puma Punku, we just are in the process of watching a 2 disc documentary called "Monuments to Life" by Graham Hancock that features this very place. Truly amazing. it seems this old earth hides many ancient secrets and even those that we can see we have not understood. One thing for sure - they weren't dragging 120 ton perfectly cut blocks around, twelve thousand feet up in a place where you can't grow much of anything by a team of lamas. My guess is a sound based frequency levitation devise.. but that's just me.

Will attempt to delete all the extra comments, Hot Springs.

Anonymous said...

My guess is a sound based frequency levitation devise.. but that's just me.

me too fa. and i think ed figured it out...

Anonymous said...

CAUTION: blood boiler...

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to another interview with Susan Lindauer. She was a CIA asset in Iraq prior to the 9/11 attacks. She was imprisoned under the patriot act and held in a Texas military prison in order to keep her mouth shut. Her new book is called Extreme Prejudice.


Anonymous said...

From Belgium

HSW wrote “On another subject, with all of the media blitz about the recent shooting in Arizona, to me I see it as the PTB, the Elites having a big freakout because they are aghast that that the serfs are actually so pissed off that they may begin to target them.”

I am going to make the same point from a couple of different angles here. With regard to the above referenced shootings, Duncan O’Finioan says it was a hit and I for one am not going to disagree with him. The surfs won’t get to the real elites but rattling the cage is no bad thing. According to Alex Jones the target could have been Judge John Roll who appears to be a good enough Constitutionalist to rattle Obama’s cage.

Have a look at this also from Brasscheck TV:

Still on my own topic here, I went to the cinema last night and saw Incidies. This is a top class film and I sure hope it makes it over in the USA although I doubt it for the simple reason that it is French spoken with subtitles, in my case Dutch although I guess it would be done in English also. This is a modern day quest adventure. The mother of male and female twins dies in Canada and as part of her will the twins have to deliver a letter to a brother they never knew they had and along the way they gradually discover their own family history. The brother lives in Palestine and as they find more clues to his identity they trek back and forwards to Israel. At one point the girl is in the middle of Palestine without transport so she takes off the cross on her necklace hanger and puts on a head scarf so that an approaching bus will stop for her. At the border crossing the Israeli guards, for no particular reason, shoot the driver, then pepper the whole bus with automatic fire before setting it alight. Needless to say our heroine escapes. I must say that sitting fairly near the front of the big screen with surround sound gave a pretty authentic feeling of being there. What was clear here was that the border guards had a pretty hum drum job but being elitist macho types they for instance could not kick a ball around to relieve their boredom because elitism has nothing to do with friendly rivalry so they shot a bus load of people instead.

I could go on - again about the Stanford Prison Experiment (worth looking up if you are not sure what it is) or why the Romans’ had circus’s and so on with more examples. What is becoming clear is that humans are almost unique in the animal world where the few that are strong wish to dominate and exert cruelty over the many who are not so strong. Whether it is slaves against lions or burley policemen throwing cripples to the ground it is clear that disrespect for life, represented by the other group, quickly appears amongst those in charge and in the case of our present elites disregard for the planet we live on also.

Anonymous said...


Fa I think you have another one of mine in your spam box.

murph said...


I will check the spam box after I write this short comment.

I don't normally listen to hour long lectures on the computer. I have problems sitting through most of them. However, I came upon this one that is worth listening to.

LOL WV napolona

murph said...

Yup, your comment was in there. LOL You just got to quit using inflammatory language.

Anonymous said...

From Belgium

Thanks Murph, I checked it through again to see what the inflammatory word could have been and the only one I saw that could have triggered it was Israel or maybe it was cripple. I wonder if this comment goes up, I could go through a process of elimination but I don’t think so :)

Anonymous said...

Today, people are saying that Nibiru has been located in the southern sky, and coordinates have been published, but Google Sky has blacked out the area.

This can't be good. (Goodle blacking out area).


"There can be no such thing as "coexistence" with a reckless and monopolistic industry that harms human health, destroys biodiversity, damages the environment, tortures and poisons animals, destabilizes the climate, and economically devastates the world's 1.5 billion seed-saving small farmers. Enough talk of coexistence. We need a new regime that empowers consumers, small farmers, and the organic community. We need a new set of rules, based on "truth-in-labeling" and the "precautionary principle" - consumer and farmer-friendly regulations that are basically already in place in the European Union - so that "we the people" can regain control over Monsanto, indentured politicians, and the presently out-of-control technology of genetic engineering...."

Here, here! We get their emails too. Thank you rp.
It's something that has completely pissed me off for decades! All the letter writing and emailing to congressional reps doesn't seem to affect anything. This is really killing us. Slowly but many people dying of cancer. Monsanto's Roundup is in everything. Corn, soy, wheat, alfalfa, can hardly stand to eat out at a restuarant any more or grab a taco because we know we're getting poison. Not too many organic resturants. It's so creepy how so many young people and animals are getting cancer of this and that. People under 30 dying of cancer. Kids getting sick from their playgrounds at school, etc. sad. And so lame that many of the 20 plus carcenigens which are banned in the E.U. are still used in U.S. Stupid. They have to be one of the most evil all pervading corps in the world.
Do you see film Michael Clayton(sp) with George Clooney?
mrs p

freeacre said...

Dire warning from NOAA, all us California and West coast folks.

Break out the life jackets.

Anonymous said...

The media says this is perfectly normal. Yeah. We can all see
the machined evil extant
in satellite imagery. Thanks.
No need for prompts
and reassurances. We get it
before you even draw breath
to mouthe the dull
obligatory phrases for which you're paid. Bugger off.
Leave us to our burning lungs,
our ringing ears. Leave us
to ponder the mitigation
of the damage your worshipped
sponsors cause. How to
bring down ph and the spraying planes, expurgate our tainted
food and drink?

The media, another international wrong, I think.


Anonymous said...

Well, test my aerial drones!, doesn't ANYBODY tell the truth anymore?


Anonymous said...

So, after shooting his mouth off over the holidays about how he was going to prove once and for all that Obama was born in Hawaii, the new Governor now suggests that the long form birth certificate may not exist.

Imagine my surprise.


Anonymous said...

The Yottabytes are coming to Utah!

Big Brother Obama: White House Plans Internet ID System

......"once vacuumed up and and stored in these near-infinite 'libraries,' the data are then analyzed by powerful infoweapons, supercomputers running complex algorithmic programs, to determine who among us may be--or may one day become--a terrorist."

"In the NSA's world of automated surveillance on steroids" Bamford avers, "every bit has a history and every keystroke tells a story."

Or as Cryptohippie puts it far less delicately, every keystroke or cellphone ping is "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial.".....

.....Why bother with privacy when surrendering your rights is so convenient!......


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Greer discusses ideas on just how the Great Unraveling of our complex societies may proceed:

The Onset of Catabolic Collapse

....the question is simply when to place the first wave of catabolism in America.....

....The date in question is 1974...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, last week they had all this ground breaking hubbub about the new NSA Spy On Everyone Complex to be built down the road from me in Herriman, UT. The whole thing is about jobs -and protecting "Murika," you see. NOTHING about invasion of privacy. Nooooo..! But the lemmings here don't care anyway. They only care what the Church tells them to care about. Got to be safe from Al CIAda, donchano.

Oh, and the Tucson shooting has promped a bunch of legislative proposals. One being to allow anyone, ANYONE to have a weapon with them at any time, anywhere. Hmmm... not sure about that one. I can just see it now: "Hundreds Dead in Bars Across the State on Superbowl Sunday."

I had best get on line to order my rocket launcher.


Tommy Krenshaw said...

"We are not all asshats, dickweeds, fucktards and wankers"

Oh, I don't know. Maybe we are all fucktards. BTW, nice job on this post -- makes me long for the "problems" of the past when environmentalism was represented by a crying Indian.

We're in the transition now. It's impossible to predict the future, but I agree that we will not find fruit hiding under our collective asshats.

Anonymous said...

My country, my country.
I was born in Hawaii and the birth certificate given to me mum from the "Trippler Army" Hosp., (the main hospital on Oahu), was weird. It looks like a negative. It's on thick photographic paper that has a black background with typed white lettering and it has a "watermark" embossed into the paper. It's also fairly small in size, about 4 x 5 inches.

If we were to contact the Oahu records division for another "copy", they'd probably have to find it on micro fiche that's on a reel somewhere, if they even have it.

My dad wanted to name me Lei-lani but me mum said too many Hawaiian babies were being named that. So he named me after a friend who went down on a sub. Great.

When I was a toddler I used to ask am I Hawaiian? Dad said, "well gee just because cats are born in an oven doesn't make them loaves of bread." My dad was a U.S. Citizen born in the U.S.A. but me mum was a foreigner that became "naturalized" later. Dad joined the navy just out of high school and faught in two wars, the Korean War and WWII. He had nightmares, he died young, probably from drinking and smoking too much. My point is well...I dunno, if he had died in the war and left us kids to our "foreigner" mum, would we still be U.S. citizens? Maybe, maybe not.

So if Obama was not born in Hawaii and you could vote another human in, who would that be? And how would that person no matter where they were born make any difference to and for "the people". We don't belive that any one person, even the President can change much in this country to affect the masses of "little people" and mainstream middle class, as much as the powerful corporations and lobbyists do. And the Supreme Court which decided that MallWort is a "person." That has nothing to do with Obama. Once you become the president, no matter where you were born, you will need to stay within the "lines" and not let your crayons go all over the page or most likely the head of World Chemical Cah-cah will strong arm you into submission. mrs p

Anonymous said...

As for that total awareness software business it's been in use for a long time. Long before Obama became the prez. It speaks something like 30 languages and can go anywhere to any computer on the planet. It's been monitoring everything and everyone for decades. The DOD has it, Israel has it, Cananda maybe has it too. You can look it up in "Crossing the Rubicon.". Just sayin, mrs p

Anonymous said...

Mrs. P;

If I had my druthers, I druther have a Teddy Roosevelt than a Woodrow Wilson right now. In fact, those who popularly elected Obama thought they were getting a T. R.-type, who would stand up to the military/industrial complex and actually fight for the little guy.

Fooled again.

Shame on us...

BTW, I see Obama has just mandated that all US regulatory bodies review their guidelines and regs to ensure government is not placing undue hardship on business.
Another wtf moment!

Like Dylan said, "...because the cops don't need you, and man, they expect the same..."


Anonymous said...

This writer brings up a damned good point.

200 cows dead in a field in Wisconsin? From disease, but don't worry, it won't hurt two-leggeds?

Now, ain't this the sorta 'event' Homeland Security loves to scare Joe SixPack with?

Like he says, "the silence is deafening!"


Anonymous said...



freeacre said...

Hey, welcome, Tommy K. Glad to have you join the conversation.

Good song. mrs.p.

Anonymous said...

You probably saw mention of this on Cryptogon.

Lindsey Williams and other's claiming to be in contact with 'insiders' lately say "the plan" is to let the euro collapse, and shortly thereafter, the dollar goes bye-bye. All to happen in the next six months.


Anonymous said...

This is a rant by Devvy Kidd concerning the food safety bill.

If you can get past the anger, there is valuable information here.


Anonymous said...

Hell with gold and silver, I'm buyin'

Anonymous said...

mankind hasn't even the patience to let nature clean up the mess...


Anonymous said...

Following in the footsteps of Freeacre's fine post and these subsequent comments, sooner or later one can hardly ignore the obvious question: Just what in the hell is happening to us as a collective of peoples and why are things the way they are?

I sure as hell don't have the answer to that. But thinking about it I remembered reading a long time ago about the Stanford Prison Experiment. So, just for kicks or something to do over the weekend:

First, read this wiki overview of the infamous Stanford prison experiment...

Next, give some thought to how you see society today. Think of those who you see as having various forms of power in one or more of the various categories that span what is the broad spectrum of our society and how they use and abuse it. I.e., political, financial, cultural, educational, and so on.

Next, think of those who you see as not having power relative to those who do in these various categories, be the powerlessness real or perceived by them.

Then, just as in Zimbardo's experiment, consider the latter are the prisoners and the former are the guards and the Stanford basement is the world we live in today. Except, there is no Zimbardo. And there is no Maslach to object.

Finally, contemplate the possibility that what we are seeing in society today is EXACTLY the same dynamic as the experiment only being played out on a massive, unilateral scale. But worse, its no experiment the plug can easily be pulled on. Its real!!!!

Comments? ... p

murph said...

Hey P,

Drawing the similarity between general society and the Stanford experiment looks valid to me. \Although, I don't think it is an experiment really, I think it is god damned real life imprisonment. In that environment, there is precious little freedom, and if unrest is shown, you get even less. Of course one of the differences is that in the real life prison, supposedly, you would be in it for a reason having to do with unsocial behavior. The motivation to do the imprisonment is what is different.

As a variation a very good friend insists that we are "living in occupied territory". That analogy can be taken a couple of ways. Foreign invaders (the reptilians?)have taken over the world, or the top PTB have? In his case, it is the influences of Satan and his minions. Looks to me it is pretty much the same outcome, either way.

Anonymous said...

Following in the footsteps of Freeacre's fine post and these subsequent comments, sooner or later one can hardly ignore the obvious question: Just what in the hell is happening to us as a collective of peoples and why are things the way they are?

They(?)say when our universe evolves through the yugas as it rises up into a "golden age" (as in a "dhrapara" yuga-(sp?) pulling out of and from a darker "kali" yuga, the negative & dark old ways cling and hang on refusing to let go thus perhaps the reason these yugas are thousands of years long. So slow. Reminds me of the Kinks song: So tired of waiting for you. mrs p quakeville

Anonymous said...

Sorry P forgive me - I quoted you in my last post and lost your signiature in the cut and paste.

My opinions are weak in facts and pale compared to most in here. Hopefully you'll get some better responses.
mrs p

Anonymous said...

P, Good analogy.

Check out this video Kirwin linked to in his article.

Is this for real?


freeacre said...

Yeah, p. The experiment pretty much explains the dynamics of domination and submission that enables the shadow government miscreants to rule. Think of the transition that has come to pass from our childhood vision of policemen as the sheriff of Mayberry to the taser wielding goons and paramilitary SWATT teams of today. Plus the drone bombing of civilians in Pakistan, Guantanamo, with which the Empire enforces the world-wide corporate agenda. etc. Truly horrible.
I wish there had been something in the experiment that led to a way to counter the abuse and change it to a more sane outcome. But, he just had to run in and stop it. Unfortunately, there seems to be no quick way to pull the plug now. Or, maybe there is but we just don't know it yet.
Maybe a disaster of some sort that would level the playing field. If all the "guards" as well as the "prisoners" were starving or fighting for their lives, they'd realize that we all need each other and the game would be up. Unfortunately, it might go the other way, and the guards would look upon the prisoners as food...
Speaking of paranoia, I just read this thing last night that I want to relegate to the Complete Bullshit file. But, if it is true, then maybe we should just pack a bag and get the fuck out of here.

Ecuador is looking better and better.

Hope you have a "go" bag, mrs. p.

Anonymous said...

Yes we do have a "go" bag and trying to convince f&f around us to have one also. Equador looks beautiful! mrs p

Anonymous said...

correction: I put the wrong link to the Hawthorn Nevada quake from this a.m. Here's the correct link:

Seems like they've been climbing up here from down south starting in Chile. mrs p

Anonymous said...

Good link, FA. Here's another disturbing view of reality as seen from a 'dark side' insider. It may be fictitious bullshit, but it has the ring of authenticity to me.


Anonymous said...

As I mentioned recently I have found that I cannot post here with my blogger/google ID anymore, and now I can't sign into my blog to post anything. When I try to sign in it goes to a page that says that the page is unavailable, then it switches to another page immediatly that says that does not exist or is unavailable. This has been happening for three days now.

So these things make me wonder if there is something purposeful behind it trying to prevent me from using my blog or my blogger ID. I don't have enough knowledge of computers to know whether it is just some glitch, or something nefarious going on.


Anonymous said...

Well I checked out the section called " login issues " regarding the Blogger/Google accounts and just the entries of people reporting problem in just the last week just goes on and on. Not too long ago I had to change my login password stuff because I guess google merged with Blogger or something like that, and this is when my problems seem to start with them.

After looking through all the entries of differant sorts of problems people are having with their blogs it comes to mind that its highly advisable that people should have all the info on their blogs backed up somewhere else because there are lots of reports of people just losing their blog info for a host of various reasons. People are complaining that important stuff that they have compiled for numbers of years are gone and they don't know if or how they can retreive any of it. What a bummer for them.

I have all the info I've ever posted backed up multiple times on zip drives so I won't lose the info. It also appears that people are finding that getting anyone actually at google to help them is almost impossible. Some volunteer people are responding to some of the problem request. It seems that Google has made a big friggin mess of Blogger! I'm pretty much fed up with Blogger/Google at this point.

Anonymous said...

The 10;31PM post, HSW :-)

Anonymous said...

My wife read in the local paper yesterday that kids will not be allowed in California schools next year if they don't get a Whooping Cough vacination which will be MANDATORY.

I told my brother Dane about it and he said if this is true he will just home school his kids since he doesn't trust these vacinations. Really, I don't trust these state imposed vacines either, and there is also the question if they are even safe.


Anonymous said...

And here is another potential problem to add to the long list if ills troubling humanity. Oxygen levels in the ocean and the atmosphere are declining:

O2 Dropping Faster than CO2 Rising

......Decrease in atmospheric O2 has been detected in stations around the world for the past decade, a consistent downward trend that has accelerated in recent years.....

Anonymous said...

11:15 post, HSW, Jeeez I must have Alzhiemers disease or something :-)

Anonymous said...

Hotsprings, Too much nano aluminum will do that to ya'.

War has been declared by those attempting to dumb-down and enslave that segment of society that is aware and yearning for the truth.

As we go forward, expect the deterioration of all facilities enabling contact and information-sharing among the masses to continue and accelerate.

The first American revolution was brewed and fermented in ale houses, before exploding from the statehouses. These blogs serve the same function as pubs did then. They are conduits for the dissemination of information TPTW, (the powers that were,) find most nettlesome. Thus, I assume we shall see the steady degradation of services, while plausible deniability becomes ever more difficult to maintain.

Important thing is that everyone keeps in touch, as long as possible. Just post as anonymous and initial the piece at the bottom if you must. But keep expressing yourselves till they take it all away.


Anonymous said...

Here is a brief history of one of those nasty corporate entities that believes itself ordained by a lesser god to rule over us, as told by an heroic truthteller who was falsely accused, imprisoned and brutally murdered for telling the world what was really going on in the Gulf of Mexico. He was beaten to death in a Florida work center last Wednesday.


freeacre said...

On the posting problem: Ever since Google bought blogger, or whatever it was, almost all of my sites that I have registered on have changed my password to the one I stupidly used for a gmail account my son set up for me. So, now I have to use that one all the time when the sites tell me that I am not using the proper password or name and I can't log in. Also, when I make a comment, I use the name/url option and just type in "freeacre." That works for me.
Now, barring any catastrophes, I plan to make some hummus, some dog food, some quinoa shrimp salad, and just chill while I watch the football playoffs. Can't believe "da Bears" have make it this far. I don't care how stupid it is, football is my mini-vacation from everything serious.

Anonymous said...

HSW, we agree with you the vaccines are not really consistantly safe and can mess up the immune system. Our neighbors don't let their 3 and 18 mo old have them but they also don't load their kids up with sugar either or crappy GMO and processed food either.

Wow freeacre hummus, keen-wa shrimp salad sounds yummy, and escape to football...we're having a hot dry sana ana breeze thinking we'll take your lead and have a cold one. cheers, mrs p

Anonymous said...

This is good...

"...Kennedy had already printed the new United States Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve. Records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. Kennedy was out to dissolve the Federal Reserve System of the United States.

But it was only a few months later, on November 22, 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy’s assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. President Kennedy was working towards repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return back to the United States Congress the Constitutional authority to create the United States’ money. With the Federal Reserve Act being passed, Congress unlawfully gave up its power to create its own money (the United State Constitution Article 1 Section 8 states that only The Congress shall have power “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof”), and gave this power over to private Bankers who called themselves the Federal Reserve.

Only one day after Kennedy’s assassination, all of the United States Notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. Was this through an executive order of the newly installed president, Lyndon B. Johnson? Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers? Or was he one of their instruments? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people.

There is much that can be learned from past history. Here we are in 2011, and the United States is still operating under the Federal Reserve System. It is solely responsible for the United States national debt of over 11 trillion Federal Reverse Notes, a debt that the United States will never be able to pay. The Federal Reserve Bankers are solely responsible for the current U.S. and Global economic crisis. It was because of Federal Reserve bankers fraud that millions of Americans lost their homes, their jobs, their pensions and their savings. Yet, barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American people...."


ps sorry about the bears, fa

freeacre said...

Yup. Personally, I have been convinced that the "Federal" Reserve took out Pres. Kennedy and got away with a coup. They have been pretty much running the country ever since. There message was very clear. No president has dared to cross them since. Robert was also taken out, Ted was silenced, and who knows what the real deal was with John John's accident. All I know is the the country has turned to shit ever since. It continues to continue.

Maybe there will be a shift in consciousness as we enter the galactic center, and the wheel will turn again, and things will be different.
In that case, even the Bears could have their day.

Anonymous said...

Well my blog is working today. If you would look at the " login issues " section of google you really see how screwed up a system they have going. Its too complicated with any real help completely lacking, and your average person with average computer knowledge just can't figure out many times how to solve the simplest problems that occur.

I agree with you RP that in time the way things are going it would only make sense that the PTB will continue to diminish the open access of the internet and its ability for mass communication and its provision for learning about things that you could not gain any other way.

I see where Obama is pushing this bit about everyone who access the internet should have a unique ID from which they could be identified. And various interest are working hard to try and turn the internet into controlled and tiered system according to who can pony up the money for what they want. It will become more and more compromised like all the other media.

For me, I have used the Blogger format as a means to share what I deem to be good insights on the important transitional topics of our time. If I get into a conversation with differant people and they show an interest in learning more about what I am telling them about, I just refer to them my blog because I just don't have the time to explain everything I have learned to everyone I might happen to meet.

I keep all of the information I have collected as I said on various zip drives so I can also have it as a source to draw on for a later time, perhaps when we lose our ability to learn from or comunicate on the internet.

Say like my childern as they get older will find their world all in a mess and look to me and ask, why is all this happening. I can give them alot of the knowledge of what went wrong, as interpreted through the thoughtful and intelligent minds of many people as is contained in all the information I myself have gathered up. Of course I continually do my best to inform them of things that are occurring, to the extent that I feel they can understand or deal with at their young age.

As history shows the corrupt will always be working to alter the story of what history was before to paint themselves in a better light and to mis-direct the fault of ill deeds, and we will have to have various means to preserve the truth in the event of catastrophic societal breakdown. My effort is just one small part of trying to preserve that truth. My hope is that the information I collected in some way can help someone/persons understand better at some later point how the world evolved to get the way it will be, in their time.


Anonymous said...

Well I just posted a comment, it said the comment was saved, I saw it in the thread, the comment counter went from 108 to 109, I went to another site and read an article, and when I came back my comment was gone and the counter now reads 108 again, even if I refresh the site.

That same thing happened just a while back, I reposted two more times, and a day later all ( three ) the post showed up so I figure its best for me to wait till tomorrow to see if my post shows back up, along with this info I will post now :-)

Here is something directly related to what I spoke to in my " disappeared recent posting.

Google Seeks to Weaken Search Engine Ranking of "Content Farming" Websites

.....their goal seems to be to weaken what has been referred to as " news aggregating " websites....

......Its obvious that the establishment will find a way to punish truth sites, either through technical penalization for re-posting material, reducing access speed, blogging taxes, lawsuits for copywright infringment, or by arbitrarily blacklisting the domain altogether........

I use news aggregating sites alot and find them to be an effecient way to get the larger jist of the ongoing day to day events. MSM has become a big circus and is almost useless in this regard.

This is why I think its important in this time to learn all you can, while you can. It may come all to soon that we cannot gather information in the relative easy fashion we are accustomed to doing now.


Anonymous said...

So Freeacre and Murph, do you have some settings that are perhaps holding my posting for " review by the administrator ", are they getting caught in the spam filter for some reason, or is it a case that my post are disappearing because of some blogger screw up? Just wondering whats going on. Heck I realize you may not know what the cause is either :-)


freeacre said...

I found the above two comments from you, HPW. They were, indeed, in the spam file. I had checked it earlier and nothing was there. Wonder why it accepted your third comment and not the first two? Annoying and disturbing.

Anonymous said...

From Belgium

HSW, you may have seen my above comment asking the Murphs if my comment was in their spam box. What you describe is exactly what happened to me.

That was quite a revelation about JFK and the treasury. I knew he had stated he was against the Federal Reserve System in principle but I had no idea he was so far along the road with the plans of phasing it out. This is now the major reason of what followed. The other was the reaction of the Military Industrial Complex to his plans not to escalate the Vietnam War. I think an important issue which I have never seen addressed anywhere is by what process, mental or otherwise, a reformer came to choose a hawk as his running mate.

So far as news collecting agencies and the internet go, it was widely reported that sometime in the last two years, the owner of Information Clearing House was heavily leaned on by certain G Men.

Anonymous said...

by what process, mental or otherwise, a reformer came to choose a hawk as his running mate.

here's my take on it in 2 parts b...

first, jfk as reformer... i consider both jack and his bro as hawks by their actions and spoken word throughout the admisistration. this is evidenced by the cuban missle crisis and the whole cold war drama of the times. some argue that, philisophically, they were reformers from the start but due to the political realities of the times had no choice in the matter but to present otherwise. others argue they softened toward that position as they moved along in the tenure.

some argue jack had no intention of pulling out of nam. we'll never know but i lean toward this position though i believe jack would have handled it completly differently than lbj who pandered to the hawks from the git-go.

history reveals that at the time of the assasination RFK was definitly still posturing toward the hawk position, including escalation in nam, and didn't really shift until much later. although there were few secrets between them i believe there were still fundamental differences between the brothers in what would be considered hawk vs dove philosophies by nov, 63.

I"m thoroughly convinced that by '68 RFK's metamorphesis from hawk to dove was genuine while jack's position all the way up to his assasination was more posturing than anything else. thus, if camelot died it was with robert that it died. papa joe was a vegitable by the time of robert's running in '68. there's an element in this whole thing we can't ignore and that is the influence papa joe had over his sons. to the point he insisted jack put robert in the attny gen position. joe knew that position is what put teeth in the admisistration and the control of power. joe's whole life was lived as a vendetta against the establishment. and it had not a damn thing to do with reformation. it had to do with power and rejection by the establishment. at the top of that heap are the new york banksters who were/are predominately jewish and wasps in bed with each other. thus i question the true motivation and intent behind the move to dis-empower the fed. though i support the move to this day as the sin qua non to reformation in this country, the nature of the energies in the intent and motivation behind it cannot be ignored as they would have everything to do with outcome.

joe was convinced (and rightly so) that his being catholic had everything to do with the rejection which he encountered at every turn, particularly from the time of university and beyond. thus we could say it was a religous war of sorts being played out for power. that the kennedy family was more often than not referred to as the kennedy CLAN carries a chilling irony that speaks volumns.

Anonymous said...

as to selecting LBJ... the clan and LBJ were rival political enemies. LBJ's position on the hawk/dove matter had nothing to do with the selection one way or the other. it was purely a political move motivated by the belief that the election could not be won without the south. that in a nutshell is why LBJ was selected. given the political atmosphere coupled with religous bias it was LBJ by default.

what emphasises the truth of that was LBJ's comment at the signing of the civil rights ammendment: "i've just handed the south to the republicans for the forseeable future." hands down the most prophetic statement LBJ ever made. today the south is solidly entrenched in red.

and, truth is, joe was convinced LBJ's influence in the south was not enough to overcome the nations's prejudice. you don't import whisky without having made bedfellows. thus joe called on his 'associates' who controlled, not only the unions who could muscle legitimate votes, but held muscle in the back boiler rooms and had the ways and means to muster illigitimate votes. particularly in the large cities and most specifically, chicago. at the time the mob was almost unilaterally catholic thus, a non-issue for them. and at the time the irish in the streets were co-opted into the italian controled crime families either by allegience or having been extorted.

i'm convinced it was the elite in the establishment that killed jack. but they co-oped the mob to carry out the operation. this being possible due to robert's witch hunt who was likely completly blind and/or ignorant to seeing that as a betrayal of his dad's allegiences.

wheather camelot died that day we'll never know but we'll debate it forever. it was a major coup for the elites and turning point for the country fer sur. much hope was lost that day in dallas. one could literaly feel it going poof into thin air. we haven't been the same since... p

Anonymous said...

post script... let me re-phrase: the country's romance with camelot died with jack. the country itself died with mlk and rfk. the final nails in the coffin... p

Anonymous said...


I was a skinny, crew-cutted boy of eleven that day class was interrupted by scratchy news voices over the school intercom. telling us our president had been shot in Dallas.

I remember my father, thin, energetic, with his cavalry officer's posture, straight-backed in a kitchen chair, in the living room of my mother's little house, before the tv, most of that weekend, weeping in silence while we kids watched, his shoulders rising and falling like hay bales on a bouncing wagon, each of us quietly aware, something more than a president had died.

Thanks. Your assessment sounds spot-on, from what I've read.


Anonymous said...

p thnx b

Anonymous said...

the sun has an effect on our weather?


freeacre said...

Just in from Belgium - a new post from our Spirit Across the Sea. Stay tuned.. I would suggest holding new comments until the new post is up. Thanx.

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