from Murph
In the last number of months, there is an overload of articles in printed material and digital stuff on the internet describing some problem and who to blame for it. Many of these are excellently written, good analysis in a prose that is easily digestible.
Which raises again the question in my mind, “Are institutions, governments and businesses a reflection of involvement and agendas of the general population, or is the population a reflecting the businesses, institutions and governments agendas?” I suspect that the preponderance is located at the institutions reflecting the agendas of the citizenry. If we had had vast citizen involvement from the git go, even our constitution would be different than it is now. Most of our country's citizen involvement in decision making is by small fractional groups with their own agendas and has nothing to do with national consensus. When the decision was made to switch to a strong central government instead of a Federation of States, much of the debate on this issue was done behind closed doors with little non elite input into the process, and the few non elites that did take part left in disgust and they sure didn’t sign it. The infant propaganda machine went into overdrive at the time to convince the various states to ratify the new document, and at the state level, there again, was little input from the non elites of the time. So, we ended up with what we now have as a covenant between the citizens and a strong central government. Even the preamble to the constitution was thrown in as a piece of sarcasm to placate the masses, (We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America), and how the Bill Of Rights was worded in such a way as to be able to bypass any legitimate intent of them. Notice how the Bill of Right’s statements are constantly being challenged and bypassed today.
As in any discussion of these issues, we have the problem of talking about what to do about the perceived problems. Arguments over ideas to cure the problems abound. Take a look at all that is written and discussed concerning energy. The plethora of cures is incredible, from the fantastic woo woo stuff to the far more practical consideration. So, someone concerned about this issue begins to wade through all the information they can find on this issue. I’ve spent considerable time on it, probably incomplete, but I have spent time looking at this information. The whole topic seems to want to revolve around a concept we call GREEN ENERGY or sustainable energy, (for the most part an oxymoron, similar to "sustainable growth"), in an attempt to supply substitute sources of energy for what we call fossil energy so that we can continue society in the same paradigm as we do presently, free use and very consumptive use of energy from whatever source. I have concluded this is another financial scam and bubble. It ain’t gonna fly. Your conclusion may be different. This does not take into consideration the concept of abiotic energy sources of which I cannot find absolute and uncontroversial support of it. Plus, even if true, I can find no information concerning field refreshment rate. It is alleged that if we have the technology to extract oil from extreme depths., there is a never ending supply. I haven’t seen financial figure on the cost of that technology yet either. We do know that oil extraction from deep sea reservoirs is very costly and has a good probability of screwing up the environment, ie. the Gulf disaster. I have also seen what seems to me to be ample evidence the natural gas extraction by “fracking” is of enormous detriment to the environment on multiple fronts. So much for technology trying to solve the energy problem and is instead producing other expensive, multiple and severe problems for human life.
So, after that little overview on the energy problem, what is to be done? It appears that trying to change how things are done by working within the system, public demonstrations, and voting, are mostly ineffectual. If that worked, we would not be where we are. The SYSTEM has just about everything locked up to prevent really mass support for anything. The SYSTEM has managed to fragment this society to an extreme degree, thus preventing consensus on any issue. This was done with full intent and malicious forethought. The old "divide and conquer" concept. There is no way that I can see where the general public can be made aware of what is/has been done to them at this time and most of that kind of information would be rejected by most people anyway. The only means I see to have significant change of some kind is for so huge a proportion of the populations in abject misery and hopelessness that they unite against the SYSTEM: that is called a revolution. Even if that takes place, a demi god will likely appear, representing the elites of course, to make “changes we can believe in” and there will be a shuffling of the power seating chairs and personnel and we will have some form of extreme control established over our lives anyway. Remember Napoleon after the French revolution or our own from English rule for that matter. We immediately stepped into a hierarchical form of government, with Washington at the head, an elitist if there ever was one.
In my opinion, until the mass of people realize that the elites ARE the problem, the essentials will not change. Otherwise, we will just go through the old shuck and jive that we have been subjected to for generations, with a few bones thrown over their shoulder to pacify the dissenters.
Is this change in perception likely to happen? Again, in my opinion, I am not optimistic about it. Not that I think it is 0% probable, just not very high probability. Of course that is a rather fluid dynamic and so some miraculous situational change could take place, principally in people’s attitudes about elite control of their lives. Around this, we have the predictions that this change is about to take place. Stay tuned, the universe may wink at us again.
That brings me back again to the title of this post. In my view of how things work, until a significant mass of humans do have this rather extreme change in perceptions, nothing will change for the better. The vast amount of humans on this planet will still be subject to exploitation, abuse, manipulation and torture to enrich the elite classes. I’m sure you have heard the defense of the elites and their vast wealth. It seems to center on the idea that they are the ones that supply jobs for us all to survive on. It is a bull shit argument, in my opinion, and hardly worth replying to. My god, whole societies have existed for thousands of years without that kind of wealth focus. Of course, the European mindset has wiped out most of these societies over a long periods of time and the non Europeans starting in pre biblical periods to the best of our written records. The whole top down hierarchy (coupled with patrimony) with the elites at the top is not a new idea, it is very old, and I suspect started with formalized religion, although I recognize that could be contested.
You may ask why I would write a post that is so general and broad, an overview. There is so much detailed information out there on any subject, masses of books written on any given subject, essays and commentaries abound, that my diving into any of these issues with a micro view is self defeating. I have a tendency to want to look at the macro view anyway. It gives me more information that has the potential to get myself and other people through the bad times that are coming by figuring what the bad times probably will look like instead of a complete focus on a single issue.
So I periodically put up posts of this nature hoping that someone new will read it and the following comments, so that those that have not been exposed to such thoughts before just might say “Eureka I get it!” and begin to investigate to determine validity. If you can stand the heat, keep holding the mirror up to peoples faces, some of them will get it. And of course, heat you will get. People have a fantastic ability to deny a reality that contradicts what they prefer to see and believe and often violently. Invariably, these perceptions and beliefs are to their own and most other peoples disadvantage. Sort of like the destruction and burning of the library of Alexandria, again, instituted and propagated by the elites of the time.
Archeologists are constantly turning up evidence of complex and large civilizations that have existed before the Sumerians, pre biblical stuff. It seems that our concepts of linear progression of human beings needs to be revised, and our whole time scale of events appears to be flawed. Of course these revelations tend to be viewed with derision by the biblical fundamentalists. Instead, for some reason I simply cannot comprehend, they like viewing god as the great trickster tempting us away from the faith. I am completely befuddled as to why god would do that, but whatever….. And here I thought Satan was the great trickster and tempter, ie. Taylor Caldwell, (sighing). Perhaps these folks just became a bit confused about who to blame. I find it rather amazing how politics and religion are so much the same. The strict adherence to a doctrine and ideology in the face of contradictory evidence, historically and immediate. Ok Palooka, back in the saddle on the horse of denial.
Charles Smith has two excellent articles pointing out the contradictions and hypocrisy of the liberal and conservative doctrines and ideology in his last two posts. Have to get to the archives from this month to see the first one. And, of course, there are volumes written concerning the hypocrisy and contradictions in religious doctrine. All of which point out the state of denial concerning the reality with which we are surrounded. Of course, as expected, when these points are made to adherents of such doctrines, they are vehemently denied and sometimes violently. Bringing into focus the famous line, "You can't handle the truth". And, of course, the field of what we call "science" gets mixed up in all of this too. Instead of "science" discovering and explaining the complexity of our lives and environments, it all to often creates complexity to prove an assertion.
I am going to presume this post might stimulate a bunch of links and comments on the subject. Go for it. Somebody new may just stumble across this little blog site and gain some insights.
I found a recent comment you made in the spam box and had it reinserted in the comments of the last post.
Well, this is sort of off topic, My Dear, but we are being bombarded at this time with unusual rays from the sun. George Ure featured it on his site this morning. Here's an excerpt:
The story today comes from South Africa where people are seen as being at higher risk than most, from exposure to solar (and other) rays when the Earth's magnetosphere thins. As it's doing right now from a recent solar flare.
And what might cause more of such things? Well, how about a proton-event on the Sun? Different from the normal "solar flare" worry,
:Issued: 2011 Mar 08 0920 UTC
--------------------------------------------------------------------# # FAST WARNING 'PRESTO' MESSAGE from the SIDC (RWC-Belgium) # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# A proton event is ongoing. It originates from a long duration flare M3.7 that occurred yesterday evening in NOAA AR 11164 around 20h01. The CME associated with this event was seen in SOHO/LASCO and STEREO-B/COR2. It is not directed straight towards Earth, but we can expect a glancing blow to hit Earth around March 10th. With three beta-gamma-delta regions on the solar disk at the moment, we can expect more flaring activity in the coming hours.
Not the usual fare for an economics-oriented site, but no people, no trading is the problem here. And since Clif's got all that Sun Disease talk, let me stitch-in the sensitivity of humans to longer wavelength infrared light...
...And then ask you to notice the reports this morning, coincidentally or in synch-winky fashion, that up to 2.4% of the world is bipolar and it's vastly under-treated.
I guess the long-term study question (hard to quantify perhaps?) might be posed this way: "Is there a long-term increase in bi-polar (and ADD/ADHD while we're at it) and, if so, is it correlated in a meaningful way to the thinning of the ozone layer which results in changed actinic propagation, which in turn, might screw up human's DNA pass-through's via disruption of ancient biophotonic environmental averages?"
Hard question to wrap your head around, but it does sort of fall out of the data when heaped up just so....."
Like Roseanne Rossanna Danna used to say, "It's ALWAYS something!" Of course, we could always use the excuse that "the sun made me do it!" to replace "the devil made me do it" and avoid taking responsibility for our dumbass decisions. But, it doesn't hurt to consider one more aspect of what may be disabling our decision - making process.
this sounds pretty serious, as well
Exactly, Murph. Great stuff. I too don't see a mass uprising of Murikans revolting against the elite. "People have a fantastic ability to deny a reality that contradicts what they prefer to see and believe and often violently." -even when it's six inches in front of their faces!
Most people I know and have met want, need or just HAVE TO follow someone or some thing. Why they can't control their own lives is beyond me. If indeed we have reached peak oil, the elite will lose a lot of power over the sheeple. A lot of this country will go more and more local.
Anyway, this morning I click on Carolyn Baker's site, right, and one of the latest articles is titled,
"People of The Earth, Prepare For Economic Disaster"
DANG! I love the smell of DOOM in the morning....
smells like....
Oh, and yummy-looking salad there Murph. This past weekend I pulled out a bag of frozen tomatoes -YELLOW tomatoes from our garden -and put them in the processor and shezam! Yellow spaghetti sause. It tasted great, but when I put other things in it like mushrooms, black olives, onions, etc., my wife thought it looked like hurl. Like I blew "chunks" and heated it up in a pot.
Mmmmmm...yummeee hurl.
Went to Carolyn's site and the article you referenced is something else. Nothing new said there, but more details of just how bad it might be, and soon. I have been seeing more and more of these kinds of articles, including my own stuff, outlining all the shit that is coming at us in condensed form.
The biggest question for me is how long can the PTB drag this out while they continue looting everything that isn't nailed down. Hell man, I figured this whole shit pile would hit the fan a long time ago and the elites keep pulling rabbits out of the hat and disconnecting the power from the fan.
I read a lot of the stats that the govt puts out on a regular basis proving that the recession has ended and we are recovering financially. I don't believe 90% of it is real and just maybe, maybe mind you, 10% MAY be true.
I hope you don't mind my using your great "we are so doomed" statement. lol
Long time reader, first time to post.
Just watched this interview and thought it should be passed along. Can't believe what is going on in this country. Like was mentioned in interview, it's been planned for thirty years. Lets see, that goes back to reagan.
the Bexar
Speaking of economic disaster,...just watched the Oscar winning documentary film, narrated by Matt Damon, "Inside Job". The guilty faces and coniving greedy mindsets seen in this film were very familiar yet the overall impact of the film was that it left me thinking damn it really is all intentional and definately planned and certainly worse now than it ever was. Wall street is running everything. With all the other distractions, these creeps now have me looking at everything connected as rotten. mrsp
p.s. I loved michael moore's speech last sat in Madison, Wisconsin.
"wall street is running everything" this I mean...everything. Not just the everything we thought but everyone. All the bad guys are in charge of everything that matters and they're so happy about frauding us while they snort their drugs and cheat on their wives.
I can't look at a 3 piece suit ever again without wanting to hurl.
mrs p
Many years ago...back in the 50's my dad said...Wall street is so rigged...smoke and mirrors. And I've always thought that. Pretty much knew I was a debt slave most of my life and just accepted it. But when you see the bad guys laughing at you and dripping in extreme wealth while millions loose their homes you just want to see their heads on a platter. Americans should impeach them all.
wv: loached
mrs p
Hey, Bexar, thanks for the comment! It is SO nice to hear from someone who has been a reader but whom, until now, has been unidentified. Would be interested in where you live or any other details you might be willing to share. That link to Maddow and Kline revealing the latest atrocity of the corp world government takeover is just outrageous! Frightening, actually, to me. George Ure postulates that it is an example of going back to the City State model of governance... Rahm Emmanual - the "Viceroy" of Greater Chicago, for instance. The Chamber of Commerce/Corporate and Finance Swine are methodically dismantling everything we have fought and died to protect. Combine that with the Obama announcement lately that he can detain prisoners in Gitmo for life even if they have been acquitted of any crime, is mind-boggling! It's like we are living in a Phillip K. Dick science fiction novel.
I dream of succession. I want to live in the land of Cascadia - home of the free.
mrs.p - I hurl with you.
Time once again to listen to Mario Savio.
We need to through our bodies into the gears and stop this fucking machine.
Here's Chris Hedges:
"The global economy is built on the erroneous belief that the marketplace—read human greed—should dictate human behavior and that economies can expand eternally. Globalism works under the assumption that the ecosystem can continue to be battered by massive carbon emissions without major consequences. And the engine of global economic expansion is based on the assurance that there will always be plentiful and cheap oil. The inability to confront simple truths about human nature and the natural world leaves the elites unable to articulate new social, economic and political paradigms. They look only for ways to perpetuate a dying system. Thomas Friedman and the array of other propagandists for globalization make as much sense as Charlie Sheen. Globalization is the modern articulation of the ancient ideology used by past elites to turn citizens into serfs and the natural world into a wasteland for profit. Nothing to these elites is sacred. Human beings and the natural world are exploited until exhaustion or collapse. The elites make no pretense of defending the common good. It is, in short, the defeat of rational thought and the death of humanism. The march toward self-annihilation has already obliterated 90 percent of the large fish in the oceans and wiped out half of the mature tropical forests, the lungs of the planet. At this rate by 2030 only 10 percent of the Earth’s tropical forests will remain. Contaminated water kills 25,000 people every day around the globe, and each year some 20 million children are impaired by malnourishment. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now above the 350 parts per million that most climate scientists warn is the maximum level for sustaining life as we know it. [Editor’s note: The preceding sentence has been revised since this article was first published here.] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that the measurement could reach 541 to 970 ppm by 2100. At that point huge parts of the planet, beset with overpopulation, droughts, soil erosion, freak storms, massive crop failures and rising sea levels, will be unfit for human existence."
-from 'This Time We're Taking The Whole Planet With Us'
On Libya, as was said before, we are about to be required to choose sides. Do we support the lie the West is promoting, that the rebels are liberation fighters engaged in a struggle for democratic freedom? Or do we support the dictator, who until recently, was the Rothschild's man in Tripoli?
Clearly Wall Street and City of London banksters don't give a rat's ass about teeming masses yearning to breathe free. It's all about power: oil and money. Once the oil has been secured, the people of Libya will find themselves saddled with yet another strongman puppet. Guaranteed.
A no-fly zone is a euphemism for WAR. Gives the West authority to bomb ground installations, and more. Just the next step in the unending war George Bush promised us.
Mrs. P, I'm glad that film made so powerful an impact on you. We're hoping to see it soon. Library just brought it in.
I think the consciousness of the planet is rising. I think the blind are beginning to see, the willfully ignorant are starting to follow the money. The innocent grow skeptical. Skeptics become cynics.
Proponents of the NWO rub their hands in glee, anticipating the chaos they assume will ensue. The challenge of the truly enlightened ones will be to say no calmly and forcefully, in an orderly, masterful assertion of our divine rights as children of the light.
Ha! -yeah, Murph, "DOOM" is the word, man.
And maybe pretty soon, all will know of it. Doom might slap the sheeple awake from their Prozac induced Hilton, Loland, Idol, Housewives, Berber, Sheen, BradJolina, Survior, Dancing..., Palin stupor. But since the average IQ of the sheeple is somewhat closer to George W. Bush's IQ, they'll probably be dumbfounded with a "Where the fuck are my goddamn Chicken McNuggets?!" look on their faces.
Somebody put a fork in this country -it's done!
Have I been spammed?
Yup you were spammed. Put up your comment as you can see. Sheesh, I sure wish I understood the algorithm used to determine spam on Bloggspot.
LOL W V wowlike
That link you put up has my jaw on the floor my eyes blinking like mad, and feel an urge to wear diapers over it. Hard to believe. Wonder if Mich residents will rise up in justified rage. Probably not, at least not yet. Talk about unabashed open power grabs, insanity put out for everyone to see.
And, oh yes, the acceleration of this shit can be traced right back to Regan, not that it wasn't happening before him, but he sure as hell legalized it and stepped it up 100 fold. "shining city on the hill" indeed.
I frequently get into arguments with the "Reagan was god" groups. Am now taking the stance that it is useless to talk with these nut cases. Counter arguments simply don't cut it with them. Now, all I do is ask them questions, like "what is your data?", and "who told you that?" and "what was your source?" and "have you seen this data?" Depending on who it is, I sometimes ask, "are you insane?", or "who is your therapist?" or "are you off your meds?".
I am now gravitating to the position that these people don't have the slightest idea about what is truly happening around them and that any valid argument that they may have had is now swallowed up in ideology that is so flawed that it isn't worth fighting with them about. Not all of course, but I find most of the people that take on this ideology are fairly wealthy, or at least well off.
Some time ago, (I wrote about it here) I had one of these suckers actually threaten me with armed invasion if things got really tough and he needed food. I figuratively told him it wouldn't be easy to accomplish and probably wouldn't work, at least with me.
I live in an area with the highest percentage of the population (it is mostly rural)that have concealed weapons permits of anywhere in the state. I got to admit that I don't personally know more than 4-5 people that claim they don't have weapons in the house. This might turn out to be a pretty tough area to screw around with.
Some of the people that scare the hell out of me are the fundies in any community in this country. Those people I really do consider as being nutsoid,unstable people with so little idea about history and today's events as to be outright dangerous.
Sigh I just know that my rants are going to get me into problems.
LOL W V sadde
Murph, I would guess the problem has less to do with algorithms than humint monitoring.
Bitching about the products of the machine, in so far as the bitching focuses on output, is anticipated and will be allowed.
Bitching that focuses attention on the engineering blueprints, (exposed vulnerabilities,) of the machinery itself is not permitted.
We can only hope the people of Michigan will respond to their Governor's audacity with a loud, collective "Fuck You!"
Meanwhile, from Maine, via Cryptogon, we hear:
Lead on, McDuff...
wv= ingets
Even if I don't agree with everything you write, I enjoy reading your blogs and rants.
It seems to me that no matter which group of elites falls through a rebellion, coup, revolution, or an election, a new elite emerges.
The Russian Revolution never saw the "permanent revolution" that Trotsky advocated. Trotsky fled to Mexico and Stalin saw to it that he died there. By the time "Uncle Joe" died, a Soviet elite, the "nomenklatura" had emerged in Moscow.
Mao's China was no different and, despite the lip service to Marxist-Leninist ideals today, China has joined the world's powerful elites in exploring markets, making money, and bolstering its military.
Third World countries, especially former colonial ones, have undergone one regime change after another. These changes have often been encouraged and even supported in diverse ways by those wealthier Western and also now Asian countries that want to ensure that they will continue to have access to the raw materials such as oil, minerals, etc.
Ironically, we hear the usual platitudes about promoting and preserving freedom and democracy in the countries, particularly when it is in "our" interests.
Instead of "permanent revolution," the U.S. seems to have followed a course of "permanent warfare" since WWII. Remember the "Domino Theory"? Now it's the "War on Terror." But hasn't it really been about protecting financial interests and influence?
For example, after the G. W. Bush administration bamboozled Congress into supporting the invasion of Iraq, who benefitted in the end? The Iraqis? Is that why so many Iraqis are living in exile worldwide? Yes, Hussein and family are gone and some areas have seen a bit more peace and stability, but benefitted the MOST? From my perspective Halliburton and its subsidiaries--not to mention its shareholders--probably take that prize.
Where will the next venture in the name of freedom and democracy take us? I'd wager Africa where a kind of neo-colonialism has been underway since the old colonial powers reluctantly handed the reigns to emerging tribal elites while still raking in the money by tapping the natural resources.
First the Soviets and then the Chinese saw the opportunity early on--supposedly for ideological purposes, but newer, wealthy emerging countries are also jumping on the band wagon. The U.S. initially gave up on this venture during the 1960s and 1970s, but are now trying to counter Chinese influence in especially the oil producing countries.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee representatives of plutocracy in Washington can preach freedom and democracy until the cows come home, but we know what it's really about.
I've reached an age in which I prefer to observe the inevitable and not tear out the remaining strands of out of my already bald pate. Shakespeare and others have already told the stories.
I read a review recently
of Stephen Bradley's book, In Greed We Trust: Capitalism Gone Astray. (See: and have added it to my "must read" list.
Ray-gun is mentioned quite a few times in the timelines of the film,
Inside's the trailer by Sony. It's self-explanitory. mrsp
Thanks freeacre for the moral support on've been cued up for a long time with your sharp radar for B.S. detection. Damn aren't we all so patient.
We are most certainly teetering on the brink of many calamities. You know millions of Americans WOULD be in the streets if they were only informed. Look at Madison, Wisconsin, (3 wks out in that weather?) with your kids, etc. Those are some P.O.'d people. Americans are getting and will get angry, hungry when the time is right...I liked what RP said about that...we have to be cool headed and intelligent about it...not Planet of the Apes self destruct.
On Gitmo: Can you really hold somebody indefinately if you have no evidence? Mr. Constitutional lawyer??? How are we different from the Chinese gov? or the Head-Chopping Saudis? All hell is upturning around the world and Good--(fair, just and reasonable) is dancing with Evil--(backwards, anal and ignorant). Evil can't dance it just squirms. There are Madison, Wisconsin's everywhere!
mrs p
and p.s. Wow what a scrumcious great looking "Shrimp Louie". You always make us hungry! Love you.
I spent more than 5 years in the ME, a majority of it in Saudi Arabia -or what we liked to call, "The Wild Kingdom."
Every Friday they'd conduct the beheadings downtown in a large square we called, "Chop-Chop Square."
Well, a few of the psychos (Mercs) I worked with went down to "Chop-Chop Square" on the Fridays that they announced the crimes and those to be punished. They'd always try to get as many to go as possible saying, "Come on with us to "Chop-Chop Square," man. They're having a double-header."
Sick bastards.
The Bankster Bash
'they took their cue
from Pennsylvania avenue.'
"Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like, This is what Democracy Looks like."
Bankster Bash lol neat tune. Take-off of old 60's tune Monster Bash.
Went to that second site you posted. I'm not so sure that is what Democracy actually looks like, need, or should look like. I doubt they were successful. Heard anything about the results? Nice thought though.
Good to hear from you, cygnus3f2. If we all agreed on everything, we'd be like talking to ourselves, rather than talking amongst ourselves. I try to remain calm, but I utterly fail. These mutants keep coming up with even more heinous crap than I at my most gloomy cannot imagine. Ever since Central Banking, the elites create the wars, and make money selling arms to both sides. And declare emergencies and crisis that demand "sacrifices" from the working class, while they line their pockets. We never even hear anything anymore about the mercenaries still in the Middle East. Not a word.
Nor is there any Swine flu this year, now that Rumsfeld got rid of that batch of Baxter's that was due to expire last year.
I think the rebellion in Libya will be quelled in order to preserve the royal family's grip on Saudi Arabia. All this going on and there is not a word among the pundits that maybe it's time to seriously conserve oil. Like, how much do we really need? What if we stopped using up so much of it importing stuff from all over the globe? How about if we manufactured our own products and traded it among ourselves? Oh, hell no!
How 'bout if the States start their own banks? How 'bout if the Feds began to print our own money again? Right there we'd save bizzillions of dollars and be on the road to sanity. Ahh, shit, they'd probably figure a way to fuck that up, too...
I didn't know you were in the ME, Randy. Damn, Man. That must have been rough.
MAP 8.8 2011/03/11 05:46:24 38.322 142.369 24.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
We have a kid on Kauai, so we're up, monitoring the Hawaii news stations.
They just announced a tsunami warning for the entire west coast of north America. Mrs. P, this means you.
damn! aerial views of the tsunami in japan are just flat out terrifying!! 8.9 followed by dozens of 5's and 6's and still shakin. shallow... 20 - 35 km.
keep us posted on your kid rp... p
Well, it's official. Our spineless, asswipe, dickweed of a governer just signed the legislative secrecy law yesterday. He said he just had to 'cause, you know, he just loves and wants to provide for his constituents. His constituents meaning his filthy rich, asswipe friends who provide him with hookers, drugs and money.
I just want to screem! But, I gotta give credit to our paper, the Salt Lake Tribune. They went down fighting. They printed two huge full page ads this past week condemming this bill. And, the ad was partially paid for by a butt-load of other organizations in the state. There were huge demonstrations at the capitol and...
... yeah, right. Like that did a whole lot of good.
it passed and was signed into law. Man, talk about giving the finger to the people! And this is on the heals of doubling the sales tax on food, a law allowing people to blast any stray animals that wonder into your yard -oh, and they spent millions of dollars and hour upon hours of time debating the new state gun and having a state holiday -"Browning Day." Ishityounot!
If this isn't proof enough that we live in a country where the corporations rule (via assclowns they put in office), man, I don't know what is.
Maybe we'll get lucky, Randy, and the Rapture will really finally happen. Then we can all watch with pleasure as the pod people ascend into the air and away from the rest of us. Yeah, like that will happen. More likely, the Terra changes will be so severe that the diabolical plans of the financial/military/mercenary goons in suits will be disrupted. Read today's Urban Survival. Good links to Japanese news in English real time.
Half Past Human put up a prescient post up about increasing earthquakes and volcanoes just before the big one in Japan... Might be a good idea to have some lifejackets and a rubber raft, mrs. p.
This is going to be one hellofa year. Hope your kid is heading to high ground, rockpicker.
She's good. Thanks gang.
ps Randy, tell us again what that bill the gubernator signed into law?
This is from today's Salt Lake Tribune -not the opinion section, but front page.
Fucking bastards.
Checking out all of your thoughts and all that is happening around us with the world's increasingly troubled times for humanity. Its like continuous Tsunami waves battering away at the architecture of all societies. What can we really do about all of it? Nothing of real consequence but what little preps we can do to help us provide some means to carry on into this precarious future.
On a lighter note, I had a nice hike yesterday in the early springtime conditions down here in So Cal. Precious times of peace away from the ongoing world mayhem and doom. Mother Nature is powerful beyond anything we puny humans can do. What we destroy and screw up, she will repair, in time. Humans will eventually succumb to the rules and realities of the natural world.
The reckoning for our bad behavior was always inevitable. It was our fate to be living in the times of the beginning of this great unraveling. Oh well. Pass the popcorn and try to stay sane and grounded since there will be lots of people we care about around us who will need our help in various ways as these great events of our time unfold.
Appreciated reading all of your comments.
PS, Obama is on the tube telling his Lullaby Story about how everything is just fine regarding the skyrocketing oil and gas prices occurring lately. Our leaders are such idiots!
Oh and that meal in your photo of Shrimp, Avocado, Grain and Salad looks just delicious :-)
10:02 AM post - HSW
eleven eleven
Solar wind
speed: 432.5 km/sec
density: 9.8 protons/cm3
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 1944 UT
from SpaceWeather
anybody see the aurora last night?
Randy, still not clear what the new legislation enables the legislators to get away with. Editorial didn't go into details, assuming readers already were familiar.
I tried buying potassium iodide tablets at the local pharmacy two days ago. Nope. Nobody stocks em anymore. No call for em. Gotta get em online. Hope the Japanese get that nuke plant cooled down pretty soon...
wv= haluo!!
Ah, sorry 'bout that -
Oh, and here's another doozie -
Pretty soon the Mormon Mafia will bring back Prohabition.
You may think that I'm a schemer, but I'm not the only one...
-Dick Cheney
wv= appol
OMG - I just watched several of the video links on the BBC News site on the destruction in Japan. Just beyond belief! Worse than Christchurch. Really terrible. It's so weird because usually they build everything so strong that earthquakes don't do a whole lot of damage, but THIS time - whoa! Those poor people. It's going to take awhile to recover from this one. Man!
They keep saying they don't know why this is happening. But, I can't help but note that these are all in conjunction with the solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun. Check out Clif High at HPH - I think he nailed it.
Yeah, I ordered iodine tablets, too, RP. Have them in the bug-out kit. Shit, if Hanford blows or the nuclear power plants, you never know what will be in the wind. Of course, if the forty cinder cones all around us spring to life, the radiation will pale in comparison to the hot rocks and lava. Good grief.
I think a pie is in order.
"They're operating on battery power now, and if they lose the batteries, they lose core cooling," Edwin Lyman, with the Union of Concerned Scientists, told the Monitor. He said the military is supposed to be bringing batteries to keep the backup cooling system operating to prevent the reactor's uranium core from overheating and melting.
(Let's hope they're EverReadies...)
wv= incessa (somebody shut me up)
Here is a current report from Rice Farmer who lives in Japan:
Earthquake and Ocean Tsunami Presage Economic Tsunami and Systemic Collapse
I think this is a noteworthy comment found on It's a sort of folk remedy when you need iodine to protect the thyroid due to radioactive fallout, but you don't have any. Not trying to scare anybody, but, just in case...
"karl says:
March 11, 2011 at 8:57 pm
A word of caution: Five reactors in Japan are leaking radiation. This will spread all over the globe. some of the very dangerous items are radioactive isotopes of iodine. Your body absorbs iodine from the environment when it needs it. Most people are deficient in iodine and are constantly absorbing iodine. Well you don't want to absorb the radioactive isotopes. The gov generally gives out potassium iodine tablets to people in fall out areas. Until the gov provides the potassium iodine tablets you can get a bottle of tincture of iodine from any drugstore. With the plastic wand that comes with the tincture of iodine, write your name on your arm. Your body will begin to absorb it right away. In 30 minutes if you cant see your name, write your name again, and again until your body takes 3 hrs to absorb the iodine. Do this for yourself and any kids you have. tincture of iodine is harmless and will provide the iodine your body with the iodine it needs. This is an old Ukrainian trick, learned from the Chernobyl mess. Do not delete this."
We've been taking "kelp tablets". You can probably get them in any drugstore. We buy ours at "Henry's Market"=(Wild Oats owned by Smart and Final). Hawaiians will need 1st? Devastating. 2012 is here now?
talk to your families, mrs p
P.S. WV was: ailing
that's weird. mrs p
new wv: repros
In my opinion, until the mass of people realize that the elites ARE the problem, the essentials will not change.
agreed. in spades!
but thats just the start. even if we took a poll and the results showed the vast majority of the masses had suddenly had an epiphany and 'got it' we'd still be left with the questions... why is this so and what the fuck do we do about it? what empowers the rise to elitedom? and why are those bastards so fucking greedy and hell bent on keeping it for themselves?
we can't regulate our way out of it. we tried that.
we can't revolt. we tried that too. and now we're so out-gunned it'd be a death sentence. which is what's happenin in libya right now. besides, it didn't change a damn thing in the end. we're right back where we've always been.
we can't vote it out cuz we keep votin em in. fuckin camillians, the bastards are. how dey do dat?
we can't sue the bastards cuz they own the courts. and even if ya could you'd never collect and they'd break ya tryin.
we can't even invent our way out of it... i looked in to charles's site. the man is hittin de nail on da head over der! the hyprocrasy of the masses. don't matter... progressive, conservative, liberal, right, left, green, libertarian, socialist, communist, jew, christian, allahan, buddhan, pagan, athiest, agnostic, friend, enemy, neighbor, self. self? ... every damn one of us is out to get ours and damn the neighbors. and the planet. but shhhhh... don't tell nobody. i don't wanna get caught. i jes wanna retire fat and happy... its the 'merican way ya know.
so wadda we do? its the damn system ain't it? gotta have a system. gov system, economy system, education system, health care system, retirement system, water system, sewer system, garbage system, praise god system, redemption system, energy system, protection system. and then the damn things turn on us and eat us alive. they get hijacked by one of those 'small fractional groups' murph referred to. how's it happen? this hijacking?
energy. yup, we got a problem. and i don't mean in the gas tank. or the light switch. or those nuke plants in japan. i mean we don't understand how the state energy is in plays into interactions and manifests what we call realities. worse, we don't even understand that we're energy to begin with. most don't anyway. or if they do they say... well, duh! so what?
science don't understand it but they'll tell you they do.
the new agers don't undertand it but they'll tell you they do
the free energy proponents know's its there but don't understand how it gets hijacked. they know it can and has been but they don't understand how to keep that from happenin.
energy is power. claim it and its personal power. subject to use or misuse. deny it and its subject to highjack. power is energy. denied power is energy snatched up by someone or something else like stink on shit. its not a question of magic or mystery. its magnetics. ever play with magnets?
protection system. oh ya, that one's a biggie. cuz we're all skerd shitless. hummmm..... but shhhhh... don't tell nobody. 'specially me... p
wv.. gyinede. purdy close to genocide. are we genocidin ourselves?
mrs p... thx for the tip. i'm writin on me feet... p
More on radiation and fall out - Steve Pizzo (news for real) just wrote a new post regarding including iodine tablets in your first aid kit and included this link:
It's a really good article, and it includes info on taking iodine and substitutes like Betadine. Let's hope it doesn't come to this..
Oh, there's a new post up on thealienproject.
This article says alot about what we are experiencing:
When Things Fall Apart
....In a nation increasingly diverging into hackneyed, hardened ideological camps whose sole goal behind their soaring rhetoric is defense of their own preferred cartel-State fiefdoms, clearly the center (common ground, common sense) is not holding....
A good interview with James Howard Kunstler discussing collapse issues:
The old American dream is a nightmare
.....You have a dissolving middle class watching their futures whirl around the drain, and an obscenely rich Wall Street banking class (abetted by a disgustingly bought-off political class) that has been allowed to evade the rule of law in running a set of ruinous financial rackets, swindles, and frauds, and this alone is, to me, a recipe for civil disorder. I'm amazed that the Hamptons have not yet been torched.
Here's another link to digest and ponder. It has been my fear, since I heard the news about the oil well blowout last spring, and subsequent reports through the summer and fall concerning ill health effects, that this event in the Gulf of Mexico is a game-changer, and has been treated by the msm with much less importance than it warrants.
Michael Edwards has written several pieces about the arsenic in the Gulf. Turns out there are three sources. Old poison gas canisters were dumped in the Gulf. Lewisite gas. Contains arsenic. Then, the crude itself has a certain percentage of arsenic in it. And, to top it off, Nalco's Corexit has arsenic in it. So some of the symptoms being reported by Gulf residents are due to arsenic exposure. BTW, arsenic levels Edwards has collected in 25 ft. of water in the Gulf were way above what officialdom says is safe.
Then, there is the synthetic life forms that eat the oil. Introduced into the environment without testing or approval. No democracy involved here. Just good ole boy 'Git 'er done' techno fascism, an' fuck all you liberal pussies; all you do is talk.
Great rant, P. What can we do?
As Clif High suggests in his second half doom-ain't-what-it-used-to-be piece, it's time to be vocal. Be not demure. Speak your heart, dissident whisper or bold slur. Let deference melt with the coming new year. Let us say, in clear terms, what it is that burns our collective ass. Let us stand
and register our complaint. If the rich write history, let the oppressed write songs. And let us sing, unanimous, of the many wrongs.
Murph, Could you check the spam folder again? Thanx.
kelp tabs on my feet? ha! now i see the iodine trick was FA, not mrs p.
fyi... found this doing search for nuc plants in cal...
... p
Yup, checked spam folder, comment by you and Freeacre in it. They have been published.
W V eorrin like in error?
Speaking of the Gulf, Japan, and associated earth change disasters, you might want to check out Dublinmick's last couple of posts:
Brie had another really rough day yesterday with seven seizures. I am wondering if there is some relationship with the fluctuations in the electromagnetic pulses from the sun.
wv: "flypang" Sounds good. Like some Asian flan or something. That reminds me - I made a sort of rice pudding with mango and coconut. Maybe I'll name it "Flypang."
Way to say nothing. One less trout around the campfire here.
As always, I enjoy catching up on all the comments here, in between trying to eke out a "living" in this dying paradigm, and doing what I can to prepare for and shape the local incarnation of the next one...
just popped over to my Yahoo home page to see if there was any new news on the impending meltdowns in Japan and attempts to divert them...
What caught my eye, at the top right corner of the page, was the "Trending Now" list for web searches on Yahoo...
2. Olivia Wilde
3. Kristen Stewart
4. Melinda Gates
5. Liza Minnelli
6. Zach Galifianakis
7. Tom Brady
8. Aftershocks
9. Interest rates
10.Tablet computers
#1 had to be related to the earthquake, right???
It sure is...
1. Tokyo Disneyland
If yahoo searches are any indicator...
We are so, inevitably, irreversibly, totally, completely, and utterly DOOMED!!!
(To paraphrase our friend from the land of Mormanity... It's like insanity, only it's approved by the church high muckity-mucks, and thus there's no need for expensive therapy or pharmaceutical treatment...)
PS... many thanks to Freeacre for the post about how to use standard iodine tincture to protect one's self if the tablets are not already in the medicine cabinet.
I will be picking some up this afternoon. Anyone know if "Betadine" is the same thing?
M in Oregon
There must be a few in the spam box... my comment showed right after I made it, but is gone now... and the main page lists 59 comments for the "Mirrors and Reflections" post, but only 54 in the comments page...
I do wonder what got me put in the spam box, not like I'm posting all over the blogosphere, or mentioning Viagra, the huge sum of wealth that some 3rd world royalty's widow needs your help to transfer into the country, or dating sites for military personnel, or the excessively wealthy... (Oddly, those are the ones I always get, not being military, or wealthy... lol)
M in Oregon
coming soon to a neighborhood near you? breaking news from earth changes tv....
A group of geologists and seismologists have come forward with a dire analogy of the next major earthquake and tsunami - would occur on the US Northwest coastline. This area is known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This is an ocean-bottom fault line which goes from Northern California - north to Vancouver, Canada.
Already, geologists are stating Japans 8.9 quake is likely to be increased in magnitude. While Japan struggles to recover from one of the greatest earthquakes in world history, West Coast seismologists are warning that a quake just like it could occur at any time off the Washington and Oregon coasts.
The last subduction quake off the West Coast, which occurred on Jan. 26, 1700, has been judged at between magnitude 8.7 and 9.2. The size of the 1700 earthquake was determined from evidence buried in sediments along the coast. The date is known, because it created a tsunami that washed up in Japan, where observers recorded the date.
John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network at the University of Washington said Sunday: "The two earthquakes are very similar. As a first guess, what might happen here (Cascadia) is what happened there (Japan)."
Subduction earthquakes are caused by the slippage between two tectonic plates. Plates on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean are different, but in either case, a tsunami would travel a short distance before hitting land. As in Japan, people living in Washington's coastal communities might have less than half an hour to escape from a surge of water from a subduction earthquake.
Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University, said West Coast residents should take the Japanese experience to heart. "What you are seeing in Japan today is what you will see in our future," says Yeats, "except that they are better prepared than we are."
Read this with healthy skepticism: There are rumors which have been passed to me from people I tend to hold trustworthy - there are people aware of current scenarios and have chosen to vacate the Oregon-Washington coastlines. Please use your gift of discernment and never take one person's opinion, truth, conjecture to heart. Always do your own research when it comes to serious and perhaps life-changing decisions.
fa... i 'magine the range will keep the rushin' waters confined to the west slope but i doubt the slope could keep the drowning rats from rushing to flee.
rp... re comin soon.
... p
cynic... same thing just happened to me. it published as palooka's revenge blog acct identity, posted, and now gone poof... p
repost of gone poof comment...
breaking news from earth changes tv....
A group of geologists and seismologists have come forward with a dire analogy of the next major earthquake and tsunami - would occur on the US Northwest coastline. This area is known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This is an ocean-bottom fault line which goes from Northern California - north to Vancouver, Canada.
Already, geologists are stating Japans 8.9 quake is likely to be increased in magnitude. While Japan struggles to recover from one of the greatest earthquakes in world history, West Coast seismologists are warning that a quake just like it could occur at any time off the Washington and Oregon coasts.
The last subduction quake off the West Coast, which occurred on Jan. 26, 1700, has been judged at between magnitude 8.7 and 9.2. The size of the 1700 earthquake was determined from evidence buried in sediments along the coast. The date is known, because it created a tsunami that washed up in Japan, where observers recorded the date.
John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network at the University of Washington said Sunday: "The two earthquakes are very similar. As a first guess, what might happen here (Cascadia) is what happened there (Japan)."
Subduction earthquakes are caused by the slippage between two tectonic plates. Plates on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean are different, but in either case, a tsunami would travel a short distance before hitting land. As in Japan, people living in Washington's coastal communities might have less than half an hour to escape from a surge of water from a subduction earthquake.
Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University, said West Coast residents should take the Japanese experience to heart. "What you are seeing in Japan today is what you will see in our future," says Yeats, "except that they are better prepared than we are."
Read this with healthy skepticism: There are rumors which have been passed to me from people I tend to hold trustworthy - there are people aware of current scenarios and have chosen to vacate the Oregon-Washington coastlines. Please use your gift of discernment and never take one person's opinion, truth, conjecture to heart. Always do your own research when it comes to serious and perhaps life-changing decisions.
fa... i imagine the range will keep the rushing waters confined to the west slope but i dobt the slope could keep the drowning rats from rushing to flee.
rp... re comin soon.
[if i can get it to post and stay... :-) ]
... p
yup, checked spam folder and there were 2 in there plus one re posted comment.
The comprehensive article that talks about using tincture of iodine or Betadine is this one.
I am not sure at this point what the difference is except I think Betadine is a solution that is less strong than the tincture. Better than nothing, though.
Anyone know what that "one less trout" comment was about? Jeez. Somebody needs a nap.
Stupid Blogger even puts my comments in the spam box... and it's our own blog! Very annoying.
I don't think the danger from Japanese radiation is high for us in the States. But, if we get a big earthquake and tsunamiin our Northwest, the radiation danger will be from the Hanford nuclear waste site. That would be bad. Tsunami on the coast and probably volcanoes going off here on the East side of the Cascades. And, Hanford to the North. Sianara.
I, for one, really do appreciate all the thoughtful comments and links. Thanks, troutpeople.
A good morning video from Brasscheck that should make everyone feel a little better...
Haven't seen this confirmed by anyone yet but ya'll ought to be aware of this speculation anyway. That second explosion was in reactor #3, and this poster claims that reactor was loaded with plutonium rods in Sept. 2010. She includes documentation.
Thanks for pulling my comments out of the spam box, Murph...
Friday's tsunami events in Japan, and our subsequent activation of the tsunami warning system here on the coast was a reminder that all of us coast dwellers need to be ready if and when the "big one" strikes.
It was good to know that our reverse 911 system and tsunami warning system work for those events where we don't feel the earthquake locally. For those where we do, the quake will be warning enough.
I learned yesterday that my house is only about 30 feet above sea level, rather than the 75 or so I thought it was, and historically, this particular area has seen 90 foot/30 meter tsunami surges repeatedly in the past.
Luckily I am on the slope of a 200 plus foot "mountain" so all I have to do is walk uphill and I will be safe from the worst case tsunami. Half an hour is about twice as long as I've been told I'll have to get up there though.
Behind the development where I live is the vast expanse of the Siuslaw National Forest... anyone who knows how, can survive fairly easily in this area on the available natural food sources. (fish, bear, deer, elk, rabbit, fungi, various native plants, etc.)
I also have the benefit of knowing where an abandoned/unoccupied hilltop home is that I will, without compunction, break into, and turn into an emergency shelter for my family and neighbors in the case of such a catastrophic event.
Bottom line, I feel much safer here in my ability to weather collapse, as well as in a cascadia subduction zone event, than I would be among the suburban zombies in the metropolitan area of California where I grew up, which is also prone to such severe shaking of the earth.
M in Oregon
PS... to the "Anonymous" who posted just before me "Way to say nothing. One less trout around the campfire here." at 1:54 pm on the 13th...
We don't need your type of negativi-trout who get so easily dis-satisfied with the efforts of others, while contributing nothing at all to the discussion... so goodbye, and good riddance, as far as I'm concerned.
Nice to know you have a good solid plan, M. Living on the coast definitely has it's advantages as well as disadvantages. But I'd rather be there than in a big city, too.
Even though it's kinda yukky, I thought I'd share another home remedy with y'all. For some reason, my gums went to war on me and I had a back molar that was throbbing and the gum was all puffed up around it this weekend. Kept getting worse until I put together a mixture of 1 teas. liquid garlic, 1 Tbl. colloidal silver, and 1/2 teas. DMSO. Used a Q tip to apply the solution to my gums. Woke up this a.m. and the pain and swelling are gone. Being able to deal with dental problems when a dentist may not be accessible could be real important. DMSO is a universal solvent. It transfers whatever is mixed with it into your cells. You get it at a veterinary supply store. But be careful and wash the area first before you apply it anywhere. Cuz it will take the bad germs with it as well if you are not careful.
Of course, this is not medical advise - God Forbid.
Hey, Randy! Thought you'd get a kick out of an idea somebody posted on ATS. They suggested that if Japan needs to be evacuated, we should invite them to move to Utah! "Nothing there but some Mormons." Ha! At least you'd have some righteous restaurants...
Those that have frequented this site fairly consistently over some years know that I tend to get a bit hard mouthed when trolls start posting comments. It's actually been quite a while since that has been obvious. That comment put up about one less trout around the campfire seemed a bit weird to me. Not sure what the intent was actually and was the reason I haven't made a reply to it. So far, no other comments have been posted of similar nature. So we shall see.
Mostly, the blogging trolls concern me not much other than to reply to their stupid comments. Other than a short time diversion of the conversation, I don't expect them to have much affect on this site.
The trolls agenda I find a bit amusing. Do they really think that blog sites are so susceptible to opinion changes by terse stupid comments? You can go through a whole bunch of comment oriented sites and see the trolls doing their thing. Most of the time, no matter what the political orientation of the site, the trolls, lefties or righties are loudly denounced. Maybe they hope only for distraction. To accomplish what?
Sites like this one that largely reflects a rejection of most of the paradigms out there are not very susceptible to mind changing arguments from obvious agenda driven comments. So I don't get overly excited about them. I'm just glad they haven't tried to overwhelm the site, at least so far. Wonder how many of their comments would get tossed into the spam filter anyway. I'd sure hate to have to go to monitored comments, time consuming it would be.
We shall see.
HA! Yeah, let 'em come on over! We could use a little culture around here. But, I don't think the Japanese would like the fish around here -they advise against eating the fish in the waterways in Utah due to high levels of PCB's and mercury.
My wife got some "drill baby drill" BS message from a nutjob semi-friend the other day about all the gazillion barrels of gas and oil in North and South Dakota and Montana and because of wacho liberals and waco environmentalist, we can't "drill baby drill."
Does anyone know where to get some info to counteract the wacko liberal crap? I know this is shale oil and the extraction process is hard as -shale, but I was wondering if "fracking" is involved. If so, then I have some ammo to "right back atcha, asswipe!"
Mike Ruppert does a one-hour radio show every Sunday night.
Last night he talked a little bit about the absurd amount of energy it takes to extract oil from the shale. Ain't happenin'.
On the other hand, from people who worked there first-hand, many wells were drilled in eastern Montana and western Dakotas, (Williston Basin,) and immediately capped off. Who knows?
The blurb your wife got is probably the same thing that has been shuttling around internet for a while now. Every once in a while someone sends me the same crap with the note "see murph, your wrong about peak oil".
If it's the same one, it was put out in 2001-2002 by an oil investment firm. Forgot the name. If you scroll down, it tells you the originating outfit. They were hyping oil stocks. There is very few actual verifiable facts in the report. It is similar to Lindsays shit about 500 years of oil in the Alaska reserves.
What they are talking about is the Bakken reserves. Go the the OIl DRUM web site and do a bunch of searching, they have quite a bit of info on the Bakken field. The USGS 2010 report on that reserve is also available.
One person sent me that shit report twice, and both times I wrote back explaining in two pages why it was shit and encouraged them to go research it for themselves. I don't think they have bothered.
There are a huge amount of wells already dug in the field and,
Yes, fracking is being used, causing havoc in the environment too. The people that want us to be energy independent are totally out in space. I bet they don't know that the U.S. exports oil and by products out of the country either, and that ALL domestic production is put on the international mkt. Some we actually buy, so what is this shit about being energy independent? IMO it is all hype, shows supreme ignorance of what actually is and how it works, and this is what is driving the political agendas. Amazing.
I searched around and I didn't bookmark the stuff so you would have to do some digging. Good luck.
This, from Truthout, doesn't sound too incouraging re the reators' builders and the testers who lie re the shakability strengths.
From watching CNN it all seems to be downplayed except for one very familiar looking Japanese nuclear scientist, (sorry didn't get his name), who said "they are hanging on my their fingertips", and he also stated that #3 was 90% destroyed and very likely leaking from the bottom". He also said resorting to putting in sea water is the very last desparate attempt before meltdown. He seemed to think there already was a meltdown w/#3. That was this a.m. on CNN around 9:30 PST.
When you see the photos it's obvious #3 is way more damaged than #1. Now they're saying that #2 is in danger of blowing up also.
Also yesterday afternoon on CNN, (perhaps it was a mistake) they said a volcano in the very south of Japan, was errupting. Haven't heard a thing about it since.
mrs p IMHO: Mankind is very foolish and completely stupid to build more of these,nuclear p p.
If you haven't gotten around to looking at the actual data on the Bakkan reserves. I had some notes I had taken under some papers.
U.S. uses close to 20 million barrels of oil per day, U.S. production (including gas not just oil) is 5.2 million Barrels per day. That means we would have to raise production in this country by a factor of 4 and soon to prevent collapse of the economy. We don't even have enough refinery infrastructure to process it by a factor of 4. USGS report in 2010 (I think it was) est. recovery in Bakkan reserve at 3- 4.3 billion barrels total recoverable. In 2008 the skinny going round was recoverable reserves at 1.3 trillion barrels. If true, at U.S. current usage and didn't sell any, it would last us about 191 years. Of course, if that much oil was actually available for current usage it would drive down prices and we would start rising consumption immediately. So no telling how long it would actually last.
My conclusion is that the total reserves in the Bakkan may very well be 1 trillion or more, it's how much can we pump out of the ground that is important. Since most of it is shale oil, even 50% is a wildly high estimate.
I don't buy the hype at all.
In Kunstler's commentary today he discussed the idea that Japan may begin cashing in some large quantities of the bonds and treasuries it holds on US and European debt which could affect very adversly the economies of the US and of the European Union, and, they will not be present at the debt auctions either to buy others debt like they have.
Since they have a debt level is around 230 percent of GDP ( one of the worst in the world ) its seems likely they will have to do something like the above to drum up more funds to cope with the three giant calamities, earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear crisis.
Rock Me on the Water
....The cost of it seems beyond calculation, but the first questions might be how does a deeply-in-debt Japan raise some cash to begin digging out and (possibly) rebuilding (and I add that qualification because I don't know that a lot of this lost stuff will be rebuilt at all).....
One thing to consider and keep in mind about this discussion on the Balken Shale oil, no matter what the " officials " cite as their prediction of what amounts ( which are always overstated ) may be in the reserves, the EROEI realities will mean that most of what may be there will not be profitable to expend the mass amounts of energy, resources and funds to bring up out of the ground.
This does not mean that some production of these reserves will not occur, but it won't amount to anything even remotely close to the rosy projections put forth by those with vested interest in, and who profit from these specific projects.
If you burn one barrel of oil energy to get 20 barrels of oil then thats one thing. But now the reality is that the world's producers burn one barrel of oil to get maybe 2-3 barrels of oil. When you get to a ration of 1 to 1 clearly the endeavor no longer makes any sense. The Balken Shales represent a much more difficult and expensive scenario in terms of what it would take to get that oil to the surface.
Bottom line, those reserves will IMHO never make much of a differance to the evolving US or world situation of the new reality of declining world oil production, and those production levels will be dropping off in an increasing fashion soon enough.
The US Military put out two reports last year saying that the US would begin to experience severe supply constraints sometime in the period between 2012-2015. The US does not have the oil reserve amounts, even at the most optimistic amounts stated to stave off the fact that our eoonomy will have to increasingly contract to cope with overall declining energy reserves. Whether its all offshore, Alaska, Balken Shales, whatever you want to name as possible reserves, it won't reverse our developing dire situation regarding the energy it takes to run our huge complex society.
Here is another look at the Bakken reserve and our expectations.
Cover Up Of Fukushima Chain Reaction Underway
.....Goto warns that Japanese authorities have suppressed the true severity of the crisis and that there is “a severe risk of an explosion, with radioactive material being strewn over a very wide area – beyond the 20km evacuation zone set up by the authorities,” adding that the worst case scenario would manifest itself as “many Chernobyls,” and that the effect would be, “Like a volcano spreading radioactive material.”.....
Regarding the Bakken Shales ( I see I spelled it Balken in my last post, Jeeeez :-), I believe this portion of comment seven below lays out the truth of its real production potential accurately:
Will the price of energy and gas in particular come down and stay down if….?
....Yes, there may be 400 billion barrels of oil in the Bakken shale. The problem is, shales are very tight rocks and very little of that oil will ever come out; the United States Geological Survey calculates that only 3.6 billion barrels (less than 1%) of the Bakken shale oil is even technically recoverable, and the economically recoverable amount is likely to be much less.
The US burns about 20 million barrels a day; call it 7.3 billion barrels a year. 3.6 billion barrels buys a whole 6 months, THEN what do you do? ANWR may have 13 billion barrels, or about 2 years. Get the picture?....
And, to top it off since these reserves are in very tight rock formations fracturing processes akin to Gas Fracking is used to get at the oil. So for maybe an extra 6 months oil supply amount ( if they are lucky ) we get to have some more vast areas of the US groundwater supply wrecked for eternity just so some oil companies can make some big bucks, for a short while! Makes great sense right because we are Americans, thats what we do!
Yes, p, a volcano did erupt in Japan. Steve Quayl's site has several good volcano and earthquake links. Here's one on the volcano:
What's left? Locusts?
"The nation that dropped the gourd of ashes will have the gourd of ashes dropped on it."
-American Indian prophecy
fa... p p not me. don't matter, jes sayin..
randy and the shale thingie... one incident that led to this story going mainstream has its roots in stansbury assoc. thats a combine that provides a template for publishers of newsletters, generally relative to investment advice of various forms if you can call it that. one in particular - can't remember his name - wrote a story several years ago to promote his nl that included what amts to cherry picking and then embelishment and far-out unsubstantiated claims. i researched it pretty thouroughly at the time.
this story hit the net, went ballistic, and the rest is history. result, a ton of misinformation not only about converting the shale into XXX - he had it in the trillions as i recall - number of barrels of oil but about the extraction/conversion process etc, etc, etc. also think a rand study contracted by the d of e was cited in the piece, if i remember correctly.
anywhoooo randy... if you're seriously considering trying to change somebody's mind on this i think i might could run down the piece and my notes on it. personally i wouldn't waste my time. i'd just tell em to do the research cuz they ain't likely to believe what i tell em anyway. there's stuff out there that does a whole lot better job of that than i could.
rp... haven't forgot ya. still chewin on what might be an appropriate answer to publish here. plus i suddenly got busy with a half dozen bids to put together. the phone suddenly started ringing. spring musta sprung while i've been watchin japan rock n roll.
anything pickin up out yer way? .. p
P, when people inquire 'how's business?' I always reply, 'pickin' up.' Even if it's a lie. Hey, I'm a stone mason...Glad to hear your phone is ringing.
Yesterday, redwings tooted-up the morn, with their epaulets and their little horns.
And then, near sunset, a victory sign of Canadians vectored west northwest, deliriously out of sync in their single song, high over the garden where I leaned in pause,
in dying light, groping for glasses, hoping for that long-gone refrain and a chance to sight, maybe catch and keep, for a moment, such exuberance in flight.
Here's hour number three from last night's Jeff Rense radio program, with Lauren Moret.
It appears there is a concerted effort being made on the part of the lamestream media to minimize reports disclosing the true seriousness of the situation. The term MOX fuel is not being used, as far as I can tell, but everyone should know and understand that reactor #3 was loaded with MOX fuel in Sept. of 2010, not standard uranium rods. MOX is an acronym for mixed oxides. They use it so they can avoid using the word "plutonium." Officialdom wants us to be ignorant. We're more manageable that way. Also, it was the practice of the energy company running these plants to store spent fuel above the reactor containment vessels. So guess what happened to all that spent fuel...
Hey -thanks to everyone for the Bakken stuff. I WILL pass the REAL information to the "drill baby drill" bonehead my wife for some unknown reason associates with. Oh, and I will include the preview of "Gasland." If anything, all of this should remind them to keep their garbage to themselves.
We just hate nukes always have. Would rather go without electricity than have nukes.
Last word we heard re: peak oil was that there was no more cheap oil, period. "It's not that we're going to run out of oil in our lifetime, (seems quite likely now though), but that we've already run out of "sweet light crude"--which is what's needed for gasoline production, and that there IS NO MORE CHEAP OIL. Hence the SUPPLY of even the crappy oil keeps going down a little each day and the world wide DEMAND keeps going up and up. So as Ruppert likes to say, "Simple 5th grade math" doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
We have never, since the discovery of fossil fuels, cut back. Our "way of life" has gone ba-zurko and still climbing.
Plus if you have to use up 10 quarts of oil/energy and 25 gallons of water to obtain 5 qts. of oil squeeked out of shale then you are still getting a MINUS result. Even 60 minutes did a piece on the shale and showed the monster huge equipment larger than a house and enormous supplies of water that are required just to get at the shale let alone turn it into usable energy or gasoline. If you are using more and more everyday and finding less and less, quess what? We should have started alternatives 40 years ago. We just don't have leaders with enough gumption. It's always about the short term and making a buck for your nuke loving friends.
Out of anger, we're using the sun as much as possible for drying clothes, etc. and turning as much off the grid as possible even the computer duirng the day when not in use. Just because. It only shows we're using less and paying less not changing anything. But maybe if all we're doing is weaning ourselves then so be it. Nukes suck, they've always sucked. We will never support them. There's one about 50 miles north of us. It's old, it's ugly and we hate it. I hope they shut it down and leave it shut down for ever. When ever we have to drive by it, I hold my breath.
mrs p
Is this just criminal stupidity, or did some money change hands?
Hey Murph~
Yeah, what you said! Seriously- the way things are set up the vast majority of people are encouraged to embrace an illusion over reality to serve a tiny elite, and I've always been blown away that so many buy it.
But we can't change the elites, nor the system, nor open the eyes for masses of people. We can only help those within our sphere of influence to "get it" and makes plans to survive (if not thrive) from that.
Glad I know you and freeacre!
~ Larissa
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