...winter's back
From Murph
From the comments posted here, it seems that everyone is keeping up pretty well with the goings on of the PTB and the political elites, at least as well as we are able to. I have seen some articles and commentaries lately that I sure do wonder about concerning their validity.
So let’s assume that around half of what we are reading and seeing on the internet has some actual factual basis. Our problem is deciding, of the two alternatives in what we read, what is the factual and what is propaganda or just plain speculation. Most of what I am reading is pretty much speculation concerning the future, which of course is what it will always be until it either does or does not happen. As I’ve said before, history shows that humans have a pretty poor ability to see future events, and then we have universe throwing surprises at us all the time.
However, when we determine that something sure enough appears to be factual, and we get enough of these tidbits, we can start to connect the dots of information and come to some conclusions about what is coming next.
Let’s look at the MSM stuff. I hardly every hear on the news that things aren’t just fine, a few bumps in the road but things are getting better, like the Postman movie; unemployment is down, disposable income is up, it’s going to take only a couple of years for the housing mess to get straightened out and we can all start dreaming of the McMansion with the Beemer in the driveway again. Then I start to look at the dots of facts and start connecting them.
According to most of the information I see on unemployment, it is at the same level as it was during the last depression and is going to continue to get worse, not better at 20% I think. Which makes sense to me. Just how many service workers does a country actually need? Just how many resorts need around 40 million workers to bow and scrape before the elite enjoying the fruits of their free lunches? Every week, the unemployment claims turned in are in the 5-6 figures if I remember right. So just what could possibly lead me to draw the conclusion that it is getting better? That maybe there isn’t just that many non government employees to fire or lay off? Hmmm, last stat I saw said the amount of government employees (at all levels) is approaching 50% of the work force presently employed, (around 150 million I believe) and for most, at stupendous salaries and benefits too, way over the median or average pay and benefits. But things are getting better.
Then, we just saw a news clip about how the upscale shops are experiencing a big boost in purchases and anticipate a really really good Christmas season. And that is a fact where we can draw the conclusion that things are getting better? They featured a watch for sale at $800 grand and have a years worth of back orders for them, and that is to tell time on your wrist. Then I saw a news clip of a woman modeling a new bra that is made of precious stones strung together, up in the high 6 figures again. Then we saw a show where the upper income ladies are getting moral support to decrease the amount of clothes they buy and partner with another to keep tabs on each others spending and to limit their shopping time. Oh yeh, I just bet disposable income is going up, but for whom? I sure haven’t heard of SS recipients getting a boost in their incomes. And, the MSN never seems to get around to noting that wages for everyone under the elites has stagnated or decreased since 1970 in purchasing power. But times are getting better for sure.
I’m sure that all of you have at least a passing taste of how the home foreclosure business is doing. We now have “rocket courts” in Florida to process claims by the banks, at the rate of one every 2 minutes or so, processed by retired judges in hole in the wall slapped together courtrooms about the size of our kitchen. That works out to around 2000 people made homeless every day that court is held. And what we get from the bankers concerning this is;” the dumb shits shouldn’t have bought these places, they owe the money and won’t pay”. Now I ask, what in the world do the banks want with all these properties that can’t be sold, will start to deteriorate with no occupancy and are really fucking up neighborhoods? But the-times-they-are-a-getting better. You bet.
Of course the political pundits and talking heads are all over the last election and what that means, and Obama’s visit to the East. Here at least, there seems to be some difference in opinion. Some think this is going to force bipartisan support for legislation to fix the problems. Other not so sure. It appears to me that one of two things is going to happen. 1. Political gridlock. Or 2. The dems will once more find they are balless and cave in to the demands of the right wing, which of course means that we definitely get more of the same shit thrown at us. Then I understand that Obama’s reception overseas was not all that great, couldn’t get agreements to bolster the U.S. economy and maintain the hegemony of the dollar. I guess Indonesia had a lot of demonstrations putting poor Obama down. But things are getting better.
Then we learn that the sun is going berserk and there is a bunch of earth quakes and volcanoes erupting all over the place. Of course this is the reason for the 800 or so FEMA camps scattered all over the country, to take care of the displaced of course. But things are getting better, (said in a loud and forceful voice)
Then we are reading a bunch of news concerning food production world wide. This really doesn’t look good in the statistics. And then there is the water problem that nobody seems to have an idea about how to solve it either. But things are getting better, (screaming it out).
It remains to be seen if Cliff High’s predictions come true or not. There is support for is "release" language. Events like the missile launch or the G20 debacle or some other weirdness might have had the stage already set and just need time to manifest. If his prediction of some kind of event that is much greater than 9-11 comes about, I suspect that we will see some rather dramatic changes in some way in this country. If nothing happens, I further suspect that any of the “things getting better” will be a very long way down the road. If we do have some kind of monumental event, then we do have the potential for things getting better after the chaos that follows. But I sure as hell don’t see things getting better in the near future, no matter what happens. Batten down the hatches, here it comes!
From Murph
From the comments posted here, it seems that everyone is keeping up pretty well with the goings on of the PTB and the political elites, at least as well as we are able to. I have seen some articles and commentaries lately that I sure do wonder about concerning their validity.
So let’s assume that around half of what we are reading and seeing on the internet has some actual factual basis. Our problem is deciding, of the two alternatives in what we read, what is the factual and what is propaganda or just plain speculation. Most of what I am reading is pretty much speculation concerning the future, which of course is what it will always be until it either does or does not happen. As I’ve said before, history shows that humans have a pretty poor ability to see future events, and then we have universe throwing surprises at us all the time.
However, when we determine that something sure enough appears to be factual, and we get enough of these tidbits, we can start to connect the dots of information and come to some conclusions about what is coming next.
Let’s look at the MSM stuff. I hardly every hear on the news that things aren’t just fine, a few bumps in the road but things are getting better, like the Postman movie; unemployment is down, disposable income is up, it’s going to take only a couple of years for the housing mess to get straightened out and we can all start dreaming of the McMansion with the Beemer in the driveway again. Then I start to look at the dots of facts and start connecting them.
According to most of the information I see on unemployment, it is at the same level as it was during the last depression and is going to continue to get worse, not better at 20% I think. Which makes sense to me. Just how many service workers does a country actually need? Just how many resorts need around 40 million workers to bow and scrape before the elite enjoying the fruits of their free lunches? Every week, the unemployment claims turned in are in the 5-6 figures if I remember right. So just what could possibly lead me to draw the conclusion that it is getting better? That maybe there isn’t just that many non government employees to fire or lay off? Hmmm, last stat I saw said the amount of government employees (at all levels) is approaching 50% of the work force presently employed, (around 150 million I believe) and for most, at stupendous salaries and benefits too, way over the median or average pay and benefits. But things are getting better.
Then, we just saw a news clip about how the upscale shops are experiencing a big boost in purchases and anticipate a really really good Christmas season. And that is a fact where we can draw the conclusion that things are getting better? They featured a watch for sale at $800 grand and have a years worth of back orders for them, and that is to tell time on your wrist. Then I saw a news clip of a woman modeling a new bra that is made of precious stones strung together, up in the high 6 figures again. Then we saw a show where the upper income ladies are getting moral support to decrease the amount of clothes they buy and partner with another to keep tabs on each others spending and to limit their shopping time. Oh yeh, I just bet disposable income is going up, but for whom? I sure haven’t heard of SS recipients getting a boost in their incomes. And, the MSN never seems to get around to noting that wages for everyone under the elites has stagnated or decreased since 1970 in purchasing power. But times are getting better for sure.
I’m sure that all of you have at least a passing taste of how the home foreclosure business is doing. We now have “rocket courts” in Florida to process claims by the banks, at the rate of one every 2 minutes or so, processed by retired judges in hole in the wall slapped together courtrooms about the size of our kitchen. That works out to around 2000 people made homeless every day that court is held. And what we get from the bankers concerning this is;” the dumb shits shouldn’t have bought these places, they owe the money and won’t pay”. Now I ask, what in the world do the banks want with all these properties that can’t be sold, will start to deteriorate with no occupancy and are really fucking up neighborhoods? But the-times-they-are-a-getting better. You bet.
Of course the political pundits and talking heads are all over the last election and what that means, and Obama’s visit to the East. Here at least, there seems to be some difference in opinion. Some think this is going to force bipartisan support for legislation to fix the problems. Other not so sure. It appears to me that one of two things is going to happen. 1. Political gridlock. Or 2. The dems will once more find they are balless and cave in to the demands of the right wing, which of course means that we definitely get more of the same shit thrown at us. Then I understand that Obama’s reception overseas was not all that great, couldn’t get agreements to bolster the U.S. economy and maintain the hegemony of the dollar. I guess Indonesia had a lot of demonstrations putting poor Obama down. But things are getting better.
Then we learn that the sun is going berserk and there is a bunch of earth quakes and volcanoes erupting all over the place. Of course this is the reason for the 800 or so FEMA camps scattered all over the country, to take care of the displaced of course. But things are getting better, (said in a loud and forceful voice)
Then we are reading a bunch of news concerning food production world wide. This really doesn’t look good in the statistics. And then there is the water problem that nobody seems to have an idea about how to solve it either. But things are getting better, (screaming it out).
It remains to be seen if Cliff High’s predictions come true or not. There is support for is "release" language. Events like the missile launch or the G20 debacle or some other weirdness might have had the stage already set and just need time to manifest. If his prediction of some kind of event that is much greater than 9-11 comes about, I suspect that we will see some rather dramatic changes in some way in this country. If nothing happens, I further suspect that any of the “things getting better” will be a very long way down the road. If we do have some kind of monumental event, then we do have the potential for things getting better after the chaos that follows. But I sure as hell don’t see things getting better in the near future, no matter what happens. Batten down the hatches, here it comes!
I agree, I don’t see things getting better any time soon. At best they will get worse before they get better. I think the best thing that could happen to us is complete and utter collapse, so we can start over, because the course we’re on is frightening and disastrous and the PTB are not inclined to change it.
Dave - Erstwhile Urban Wanderer
That prediction business is tricky - no doubt.
Too bad humans can't just roll with what comes and be accepting. Well, I suppose we do that, but the need to try and peek behind the curtain seems to be supported by all kinds of things that we could certainly call an industry.
How are YOU doing? Is your life enriched or any easier by consuming all these predictions?
Personally, I have no time for it. What will be will be, and casting a gaze at all the potential doom scenarios is looking more and more like a sickness of some sort. Not meaning to judge, just pointing out that there seems to be a deep fascination with collecting a long list of potential disasters to wring the hands over. Preparedness is one thing - living in a state of anticipating demise quite another. It is surely coming, as it has to all who have come before us. So what are you going to do in the meantime?
wv; dangst. My point exactly
From Belgium
Rp – carried over from the last post, maybe it was the Chinese. Remember when Bush ll put fleet after fleet off the Straits of Hormuz and a Chinese sub popped up in the middle of the fleet, sent a message something like “Howdy Doody guys, enjoy your exercise” before it sailed away on the surface into the sunset? Maybe it is another attempt to mark America’s card. If it was a theatre nuke that exploded then I know someone who is a Homer Simpson in the local nucular power station. If the information is not classified then maybe I can get him to find out if the background radiation level has increased over the last few days. All nuclear power stations monitor this just in case it is them that are responsible for any problem.
Remember though that the USA owns Dodge City (for now) and maybe they are flushed with success of out staring their opponents in the last blink down over Cuba. It is also worth remembering that the T bonds which China holds are asset backed and a tangible asset is still an asset that can be stripped if Uncle Sam gets foreclosed on. Maybe they will give the Chinese and anyone else who owns T bonds the rotting foreclosed properties at face value. I think though that the present economic crises are attempts to introduce the Amero and if and when, a rate of exchange will be agreed for Dollar backed assets.
The Alien Project has a thought provoking video posted at the top of the right hand column regarding the significance of the Gulf of Aden, the magnetic anomalies there, and the military build-up. I remember during the Blue Spiral episode, there were strange energy spirals at the same area as is happening with the swarm of earthquakes going on now there, too.
Z, I hear you regarding a possible mental or emotional illness regarding focusing on disasters. I do attempt to keep a balance between looking ahead and staying in the here and now. But, if we had not planned ahead, we wouldn't have the cushion we do against, if nothing else, inflation. We wouldn't have been able to cash in our gold that cost us $4,000 to purchase a $13,000 car. I'd say, it works for us. But, if nothing drastic jumps off soon, I want to spend more time traveling and goofing off.
Looking forward to that info, Belgium. ATS has a theory posted with more pictures of the "missile launch" that suggests that maybe the US tried to bring down the missile and failed. So, to avoid embarrassment, they are keeping the whole thing quiet. Just when you thought it couldn't get any stranger...
Yeh, I'm not at all optimistic for anything short term.
You make a good point. My contention is that there are so many scenarios possible, that getting prepared for all of them is nearly impossible. So, I look at the scenarios and figure out which ones I can prepare for, so much the better when the preps overlap on different scenarios.
Life enrichment in consuming predictions? Hell no, it's all quite disconcerting for sure. This seems to me to have some bearing on what you want to have in an outcome no matter the prediction that is less then total annihilation. My vision is being around after Armageddon long enough to impart some survival skills to the younger folks that didn't engage in any skills to survive and to lay out for them my perspective on why it has happened, hopefully so it won't be repeated. I do often wonder if this is just grandiose projection on my part, and maybe it is. I do look at history and some of the accounts after great upheavals and calamities. There was some demand for those with the skills and perspectives to teach those skills and perspectives. I do know that I would like to stick around long enough to see some resolution to the shit happening. There is probably some "I told you so" satisfaction in there too.
I also agree that living in the now and doing our best to enjoy that now is a healthy thing to be do because none of us will get out of this existence alive in the end. Also factor in that different mental sets and desires have to be taken into account. If we all live long enough, we shall see my friend, we shall see.
Remember one of my favorite quotes; "the optimist has more fun in this life, but the pessimist is more often right".
Very interesting Zoner. We tend to live inside a series of disasters past, disasters present and disasters in the making. Somehow, we manage to carry on in spite of it all.
Its like standing on the platform at Grand Central while trains come and go. All one can really take away from doing that is certain knowledge trains exist.
I like to apply the old five senses litmus test to D-past, D-present and D-in the making. Can you see it, feel it, taste it, smell it, touch it?
I realize that sounds very selfish, and it is, but it is self-ful rather than allowing paranoid illusions of the representative-self to rule our brief journey.
Thanks Z and thanks Murph.
Vword: uncomet (The Aborigines were terrified, but it was only an uncomet.)
By the way, the feeder in the photo is wonderful.
I nearly pulled my comment immediately after posting, fearing it would be taken as a criticism.
As an infrequent commenter (but constant silent participant), it seems shitty to jump in and drop something like that, but it was what presented after taking a spin around the usual haunts and seeing nothing but example after example of the different angles that doom is taking to our doorstep.
Just wanting to ask what else there is to discuss besides how fucked we all are? Sometimes I feel guilty for not wringing my hands and feeling defeated. I can't rationalize or explain it, but I am optimistic about the future and feel honored that the Creator thinks enough of me to keep allowing me to wake up and wander through this dream.
Optimistic has nothing to do with the continuation of things as they are - that is done. My optimism lies in the knowledge that an opportunity lies in the demolition of the old ways. I honor the wisdom here and all of your efforts. I just can't stand to hear the constant cry of "Look out, the sky is falling!" everywhere. Maybe it is just denial. Please don't think I am diminishing or criticizing anyone's views or opinions - I just don't share the value in all the reminders of how it appears to be totally lost, because nothing ever is.
Thanks for a second turn with the stick. Much love to you all
In Autumn, When the Cows Come Down
Stream above the stream, an armada
of sulking angus splits and flows
around us. We sit, divisive
as stone, the cowdog itching
in her bones to do what bones
know how. I watch their great hulls
pitch and think, 'crush us
like a can.' They never brush us,
flower-fat, lost in the eyes,
on their way somewhere
to alfalfa stubble and the semis.
Z, I thought your original comment was very enlightened.
Neither do we, (see things getting better)! Although some things ARE getting better and they do affect the overall growth towards sanity, it's too damn slow to change the direction of this long slow break down of just about everything around us.
But more than a glimmer of hope is the "Granola People" of America.
Like fa & murph!
Just some thoughts, the country needs a plan like what Roosevelt did. He had balls! And the country's Rail System needs saving...at least for the food supply, etc.<--there's some jobs.
So many things coming at us; as a nation we are not prepared on so many levels, state and local. The jobs focus should be to put America back together not Afganistan or anywhere else. Way too much money being wasted on DOD and DHLS, airports security, etc. Xray this!
The average "Joe" still has no clue how much he will not be able to depend on local emergency services, in an emergency.
Unless you are one of those people who's already down and out--lost a job and a home and cannot find work, your outlook on life in America is way off the mark of reality. So many are entertained everyday by the MSM because they don't have time to see anything else if they're working like most workers, long hours--Work, eat, tv, sleep.
The seismic activity around here seems to be cresting again and certainly begs for attention. Most are not prepared to fend by themselves if the big one hits. Seems like the whole fricken country is bankrupt of functionality in the cities and towns of America with all the budget cuts,mis-managed funds, embesslement.
Homelessness, (whole families) is way up. Home invasion robberies are up. Gas and food prices will keep rising, we have a lot of problems. Energy has to be addressed as it is secretly silently and seriously connected to the whole. When and if the grid goes down life will be a little more creepy. "There's Still Time Brother". Remember that film, "On the Beach". Nevil Shute novel? mrs p is a little off today with a sinus headache.
We need a non-violent sane "Granola Rising!" Remember to save seeds. Love to all, mrs p.
P.S. and often I wonder if the PTB really know the course they're on? Other than financial enrichment and control, do they see the big picture. I doubt it. mrs p.
the universe has all in hand what ever happens,so I'm with zoner but I am also with cliff and his strange machine and well everyone really
I love this little card someone gave us, it says:
"We are all working toward the same goal: JOY. Whether it seems like it or not--you are all working toward the same ultimate goal of joy. You are just approaching things in different ways and all of it is working."
From Well Being cards,(ester & jerry hicks).
I think fa & murph have inspired me, you, us, to understand life and our environment with our highest intelligence, wisdom, love and vision. Where ever we are, we cannot win by flying away or giving up. So I guess we'll stick around and do our best. mrs p
On the contrary, it appears to me that mostly what has occurred in this country since 9/11 has been exactly that, "humans...rolling with what comes and accepting."
En masse, we've sat mesmerized with our gadgets for most of a decade, watching this fascist nightmare construct itself piece by piece, assuming, at some point, we would rise up, remotes in hand, and change the channel.
Don't look like it's happenin', to me.
In Germany, the people go out into the woods and stop trains in freezing rain to say "you will not poison us further!" They block the way of water cannons with farm tractors and they force the riot squads to request negotiations.
Here, we stand in lines to be abused. We give the abusers money, offer our papers, look away.
We all agree, the emperor's raiments are fine...
Murph spoke of history. Who writes that? See how the dissident scholar is derided and demeaned?
Off of Malta, north of Cairo, at Bimini, east of India and too, at Yonaguni there are man-carved stones standing in 300 feet of water. Let that sink in.
At Gobekli Tepe stones in eighteen circles stand waiting to be exhumed. What do the grant recipients, the writers of textbooks and the peer-reviewed have to say about these things?
They say what they're allowed.
Lying is not new.
The Towers didn't collapse. They disappeared. Check the seismograph for the day. Only 16 stories shook the ground.
Now a missile. Now a plane?
Whatever. It's all too much
for my brain.
oh nice poem rockpicker...neil
National Opt Out Day
November 24
ps I think Clif got the tipping point dead to rights!
Glenn Beck skeuers Soros...Geraldo showcases 'Building What?', and the whole nation, sensing the approaching edge, screams "ENOUGH!"
Zoner, my motto is to prepare for the worst and live for the best. Everything I do to prep is designed to make my life better no matter what happens. The end goal is to live my life on my own terms for whatever time is given to me. I am not the sort who can ignore the bad things; I have to look head on into the dark and face it, but I don't dwell on it. I believe that we have a responsibility to live our lives the best we can but to also be prepared for the worst. Winter always comes, and I have a family to care for.
The basic steps to being prepared will help you no matter what happens: Get out of debt, store food (that you normally eat) and water, and save money, either in a bank or in precious metals. Even if TEOTAWKI never happens, at some point you are going to lose a job, and if you have 30 days of food and money, it will be a lot easier to deal with.
Regarding the HPH prediction about the event bigger than 9/11, if anything happens at all (I'm still a little skeptical about this whole thing) then I doubt it will be a physical attack. It might be a currency collapse.
Think about it. Both the euro and the dollar are balancing on a knife edge, and if one or both goes, what will that do to the domestic and international economies? I think the impact would be many times what 9/11 had on the economy, and I expect the ultimate result (at least in Europe) would be war.
Rockpicker I agree wholeheartedly. I have talked about this before on this site to be shot down by murph and others that civil disobedience doesn't work. Great people here don't get me wrong but mostly I see a lot of hand wringing and new age mumbo jumbo, some anger but not much more.
Action can be non violent. You need to get peoples attention. I just do not see it here
From Belgium
An event proportionate to 9/11 over the weekend was the Shanghai tower block fire but you would not have realised it from the media coverage.
I think that we shall never see
the logic of a faith-based economy
wv= mystic
Scrap, here, here!
What are we afraid of? If we don't do as this man suggests, we will all hang one at a time.
Pretty interesting whistleblower report on Kerry Cassidy's blog, Nov. 13.
Hey Scrap,
Because i disagree with somebody doesn't mean I discount or put them down. There certainly are a lot of people that think that peaceful demonstration is a viable means of effecting change, primarily by getting peoples attention I guess.
You bring up a good point about
two things. 1. non violent action 2. your new age criticism.
I will agree that there are a few rare incidences where non violent demonstration has affected some minor change. But I have yet to see a major change in policy by this method. I do subscribe to the idea that a major change can be affected by bringing down the major stakeholders in the "business as usual" paradigm. But I just don't see that happening because it would take too large a proportion of the population to take part. Indeed, if half of the adult population, (about 75 million) stopped using credit cards, stopped buying the electronic gizzmos, stopped buying from the big box stores, etc, I would expect some major changes. It ain't going to happen, at least not yet. As far as I can tell, major and significant changes in governments are only brought on by revolution, the key word here is major, that is, changing the operating paradigm.
As for new age stuff, I personally am not into that. Yes there is a lot of hand wringing and wailing over what is happening.
So, I have to ask, and not in a challenging manner: What actions do you propose that a very small minority of people take to get this change? And, what method that has not been used in the last 10 years do you propose to get peoples attention? What I see is that about everything I can think of has been tried across the spectrum of non violence to violence, except for armed revolution and the situation only keeps getting worse.
LOL WV sloth
Wanna do something really revolutionary? Join the world-wide movement to Kill the Banks - Dec. 7. Look up Eric Cantone's video on Youtube. The guy is a really famous soccer player, and a lot of people are listening to him. Also read Clif's essay on the subject recently posted on Halfpasthuman.
The opt out day on the 24th at the airports is good, too. It's about damn time.
Here's what a death knell in modern American politics sounds like.
"Mr. Pistole, you're doing a great job,"- Jay Rockefeller.
These fuckers aren't just arrogant and brash. Their plain stupid!!
-Marie Antionette
Freeacre, isn't that a date that will live in infamy?
Yeah. Dec. 7. Squared.
wv: repubj. What's that? Republicans from India?
Another link to Ron Paul's awesome speech, "Enough is Enough!"
This is from Brasscheck, and it proves that not only are we engaged in a war with the banks, (one which they started,) but we're at war with the media in this country. I say, take your money out of the banks, stop flying and stop sending your money to the mass media outlets until they demonstrate they know who they really work for.
"Michael Chertoff ordered the full body x-ray scanners
*before* the so-called "underwear bomber" scare.
Now he personally profits from selling them to the
Department of Homeland Security he used to head.
Can the corruption and fraud be any more obvious?
Meanwhile, the news media reports that most people
are "happy" with the new procedures, an obvious lie.
Share this video. Inform your friends and family.
Stop flying and let the people responsible know
- Brasscheck"
Captured: America in Color, from1939-1943
montana senator jon tester, crewcut dude.
Hey everyone, check out this song:
I never thought I'd hear THAT from a well-known band.
Great links! Sounds like people are starting to get it. Matt Savinar on Breaking News, Life After the Oil Crash has an essay that foretells that when the 99'ers are out on the streets and the collapse goes mainstream, there will be a lot less "hand holding" on the net. People are going to be forced to get off the couch and get busy. But, at least those of us who have prepared and thought things through for while now, will hopefully be able to lead in directions that make sense. There's going to be a lot of stupid scapegoating as the elites put a bunch of resources in deflecting the blame from themselves, however. They'll be blaming the immigrants, the Muslims, the unemployed, those who took out mortgages in the first place, terrorists, gays, and liberals - everybody but the financiers and outsourcing corporates who all are already sending their money into offshore accounts and sucking every dime they can from the productive class.
From Belgium
If you are into short video clips those Brasschecker’s out there will have already come across these but they are really worth seeing again. These are really brilliant animations that really cut through the shit.
And today's eye-opener:
From Belgium
Anybody remember these x ray machines, I just about do. What a good job they bit the dust. The reasons should be headed in these more modern times.
Did anyone see the showing of "Harmony" last night on NBC? Of all places? If so what did you all think of it? Prince Charles' film called "Harmony" where he narrates it mostly but many other people are in it. I saw only part of it last night on a local NBC channel, It covered many things worldwide and the whole concept of learning and understanding nature not to exploit it but to preserve it and all the species and getting back to nature in everything we do from the top to the bottom. They showed poor women in India organizing their local agrilculture to grow only Organic Contton. I really enjoyed seeing it even though I only saw the last 15 minutes or so (and unfortunately many commericals but were mostly green ones). I wonder if the "Harmony" I saw last night was just a special or pilot to the actual film? I wonder if mushy Prince Charles is attempting to redeem himself in the eyes of many who disliked his treatment of Diana. Anyway I thought he/it made a lot of great sense with the idea of respecting nature and doing something about it on a global level but at the same time locally and by grassroots. The mention and stories from the Bear River Rain forrest in Canada was excellent. Plan to search and see if we can rent the whole film. It's a cold & rainy day here
cheers and hot tea, mrs p
Here's the link to a trailer which doesn't really represent what I saw last night.
mrs p
From Belgium
Charlie has always been a misfit in the Royal Family. On the nature thing he got himself ridiculed when he told everybody on TV that he regularly talks to his plants. Many of his friends are explorers, classical architects and people concerned with aspects of nature and the arts. There was talk of missing him out in the line of succession when Liz goes and passing straight on to Wills because he refuses to have anything to do with the family business of bankrolling the Afghan drug trade, or so it was rumoured.
This is the first I have heard that he has made a film, I will check it out.
We watched Prince Charles documentary film, "Harmony" last night and were pretty blown away. Even Murph, despite the fact that Prince Charles is from the royal family. I bet his grandfather was rolling over in his grave when Charles went to Gandhi's hometown and extolled the virtues of growing your own organic cotton and spinning thread. Ha! Good for him! And, he even broached the subject of feeding one's children food that weakens their intellect, and how much better it would be if we all respected the great gifts that nature provides for free that make us healthy and strong. It was really wonderful. As kings go, what a great king he would make. I've always thought that Prince Charles personifies our whole generation - marginalized and disenfranchised while the previous generation continues to rule and lives seemingly forever. The fucks.
LOLOL Belgium,
I remember those things,x-ray shoe fitting. I recollect my parents buying me two pair of shoes using them. As a kid I was fascinated by them.
i have a vague notion of remembering those shoe x-ray machines but can't place exactly where or when, but do remember how cool they were, must of been about five or so, maybe six.
think it might of been in longview washington.
would never of thought about that phase without the link, thanx sats.
ps the animations of the way money works were excellent, hell even i could understand the way it works..
or...um...doesn't work.
How's your snow pack look, MF? We've got close to a foot on the level in Sheridan. More in VC.
Ha! I remember the shoe-fitting fluoroscope, too! They were great! I also loved my glow-in-the-dark wrist-watch lit by uranium or something. I used to sleep with it next to my head. Maybe that's my problem...
One of the other "magical" things that I remember was the talking Rudolph the Reindeer. You were supposed to go up to it and tell him what you wanted for Christmas. There was a hidden microphone in it that allowed a store "elf" to hear you and he would tell your parents what you said. I was about four and it seemed like a miracle to me. I believed that he was alive and that he could hear me.
Guess in some ways, things haven't changed much. Now we've got cell phones and airport scanners irradiating us and believing in all sorts of things on faith. Goofy humans.
Gee, looks like I started something there, ha. Thanks all esp freeman
Freeacre, Great metaphor! Instead of elves passing along your innermost wants to quizical parents, NSA spooks listening in to phone calls and reading e-mails pass along information to local 'fusion' centers, and pretty soon you've got a gps transponder stuck to the undercarriage of your vehicle, you can't fly and the local authorities are noticing your bumper stickers.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
-Dylan Thomas
You remember the brasscheck bit about the 'plastic duck junky?' Well, the guy who made that video was Anthony Lawson. He's great! He's got a great voice, his writing is hard-hitting and concise and he timing superb.
Here's a link to his latest piece. I think it's his best yet.
great vid rp, we got about seven or eight inches of white here in the quaint little village of hot springs..
on a side note guys my oldest daughter was involved in a car crash last nite and is in the hospital with a broken neck,shoulder,rips and internal damage, if any spare light is available i would certainly appreciate it with all my heart, the driver, her husband was drunk and they slammed into a truck.
i am overwhelmed by this news..
From Belgium
We are thinking of you brother I wish there was something more positive I could do than thinking but we are with you. Keep up informed.
mf, in my heart I sit with you
in prayer. Sage and sweetgrass
mingle in this hopeful air.
wv= mishn
mf, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this dark time. I pray she recovers fully and quickly.
Hey Murph! *waves*
Haven't stopped by here in awhile, time to catch up!
I am fully on board with you regarding the "extend and pretend" and "lie and deny" bullsh*t of the MSM. It seems to be working so far over in the U.S. of A. At least we don't have constant rioting like they do in Europe.
Are the sheeple really that clueless? Or have we all been under the spell of the media so long our benumbed minds can't grasp a next step?
I'm thinking super high gas prices will be the next TWANG on the string of consciousness. $4 a gallon this coming summer maybe. $5 a gallon the summer of 2012 maybe. Our economy starting crashing in 2007 with $4 a gallon gas-- and that's when people had a little money.
The times, they are interesting- in the Chinese curse sense of the word.
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