Times long past, my jug band I had in Germany in the 60's.
From Murph, A short post this time.
This round of (s)elections are done. Notice how the call to not elect any incumbents didn’t work out that way. Now we have more of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush types in office. A promise of more governmental gridlock coming up; which is probably a good thing. No telling how much more damage to the country is/maybe going to be done. Near as I can tell the supposed paradigm changing (not) election carried right down to the local level, I know it did here. Already the local winners are proposing jaw dropping, head scratching; I don’t believe promises to fix everything.
And now the ambitious can begin campaigning for the next election cycle. At least the lying dreadful political ads will be taken off the air for another 2 years. I bet Rove and Limbaugh are having mammoth wet dreams. Expect more promoted ideological splits to be evident. Liars, all of them, to the very backbone of their souls.
So now we can all get back to our run of the mill doom and gloom predictions, or, our run of the mill optimism, take your pick. The people (sheeple) have spoken and now we got to live with it again. The old question of; “when will the sheeple wake up?” Is still the question, hasn’t gone away.
Did you notice how much money had to be raised for this election cycle? Holy shit! Talk about boosting the economy, at least for the ad agencies and the mass media networks. Whitman alone spent $140 million out of her own check book, and lost the race anyway. Again, we have been assured that only the wealthy or those in step with wealthy backers can win elections. See; http://www.houstonconews.com/articles/2010/11/03/opinion/02whitehead.txt
An estimated $4 billion spent on this election. Not a bit of which will actually change what is happening in this country. Amazing! Sickening!
Meanwhile the Fed is planning on spending $600 billion in buying up our own countries debt. Hmm, just who again is this going to benefit? I surmise the Joe six pack’s job won’t be a bit more secure. I sometimes wonder just how many Wall Mart greeters that company can absorb from the population. Of course, the hiring of more people into the governmental systems will increase. Big boost to the economy for sure.
In reading a multitude of articles and commentaries concerning the great “UPS bomb scare” I’m coming to the opinion that it was a false flag op, again. Like the 9-11 event, way too many questions concerning it. I find it amazing that in between the drone bombing runs and hiding out from the anti terrorist forces, those pesky terrorists would come up with something so lame. And, what about those announcements out of Yemen about no UPS planes in or out of the country? And, what the hell actually was that powder? Talcum powder or what?
So where do we as individuals go from here? I’d suggest more preps for sure. I, for one, do not see anything improving from this election cycle. What about you?
Fuck the electrocutions i be curiously about which one in the band you are murph,
o hell ok, our write in sheriff lost by five fucking votes, i demand a recount and i get to to count the goddam things!!
the corruption is just about all a man can stand when its in his own fucking back yard, son of a bitchin mother fuckers is all i got to say about nothin.
probably get the knock on the door tonight.
piss on um i WILL sick my five mexican chihuahuas on theem skum buckets.
peace and love
I'm second one from the right with guitar. LOL
I find myself curiously numb. This whole week feels like running some sort of gauntlet....just trying to get through the next punch, and then the next. The elections, the Federal Reserve cranking out another 600 billion to buy up our own Treasuries - and no lamestream media asking the obvious question, "Why do we have to buy up our own Treasuries?" The rumors of new terrors from the Gulf, active volcanoes and earthquake swarms...
Meanwhile, I'm making a hat out of hides and tomorrow I have to give a presentation to this Families and Children Together organization about parents and children cooking and gardening together. But, it all feels like I'm sleepwalking through a dream. Like, none of it matters because I'm just waiting for the final shoe to drop.
I turned to Bill Herbst's column and found that he is suspending his newsletters for now. But, at least he looks ahead to 2016 and beyond, which is further than I can anymore. Here's a quote from his latest page:
"... Phase One in 2007-2011 is a period characterized by head-in-the-sand denial in much of the collective, but especially in the policies and propaganda of the ruling-powers-that-be. It's as if Humpty Dumpty (civilization) had fallen off the wall and cracked the crap out of his shell, and All the King's Horses and All the King's Men (the ruling elites in government and business) were trying to put him together again. They will fail, of course, but they will insist all the while that everything is fine and will soon return to normal.
Phase Two, beginning in mid-2012 and continuing through 2016, will be characterized by the extreme shocks of collective awakening. Denial will fade away as civilization is repeatedly disturbed, hit by a virtual tsunami of cascading breakdowns in institutions — political, social, and commercial. We will likely see instances of both tragedy and triumph, with the best and worst of human nature taking centerstage. Social responses to crisis will be sometimes crazy and other times brilliant. Life as we know it will change, as it did in the 1960s and 1930s before that. This time, however, the change is likely to be even bigger and more profound..."
Well, hey, compared to what I've been imagining, that's practically cheerful!
wv: "luncidge" That knowledge from the lunatic fringe..
From Belgium
Rp the link opened straight away, I think it had more to do with restarting the computer than anything wrong with the link. It looks like this one was so big the only ones in the US to miss it were our California contingent.
My Murph I haven’t herd the words jug band for many a year, I thought they went the way of wash boards and skiffle. Anyway, I guessed you wrong.
Wrt your second last paragraph here is what Alex Jones has to say on the subject.
Half Past Human posted an update on Rense last night.
Emotional tension building plateau begins tomorrow, Nov. 5, at about 2:30 pm Pacific Time. It runs until Nov. 14, at which time we encounter the 'tipping point' of emotional release language.
"Repeat. The 'break' in the tension values that indicates the tipping point after which we (the planet of humans) is into emotional release language starts on November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8). Repeat - Tipping point starts on 11-14-2010."- Clif High
Freeacre, I feel the same way. Been building a brick chimney in Virginia City this week. Driving twenty miles to work in a worn-out pickup, going through the motions of the old routine, like buttering bricks, waiting for unknowable calamity to begin shaking the trusses. Don't we all mush our bricks into ordering mortar, tapping the components of our lives level and plumb?
Rockpicker on that last comment, and this.
Space shuttle scheduled to launch tomorrow, at 3:05 pm.
"Remember, remember, the fifth
of November..."
I didn't vote this time. I just couldn't. The choices were crazy or craizer and corrupt or more corrupt. Not that it mattered; they had the highest voter turnout in this state in years and the Tea Baggers won by a landslide. Not that I'm surprised.
Things are crazy out there and getting worse. Matt of LATOC had a meltdown a couple of weeks ago and shut down his forum. Now the breaking news site doesn't seem to be working.
And Cryptogon is predicting that oil will hit $100 a barrel again in the next week. Wow.
From Belgium
"Remember, remember, the fifth
of November..."
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
From the sounds of things it would take a lot more gunpowder than Guy Fawkes had to right present wrongs.
this has at least a grin, i almost fell out of my chair.
what sense could an alien possibly make out of this excellent analysis.
That's a funny link, Montana.
Don't blame you, ras. What a crying shame these elections were. Pitiful.
It sure looks like all hell will break loose between now and the holidays. Bernanke devaluing the dollar with the 600 billion injected into the banking system, will drive up the costs of everything - especially food and commodities. Gold and silver going nuts. Rumors of bank meltdown on the 11th. G20 really crabby due to the Fed buying up Treasuries. Melting esophogus's and lungs and skin lesions in the Gulf states, corral dying. Unless this is some massive dis-information campaign, I'd say that this is what the beginning of the collapse looks like...
Keep in mind that it all has to go down in order for it to be formed into something better. So, let's attempt to be as calm and compassionate as possible despite the alarming appearances. Many people will need our help as things continue to deteriorate.
My personal plan at this point is to stay responsive to the present while visualizing a better future. One that is in harmony with all living beings including the animals and the earth.
We, of course, watched "V for Vendetta" tonight. For some reason, I did not realize until now that the actor who played V is the same one who portrayed Agent Smith in The Matrix trilogy. Anyway, once again, it is an inspiration.
From Belgium
Those of you who subscribe to Brasscheck TV will get round to this one from Max Keiser but everyone should become aware of how ludicrous the whole economic mess has got. Companies who are exposed by economic default of the citizenry are employing fake sheriffs to haul the unfortunates into fake courts in front of fake judges who then beat the living shit out of them. I really don’t think the whole thing is sustainable for too much longer.
...uh, what's up with everybody?
Yes, from everywhere comes the message that the End is Near. When the lamestream starts to say it, it sounds less true. I mean, Glenn Beck??
Half Past Human has a new warning for Indonesia today. New info on sun cycles and earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
I made a kick ass "post collapse" meal tonight. Rabbit stew in a yellow curry coconut milk/peanut base with creamed kale, turban squash and onions all from the garden and back yard. We plan to watch Avatar again tonight. Helps to keep the spirits up when one imagines the good guys winning.
...uh, what's up with everybody?
well, i just got back from an emergency trip to iowa. my nephew killed himself. any telling beyond that is likely TMI (too much info).
and right now just getting started listening to clif interview with mel fabregas @ veritas. i hear its 3 hrs long. several comments on the forum saying they feel better now but don't really know why. also saying clif gets really emotional at some point and then a discussion unfolds involving emotion as the driver of all energy.
mel has offered free access to all thru friday...
fyi... there's a short interview with someone else in the beginning right after mel's intro.
unfortunately there are no forward/back functions...p
one more thing... FA mentioned beck. someone on the forum sent clif an email asing what event of the 5th marked the beginning of the plateau and then gave several events in the news that day. clif's reply was that in his opinion it was the beck show that "will impact the sleeping lion masses" more that anything the person cited. also noted it was spookily close to the timing call and beck's language was a staggering 95+% within the forecast set... p
and, gold went to $1,409. today, while silver is over $27.00.
Freeacre, we're enjoying meals from our garden as well. Nothing quite like eating all, (or mostly) your own home-grown food.
We had a splendid weekend weather-wise, and made good use of it by planting all our garlic, over twelve hundred cloves.
wild turkeys are back, cruising the 'hood in gangs, hangin' neath the apple trees and the neighbor's
feeder dancing in the wind,
to see what's shakin'.
P, sorry to hear about your recent loss
I'm sorry for your loss, too, p. Is is just me, or does it seem to others as well that a lot of people seem to be leaving right now?
1,200 cloves of garlic?? Man, that's a LOT of garlic. That's, like, a farm!
It's now 3:00 a.m. Once started, I found that veritas program with Clif to be compelling. Like Lucretia said, "ride the slide." We gotta lot of good work to do to help shape a better paradigm. Compassion, contentment and humility will be the building bricks we butter. "Tapping the components of our lives level and plumb," as rockpicker so eloquently put it.
...off to bed. That darn rooster starts crowing awfully early.
"...uh, what's up with everybody?" --Ok, ok, it's just that I don't know what to spew anymore -I'm all BSed out.
Ok, so, the fecal matter is FINALLY on a collision course with the propeller-looking thingy? The final flush is a-happen'in? And dogs and cats -living together?!!!
'Bout goddamn time, man. The world's been circling the drain for a while now. Just wonder how it's all going to play out. Will it start with a shock and awe followed by a gradual power-down/end of consumerism? Or is it going to go directly to "The Road Worrior" kinda shit? If it's the latter, I had best put on some weight and muscles mass -I want to be "The Humongous."
Here in the capitol of "Glenbeckistan" is freak'in snowing. Crap. I can't stand cold weather. Can't grow anything in it except maybe my hair. But, this past weekend I dug up the potatoes, sweet potatoes and onions and put them in baskets in the garage. Grabbed a few dozen green tomatoes and layed them out to ripen. Had one last night -not too bad. Still better than store bought.
And speaking of food -that stew sounded sooooo yyummeee, fa! It started gett'in me hungry but I forgot to throw some leftover Halloween candy in my lunch today. Rats!
Yep, watched "Avatar" again this past weekend, too. Can't help it. Oh, AND... on the 16th, the super-duper, deluxe, extended-version, "Director's Cut" of "Avatar" is coming out. Can't wait. Just hope "The Road Worrior" shit can hold off till then.
Brasscheck's got another video deposition made by one of the 'grunts' involved in the mortgage fraud takedown of the economy.
And Jesse Ventura got a show on Goldman's involvement.
Soon as this snow melts, I'm off the cut more firewood...
Just finished that epic 3 hour Clif High interview. I should have been working, but it really drew me in.
Not ten seconds later my brother texts me about a mystery launch of the coast of California?
WTF moment # 22... Reptiles abandoning ship
From Belgium
Brascheck has a real interesting one on how the economy really works, A sort of lecture with diagrams.
We've been real busy. We got another "new" car on Friday because the other one crapped out on us. Ford = Found On Road Dead.
We spent the weekend up at our land, working on the camper and flagging spots for the nut and fruit trees that should be coming in during the next two weeks.
I listened to that interview last night while I was making dinner and doing housework. I think he has the general outline of things to come correct, but I think his timeline might be a bit compressed.
I've been feeling the need to watch Avatar again as well. I may put it on tomorrow since I'll be off. One thing I've noticed recently, and I don't know whether or not it's a genuine feeling or just consumerism, is the number of adolescents and preteens wearing a specific Avatar shirt that says "ALL Life is Connected". I had six of them come through my classes on Monday alone.
From Belgium
Got the Avitar DVD when it first came out and so far I haven’t put it on, never felt the need but must give it a watch shortly since everybody is talking about it.
Btw, why was Obama so circumspect in Indonesia? After the CIA had got rid of Sukarno in favour of Suharto I thought everything was palsy-walsy there?
Hi Yall,
Beautiful nostalgic photo, great questions!
I think we'll definately see some silly childish "chananaguns" come January when the newby-wannabees are sworn in to the house. Until then, maybe the existing mofo's will get-have-do some serious back-boning changes.
For one, the balooning Republican Bush Tax Cuts for the super rich shown on a chart last night on MSNBC, side by side with the Dems tax cuts, are hideously obscene! When you look towards the bottom of the chart, tax cuts for those making over 10 mil per yr., the Republican cuts are considerably larger at that level than the Dems propose. Really unbelievable when you consider the Bush tax cuts were not paid for back then nor are they paid for now. So we'll go into considerably more debt to give 2% of the wealthiest a tax cut. And will the Dems fight for the other 98% of us? We'll see. They will start fighting to day with some balls hopefully. Come January it will all be reversed?
Ho hum, we're just "fracking" away in the twilight zone. But we're still giving-thanks for what we don't have.
P.S.: I saw the thing in the sky last night at sunset, it was a jet. mrs p
Another P.S.:
It's a little strange no one else seems to know about that thing in the sky. I saw it with my own eyes. It was the shape of a jet, it had wings and it was going super super fast. Seemed to go faster and farther than regular jets. I remember thinking, wow that guy is hauling butt! Might have been from NAS Mirmar.
We think it's weird the Fed buying up treasuries, actually creepy. It's like Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life" owning everything.
mrs p
I too was wondering why President Wussy was groveling, threatening and lying his ass off in Asia this week. Could it be that TSHTF and he's there for protection/denyability/come-home-to-the-rescue kinda stuff? Didn't he take a butt-load of US Navy ships with him on the boondoggle?
I don't know. Hell, I don't know shit.
This link was sent to me by a friend.
Has a lot of good thoughts and questions in it. Well worth the read. Lot of good discussion points.
Mrs. P; Wasn't that 'launch' thirty-five miles off the coast?
From Belgium
Mrs P
Re the new democratically elected people charged with looking after your collective interests, this quote is about 4 years old but it hasn’t lost any of its impact in the meantime. “These Congressmen and Senators are so spineless, the only thing that stops them from falling over is the thickness of their skin”. What a Maserati!
Hi rp, re your last Q. It was out over the water and up very high in the sky. It appeared to be moving SSW and it was definately a jet. The com trail it made had the sunset glowing on it after it was made, before that it was white. Maybe there were 2 of them? It did look a lot like one of the Vandenburg missle launches although they're saying they didn't do that.
Belgium, yes, good one, so true. So much hemmin and hawing...my dad used to say, "they all ride the same bus home"...meaning they were playing a game but now days it's not a bus. Everyone has run out of patience after all the BS. It's High Noon and they're dallying with their egos.
mrs p
P,I forgot to say how sorry I am for your loss. I am, and you have my apologies.
Yeh me too, I thought I had said it but checked and found out I had just thought it. Sorry p, Not much else to say.
Man! Anybody seen this story yet? It's apparently linked from rense, but a friend e-mailed it to me.
Looks like the resistance in Germany has reached a whole new level! Wow.
Oh, I am still gagging over a story in the "Back to Basics" series on NBC Nightly News. This story about how these obnoxious yuppies in New York are hiring coaches to help them stop purchasing so many clothes. I'd like to be one of those coaches for about five minutes just to get my hands around some throats. Gaaaah! Where can I get a "I HATE New York" T shirt?
oh dear....irony note. Guess I'll just write "I hate NY" on a t shirt I already have... lol
Yep, thousands of Germans in the streets protesting their goverment, thousands of Brits telling their government turds to fuck off, then there are thousands of French giving the finger to their corrupt government and.... and-what do Murikans do? They're waiting to be ass-fucked as they sit in front of the tube, watching "Dancing with the Stars."
Shit. Yeah, I'm pissed. I just got done reading the numerous criminal actions of the TSA. Needless to say, I'm not flying ever again. Bastards.
From Belgium
Yes, that got a small mention on the VTM news; apparently the train didn’t make a whole lot of progress. It’s true enough, the Europeans are revolting. Not a lot happening on the Belgian front though.
I hope you didn’t say that was a Guess T shirt you had :-)
Spaceweather is calling the missile launch a 'contrail comedy.' Here's what NASA says about it. "The mystery missile of Nov. 8th--now known to be an airplane contrail--has become the butt of jokes on late-night TV and elsewhere. A comic review is available from CNN."
Well, before you have a good laugh and ignore what common sense tells you is a seriously dark portent of things to come, read this from Wayne Madsen.
ps sorry, Mrs. P, but I don't think one can see the wings of an airplane taking off thirty-five miles away from the airport, and if it was a plane, who's was it and where was it headed?
I just went to spaceweather.com and noted that the report of a solar flare headed toward earth has been removed today. But, if you go to the alien project (linked on our front page) it can still be seen. Andre Heath has also posted the entire Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory episode from last night on the Fusion Project sites, domestic concentration camps and coffin repository.
Just wondering if this may be an aspect of a "tipping point" in consciousness? Thailand also announced possibly switching to the yuan from the dollar as a regional currency in Asia ...
Should I put my computer in a steel garbage can?
The missile business is part of it. Glenn Beck's series is part of it. Ventura and Alex Jones, Wild Colleen, even Helicopter Ben and the worry he's generated by promising to through a little more gasoline on the fire. Inflation looming on top of the depression, with maybe the hardest winter in anyone's recollection coming, people seriously compromised throughout the Gulf region and rumors now of a bank holiday.
Can't wait to turn on the news tomorrow morning. Probably some minor- sounding event, under-reported or down-played, we won't know is significant until days or weeks out.
Waiting For The Signal
These pages that bring us together
are the fire in the cave above the stream,
no dream we move in and out of, faceless,
expendable, waiting for a burst of wings
to spill our pooled bones like coins
over the chilled and silent ground
we fell in love with so long ago,
singing the green hills homeward
under that shovel-shouldered sun.
Fatigue works grim the stone of souls.
No talk is needed to believe the bleeding
will be ours all too soon. Needled dust,
that settled itself in naive lungs, cut
with each rasp, yet the bleeding
wasn't stemmed. Quick, black tongues
flicked from windows, floors below dustified
slabs, while the Street slumped with peanuts
and a beer, cheering each new diversion.
In our rush of voices a stream curses
the murmur of pines. In our names,
what we begged for never to be done,
is done with no shame. And the day
drags its blindered self to toil. Night trades
whiskey pete for oil, while down slope,
death-drummer birds with blazing eyes
ascend the holy crags to kill dissent
before we waking innocent arise.
wv= wakiettl
Thank you, Rockpicker. Something needed to be said, and you have said it so eloquently. What a treasure you are.
p i have heard nothing of your loss but my heart is with you whatever it was,
From Belgium
Hi Guys, I lost I net connectivity for nearly two days. We didn’t have very many problems, not compared to some but Belgium has had the worst floods since records began. There was a very, very deep low off Iceland which slowly tracked south east leaving a front which stretched from Western Europe out to somewhere near the Azores. The rain band was the width of Belgium and didn’t move north or south as it tracked into Europe. We had an average November’s rainfall in 36 hours and then it continued another 36 hours after that. Because Belgium is flat we have lots of canals and water was pouring over the top of lock gates out into the surrounding countryside. There was water as far as you could see left and right and the only way you could tell where the canal ran, was by the great traffic lights which control the barges which had their heads sticking out of the water. Fire brigades across the country were busy pumping out houses. About 50 metres behind our house is a small stream which marks the border with the next village and it runs through a deep cut, out under a railway then a road bridge and then out into the River Schelde. The water reached about a foot from the underside of the road bridge and for a day and a half there were five fire brigade pumps including what looked like an eight or ten inch pump trying to stop the main road into Antwerp from getting washed away. From this afternoon, things started to get back to normal here although the situation is still critical from Brussels out to the eastern border but is expected to subside over the next day or so. We were very lucky, the worst we had was the back garden turning into a morass but if the stream had burst its banks things could have been a lot worse. We are all OK and things are gradually getting back to normal.
Great to hear you report that you and yours are okay. And, great reportage on circumstances local.
The northeast portion of the US experienced a similar low pressure system, (gigantic cyclone,) a week or so ago. (Maybe related?)
Anyway, thanks for the graphic description, and glad to hear you're okay.
Brasscheck subscribers are already looking at this, presumably, but for others, ya gotta check this one out. It's classic:
Speaking of weather, Kerry Cassidy has put up an interview she did with Scott Stevens concerning weather warfare and other topics you might find timely.
Been keeping an eye on earthquakes, and where they're happening? I have.
Today out of the blue, predominant quakes occur in the vicinity of Yemen, Aden and Djibouti. Mostly in the fives and high fours, (magnitude.) None yesterday. Today, as of 3:58 Mountain, 33. (Magic masonic number.)
My weirdshitometer is jangling again!
In his Peoplenomics report today, George Ure is drawing a line from the earthquake swarm
off Adin to the volcano eruptions in Indonesia. Something about a "new ocean' prediction from HFP, in regards to that rift opening up in Ethiopia. Any large shift there would, of course, have monumental consequences for oil shipments.
But, since nothing of particular importance is happening around here, we were stuck with having to clean the house. Rats! I feel close to Randy on that one.
Somehow, our tiptoeing to the "apocalypse" day has turned into having a "last supper" themed dinner with friends who are of like mind. Sort of a Half Past Human meets the Da Vinci Code thing... some lamb, some barley, some wine, some challah bread. Watched "Knowing" again last night, in homage to the solar flare that should be grazing the earth right about now. Am looking forward to whatever the announcement from NASA is going to be tomorrow.
Wow, Belgium. I had no idea such rain was falling on you. Glad it wasn't worse.
With the weather, earthquakes, solar flare, Gee 20 debacle, the "missile launch," the ramping up of conspiracy theories and currency craziness, my weird-shit- o- meter is pretty well pegged, too. Just trying to stay in the here and now.
New post is on the way.
quote of the day:
“Rise like lions after slumber/In unvanquishable number!/Shake your chains to earth, like dew/Which in sleep had fall’n on you/Ye are many —they are few.”
These days, the stirring lines of Percy Shelley’s “Mask of Anarchy” from 1819 may seem unattainable. I don’t think so. -- John Pilger
NASA is holding a news conference today, Monday the 15th, at 12:30 EST to discuss a newly discovered energy-emitting phenomenon effecting our solar system.
"For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and further information, visit:
http://www.nasa.gov/ntv "
wv= press
Skunk and Ms. Tampon discussing TPTB's recent failures at world domination...
Someone's just sent this into Steve Quayle.
November 15, 2010
You saw the news of the missile launch north of Catalina in California. Before they put a total lock down on audio/video I picked up a LOT! I managed to record some of it.
1. I have brief video recorded of a close-up telephoto of the missile. It is a MISSILE. NOT an aircraft! Not jet engine "contrails" as the military is now saying.
2. I listened to people interviewed who were on boats out in that area. No one was hurt but they all said this "object" suddenly arose from the ocean at a blinding speed.
3. They ALL said it went straight up. Not sideways like the military now says. Note the military did not ID the "jet" that caused such an odd "contrail". Today, no news, no interviews, no anything other than articles saying "it was just a harmless contrail".
4. YouTube or Google the video “Nike ABM launch” to see video of a real missile and observe the exhaust then compare it to the exhaust of what was shot yesterday (if you saw it - see below for some poor video). It is NOT a wispy multiengine white cloud contrail drifting in the wind. The missile yesterday left a compacted pencil thin dark exhaust JUST LIKE THE ABM MISSILE IN THE YOUTUBE/GOOGLE video. I know what missile exhaust looks like and what contrails look like. This left 50,000 feet ++ of compacted dark exhaust. THAT IS ROCKET FUEL EXHAUST! Early on you could see the shape of the object. Long and thin like a cigar. How many airplanes look like that? In one telephoto shot I saw but my recording wasn't running then I THOUGHT I could make out markings on the side of the object (I'd say it was several hundred feet long). NOT English letters. Cyrillic, Greek, Chinese, Japanese -- something other than English.
5. The object eventually went out of sight. A lady was interviewed who said she saw a brief blinding flash followed by a "plume" of "smoke" above where the object was last seen. She said it was about 15 seconds after losing sight of the object. Look up the speed of an ICBM. Calculate visual range of an object 200 feet long at that speed then add 15 seconds. That puts it at about 140,000 feet above the earth. That is technically outer space and no gasses, radiation, etc. would fall to earth in measurable amounts from that high up. Nothing to go look for or even measure.
cont. next post
...from last comment...
"6. Bulletins began to pop up totally independent of this event that nuclear explosion monitoring stations around the world had just picked up an "event" somewhere in the world. Not one report connected the two events. Ooops! Somebody suddenly connected the two. This was on Google News for all of about six minutes -- then gone. No trace anywhere. There were at least a dozen reports from monitoring stations then the news was GONE!!
7. 95% of all you just read is now gone from the Internet. If I post it to YouTube and it is all true, I'll probably never be seen again. If this is just a series of events of panicked people I create a small, unwarranted panic and IT IS MY FAULT! I finally decided to make a few other people aware of this then stop. This is that message.
What do I think it was? My best guess is a Chinese ICBM shot straight up (their subs are seen all the time off our West Coast) armed with the smallest nuke they have just to "make a point". THIS was their "warning shot" about what we are doing with QE2 and all of the other beyond idiotic economic measures being taken to try to "save" the dollar from total collapse after all that Obama et al have done (and some by Bush and Clinton too but 95% Obama).
We MUST back down. One side must blink. It should be us. We have no rational reason that we are right in what we are doing. We are about to destroy the world's economy. It will destroy many countries and just damage others. Probably just damage China but they have much to damage since they essentially own the USA with all of the US debt they have been forced to buy. That debt has lost over 20% in value this year; 6% last week! Would you put up with that and stand by while the other ten trillion (it's 10 -- not two) you hold of US debt becomes totally worthless?"
wondering if anyone caught the NASA announcement mentioned earlier... I can't find anything on the NASA TV web site linked to in that post.
Mrs p... so sorry for your loss... does seem that there has been an increase in self check-outs in my world recently... I hope that all who seek peace find it, whether here, or on the other side.
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