Murph's got a fire going in the greenhouse while working on the hides.
Rather than list the many aspects of our collective lives that are deteriorating or the obvious threats to our well-being, let's take a look at what we can do to make things better. Bear with me as I repeat myself because we have a lot of newer readers who may not know what we've been doing for years. We are getting over 2,000 hits a month now, so there are many new people in the shadows around our cyber campfire.
We have been criticized for not supporting public protests against the resource wars or other reprehensible policies and behaviors. That's not exactly the case. We are very active in a local, grassroots citizen action group that has been very successful in changing policies and personnel at the city and county level. It's been a dog fight and we're still at it. We have replaced 2 of 3 county commissioners, the mayor and one city counselor, got one of our own on the DEQ Steering Committee, and several of our group on the County Planning Commission. We have spent three years organizing, standing outside grocery stores collecting signatures on petitions, raising money for class action lawsuits, submitting testimony at commission hearings, and attending meetings of many kinds. We're active in the Grange, support the area's youth, and have organized a Farmer's Market. I would not say that we are just whining about things and sitting on our hands. Oh, yeah, we also grow our own food, raise chickens and rabbits, and have stored up about a years worth of food and supplies. Our house is paid for, we are out of debt, we bank at a community bank, and we don't fly. We also have created this Campfire to support those who “get it” that we are on the brink of the end of the world as we know it. And we do it on a combined income of $24,000 a year from social security (plus some savings for back-up)
We understand and sympathize with those who get annoyed with writers who bemoan how screwed up everything is but do not walk the walk to make things any better.
What we do not do is stand outside of Walmart with a sign saying “Don't Shop Here” or run cross country “to find a cure for cancer” or picket against the One World Order. Hey, I'd love to be standing at the base of a skyscraper on Wall St. with a sign saying, “JUMP!” I'd do that in a heartbeat if I lived in New York. But, I live in Central Oregon in a town that just got it's first stoplight and where there isn't even one two story commercial building. So, if you think you can do something else that will work, by all means do so. We all need to do whatever is appropriate to our individual circumstances. And, yes, we all definitely need to do more than piss and moan about things and take no action.
I've been participating in that exercise to imagine a better world emerging from all this deterioration and chaos that is outlined on the Reality Transmission site (http://www.wix.com/realitytransmission/11-11-transmission/page-1). I'm not doing it perfectly, as I am not disciplined enough to do anything at the same time every day. But, I have been thinking as well as meditating on what kind of reality I would like to see manifest and how to get there. If that's too “New Age” for ya, so be it, I guess. You gotta go with what works for you. This works for me.
I've come to terms with the idea that “some things are worth believing in whether they are true or not” (a quote from the movie, “Secondhand Lions”). Things like liberty, honor, compassion, courage, love, and honesty. Science is discovering more and more that objective reality is an illusion anyway. The observer seems to affect, or even create, what is observed.
So, what concrete endeavors do I suggest that we do to create a better world once the shit hits the fan (as it is already doing) and a new paradigm needs to be created? I envision a world where the people feel a strong harmonious connection to each other and to the planet. Something like the Na'vi people in “Avatar.” To that end, we stay in touch through the internet, through community meetings and organizations, etc.
Work to localize food production. Grow your own food and support local farms and gardens, farmer's markets, etc. Learn about fish farming or hydroponics, building brick ovens, making cheese – anything to help feed your neighbors and yourselves.
Stop Feeding the Beast. Identify the malefactors (the Central Banks, Wall St., and the Military/Industrial complex), and shun them as much as possible. Don't purchase goods made by slave labor. Shop at second hand stores and flea markets. Learn to make things like soap, laundry detergent, herbal medicines, toothpaste, candles, clothing, etc.
Demonetize as much as you can. That does not mean “caste out demons.” although maybe that would be good, too. .. It means pay off your credit cards so you are not paying interest. Do not invest in 401K's. (Personally, I'd buy physical silver or barter items instead). Barter and trade and gift each other. Be generous and compassionate with your money, your time, and your stuff. When somebody shows up in your life who needs help, then help them. If you have space to allow a person to camp out in your yard or a room to rent or crash in, then make it available. We would not have a homeless problem if people would share their housing.
Be a resource for your neighborhood or community. Build a personal library of resource books, tools, documentaries to teach coping skills. Teach by example. When people see you walking the walk, they will be inspired without you having to convince them. Then, all you have to do is answer their questions.
What else? Stop eating processed food, corn syrup, commercial beef and pork from food lots and poultry concentration camps. Stop using fluoridated toothpaste and drinking or eating contaminated or adulterated crap. Prepare sit down dinners for your family. Teach your kids how to grow and cook healthy food. Invite your neighbors over for dinner, or bring them homemade bread or muffins once in awhile. You might want to organize a neighborhood self-defense group. Learn to shoot and re-load. (I know, this is not for everybody.) If it's not for you, figure out what you are willing to use to defend yourself and your neighbor – even if it is just a baseball bat or some wasp spray (shoots 27 feet and is debilitating). If you are not willing to do anything, then it would be poor form to ask anyone to help you if push comes to shove.
We began reading the tea leaves concerning the potential mortgage meltdown and resource depletion back in 2002. We began doing what we figured we needed to do. But, the tea leaves keep changing. Younger people and those with children need to look at what is happening and make their own plans. If I were younger, I'd be real careful not to get into debt servitude with student loans training for professions that are not going to be there when you graduate. I'd be looking for apprenticeships and trade programs in skills that will be needed in the future, such as manufacturing useful items, or re-fitting homes to make them more energy efficient. If I were wanting to invent energy or new building materials, I'd be learning another language in case I need to leave the country in order to secure financial backing. I don't want to go all Bruce Springsteen on you, but, let's face it – America has been red-lined. The jobs aren't coming back and neither is the financing. I'd be traveling to South America, China, India, Vietnam and Singapore. Learning to teach English as a second language to people in those countries as a start. I'd be studying permaculture, re-cycling, cluster septic systems, geo-thermal, alternative medicine. If you don't, you may find yourself enlisted in some goon squad to secure a meal and a roof over your head. People with children are going to need to team up to buy land collectively, or homestead. It isn't going to be about carting them around to soccer practice and keeping in touch with cell phones when gas goes to $5 or more a gallon and the electrical grid is unreliable. Kids are going to get their exercise tending the garden and the animals and playing hacki sack. Eventually they will still be able to become builders and astronomers, scientists, healers, and artists. But, it will be different. Hopefully better. With any luck, there will be no more MBA's.
Thinking about immanent war, false flag events, financial melt-down, die off, weather wars, earth and sun changes, et al, can be frightening stuff. But, it's also exciting to think of the possibilities for transformation. It's empowering to change the fear into resolve, once one takes steps to prepare. To cope with all the weirdness and pathos, it helps to have faith that we were born into this incarnation for a purpose.
“Ride the Slide!” (as Lucretia counsels) and make a better world.
I am certain you have your thoughts on this, so, as always, we want to hear them.
A venison flank gifted from a neighbor - stuffed with quinoa, craisins, bacon, onion, sage & thyme
I am with you two. I stand corrected on my haste placement with comments on the last board. I greatly respect and envy the both of you.
I still stand on the civil disobedience platform and I do practice what you and Murph preach too.
If more people took the action as stated in your post it would be more of a utopia versus a elitist hellfire here in this country.
Meditation is the greatest tool you can use for quieting the mind and comes highly recommended.
Love and
Resist Much, Obey Little
I would go with Pepper Spray over Wasp Spray. Wasp spray will not work on those which cannot feel pain i.e. drugs & alcohol. Pepper spray is an inflammatory which will cause the eyes to slam shut no matter the situation. That's why over 40,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide carry it and even the smallest canisters will fire 10 ft while the larger will fire 25 to 30 ft.
I'm not against civil disobedience, Scrap. But, a lot of it probably couldn't be blabbed about on a blog anyway... It's not exactly civil disobedience, but the movement against the "too big to fail" banks has a blogsite in the U.S. now: www.stopbankusa.blogspot.com. Also, Max Kaiser is calling for those who can to buy silver. J.P. Morgan has oversold paper silver. So, if a lot of people purchase physical silver, they will be up against the wall.
I love that line, "resist much, obey little."
Thanks for the tip on the pepper spray, M. Good to hear from you.
Here's a link to the latest Keiser report.
Hey, Eli. Reports of severe flooding in much of Columbia. Are you safe? We haven't heard from you in awhile.
"Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:
Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;
Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected;
Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;
Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;
Neglecting development and refinement of the mind;
Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do."
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
Wildness is out there. The most vital beings and systems hang out at the edge of wildness. The next time you howl in delight like a wolf, howl for unstable aperiodic behavior in deterministic nonlinear dynamical systems.
The above quote taken from the article written by Jack Turner from the book "The Abstract Wild" Here is a link to the article if you would like to check out.
Interesting article you linked to. I hadn't thought of a differentiation of wildness and wilderness before.
In the human pursuit of controlling everything, including nature, are we actually fucking it up? In just the act of observing wildness, do we make it different and would be forced to not use the term wildness to describe it? Can humans actually be a part of wildness?
The article draws a distinction to the prison like status of wilderness set-asides as opposed to wildness.
I would suspect that most people would not be particularly supportive of living in anything even approaching wildness.
Humans have forever changed the natural workings (the wildness) of the biology of the earth and I would not expect that it can ever return, at least without the extinction of humans or barring the rise of another species bent on controlling everything.
That leaves us in a rather interesting dilemma. Just how much control over the biological systems of the planet can man exert and still have the natural systems support us? In other words; Since humans will never give up that attempt to control, I think the question should be; how much control can be exercised and still preserve the essential systems for survival? The very act of putting in a back yard garden and raising chickens and rabbits is exercising control over wildness.
There is also the question of whether humans have ever existed in a state of wildness, seems to be a contested argument over that idea. Our very nature seems intent on control of the environment around us.
....raising chickens and rabbits is exercising control over wildness.
not if the chicken and the rabbit choose to agree with the deal!
control, as we traditionally think of it, is in a box. think outside the box. like the whisperer. does the whisperer break the spirit of the horse?
here's another example.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ-bJFVJ2P0&feature=player_embedded
lets all get drunk on each other!
MF... my heart is with you and yours...p
Has anyone heard from mf about his daughter?
Murph, lots of animals make attempts to control their environment. It is not just humans. Take beavers, for example. They go to great lengths to not only make dams but to create elaborate artificial waterways. I would say in the pure form it is not about control but alteration.
From Belgium
“I still stand on the civil disobedience platform and I do practice what you and Murph preach too.”
Be very careful of what you do or who you associate with. At the very minimum you could have your unique retina distance recorded on one of the three letter agencies data bases. Other than that – “The technology involved was known as “acoustic psycho-correction” and possessed the capability to “control minds and alter behaviour of civilians and soldiers…” In a series of laboratory experiments that dated back to the mid-1970’s, research revealed that the equipment could be used to “suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams,” according to the newspapers sources.
The research was “pioneered by the government funded department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy.” “Acoustic psycho-correction,” said the newspaper, “involves the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions.” Exposure to the subliminal radio waves took less than one minute to achieve “encouraging results.”
More chilling still was the revelation that following “decades of research and investment of untold millions of roubles in the process of psycho-correction has produced the ability to alter behaviour on willing and unwilling subjects.”
“…… list both software and hardware associated with the Russian psych-correction programme that could be “procured for as little as $80,000.”
Exercising your legal rights might not always be to your own advantage.
If you do decide to play a game then make sure it is not their game.
Incidentally, the WikiSpooks site has only been available for less than a half year. If you are not familiar with it, then it could be worthwhile to poke around in.
Good Point. But, is there a difference in the manner and extent which humans alter the environment and the way that animals do so? What assumptions must we make if we accept that animals (other than humans) purposely alter their environment?
It appears to me that the interchange of information between humans is, for the most part, way more complex and specific than between animals and humans. If this is true, I can have only a very basic and limited understanding of whatever they attempt to communicate to me. ie, my rabbits, chickens and dog are pretty good at telling me they are hungry, thirsty, cold or overheated but not much more beyond that. The dog communicates some more, the chickens a lot less. I'm still trying to figure out rabbit communication. The wilder cousins of each don't seem to be much inclined to communication with me at all. That could be my fault too.
Because of this limited communication, I am unable to determine the extent of planning, forethought and intent as opposed to what we call instinctive behavior of animal activities. I have a tendency to be real careful of anthropomorphizing animal activities. In human activities dealing especially with changes to the environment, there is usually a great deal of thinking and planning of how it's to be done. I am guessing it is very little instinctive behavior. Thus, I see a very big difference between flooding a canyon for electrical generation and building a beaver dam, in resources used and intent and also the environmental damage that occurs.
I really don't know Raz, I just know that I enjoy trying to interact with other species on this planet and am sometimes puzzled by their reaction to my attempts.
From Belgium
Posted a comment this afternoon but it never arrived, thought it had so I will have another try.
Scrap said “I still stand on the civil disobedience platform and I do practice what you and Murph preach too.”
Ok but be careful; at the minimum you could have your unique retina distance measured and registered in one of the three letter agencies databases. Other than that – “…The technology involved was known as “acoustic psycho-correction” and possessed the capability to “control minds and alter behaviour of civilians and soldiers…” In a series of laboratory experiments that dated back to the mid-1970’s, research revealed that the equipment could be used to “suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams,” according to the newspapers sources.
The research was “pioneered by the government funded department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy.” “Acoustic psycho-correction,” said the newspaper, “involves the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions.” Exposure to the subliminal radio waves took less than one minute to achieve “encouraging results.”
More chilling still was the revelation that following “decades of research and investment of untold millions of roubles in the process of psycho-correction has produced the ability to alter behaviour on willing and unwilling subjects.” And…..”lists (of) both software and hardware associated with the Russian psycho-correction programme that could be “procured for as little as $80,000.”
Remember, this was from the mid 70’s so where is the technology at now? Exercising your legal rights might not be your own best interests when push comes to shove. If you do decide to play a game make sure it is not their game. The above from:
Incidentally, WikiSpooks is only a few months old so if you have not come across it before it may be worth poking around in there for a while to see what it is about.
Hey Murph, remember Jensen's story about the wolf tree. According to this he went out to where the wolves congregated and said to the boss wolf "If you stop killing my chickens I will give you the bits I don't use" and after that they stopped killing his chickens. No, I don't have an explanation for it.
Well, there can be no misunderstanding that the gorilla was telling his human friend how much he cares for him - and remembers him through time. Thanks for that link, p.
Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am grateful for all of you. I pray for peace and freedom.
mf here,
i wish to thank each and every one of you that have given the energy of light to the plight of my oldest daughter, although her injuries were severe she has survived and will heal in time the doctors say.
you know the reality of one of your children dying is probably the most despised of thoughts and it hit home these last days that this might of been a real possibility for Brenette, that is her name, named after my youngest sister nearly forty five years ago.
she is a beautiful women with three daughters to match, owner of a very successful hair shop and very active in the community, her loss would of been a catastrophic thing to so many people.
again my heart is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from people such as those that attend this sacred fire for giving of their energy to save the life of this person that means so much to montana freeman.
bless each and everyone of you,the spirit has heard and it is
Thanks for the video link. It was marvelous!
Blue air brutal from Tunguska
prickles lungs. It pools in toes,
behind initial gusts. Era, or a passing front?
Corked feet squeak a mile of creaking stairs
to catch a flight or let you watch
a runny yolk of light collude
with snow. Tilt and spin,
how we lurch out of kilter
to receive an unreasonable season's
pushing in. A week ago summer
cuddled close to stone
in the draped planter where shamrock
clusters turned. Valencias still
burned yellow with resolve. Thais
managed a sullen glow. Since
the sun's been beaten east and south.
My constellations crashed
in terminal air, with ludicrous demands
we wait patient to be demeaned.
When all the money goes down the street
in armored cars contain your disbelief.
Stand, disenfranchised, arms out, feet so.
At all costs maintain discrete composure.
(Do not look the guard square during exposure.)
No legitimate state devised this fear.
The rich are simply waiting out the poor.
A maul splitting air this time of year
is clearly sound, a familiar plodding
every evening, round on round.
Anybody got a take on this?
From Belgium
Murph / Freeacre Hi. Please just satisfy my curiosity and tell me if you keep taking my comments down. I did a reply to Scrap re his support for civil disobedience. As usual I wrote it in Word and C&P’d it into Blogspot, checked it was up and deleted the original out of Word. The next day it was gone so I thought it was a bit of a head scratcher glitch sort of thing. I reconstructed the comment, same checks it was up, same deletion from Word, same disappearance from TCC comments. If you consider the comment was too sensitive and took it down I don’t mind and I respect that but the puzzling thing for me was that there was no “This comment has been deleted by a blog administrator” which I would have expected and I would have let it go at that but if it has been taken down by someone other than a blog administrator than that is a worrying situation. Can you let me know something?
Thanks for letting us know that your comments have been disappearing. Turns out that blogspot has put in a new thing that has labeled some comments as spam, and put them into a spam folder. We did not know about it, but now I have found LOTS of comments in the spam folder that have, apparently not made it into the published comments. So, I highlighted them all and labeled them NOT SPAM. So, hopefully, this will publish them all. I'll have to check. What a drag.
Important information in this article by Chris Martenson regarding the new 2010 IEA energy report:
It's Official: The Economy Is Set To Starve
Cryptogon has a link to the youtube video from Jim Corr in Ireland calling for massive peaceful protests against the austerity measures being imposed by the IMF and EU government today, Sat., at eleven o'clock. He sees this takeover by the central banks as ruining the sovereignty of his nation, and the call to resist is in the name of the children and grandchildren who will be in debt servitude if these financial policies are adopted. I think it is inspiring - will be watching to see how the Irish people respond.
murph --
For working out how to interact with our surroundings to keep them in some semblance of "natural", I really liked the book _Tending the Wild_ by Anderson. It's about how the native Americans took care of CA's natural resources before we intervened. The emphasis is on tending, rather than dominating. For instance, they pruned carefully to rejuvenate, and rather than take all of the tubers they dug, they put some back for next year. They burned grasses that were helped by annual burning, and ate the grasshoppers -- raw, the ones that tried to get away and roasted, those that didn't. Evidently they had no need to keep rabbits, they could get plenty hunting them.
The author does say it took many years to work out the balance, but to me, the basic point was approach -- working with nature, taking care of (tending) rather than trying to make nature over into what we thought would mostly benefit us (dominating).
Freeacre -- doing the same thing at the same time every day would be terribly dull, don't you think? But I'm one of those easily-distracted Geminis, so don’t listen to me. Self-discipline is not my forte.
This is a HUGE peep behind the curtain.
Lord James of Blackheath, Speech on Foundation X (In the House of Lords, 01/11/2010)
Looks like someone is propping up (or buying up)the UK while the world burns ;-)
crosslink funding was announced this week, seems they accepted the £££
Hello to all those who attend this camp fire...
I found an interesting article in my wandering around the blogosphere and just wanted to pass it along...
Just some thoughts to ponder this holiday season is all....
Here is some reading if you are so inclined....
A maul splitting air this time of year is clearly sound, but I hear mobs cheering when the blade comes down...
goddam it they arrested willy nelson for not hiding his stash good enough,,, uggg.
dea.h to the pigs, either that or bar them from future concerts.
man whats it coming to when a 77 year old hippy dope smoking cowboy musician whom the world loves is fucked with by the skanky assed death dealers from the great state of texas?
hey texas whatcha gonna do about this.?
this man is god in your state, nail him to a cross? probably.
ps nothing personal texas, best smoking dope in the country last time i was there, and really good people as well.
wv motabler
mota means marijuana
in spanish
From Belgium
Geez rp that takes some getting your head around and the commentary was not excessive. Are these the ones whose well being we really discuss here and what do you imagine goes through their heads about our well being? I reported it here when my brother and sister in laws could not see the oil crisis coming but even they do not behave like that. Better to cut them all loose and leave the farm.
Here is a world view that is well worth giving some consideration to.
From Belgium
I had another thought rp, they might be a little less sophisticated in their approach perhaps but are they any worse than bankers?
Welcome to the Campfire, Ely. And, nice to hear from you, Caroline. It's been awhile.
As long as we're at it, I've got a blogsite for ya, too:
It's all good, but I really liked the Jensen essay.
Man, it's really crazy out there. I still can't get over that "Black Friday" bullshit and the way the lamestream covers it as though it is exciting rather than pathological. Hand me another Prozak, will ya, or a barf bag....
Sorry it took me awhile to go to the link posted by anonymous on Nov. 25. It's about whether there is a covert war going on between us and China. I think we can add evidence of this possible proxy war with N. Korea on top of those examples as well.
And, does anybody know how to decipher the Gulf Stream site? I watch the flow charts, trying to figure out if it has slowed or not, but I can't seem to make heads nor tails of it. I figure if it has slowed, then that might be a reason that it is so frigging cold in England. It's pretty damned cold here, too. Zero degrees (that's like -32 to you, Belgium). I'd hate to go out and find our rabbits tongues are stuck to their water bowls. Jeez.
MF - adds a new dimension to the term, "Free Willy," don't it? All the malfeasance going on, and they bust Willy Nelson??? Truly depraved.
Belgium; What a great link! Thanks. I'm going to start watching this guy. Check out his video listeners' response.
In answer to your question about the difference between the madding hordes of Black Friday, and the banksters, I'd say what unites them is spiritual bankruptcy. What differentiates them, besides class, is degree of awareness. The banksters are fully aware who are the farmers and who are the farmed.
I read somewhere Obama recently postulated that this sustained high unemployment rate may be 'the new normal.' I take that to mean a culling is underway. This economic collapse, with its resultant attrition, is a premeditated and wholly unnatural degeneration.
Ooh, SATS, have you seen this one? I loved the comments...
Freeacre; I'm not much good at distilling raw data, but here's a slightly dated radio show with some understandable warnings.
Also, here's a link to a three-part series with morris interviewing earl of stirling. catch the reference to experiments with oil in warm water currents.
wv= gnore (how can i?)
after the latest news from texas toby keith and scottie emerick'l have to sit down and write another verse to thin'n... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQANmQO2g0&feature=related
Think I'll print up some of those business cards Aaron Russo talked about, you know, the ones with KMA on them. He said members of the illuminati carried them and if stopped by police, a quick flash of the card would ensure a prompt release. Aaron was told by an insider, Nick Rockefeller, KMA stands for "kiss my ass."
Don't believe in the illuminati? Watch this.
Thanks for that one, P. Still smilin'.
A little follow-up on Christopher Story.
it only took one of his psychopath higher ups wanting to screw his 14 year old daughter to wake this guy up to rose smelling ability.
man can this guy spit um out..
From Belgium
Have any of you guys on the west side of the pond any reaction to this one?
Do you think that flushed with the success of tipping a finger at the X ray machines by not flying, you could now take on the banks by not giving them access to your cash?
- or would it be a case of taking your overdraft somewhere else?
It would seem that those in power, I mean those above and behind the ones we think hold power, know something the rest of us don't.
The demise of the West has been deliberate, and it's been accomplished in a jaw-dropping short span of time.
Question is, why? What's the real game plan?
If, as George Green insists, the PTB are planning a major die-off, who will be left to remake their world after the smoke clears?
If, on the other hand, they know a global natural catastrophe is imminent, then digging underground bases, building seed vaults and vacuuming-up the world's wealth are actions consistent with their oft- demonstrated spiritual bankruptcy.
A lot of intelligent, articulate people are offering evidence to suggest our world, and its inhabitants, has been destroyed before in cyclical upheavals. Maybe we're just that lucky?
From Belgium
Yes rp, everything from Easter Island to Rome and Byzantium but as has been noted before, what is different this time is the scale of destruction. What before was varying degrees of storm is now a monumental tsunami. Unless you fancy sharing Antarctica with the penguins it is hard to know where to go to get out of the way. In times before, empires followed a life cycle. The reasons for their demise seem to have been learned and the knowledge is being applied in scientific fashion rather than just left to happen of its own accord. If something is going to happen anyway then those who can, might as well control it to their best advantage. All we can do is to prepare as best we can and stop playing their game.
The scale of the possible destruction is exactly what I'm suggesting is the 'cyclical' element in our coming demise. I'm not speaking of the gradual decline and ruin of individual empires, which seems to be a guaranteed eventuality shared by all cultures. I'm talking about a rhythmic cleansing that takes place at predictable intervals in earth's evolution, a scheduled end-times that resets the clock periodically, each time nearly erasing all vestiges of prior human achievement.
Michael Cremo and Graham Hancock, among many others, present powerful arguments for this being the case, though conventional archaeology denies all evidence. In fact, establishment academicians deny the hypothesis, because it is in substantial disagreement with Darwinian theory, and therefor they refuse to even explore the possibilities. Of course, reaffirming their natural bias is the absence of grant monies available to those whose findings might challenge the righteousness of the status quo.
Earth will transit through the center of the galactic plane in 2012. One can only imagine what gravitational and electrical anomalies might manifest in our biosphere as a result.
On top of that, we now know there appears to be a poorly understood wave of plasma energy moving into the outer reaches of our solar system, (NASA confirmed,) which is energizing the entire solar neighborhood and may induce further earth changes in the near future.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the abused proles of many advanced nations are awaking with anger and reacting in predictable, and planned-for fashion, to the despicable treatment they're receiving at the hands of their elite masters. I confess, an urge to take up arms I struggle to suppress confuses me. Knowing strife to be the thugs' forte, I have to think protestations will be parried with chilling displays of inhumanity. Perhaps we'll see the insanity Bosch relayed?
On the other hand, street theater may have its usefulness as diversion, a smoldering barricade behind which elective surgeons can be protected.
The scale of the possible destruction is exactly what I'm suggesting is the 'cyclical' element in our coming demise. I'm not speaking of the gradual decline and ruin of individual empires, which seems to be a guaranteed eventuality shared by all cultures. I'm talking about a rhythmic cleansing that takes place at predictable intervals in earth's evolution, a scheduled end-times that resets the clock periodically, each time nearly erasing all vestiges of prior human achievement.
Michael Cremo and Graham Hancock, among many others, present powerful arguments for this being the case, though conventional archaeology denies all evidence. In fact, establishment academicians deny the hypothesis, because it is in substantial disagreement with Darwinian theory, and therefor they refuse to even explore the possibilities. Of course, reaffirming their natural bias is the absence of grant monies available to those whose findings might challenge the righteousness of the status quo.
Earth will transit through the center of the galactic plane in 2012. One can only imagine what gravitational and electrical anomalies might manifest in our biosphere as a result.
On top of that, we now know there appears to be a poorly understood wave of plasma energy moving into the outer reaches of our solar system, (NASA confirmed,) which is energizing the entire solar neighborhood and may induce further earth changes in the near future.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the abused proles of many advanced nations are awaking with anger and reacting in predictable, and planned-for fashion, to the despicable treatment they're receiving at the hands of their elite masters. I confess, an urge to take up arms I struggle to suppress confuses me. Knowing strife to be the thugs' forte, I have to think protestations will be parried with chilling displays of inhumanity. Perhaps we'll see the insanity Bosch relayed?
On the other hand, street theater may have its usefulness as diversion, a smoldering barricade behind which elective surgeons can be protected.
woo woo alert:
Go down a little to the story about the Gulf of Aden vortex. It is a continuation of the story featured for awhile now on Alien Project. Seems the wormhole, or vortex, or whateveritis, is expanding...
This one's for you, Scrappy:
Oh, yeah, and there's a comet heading our way today that may trigger earthquakes... linked from today's Urban Survival.
Good link on the rights video, Freeacre. What's this about a comet?
Damn, I'm depressed. Maybe it's the christmas crap spewing from everywhere. The mindless hoards busting down Mao Mart to get shit they don't need just makes me want to hurl. My semi-co-workers worrying about Chrystal Palin on "Dancing With the Stars" makes me want to take the gas pipe. Good thing our stove is electric.
The Cronicles of TSA has got me thinking about leaving the country, but to where, I don't know. And -how would I get there without being molested by TSA goons is another question? And -who in the hell would want a Amurikan in their country anyway? Wikileakdicks, Foreclosuregate, QE2, unemployment, Food Patriot Act, etc., etc., etc -geez, makes me want to jump out of a fucking window. Oh, and to top it all off, we got a butt-load of snow to the tune of 12" or more the other day. Crap. Yeah, I don't care for winter too much. Not much to do except read and drink my beer. Can't grow anything except my my hair.
There has to be something to prevent the U.S from destroying the world.
Something's gotta give, man.
Later -
From Belgium
To see the farm is to leave it. I was quite impressed with this and spent a few hours today catching up with old Molyneux You Tube vids. I saw him addressing students on the subject of How to win political arguments. This was a talk followed by a Q & A session. I didn’t like the fact that if he received a question he didn’t like he would change it into an analogy he felt more comfortable dealing with. The overall content was however not bad. Then I saw him addressing the issue of what would have happened if Ron Paul would have won the last election then I stopped. Later I tried to see if any of his written work was available for download and came across this site the content of which was quite worrying. See what you think. My take is that his world view has some merit but this was a totally unexpected direction which if true devalues his other work.
Oh, dear... I woz "misremembering" CMT as "comet," rather than coronal mass ejection. Sorry. Here's the quote from Urban Survival:
.... Proof Reading the Sun
OK, if the coffee hasn't kicked in yet, let me ,walk you through this one: a space watch from the Solar Influences Data analysis center in Belgium and notice my yellow highlight::
SIDC SOLAR BULLETIN 01 Dec 2010, 1232UT SIDC FORECAST (valid from 1230UT, 01 Dec 2010 until 03 Dec 2010) SOLAR FLARES : Quiet conditions (<50% probability of C-class flares) GEOMAGNETISM : Active conditions expected (A>=20 or K=4) SOLAR PROTONS : Quiet PREDICTIONS FOR 01 Dec 2010 10CM FLUX: 086 / AP: 001 PREDICTIONS FOR 02 Dec 2010 10CM FLUX: 086 / AP: 001 PREDICTIONS FOR 03 Dec 2010 10CM FLUX: 086 / AP: 016
COMMENT: A CME arrival is possible on Nov 3-4. The CME is linked with the filament eruption late Nov 28. We have no correct estimate of the CME speed. According to the magnetic configuration of the source region at the moment of the ejection, we expect a weak interference with the earth magnetic field (in case of arrival). Active conditions are possible. Another plasma eruption took place on Nov 30, 17:43UT in the east of the solar disk. Evidence for this was a coronal dimming and an EUV-wave. The source region has no NOAA or Catania numbering. The CME is visible in beacon STEREOA/COR2 and HI1 data. It is propagating slightly above the ecliptic and to the east. A glancing blow is possible: we might pass through the shock leading the ICME. We don't expect much interference with the earth magnetic field.
I'm kinda thinking that the Nov 3-4 reference is a typo and should be Dec 3-4 (I'm not a science jock, but if it is correct, then time travel has been discovered, LOL.)"
Since there have been correlations between CME's and earthquakes recently, it would not be altogether unlikely that another one might be set off.
I sympathize, Randy. If I were there, I'd give you a big hug. I think when it gets bad, you have 1)your sense of humor 2) maybe a person or an activity that you enjoy to take your mind off the Big Picture 3)Popcorn or pie. Today, I am making a pumpkin roll. As Montana often laments, "What's a motherfucker to do?"
Keep the faith, drugees...
Uh, that's pronounced 'droo-gees,' from the Russian for 'friends.'
Peak coal is moving closer too
.....If what we are witnessing is the actual peaking of China's domestic coal production - which is half the world's production -- then this event could turn out to be as serious as the peaking of oil.....
Geez Belgium,
This Molyneux site is an advancement of Ayn Rand phylosophy which in the best and most lenient of criticism, the woman was flat out insane. She did make some interesting and what appear to be accurate observations. Her conclusions suck. Politically she was a fascist, ie control of government and society by the corporations and their elite.
I was caught up in Rand for a number of years. Joined her group, subscribed to her monthly writings, (I still have them), They make great reading into a sick philosophy and a mind caught up in exceptionalism and superiority.
So any site that starts to pick apart that concept is ok in my book. Interesting that the writer got hurt by that philosophy at least as advocated by molyenux..
I once wrote a scathing paper on Rand in college pointing out the non-sequiturs the permeate her writings and the transparent tautologies. In many aspects I enjoyed her novels, good reads in many ways. At one time I think I had almost all her books. \Very easy to get caught up in her stuff, is appealing to smart people.
Rand (and Rand worship) annoys me. She was one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever encountered, on the page or off.
Check out this Youtube video. Our government sucks more every day.
Ok, one cool thing that happened this past weekend was -I watched THE super-duper, delux, expanded, hypo-awesome, 3-disc DIRECTOR'S cut of "AVATAR!" So, in this version there's more "statements" so-to-speak. The beginning has Jake Sulley surrounded by people in an over-populated and polluted world where "the strong prey upon the weak." The other expanded scenes, the documentary on how they made the film and the improved look and sound of the "Director's" cut was worth the price, I think. It was TONS of fun -especially when we were snowed-in on Sunday.
-and thanks for the electronic 'hug,' fa.
From Belgium
It was not the Rand connection that particularly interested me but more the fact that Molineux is using his charismatic charm and You Tube appearances advocating an Anarchistic over State organisation of society as a front for a cult. It is purported by the site organisers of the previous link I put up that he is enticing older teens to break up with their families in order to join his bandwagon towards a better way as a means of extracting money from the impressionable and vulnerable.
There may be chunks of Rand mixed in with what he says but there is more to it than that. We all know that the best way of misleading anyone is to make 95% of what you say the truth so that the sting in the tail is well hidden. Where have we heard that one before?
Here's a link to an interview with Nigel Farage, with a lead-in recording of his now famous speech to the leaders of the European Union last week. This guy's terrific!!
Fuck oh dear!
I agree with you on that, although I think Rand's concepts are pretty heavily embedded. I agree that Molineux is using a concept for an end use to his benefit particularly his anarchist stuff.
In the past, we have talked about anarchy and its practicality. While I do advocate it as a social system, I also fully realize that it probably cannot function in a large society, that is anything over a grouping of 50 or so, at least in its close to pure form.
Anyway, that original link you posted stated the objections pretty well in my opinion.
And now, in an attempt to maintain some semblance of fair and balanced reporting...
I was struck, listening to Nigel Farage, that his defense of democracy and retention of historical sovereignty by EU member states seems somewhat akin to your stated belief that size, at least in politics, truly does matter.
Molineux lost me with his 9/11 diatribe. Psycho-babble...
...So, rockpicker. Maybe NASA will enlist the help of the not-life-as-we-know-it microbes that they just announced today, to eat the Blue Plague inducing bacteria in the Gulf. Funny timing, ain't it?
Excuse me while I go lie down and pull the covers over my head...
From Belgium
You guys could always make a start by giving Texas back; probably just ahead of Mexico getting swallowed into the combine harvester of history. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Amero's introduction coincided with the Euro’s demise.
Hey, Belgium,
How's the weather over there? Like Freeacre has indicated, winter arrived more than a month early this year. No small system, but ongoing cold and snow. I have tomatoes frozen on the vine in my planter.
Can anyone verify reports of the Gulf Stream's demise? Not much info out there, but Rense is carrying stories by Deborah Dupre and Florida Oil Spill Law concerning toxic effects of oil and dispersants on sea life and humans. Now there are reports that BP has unleashed a genetically-engineered bacterium that feeds on hydrocarbons and belongs to the same family of pathogens responsible for such gifts to mankind as the plague, cholera, salmonella and E coli, among others.
As with the economic collapse, this ecological disaster is global in scope and appears to be premeditated. Rational, cognizant
beings must see these events for what they are, attacks by a foolhardy elite against systems that sustain millions on the planet. These perps are scum and need to be dealt with as such.
In an e-mail to Jeff Rense, Patty Doyle says the UN is blaming the cholera in Haiti on global warming. She doesn't mention that one of the bacterium strains engineered to create "Syntholeispirea Gulfmexicana", the oil-eating strain, came from the south Pacific. The other strain came from Antarctica. Here are links. You can make your own connections.
I am ready, Belgium. Just waiting for the signal...
From Belgium
Yeh I am ready too but for exactly what is hard to tell. When the time comes I will be counted. Haven’t read the articles yet, will catch them tomorrow morning for sure. But how can you be ready for bacteria and would you trust the vaccine. Bio warfare is hard to take in because those that unleash it have to be protected but not only those but also the famous half a billion that are needed to maintain infrastructure. If it was like this wouldn’t the word tend to get out?
Weather here is cold. Winter came early and suddenly. About a week to a week and a half ago it suddenly turned cold. We have had some snow but not very deep. Day temps have been around 23 – 32 F, nights have been down to about 15F. A couple of nights ago it was reported there was a wind chill down to - 4F but I stayed in bed with two down quilts on the bed. I have heard the Gulf Stream is slowing down but it was only anecdotal, nothing scientific from my end anyway.
Here is a little peculiarity of the law in Belgium. Everybody who lives in a dwelling that has ground floor frontage, that is a house or a ground floor flat is responsible for keeping the pavement in front of their place clear of snow. If you don’t and someone falls over and gets hurts then they can knock on the front door, say they were injured through your negligence and swap names and addresses just like a traffic accident. Funnily enough the local police station doesn’t seem to bother with these niceties.
Here's a link to a radio show you can just put on and listen to. Like the speaker says, he lives on the Gulf coast and even his neighbors dismiss what he tells them. If it isn't on the boob tube, it can't be real. The US government is telling people the fish is safe to eat, oil's gone, everything's getting back to normal.
And animated flow charts of the Gulf Stream suggest that current has been effectively 'dispersed' somewhere west of Ireland.
And now, that link:
Gotta see this...
wv=subcabl (under it's thumb?)
Well, Rockpicker, it looks to me like Alex Jones is right about this one. But, WHY?
On my darkest days, I would speculate that there are two reasons. The first is to funnel as much money as is humanly possible into their own pockets to pay for a ticket to the first tier, which would be an off-world base to survive a cosmic disaster that they know is coming. Or, since there is only so much room in that direction, the second tier elites would head into their underground bunkers.
The rest of us peasants would be so impoverished and distracted, that we would be unable to get our shit together and form any sort of meaningful resistance or do much of anything to survive whatever the event is (natural or engineered)that will cause the die off. Then the elites emerge and think they will continue on.
The flaw in their thinking, though, is that we are all going to die. Even them. Personally, I would like to die knowing that I lived a life worthy of the great gift of life on this planet, rather than knowing that I was a scumbag of cosmic proportions.
If there is any justice at all in the Universe, I think that in the long run, it will prevail. I don't think Mother Nature takes kindly to those who blow their human incarnation. So they may just end up in their next life sucking up scum from a toxic pond or eating shit as a dung beetle.
I gotta believe that in the end, we all will reap what we have sown.
Have you heard Sen. Bernie Sanders' speech on the war on the middle class yet? He pretty much says it all.
This has got to go viral.
JP Morgan silver manipulation explained:
modern magic...
It is a slow day in a damp little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner
gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel. The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the pub. The publican slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing
hard times and has had to offer him "services" on credit. The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note. The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money,
and leaves town.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how the bailout package works.
yeah p, even i can grok that one, and heres one to toast to even though it is really stupidly
rockpicker, yep and this one is with the idea also.
murph what is wrong with this idea of reducing the banks to dust by buying silver, i just don't get it!
A sign of the times. A big Lowes store ( like Home Depot )that was first opened little more than a couple of years ago near our home just closed permanently and very suddenly. The workers got word on a late Sunday about the closure which occurred the next day. Even the town did not find out about it until the signs on the store started coming down. Lots of commercial real estate closed or closing around here.
As I understand it, may be wrong of course, is that the major banks have oversold stocks of precious metals, including silver. That means, if the demand for the real stuff goes way up, the banks can't meet the demand and are insolvent because the stock of silver wouldn't be sufficient to meet the demand. I rather imagine that they have a contingency plan for this. Bank holidays and limits on taking possession of the silver would come down. These people aren't stupid, just greedy.
quote of the day:
"The Israeli Lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties, and the White House. This kind of talk will get people fired by this lobby, as we have seen recently with White House correspondent Helen Thomas and CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." -Wayne Madsen
Murph, They may not be stupid, and their greed is without question, but the biggest factor in their favor is our own capitulation.
When we, as one, rise and discard individual yokes, insist on arrests and courts committed to justice, their few hired guns will abandon them to their earned and pathetic fates.
excellent post, thank goodness for the Trout Clan Campfire! Apropos activism, here is a quote from Thomas Merton:
"...there is a contemporary form of violence to which the idealist fighting for peace by nonviolent methods most easily succumbs: activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of
its innate violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to
To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence."
and thus a form of self-abuse. in the healin' bid'ness i'm familar with this is called going past one's self and is considered a form of denial.
Wow, awesome post. Glad to say I am doing many of these things already OR moving toward them. Thanks for the refresher - I'll be sharing this post with friends and family.
Thanks, Charles and Alana! Nice to have you with us!
I went out today and bought 3 pre-1964 silver dollars at the pawn shop, since I had a little left over from the social security check. Not certain that it will topple J.P. Morgan, but it was satisfying to use government money to buy something that will hopefully keep up with inflation, at least. Not investment advise - just entertainment advise. Maybe I'll buy one every month! Ha!
With spineless Obama doing his duty to serve the Republicans and line the pockets of the ultra rich with more " direly needed " tax breaks for the elites, the foggy memory of that little incident of the Macondo Oil Well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico is not something on most US citizens minds these days, as the powers that be wish for and design it to be.
The massive environmental problems created by this gusher have not gone away at all ( in fact their getting much worse ). Read the information at this link to learn the vast scale of this growing predicament for the gulf, and even perhaps for the larger ocean waters themselves.
A Special Report : The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind........
Thanks for bringing this up, and for the link. Here are two more links that go along with this. What's going on in the Gulf should be front-page headlines.
Apparently, BP has introduced 'Synthia' to the waters of the Gulf, with no public debate and no oversight. This is a crime against humanity, and humankind needs to address this in the world court.
Also. Deborah Dupre has been writing articles about the Gulf all summer, and she has an interesting take on the wikileaks affair, and how it is diverting attention away from more important topics.
And as long as we're talking about diversionary tactics, this piece discusses perhaps the real reason Assange is garnering all the headlines. This is must-read, save-to-file stuff here.
"Ben Shalom Bernanke is wanted for violating the United States Constitution, committing acts of financial terrorism and crimes against humanity. As a leading member of the Global Banking Cartel, he is considered a highly dangerous enemy combatant. Citizens of the United States hereby demand that he be properly detained under the laws and customs of war.
Read More Great articles at ampedstatus.com"
from: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
By David DeGraw at ampedstatus.com
"As America sinks deeper into a militarized police state, society begins to parallel more and more aspects of Nazi Germany and other historical dictatorships, especially in the context of citizens being turned against each other, which in turn creates a climate of fear and the constraining sense that one is always being watched.
One common misconception about Nazi Germany was that the police state was solely a creation of the authorities and that the citizens were merely victims. On the contrary, Gestapo files show that 80% of all Gestapo investigations were started in response to information provided by denunciations by “ordinary” Germans.
“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors,” wrote Robert Gellately of Florida State University.
Now the federal government is urging Americans to “denounce” each other at Wal-Mart. Are we seeing the beginnings of President Barack Obama’s promised “civilian national security force” that would be just as powerful and well funded as the US military?"
from: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
They are few. We are many. It only works if we follow the rules...
THEY have come knocking on my door.
I thought they always came as two. For me it was just one. I guess i am of minor interest
Who came knocking, and who is this? Also, might want to move on to the next post.
Thanks for the great post. I just wanted to say thanks for the words.
I wish you both a Merry Christmas in the pagan style of our ancient ancestors. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is our Earth and you add to it.
Beautiful and wise words from a lovely lady. You are the mother of my heart in so many ways. I can't tell you how good it is to hear such reassuring SANITY and CALM DETERMINATION as this.
THIS is how you "ride the slide." Do what you can to prepare, keep alert, make friends, take care of one another-- everything you said here I must applaud.
Its not about extremes.
So often people act like you can either ignore potential jeopardy OR you can be some paranoid panicked person. Black and white with no gray in-between. Well, that duality consciousness screws everybody. Sometimes the answer is not yes or no, but maybe. Find the middle and embrace what comes like a stubborn bitch. Because surrender isn't an option, people.
Comparing notes on possible scenarios is not paranoia, its mental exercise. Its using imagination to try to understand what things are more likely to happen over others so as to direct resources more intelligently as you go. This used to be called "prudence" and was a virtue that every admired person practiced. Now its crazy? Something is wrong here.
Things WILL fall apart. The old normal is never returning. Too many points-of-no-return have been passed. Prudence means finding ways to ride the slide down as comfortably as possible. No shame in that. And someday a new normal will come. It won't be today's normal-- but I'm betting we won't be complaining half as much about life as we do now. Just a feeling.
I wrote this down somewhere a few years ago:
No need to panic when the shit hits the fan
Just ride the slide the best that you can
Oh-- AND???
That photo of food made me salivate so bad I had to stop everything and get something to eat!!
YUMMY! Its a good thing just looking and imagining food doesn't give us calories!
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